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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

What's a good setup for killstreak rewards?

Right now my setup is:
-Care package

predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac130 :D

The chopper gunner imo is bit more effective since you can constantly fire where the AC has to reload after a few shots. However I believe the AC is harder to take down than the chopper. So it depends on what you want.
mbmonk said:
The whole not looking for them could be a problem :lol

There are times when I can't find the enemy UAV in the air. I don't spend too much time staring up in the air looking for them because the chances are an enemy is making his way toward you now that he knows your location.

The enemy UAV to me is a big deal, it changes the way I play when they are up in the air if I don't have the Cold Blooded perk on. So I pay attention when the game tells me there is an enemy UAV in the air.

When I hear it called in, I look up really fast and if I don't see it within a second or two, I just keep moving. I only play Hardcore so shooting down the UAV is a big deal to us.

Plus, anyone shoot down a care package helicopter yet?


What's a good setup for killstreak rewards?

Right now my setup is:
-Care package

I would go Predator, Harrier, and Chopper Gunner...

Right now I am using Harrier, Chopper Gunner and Nuke though... I need 1 more nuke and I can get a nuke callsign I think!
What's a good setup for killstreak rewards?

Right now my setup is:
-Care package

I currently have:
Care Package
Predator Missile
Emergency Airdrop

Care package and emergency airdrop are exciting. You don't know what you're going to get, but you get a lot of stuff to use. More so than if you were to stick to three definite killstreaks.


What's a good setup for killstreak rewards?

Right now my setup is:
-Care package

I would strongly recommend you always keep UAV, I figured out quickly why I was having such a hard time in this game, was because nobody calls in UAVs anymore, they're essential I think.

Anyways, my favorites are,

Predator Missile
Emergency Airdrop
Lionheart1827 said:
predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac130 :D

The chopper gunner imo is bit more effective since you can constantly fire where the AC has to reload after a few shots. However I believe the AC is harder to take down than the chopper. So it depends on what you want.

I'll second that. I went 20 - 0 on Estate last night with that. My first flawless too.

Scar w/ Bling Silencer/Heartbeat

Snuck around and took my time and got some silent kills...got to 5...predator missile kills 2, quickly call in harrier...no one shot it down and got 4 kills pretty quick with that...AC-130 as the other team kept respawning at the boat house. Total slaughter. I can't believe they never shot it down.

If you want kills, then go for the 5,7,11 combos I think. The hardest part is just getting the first 5.

But care packages are great fun too. I love the randomness.



That's been the most effective setup for me, but once I get all the chopper gunner challenges I'll switch to pave low or ac130 just for the hell of it


What mode are you playing?

Here are my suggestions if you are playing Team Deathmatch.
glaurung said:
Which means pretty much this kind of a deathstreak for me:
  • Killed by someone shooting me through the wall.
  • Killed by a sniper.
  • Killed by the same sniper shooting me through a wall.
  • Killed by the same sniper again.
Are you watching the kill cams? To die to the same sniper that many times seems a bit extreme. But if it's a good sniper and/or good team work I could see that happening. I always watch the kill cams, they give you so much info.
glaurung said:
  • Killed with missile.
Predator Missile? That normally is a result of not paying attention. As soon as you notice on the map they have a missile incoming run for a building. Or if you can't do that at least run away from your teammates and spread out. If your team spread out then the missile can only kill one guy. You don't want him to rack up 2+ kills on the missile because that leads into your next issue...
glaurung said:
  • Killed by Harrier.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through a wall.
  • Killed by the same Harrier, through another wall.

The hovering harrier always seemed relatively slow to shoot me on the ground and I can almost always launch a rocket at it before getting killed. I can't remember how many hits it takes with the default rocket to take out the Harrier. But I remember having success doing it.

EDIT: Can harriers shoot through walls? I always felt safe in a building. Is this a lag issue he is dealing with and it looks like he is getting shot through walls?
glaurung said:
I would not say that I am a complete failure, but the weapons balance is way off in this game. And with this kind of a scenario happening all the time, my experience gains have slowed to an absolute crawl. Meaning I will probably keep as far away from the multiplayer as possible.

Reminds me how I tried the first MW multiplayer after the launch of WaW. By some freak of a matchup I got into a game with two German clans, where all players had multiple prestige ranks. I remember someone saying "Was ist das, ein Ebene Sechs Spieler?"

I was level six and for the remainder of the round I was continously headshot through the walls.

I might come back to the multiplayer once I get some pals to buy a copy.

Having pals is best w/o a doubt. Maybe you should stick to Merc Team Deathmatch. That doesn't allow parties. So you end up facing a team of players who don't know each other instead of facing the German clan.


I've found that the heartbeat sensor makes a decent replacement for UAV, so I've dropped it from my killstreak loadout, even though at first I was pro-UAV.

Here's how I go:

Chopper Gunner

It's been enough to get me a 26 kill streak.
OldJadedGamer said:
When I hear it called in, I look up really fast and if I don't see it within a second or two, I just keep moving. I only play Hardcore so shooting down the UAV is a big deal to us.

Plus, anyone shoot down a care package helicopter yet?

I've shot down Care Package helicopters a few times. most of the time it was just after they've dropped the package but I've shot one down in wasteland before it dropped the package. AC130 emergency airdrop cant be shot down though(stinger doesnt lock on)


aka II VerTigo II
Dax01 said:
I currently have:
Care Package
Predator Missile
Emergency Airdrop

Care package and emergency airdrop are exciting. You don't know what you're going to get, but you get a lot of stuff to use. More so than if you were to stick to three definite killstreaks.

Random goodness from the sky. I like, will try. :lol


OldJadedGamer said:
Plus, anyone shoot down a care package helicopter yet?

I've shot one down before it dropped the box. I haven't had the same luck since. You have to be very quick and a touch of luck to sight it early enough.


Alligator F*ck House
Be sure you play with friends using EAD. People will be all over that shit when it drops, and you'll have to choose quickly which is the best. I do agree it's one of the better killstreaks, but it's only good when people are covering your position.


I am a bit burned out from the MP, I don't know why. Haven't really played in a few days and don't have much desire to do so this weekend. Maybe I'll play if I can get a few good friends to join, but playing alone just sucks.
Like others here, my streak is set up as Predator, Harrier, Chopper Gunner/AC130. Once you hit that 5 kill mark shit just steamrolls. Predator can get 2, harrier bombs can get 1 or 2 and if they dont shoot it down in the first ten seconds it will probably net you 2 or 3 more, then out comes the big guns. I switch between Chopper gunner and AC130 depending on the map I'm playing. Any of the building ones (Favela, Skidrow, Sub Base,etc) get the chopper, open maps(Afghan, Derail, Wasteland, etc) get the AC130.

Been thinking about switching to Harrier, Pavelow, AC-130/Chopper Gunner for mad kills, but that 7 kill streak is just a bit too much of a hump for me to get over with my rushing tactics.
RSTEIN said:
I have a kamikaze P90 build with rapid fire. Is Aikimbo better than rapid fire? I have steady aim too so I just blast people from the hip.

Not if you want to shoot anything from a distance - it's completely different gameplay.

f3niks said:
if you add in some marathon pro, lightweight pro and steady aim it'll enhance it even more.

I had to swap Marathon Pro out for Scavenger Pro. Just run out of ammo too quickly otherwise.


My killstreaks are:
  • UAV
  • Harrier
  • AC130
I'm disappointed I chose Sentry Gun as my most recent unlock instead of Tac. Nuke - I've hit 26-0 twice and would have loved to end the game 30 seconds early :D That, and waiting for a sentry gun to drop, followed by running around with a glowing yellow 'SHOOT HERE' target sucks :p

From a more strategic point-of-view, I think the UAV is so important. I use a stealth setup, so UAV or not I'm always moving along the outskirts to flank enemies.. UAV helps, but I kind of know where the baddies are without it :p

UAV is so important because of how awful my teammates usually are. It helps the new guys slow down and try to find opponents rather than just running into open fire. Those 30 seconds of my UAV easily save my team 5 deaths. If I get 3 UAVs a match, that's 1500 points the enemy just lost. Those 1500 are key in close TDM games.

OldJadedGamer said:
Plus, anyone shoot down a care package helicopter yet?
Yes, but only after it dropped its package. I didn't get any points for that. I'll post here if I get one while it's still carrying its payload.


Gold Member
Experiencing the same f'ed up thing as in Halo 3 multiplayer:

first when I start playing, I naturally get my ass kicked. Then at some point I learn the game and start to get to 1+ K/D ratios, feeling I really start to know the game. This usually goes on for a day or so, and then once I cross the 0.8 K/D threshold an inexplicable thing happens - I start losing again like hell - 4/13 K/D ratio style. This goes on match after match after match - even if I keep losing and my ratio keeps falling.

I have only two explanations:

- At some point, all worse than me gamers stop playing the game
- At some point, I just turn bad in the game and forget how to play

I thought Halo 3 was an isolated incident, but MW2 has the exact same thing. This makes no sense.

Can someone understanding the ranking and matchmaking mechanics explain what might be going on?


Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...
GeeDuhb said:
Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...

I do this, haven't ran into anybody who's noticed. [GAF]SometimesImEpic on 360.


Gold Member
GeeDuhb said:
Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...

good idea. done.


Chittagong said:
Experiencing the same f'ed up thing as in Halo 3 multiplayer:

first when I start playing, I naturally get my ass kicked. Then at some point I learn the game and start to get to 1+ K/D ratios, feeling I really start to know the game. This usually goes on for a day or so, and then once I cross the 0.8 K/D threshold an inexplicable thing happens - I start losing again like hell - 4/13 K/D ratio style. This goes on match after match after match - even if I keep losing and my ratio keeps falling.
Sounds like an 'experience curve'. Can't remember the technical name, but it goes something like this:

  1. Basically, when you first start playing, you underthink everything. This is good. You are unpredictable. Call it beginner's luck.
  2. Then you start to try to learn how to play. As you become more experienced, you overthink things and become very predictable. This leads to poorer results, even though you are more experienced. This is where you are now.
  3. Keep fighting through it and eventually you'll blow past the overthink stage and get proportionally better with experience.
Btw, if anyone knows the real name of this phenomenon/curve, please tell me. I learned it in first year but can't remember it now... When I learned it, I believe the prof was trying to apply it to teamwork. I apply it to studying, as stage 1 is 'don't know enough to know you're screwed and therefore write the exam with confidence', stage 2 is 'HOLY FUCK I KNOW NOTHING', stage 3 is where the real studying happens.


Gold Member
ChefRamsay said:
Sounds like an 'experience curve'. Can't remember the technical name, but it goes something like this:

  1. Basically, when you first start playing, you underthink everything. This is good. You are unpredictable. Call it beginner's luck.
  2. Then you start to try to learn how to play. As you become more experienced, you overthink things and become very predictable. This leads to poorer results, even though you are more experienced. This is where you are now.
  3. Keep fighting through it and eventually you'll blow past the overthink stage and get proportionally better with experience.
Btw, if anyone knows the real name of this phenomenon/curve, please tell me. I learned it in first year but can't remember it now...

wow, thanks, great explanation - makes sense. I'm now some 12h into MW2 MP. I have never played CoD in MP before, even though I have completed a few of them in Veteran - but SP is a really different beast. So I suppose pushing through another 12h should help with results.


Sentry gun is disappointing. It was my second unlock because I thought it would turn me into engy-lite. But man, it gets destroyed so quickly no matter where I place it.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
GeeDuhb said:
Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...

I've worn the [GAF] tag proudly since day 1! (Or whenever I unlocked clan tags)

Never ran into a fellow gaffer though (Xbox Live) =/.
ChefRamsay said:
Sounds like an 'experience curve'. Can't remember the technical name, but it goes something like this

For me, I finally got used to seeing the enemies in the environment. In many of the levels, the enemies blend in the environments so well, I could barely see them. Now, I can pick a sniper out of a forest in Derailed from across the map.
ismaboof said:
God this game's multiplayer is frustrating. How are people so good? I don't get it.

Playing two straight years of COD4 multiplayer kind of gives you an edge...

Rad- said:
Sentry gun is disappointing. It was my second unlock because I thought it would turn me into engy-lite. But man, it gets destroyed so quickly no matter where I place it.

That's because everyone is running with Cold Blooded now and the Sentry gun can't target you if you have it equipped. I just walk right up to the front of them and knife it.


GeeDuhb said:
Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...

Already done. [GAF]andycapps on PSN.


OldJadedGamer said:
That's because everyone is running with Cold Blooded now and the Sentry gun can't target you if you have it equipped. I just walk right up to the front of them and knife it.

Well no wonder. Kind of useless kill reward then.
ismaboof said:
God this game's multiplayer is frustrating. How are people so good? I don't get it.
I used to be good. Now I'm lucky to get a carepackage every 3rd game. =(
Seems like a lot of people are struggling for killstreak rewards as I level up. I played about 8 groundwar games last night. In three of the games there were some predator strikes but surprisingly not a single vehicle flying around the entire game. It was peaceful.:D


I had the GAF clan tag on the other day, but I took it off. I'll put it back on as soon as I get home. Should we have some kind of emblem/title to know who's in? Also I agree, it does suck to play alone and I do have some GAFfers added (you know who you are, I don't mean to call you out) but I guess they're afraid of talking or inviting me to a match, so please don't be afraid to chat, or invite me to a match if I'm online. I hate playing free for all or team deathmatch for the sole reason that you feel like an outsider and on top of that people in the same will work together against you. For example, yesterday, there were these two Canadian dudes in the same clan that came in first and second place... I came in third place. At the same time, some people that are in the same clan tend to suck such as these guys that I was able to make it to third place, so that's funny. In free for all I usually land the second or third spot. I kept getting frustrated by the kills that people get on me as I tend to be the person who ends up getting killed the most because I like rushing into people and killing them with the tactical knife. Or I get caught by campers.


Santa May Claus
Rad- said:
Well no wonder. Kind of useless kill reward then.

It's decent early game, when placed at good choke points. It provides good cover fire upon advancing, especially if someone is watching its backside for a possible knifing. Early on, a lot of people don't know it can be flashed/stunned. If placed well, it can surprise a lot of players walking around corners, which can lead to a few kills.

A few kills is sometimes all you need for the next killstreak reward.
Dax01 said:
I currently have:
Care Package
Predator Missile
Emergency Airdrop

Care package and emergency airdrop are exciting. You don't know what you're going to get, but you get a lot of stuff to use. More so than if you were to stick to three definite killstreaks.

Spy sappin' mah killstreaks--That's exactly how I've been set up. I've been pretty lucky with airdrops, and for me it's far easier to get an emergency airdrop than some of the higher streaks.


GeeDuhb said:
Maybe this has already been discussed elsewhere...but I just had an idea. We should all use GAF as our clantags! It would be fun to randomly run into GAFers and actually know you were playing against them. Just an idea...

I had NGAF on COD4 all the time


Santa May Claus
My current killstreak setup:
Care Package
Predator Missile
Harrier Strike

Tonight, I'm going to try a different setup:
Predator Missile
Harrier Strike
Last night I managed to call in three Harriers in the same game. Of course, everyone and their mother now has a class that has a Stinger in it, so all three were shot down very quickly before even getting a single kill.

I'm thinking about changing it up with the Pave Low instead of the Harrier, so my Killstreak rewards will be Predator -> Pave Low -> Chopper Gunner. Thoughts?


Santa May Claus
backflip10019 said:
Last night I managed to call in three Harriers in the same game. Of course, everyone and their mother now has a class that has a Stinger in it, so all three were shot down very quickly before even getting a single kill.

I'm thinking about changing it up with the Pave Low instead of the Harrier, so my Killstreak rewards will be Predator -> Pave Low -> Chopper Gunner. Thoughts?

The reason why I like the Harrier Strike is because even when the other team has an assortment of missile launchers, the intial strike still has usefulness. I find that I'm able to go straight from Predator to Harrier more often lately, and the increased kills needed for Pave Low (1?) might be the breaking point of usefulness for me.
GuardianE said:
The reason why I like the Harrier Strike is because even when the other team has an assortment of missile launchers, the intial strike still has usefulness. I find that I'm able to go straight from Predator to Harrier more often lately, and the increased kills needed for Pave Low (1?) might be the breaking point of usefulness for me.
Yeah, that's true, I hadn't thought about that. Also, I realized that by the time that I get a Harrier strike, I'm usually almost out of ammo for my primary weapon, which is a slight downfall. Might make Pave Low a little more difficult to pull off than I had thought at first.


Lionheart1827 said:
predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac130 :D

The chopper gunner imo is bit more effective since you can constantly fire where the AC has to reload after a few shots. However I believe the AC is harder to take down than the chopper. So it depends on what you want.
Same killstreak loadout as me. Switched to it last night and it works wonders :). I use chopper gunner exclusively though...However, I do need to get a game winning kill with AC130 for the title, so maybe I will use it some tonight.


Santa May Claus
backflip10019 said:
Yeah, that's true, I hadn't thought about that. Also, I realized that by the time that I get a Harrier strike, I'm usually almost out of ammo for my primary weapon, which is a slight downfall. Might make Pave Low a little more difficult to pull off than I had thought at first.

If you can reliably get that last kill for the Pave Low, it might be the better decision since the Pave Low kicks so much ass, but I, like you, run out of ammo pretty quickly too (SCAR user). By the end of my killstreaks, I'm grabbing other peoples' guns.


any team that is smart will have at least two people with stingers and air support goes down in a snap, except on levels like skidrow or karachi where it can be difficult to see the helicopter sometimes.
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