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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

ugh... last night i already ran into a guy who had a different glitch spot under the map in two consecutive maps . I hope this game doesn't turn into W@W :|
Billy Mitchell said:
ugh... last night i already ran into a guy who had a different glitch spot under the map in two consecutive maps . I hope this game doesn't turn into W@W :|

I hope it does, so I can find some green games in Aus

Obligatory shitty matchmaking mention... I won't stop until it's fixed!
Grecco said:
As easy as the single player is i think spec ops is as hard. God Damn some of the missions are hard as heck. Ill never get the full 3 stars on each.
Yes, yes you will, if you're playing with another player.

It took a little while to get all three stars in the all the Alphas, but got it done. Once you realize you can nail those, you feel superior to the rest of the challenges.
Billy Mitchell said:
ugh... last night i already ran into a guy who had a different glitch spot under the map in two consecutive maps . I hope this game doesn't turn into W@W :|
Yeah, wow, glitches must get fixed quickly or they ruin shit fast.


Santa May Claus
DeuceMojo said:
Yes, yes you will, if you're playing with another player.

It took a little while to get all three stars in the all the Alphas, but got it done. Once you realize you can nail those, you feel superior to the rest of the challenges.

Are the Alphas harder than the others or something?
Billy Mitchell said:
ugh... last night i already ran into a guy who had a different glitch spot under the map in two consecutive maps . I hope this game doesn't turn into W@W :|
Which maps? Ugh, I hated WaW when people would exploit those glitches.
GuardianE said:
Are the Alphas harder than the others or something?
No, but once you get through 4 or 5 challenges with 3 stars, you realize it can't be all that hard. Yes, you have to grind some of them a dozen times, but to some people (i.e. me) that's fun. :D


Man this really flows differently to CoD4. In that I could run and gun all day and top the charts, in this no way that's possible, people sit way too much. You start running -> you dead. I'll need to learn to play slowly.
backflip10019 said:
Which maps? Ugh, I hated WaW when people would exploit those glitches.


I had no idea Conan was on Airwolf. Now it all makes sense... he was St. John. :lol


Billy Mitchell said:
ugh... last night i already ran into a guy who had a different glitch spot under the map in two consecutive maps . I hope this game doesn't turn into W@W :|

It would be nice if they had some sort of vote function like there was on Socom. So that the players can help police some of that mess.


Ikuu said:
Why is the matchmaking in this game complete shit? Sick of being thrown in matches that are almost finished, not being given a chance to back out, and then being thrown into games with Americans like that's the best game for me.
Yeah being thrown into the middle of a game, on a team that is behind a couple of thousand points is really great.. tons of air-support already out on the map, enemy has all the good spots etc.
The only really good thing about the matchmaking in MW2 is that it doesn't take very long to get into a game, but of course that comes at the cost of the above mentioned. Much rather have MM that takes a big longer but you always get to play from the start of the games.


f3niks said:
It would be nice if they had some sort of vote function like there was on Socom. So that the players can help police some of that mess.

The probably with voting on consoles and the party system is, people on the internet are shitheads, so if they are in a party with friends, they could always just gang up on 1 person and kick them.
sigh...i just had a shitty morning. I had like 5 matches where I was in the red except for one match at the Wasteland where I had one more kill than death.

Man that shit burns....I gotta do something else to take my mind off of this.


Weenerz said:
The probably with voting on consoles and the party system is, people on the internet are shitheads, so if they are in a party with friends, they could always just gang up on 1 person and kick them.

I would be willing to endure that bs to get the folks cheating out of rooms though. Then again, I haven't had any experience with that type of stuff on Xbox live where a good 40 to 50% of the folks on there are complete assholes and greifers.


DeuceMojo said:
Yeah, wow, glitches must get fixed quickly or they ruin shit fast.
That's not good. I had bad experiences in w@w because of this. Hopefully a patch comes sooner than later. Glitchers ruin it for everybody.
PjotrStroganov said:
He plays different modes?
Yeah, he does. It's awakened me to the fact that you can rack up extreme experience in TDM. :lol
Zanboo said:
you know what's really annoying? calling in care packages on underpass.... i hate that fucking bridge. :lol
Yeah, I looked up at the bridge one day and noticed some shit sitting on top of it with yellow icons pointing to them, and laughed a little bit. And then I got shot. :D


pringles said:
Yeah being thrown into the middle of a game, on a team that is behind a couple of thousand points is really great.. tons of air-support already out on the map, enemy has all the good spots etc.
The only really good thing about the matchmaking in MW2 is that it doesn't take very long to get into a game, but of course that comes at the cost of the above mentioned. Much rather have MM that takes a big longer but you always get to play from the start of the games.

It's kind of shitty to be join a game in progress and be put on a team that is losing badly. Does that still counts against your W/L ratio?

I basically keep on custom class that has the Cold Blooded Perk and a Stinger as my secondary for when I get put in those situations. Because UAV's and air support is going to be everywhere. It has worked well so far.


Santa May Claus
mbmonk said:
It's kind of shitty to be join a game in progress and be put on a team that is losing badly. Does that still counts against your W/L ratio?

I basically keep on custom class that has the Cold Blooded Perk and a Stinger as my secondary for when I get put in those situations. Because UAV's and Airsupport is going to be everywhere. It has worked well so far.

It might count towards your W/L, but if you play enough it shouldn't really matter. Theoretically, you'll be put on a team just about to win, as often as being put on a team just about to lose.

Of course, that's in theory. In reality, more people will quit on the losing team, so it's possible you're more likely to be placed on the losing team where there are empty slots.


pringles said:
Yeah being thrown into the middle of a game, on a team that is behind a couple of thousand points is really great.. tons of air-support already out on the map, enemy has all the good spots etc.
The only really good thing about the matchmaking in MW2 is that it doesn't take very long to get into a game, but of course that comes at the cost of the above mentioned. Much rather have MM that takes a big longer but you always get to play from the start of the games.

I like this game's method of match making, just because it'll fill empty spots in a game. Games like Uncharted, Gears, and Halo 3 are almost unplayable to me now because of quitters. It's far better to occasionally join a game with a team that sucks, as opposed to starting a game, and then being the ONLY person left playing on your side.


GuardianE said:
It might count towards your W/L, but if you play enough it shouldn't really matter. Theoretically, you'll be put on a team just about to win, as often as being put on a team just about to lose.

Of course, that's in theory. In reality, more people will quit on the losing team, so it's possible you're more likely to be placed on the losing team where there are empty slots.

I don't particularly care much to be honest. I take the general approach that over an extended period time your ratios will move very close to their 'true' values. I just wondered really :)


Santa May Claus
To unlock the titles that require every bullet in a clip hitting the enemy, can you do it against vehicles? I imagine that'd make it too easy, but I wanted to make sure.


OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.


Santa May Claus
MidnightRider said:
***Looks around for guns***

So last night.... for some odd reason.... I got bored with it.

(I didn't just say that outloud did I?)

Hmmm, maybe you're dominating or sucking? I can imagine either being kind of boring. Maybe try mixing up your gametype or your class structure to experiment? If it's just the FPS saturation, then just leave the game for a bit... maybe pick up another genre for a little while and come back to it.

glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

As far as I can tell, shit like this just... happens. And it's not even necessarily because these guys are higher levels. People can snipe easily with the first/second rifle unlocked, Harriers (or worse) come through care packages, and unless people on your team are on top of things, that Harrier will wreak havoc for its entire duration. Sounds like a really bad round, and once that momentum for the other team picks up, it's pretty much over.

Take things slow and know when to take cover. The audio cues are incredibly important because then you'll know when to run into buildings to avoid Predator Missiles and Air Support.


glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

all you need is the M4 to get yourself going, or the SCAR... those 2 weapons are the weapon of choice of alot of people at any level. you just have to get used to where people are coming from


glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

What's this 'proper' weapons guff the MP5k is one of the best weapons in the game imo and that's unlocked from the beginning.

My advice is people may have higher ranks than you but that doesn't mean they are as good as you just that they spend more time playing the game.


Comics, serious business!
Zanboo said:
you know what's really annoying? calling in care packages on underpass.... i hate that fucking bridge. :lol


I forget what map I was on. I threw the flare on the side of a mound. I was kind of at the base of the mound. The package falls down, bounces off the mound, and lands on top of me. I almost died of laughter.


Neo Member
glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

What gamemode are you playing? What is your main weapon setup? Are you playing solo or with friends?

The game really opens up weapons/perks wise once you get to levels 30-50.
mbmonk said:
Stinger as my secondary for when I get put in those situations. Because UAV's and air support is going to be everywhere. It has worked well so far.

Any tips on where to spot those UAVs? I can recall seeing only half a dozen of them, maybe 'cause I don't look.


Any tips on how to rack up kills with handguns? I tried playing some FFA, but goddamn, I find it really hard to kill someone with a pistol. I have the 1st one and the magnum unlocked.


ShadyMilkman said:
Why are people so angsty about playing against people of a higher rank? Rank usually means shit.

which is why all the top people on the leaderboards are low ranking people...

Eric WK

DeuceMojo said:
Any tips on where to spot those UAVs? I can recall seeing only half a dozen of them, maybe 'cause I don't look.

The... air. I'm not sure what tips you need. If you've seen one you can spot any of them.
ShadyMilkman said:
Why are people so angsty about playing against people of a higher rank? Rank usually means shit.

Ummm unlocks. You unlock stuff in this game the longer you play, most players who are high ranked have lot of unlocked advantages over the newer players. MW2 is alot less newbie friendly than MW1 was with the unlocks this time around. MW1 started you off with excellent weapons and the unlocks did not give so many big advantages like perks and new gadgets.

The Chef

I really was hating the SCAR for a while, but after putting a heartbeat on it and just using iron sights and only doing burst fire that thing really does great. Whenever I get crazy with it and start just doing full auto I get killed every time. There is just no way to aim while holding down the trigger.
The Chef said:
I really was hating the SCAR for a while, but after putting a heartbeat on it and just using iron sights and only doing burst fire that thing really does great. Whenever I get crazy with it and start just doing full auto I get killed every time. There is just no way to aim while holding down the trigger.

Spray & pray works just fine. Just unlocked the M16 but just can't let go of my blinged out SCAR.


Santa May Claus
The Chef said:
I really was hating the SCAR for a while, but after putting a heartbeat on it and just using iron sights and only doing burst fire that thing really does great. Whenever I get crazy with it and start just doing full auto I get killed every time. There is just no way to aim while holding down the trigger.

Yeah, you've gotta go easy on that trigger, but it's pretty damn accurate when you do. You can even perform single shots if you're careful enough.

Misterinenja said:
Spray & pray works just fine. Just unlocked the M16 but just can't let go of my blinged out SCAR.

I would imagine he's talking about medium to long range, where spray and pray is worthless.


glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

Could try and tough it out until you unlock cold-blooded (26?), really helps against a lot of what you've mentioned and really increases your chances of survivability
glaurung said:
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.
You've got some pretty good weapons to use from the get-go. The M4, the Famas, the Scar, the Barret .50 cal...


DeuceMojo said:
Any tips on where to spot those UAVs? I can recall seeing only half a dozen of them, maybe 'cause I don't look.

The whole not looking for them could be a problem :lol

There are times when I can't find the enemy UAV in the air. I don't spend too much time staring up in the air looking for them because the chances are an enemy is making his way toward you now that he knows your location.

The enemy UAV to me is a big deal, it changes the way I play when they are up in the air if I don't have the Cold Blooded perk on. So I pay attention when the game tells me there is an enemy UAV in the air.


glaurung said:
OK so the multiplayer game is almost unplayable for me by now.

I am below rank 20, most proper weapons and stinger are still locked and I get matched up with rank 30+ guys all the time.

Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
  • Killed with missile.
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

Keep playing till you unlock cold blooded, it really helped me when I was having a hard time, of course your bullets will do less damage, but some would find it a useful trade off being able to not be seen by any air support, UAVs, or sentry guns.
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