MMaRsu said:Why be a dick?
I'm the dick? Either play the game or get the fuck out. I hate it when all people care about is their kill/death ratio. Go do that shit in Free for all or Team deathmatch. In Domination, get the flags.
MMaRsu said:Why be a dick?
Doc Evils said:You know It's funny, I hated COD4 online, but I'm addicted to MW2.
I agree that he did a good job of clearing the area, which is what you should do with that build, but there were a couple of times that he had a chance at easy captures and just ignored them completely.Buggy Loop said:Running around and knifing snipers & objective campers like Ogs did is fine by me, its a team based objective but generally with standard builds, if the enemy set up a good defense, its 50/50 for the other side, a ninja coming down the rooftop and knife his way INSIDE the defense can turn the tides, as OGs' video showed toward the end.
Mogg0 said:I've already broken 1 and a half controllers on this fucking game. Lag is KILLING me.
This is the only point in my life I resent being Australian. Fucking reamed.
Doc Evils said:You know It's funny, I hated COD4 online, but I'm addicted to MW2.
Russia, already under heavy influence by Makarov's Ultranationalist, needed an excuse to invade. Instability between the two nations was brewing throughout the 5 years that preceeded MW2 and they didn't explain this clearly in the game. Boo Infinity Ward boooooooookodt said:What I didn't understand is why would Russia honestly think that finding one dead American at the airport slaughter would be enough reason to invade the US? Wouldn't it be more likely that it was a small terrorist group working alone rather than sent by the US government to shoot up an airport....:lol
Mogg0 said:This is the only point in my life I resent being Australian. Fucking reamed.
Mogg0 said:I've already broken 1 and a half controllers on this fucking game. :lol Lag is KILLING me.
This is the only point in my life I resent being Australian. Fucking reamed.
J-Rzez said:Don't worry, it's not much better in the US at times either. It feels like the game is one full second ahead a bit of the time. And kill cam, though not the sure thing, makes it "feel" even worse. Which reminds me, that has to go. I understand that IW wants to snuff out sniping in the game, but come on. Kill cam shouldn't pop up when picked off with a sniper rifle.
But yes, the lag is bad in this game. There is no excuse, zero, why this game is not in better running order, which also includes the fucking party system booting people in your party out at will, closing lobbies, whatever. To me it's a piss-poor effort on IW, and there's no excuse for it considering how insane MW1 sold. You guys should've taken the higher budget, and got help.
Foliorum Viridum said:Killcam is still one of the best features in the game. If you want to be an ultra stealthy sniper, play hardcore. It's what I do when I want to take out people in complete silence.
adelante said:Russia, already under heavy influence by Makarov's Ultranationalist, needed an excuse to invade. Instability between the two nations was brewing throughout the 5 years that preceeded MW2 and they didn't explain this clearly in the game. Boo Infinity Ward booooooooo
xxjuicesxx said:Killcam is a must, it eliminates camping by forcing them to move from their spot, if they kill you and you see them kill you and then they kill you or your team again you only have yourself to blame. If you go to take them out and they take you out again, you also only have yourself to blame. Pretty sound stuff there IMO.
xxjuicesxx said:Killcam is a must, it eliminates camping by forcing them to move from their spot, if they kill you and you see them kill you and then they kill you or your team again you only have yourself to blame. If you go to take them out and they take you out again, you also only have yourself to blame. Pretty sound stuff there IMO.
Precisely.Foliorum Viridum said:Killcam is still one of the best features in the game. If you want to be an ultra stealthy sniper, play hardcore. It's what I do when I want to take out people in complete silence.
MaizeRage25 said:Tried out the AUG last night and immediately starting doing much better.
Thanks for the recommendation, GAF.
It's very anti-climatic. It sounds like it should be awesome. But it's not. Not at all.vatstep said:I finally saw one last night after about 18 hours of MP. The match was pretty much over anyway, so it wasn't that annoying. And it wasn't really cool looking at all, which was kind of a bummer.
Dolla Dolla said:It's very anti-climatic. It sounds like it should be awesome. But it's not. Not at all.
Why is realism an argument against a game that isn't trying to be real. And you solved your own complaint by just playing HC. Everyone is happy.MDJCM said:Yeah but it also forces everyone to play the game by running everywhere constantly, it looks silly, pure reaction time gaming
i prefer the pace of hardcore, maybe its because i want a slice of realism, but you never see a real modern war video were the allies just sprint around an area with all their gear on, runnin 'n' gunnin.
Rice-Eater said:Maybe the big 2012 disaster will shift Australia in between NA and Europe, where all the cool English speaking nations are. Just in time for Modern Warfare 3 to I bet.
EMP is pretty cool. Yes, it downs any flying vehicles in the air. It's better than a nuke, for sure.kyo_daikun said:Yeah I was really looking forward to seeing the emp, I have to admit I expected all the enemies guns to explode or something (does the emp destroy any enemy helicopters or planes flying around?)
My favorite mode right there.Relix said:Mercernary TDM is so much better
I'm just three levels away from completing SpecOps on Veteran...and sadly enough, Snatch and Grab is one of themSkilotonn said:1000/1000 Achievement points for Modern Warfare 2 after taking a week-long break with Spec Ops - the joke is that the ONE level that we had to keep redoing was the Snatch and Grab, which is just a Charlie level - hell, I did Delta levels solo with no problems compared to S&G - the annoying thing with that level is the random Juggernaut BS - sometimes you can have just one, sometimes you can have FIVE of them come at you, even three in a row - but it was finally completed now...
Finally it can just be multiplayer-only from here on out...
Yep and stealing the ACS was a part of that plan. The airport massacre was to become their ticket to war as soon as they've managed to hack into the ACS' encryption.Brakara said:Yeah, Russia was itching for a war with the US. This also explains how it only took them two days to start the invasion, as they had probably prepared for it for quite some time.
xxjuicesxx said:ACR with ACOG Goddamn!
MagniHarvald said:Please fix the OPed shotguns and knives. Thank you.
Yeef said:I tried 3rd Person Tactical today and it was just weird. Your player model obscures your view too much and the whole game feels extremely weird, especially close combat.
X26 said:neither is overpowered though..
xxjuicesxx said:AA-12 is, otherwise the rest are fine. Shotgun shoots way too fast and way too large of a clip, why use the other shotguns?
MagniHarvald said:Akimbo shotguns shooting at I don't know what ROF and killing you from 30' away is OPed. Knife killing you from 10' is OPed. Intervention not killing in 8 shots is UPed. MW2 netcode is crap.and yet I'm still playing..
xxjuicesxx said:Akimbo isn't overpowered its just a smart move once in awhile. The ability to lose firing down scope makes it incredibly crappy on a bunch of maps.
xxjuicesxx said:Akimbo isn't overpowered its just a smart move once in awhile. The ability to lose firing down scope makes it incredibly crappy on a bunch of maps.
MagniHarvald said:The thing is, there is no need to scope with the shotguns. It killed me and my buddies (we're talking guys who go 35-2 every other game) three games straight from distances like across the whole street in Karachi and further repeatedly. On whatever that map with the green room is called. It killed us in one shot from across the long hall way again and again. That akimbo is OPed, the others, not so much.
xxjuicesxx said:AA-12 is, otherwise the rest are fine. Shotgun shoots way too fast and way too large of a clip, why use the other shotguns?
xxjuicesxx said:AA-12 is, otherwise the rest are fine.