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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


iam.rass said:
that reminds me - fuck the matchmaking in this game (360). I'm sure its awesome if you are in the states, but I'm not, I'm in Australia. Nothing like emptying a clip into some guy then watching the killcam and you apparently didn't fire your gun. I get a game with aussies maybe once/twice a week so far. Maybe if when I shot people they died my K/D would be better
Play modes other than team death match. They are not as reliant on reaction time and you'll have more of a chance to out think the opposition.
I've never had a match higher than a red bar, so scoring 2500+ on domination and seeing everyone else on full greens is even more satisfying.


Finally got to 1.02 K/D in team death match! Felt like it took forever, and my last match of the night had 2 guys with one red bar and a few others with yellow and some green. The one red bar guy on my team was vanishing and coming back every 5 feet, it's like an extra perk. For the most part the game has been lagless, but I still think COD 4 was better in terms of smoother play. Can't wait to unlock Cold Blooded, I'm stalled at a level 22 right now, and bling is a welcome perk for the time being. Still using the Scar right now with Bling (silencer/red dot), stopping power, steady aim, and painkiller. 10 hours of online play so far, but the game is so addictive it doesn't seem anywhere near that.


Lag was ridiculous yesterday (360), almost unplayable at some point.
Now, im used to play with lag thanks to Gears 2, but in that game you'd would know how big the lag was thanks to your shotgun and you could compensate for it.
But with MW's high pace i have no idea what to do when i'm lagging


RSTEIN said:
There's only one person on my friends list who has a k/d ratio > 2 and that's Eric WK. Eric is also like top 300 in total kills... of all users. He's also at the top of every leaderboard for every single game he plays. So, apart from him, it ranges from 0.75 to around 1.50. If you play TDM exclusively then anything over 1 is respectable I'd say. It's really all that matters. As someone said, at that point you're only helping your team!

I'm sitting at 1.79, but I know it will just get worse as I get whipped by people who almost exclusively devote time to MW2. It feels like I can barely get 7 killstreaks anymore, host advantage is killing me. :/


All I play is TDM and mine is at like 1.85

Actually, I lie. I did play two rounds of domination and one round of CTF. I think I'll give up on TDM when I get sick of it.


Why oh why is the M240 the weakest LMG when it should be the most powerful.

Also, anyone going to the 1 on 1 tourney at gamestop today?
I've been fluctuating between a 2.2 and 2.3 k/d, teamdeathmatch and groundwar. I only played hardcore in modern warfare 1, but people seem to die much easier in mw2, and I hate playing pubs with friendly fire.
Strider2K99 said:
I'm sitting at 1.79, but I know it will just get worse as I get whipped by people who almost exclusively devote time to MW2. It feels like I can barely get 7 killstreaks anymore, host advantage is killing me. :/
What gets me is the goddamn pill deathstreak. Forget what it's even called. It's such fucking bullshit. You have to be shooting a comatose zombie to be able to kill someone with it without them responding. Someone else with them? Grats on dying. At the very least it's a complete waste of ammo. Final Stand is tolerable because there's a moment of stun as they fall. Fuck the pill.


LOL, the pill. I'm sitting a little above a 1:1 K : D ratio right now... I have a feeling it'll be dropping more still as I switch to new weapons for mastery and xp
Are they ever going to put online stats for this up and have your callsigns and emblems along with explanations there? I like the callsigns and emblems but not having a short one sentence explanation for them is a pain in the arse.


In the
level when you have your night vision on, there's a sign that says:


Then something in Russian I can't read. Heh. Awesome. Just noticed it.


I'm extremely addicted to Marathon/Lightweight. After playing that setup for the past 2 nights, going back to builds with no running bonuses = boring.

Also, finally unlocked the tactical knife for the USP. Only was able to test it out for 1 game before calling it a night, but that was pretty neat. I had been using P90+Steady Aim previously.


BigJonsson said:
Mmmmm finally got the Stinger and shot down a heli....so epic

I'm three levels from that, but I did equip the first launcher you get in my assault class last night. First time I used that class the other team got a heli and a harrier, shot both of them down instantly. That was pretty satisfying knowing how pumped they probably were to get one and then I just took it out. :lol

Then I can't believe what I was missing out on.. Marathan, Lightweight, and Commando is insane on small maps. I went 20-10 last night the first time I used it, and for me that is really, really good. And I believe 18 of those were knife kills. It's so much fun because you can see people down the street or on the radar, run around and flank them from behind and usually get a couple kills easily because most people tend to cluster together (if they're working as any sort of team). So yeah, that was awesome and quite a rush to be pulling off ninja kills. Oh, and the G18 with red dot? Holy freaking crap, so awesome.

Also, finally got a headset again so I'd like to get some games going with PSN GAF. Hit me up, username is andycapps. Got the Logitech Advantage USB headset at Gamestop, tired of losing my bluetooth headsets and this seems to work fine thus far. I can definitely hear people easier than with my bluetooth as the volume is much louder and less "tinny." Not sure how the mic end sounds, but was playing with a friend who has the same one and he sounded great.


I have been owned by almost every player the past days (I was at my best the first couple of days).. Yesterday it was the same story. So I got tired of running around, and getting my ass served an a gold plate. I decided to stay back and study the map more. And what happened..? suddenly I was nr. 1 an almost every game. The other team stormed at me all the time, but I just racked up some kills from one point, moved a little and racked up more kills..
I have always liked to play Rambo in COD4:MW.. but in MW2 it pays to stay low and let the enemy do the running and looting.. I´m not camping, but I´m close to it.. :D

maybe my game changed after I played the "human tank simulator" called Battlefield:Bad Company 2 Beta for an hour. MW2 is so and good paced, that BF:BC2 feels like I´m walking in jello or using a tricycle to move around..
FFObsessed said:
In the
level when you have your night vision on, there's a sign that says:


Then something in Russian I can't read. Heh. Awesome. Just noticed it.
Killzone is a military expression. Well seems it is really "Kill zone" as in two words, but could just be misspelling.


Also, having a proper headphone set for this game really is a perk unto itself. Being able to hear people move around you is insanely powerful knowledge.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Why is the matchmaking in this game complete shit? Sick of being thrown in matches that are almost finished, not being given a chance to back out, and then being thrown into games with Americans like that's the best game for me.
Ikuu said:
Why is the matchmaking in this game complete shit? Sick of being thrown in matches that are almost finished, not being given a chance to back out, and then being thrown into games with Americans like that's the best game for me.
They could just ask you "You are about to join a game that is already running. Continue?"


Tenkai Star said:
Killzone is a military expression. Well seems it is really "Kill zone" as in two words, but could just be misspelling.

I know what a kill zone is :lol I think it's more likely a little Easter egg than a misspelling :p


Foob said:
holy shit did anyone ever use the fucking riot shield when they beta tested this game christ most annoying device in any online game ever

Using stun nades on them has worked well for me. That nade slows them down and they can't turn as fast as normal, so you can stun and then flank to the side and shoot/knife.
Hanmik said:
feels like I´m walking in jello or using a tricycle to move around..
Now THAT'S an idea. Tricycle Perk. You get to roll a tricycle around (optionally with a partner perched behind as a gunner) and people would be so amused by this that they'd get shot in droves.
You could have a title emblem with a scary clown on it, and a title, "Three-Wheeler" that pictures a blood-spattered tricycle.


Comics, serious business!
Digital Limit said:
Akimbo P90s are hilarious and awesome. That is all.

I have a kamikaze P90 build with rapid fire. Is Aikimbo better than rapid fire? I have steady aim too so I just blast people from the hip.
BigJonsson said:
Now I'm shooting everything down in the sky, good XP bonuses so far

I score more points just concentrating on shooting down air support than actually killing dudes. So much friggin shit in the air that it's constantly easy points.

Tenkai Star said:
Killzone is a military expression. Well seems it is really "Kill zone" as in two words, but could just be misspelling.

Killzones are also designations used by police to note volatile gang regions with high shooting occurrences/deaths.
h4k said:
I've gotta try the AUG soon. I keep hearing it's a pretty awesome weapon.
AUG was my first choice after the SCAR. It really is a large assault rifle with extremely high capacity. Highly recommended. The only thing you can't attach to it is a newb tube.


RSTEIN said:
I have a kamikaze P90 build with rapid fire. Is Aikimbo better than rapid fire? I have steady aim too so I just blast people from the hip.
As awesome as it looks Akimbo has been terrible in my experience. I much prefer Rapid Fire.
Neuromancer said:
I apologize in advance if this is old news but according to the writer of the game:

"In the beginning we talked about having things in Modern Warfare 2 like outbreaks, viruses, chemical warfare, and even outlandish things such as aliens and the living dead."

I kind of wish they had gone that route.

Source: http://www.gamepro.com/article/feat...-the-airport-level-was-a-risk-we-had-to-take/

I like how they consider those things too outlandish with how ridiculous the whole sp campaign is in MW2 :lol
J Tourettes said:
Are they ever going to put online stats for this up and have your callsigns and emblems along with explanations there? I like the callsigns and emblems but not having a short one sentence explanation for them is a pain in the arse.

the call of duty wiki is working on a list of all the titles and how you get them. It's incomplete, but it's the best I have found. Check it out here.



BattleMonkey said:
I like how they consider those things too outlandish with how ridiculous the whole sp campaign is in MW2 :lol

Yeah the single player campaign and how ridiculous it is made me appreciate the storytelling in Metal Gear Solid 4. As long winded as that is, they don't beat you over the head with the information in that game.

They definitely took a much more political message this time, and it was only okay for me. I don't mind when people have a message, it's when they pull it off so ham-handedly that I wish they'd stick with either a more conventional thing like they did in the past, or just do a better job at it. Even with all that, I love the online and enjoyed how intense the single player campaign was, even if the story was ridiculous.
Neuromancer said:
I apologize in advance if this is old news but according to the writer of the game:

"In the beginning we talked about having things in Modern Warfare 2 like outbreaks, viruses, chemical warfare, and even outlandish things such as aliens and the living dead."

I kind of wish they had gone that route.

Source: http://www.gamepro.com/article/feat...-the-airport-level-was-a-risk-we-had-to-take/

No no no no no and no.


Like this ^^^^ has never been done before.

They didn't want a game that had anything to do with Dead Rising, Resistance, Killzone, Resident Evil, etc. etc.

I can see why they kept away. Nazi Zombies was a gimmick and associated with another studio.


Santa May Claus
Didn't somebody claim that you could only have one of the same airborne killstreak bonuses going at one time?

I definitely had two Harriers circling the map at the same time last night. And it was glorious. :lol


As easy as the single player is i think spec ops is as hard. God Damn some of the missions are hard as heck. Ill never get the full 3 stars on each.
GuardianE said:
Didn't somebody claim that you could only have one of the same airborne killstreak bonuses going at one time?

I definitely had two Harriers circling the map at the same time last night. And it was glorious. :lol

Yes it seems like some are not limited, while some air support killstreaks are limited to only one out on a map at once.
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