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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Nelo Ice

Lionheart1827 said:
Finally popped my nuke cherry tonight in regular team deathmatch.

I modified my killstreak to be harrier, chopper gunner, and nuke. My heart was beating so fast. :lol

happens to me everytime i feel a nuke coming :lol
Oops, i think the correct name is called "loose ends." Its where you have to protect the computer in that house in the mountains, then hoof it to LZ to end the level while getting hit with mortar fire which i cant seem to avoid.
Ten-Song said:
Bleh, whatever. Only time leaving match making is justified is when the map shows up as Wasteland. THAT'S the only clue IW needs. Rest of the maps in the game are just fine.

Since I unlocked the thermal for the M82 (+FMJ and Stopping Power Pro) I love that map. Especially if you sit in fron of one of those underground alleys and just fire through the wooden walls. :D

Nelo Ice

wow i completely decimated a team just now in search and destroy

i killed like 2 of their guys and i go into last stand and i find out that im the last one alive
i then crawl to a spot and see someone on the other side he throws 2 flashes moves in and i shotgun him
then i planted the bomb camped and killed the last 2 :lol


When I'm the host, sometimes it'll search for a new host and I will get kicked from the game. Does this mean my ports aren't forwarded properly? My friend who was in the game I hosted said that a new host was chosen while some people (including myself) were kicked. Anyone know what's happening?
Ugh, we just got a good Aussie game going, everyone in full green, and ONE American joins and it migrates host to him so everyone is in red except for him. Ugh!


Neverender said:
Ugh, we just got a good Aussie game going, everyone in full green, and ONE American joins and it migrates host to him so everyone is in red except for him. Ugh!

I feel your pain brother


Neverender said:
Ugh, we just got a good Aussie game going, everyone in full green, and ONE American joins and it migrates host to him so everyone is in red except for him. Ugh!
Live is really fucking bad for that.

The PC version on the other hand is actually pretty good for aussie games, other flaws aside.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Oops, i think the correct name is called "loose ends." Its where you have to protect the computer in that house in the mountains, then hoof it to LZ to end the level while getting hit with mortar fire which i cant seem to avoid.

I ran on the left side of the map. It's a bit tricky towards the end when you encounter all the RPG guys, but I flashbanged them, shot those I could see, and ran like hell towards the objective. Still took me forever to do this on veteran (from the last checkpoint right before the RPG guys), so maybe someone else has a better strategy.
played about 10 games tonight couldn't get anything but an orange/red one bar connection. Makes no sense. Everyone else in the room is green, and i'm hopping about everywhere.

Nelo Ice

Dilly said:
Those Akimbo shotguns are way overpowered.

if u mean the model 1887 shotguns then yeah theyre absolutely ridiculous...but nothing beats a good old tactical knife since its both silent and efficient :lol
Mogg0 said:
We're all in this together. = (

Being an Australian myself, I've pretty much just said "fuck it" and keep playing these red bar games. It can be complete bullshit at the best of times but if you know where to run and get yourself in the right positions, I can still have good games. Just today I was on red bar the entire time (with some yellows) and managed stuff like 35/8, 29/3 and 31/4 in TDM.

If I'm caught in a 1-on-1 face-off though, I'm screwed.

Nelo Ice

freaking akimbo model 1887 shotguns really are overpowered

they have a stupid ridiculous amount of range and pretty much kill instantly :lol


Yeah, I don't have the patience to sit back and wait for kills to come to me. I run and gun and, like you said, when it's a one one one firefight, I'm fucked 90% percent of the time.

It's even worse round corners. Guys who are even average on the knife have that half a second advantage and that's all you need. So frustrating.

My frustrations were soothed tonight when I happened upon a private Free For All match of Aussie players. I fucking cleaned up, and with a busted controller. But on TDM or shitty laggy games, I get reamed.


Nelo Ice said:
freaking akimbo model 1887 shotguns really are overpowered

they have a stupid ridiculous amount of range and pretty much kill instantly :lol

Yeah, that were the ones I was talking about.

Akimbo is ridiculous anyway, doesn't fit in this game.


I'm pretty much done with this game until they add a local search. In the last three days I've spent more time looking for games, than actually playing them.
Griffith said:
I'm pretty much done with this game until they add a local search. In the last three days I've spent more time looking for games, than actually playing them.

That's odd. I haven't had a single problem finding a game, ever. It always connects within 20 seconds or so.


DanielPlainview said:
That's odd. I haven't had a single problem finding a game, ever. It always connects within 20 seconds or so.
It doesn't have anything to do with the amount of time to find a game, it's that I find a game, it's a red bar and I quit. Find a game, red bar, and quit, over and over again. To the point where it takes, at times, between 30-40 minutes until I get a green game.
I was on a roll yesterday with the ACR. :D I even like playing wasteland now since I can even take on snipers with the ACR and it's a gold mine if you get a chopper gunner up.

ACR + Claymores + Scavenger Pro = Bliss. I love setting claymores, having someone unexpectedly walk in and then boom. I scavenge their bodies and then put down some more. I'm not a big camper but I just got tired of the twitch players running at you guns blazing while my bullets seem to go around or through them.

I was constantly hitting mid twenties to thirties in my kill count with minimal deaths. I even went 29-0 in one match.

For kill streaks I use air strike, harrier, and chopper gunner. So far I think chopper gunner is one of the best. I can easily pull 15 kills once I get it up in the air.

My KDR is 2.29 right now.
I love how the game is getting more intense as my confidence increases and I change my killstreak rewards. Originally, as I was getting back into the swing of online, I was using UAV, Care package and then Predator Missile, but as my skills have returned to me I've moved on to Predator Missile, Harrier and Pavelow. :D

I think soon I'll remove the Predator and go for AC130 or Helicopter gunner. I don't think anything above that is really worth it - the EMP never seemed to do much damage when I got in the care package and the odds of me getting a 25 killstreak is ridiculous. Though if I ever do get it without selecting the tactical nuke.... -_-


Goddamnit fucking grenade launchers. I played a match today where every little cunt of the opposing team had one and I was constantly blown to pieces. I won't rage when I get killed a few times by one but this was just ridiculous.
NIN90 said:
Goddamnit fucking grenade launchers. I played a match today where every little cunt of the opposing team had one and I was constantly blown to pieces. I won't rage when I get killed a few times by one but this was just ridiculous.

I played wasteland the other day, the entire enemy team used launchers and made life hell :(

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Seems like the more i level (33 currently), the harder it gets... I've got a feeling my builds arent alright.

Edit- Oh also i must say, the higher level it goes, the more camping there is, im starting to hate it :(


DevelopmentArrested said:
So wait you mainly play the game to be a dick? Good to know.

I like to think I make it more challenging by throwing flash bangs in front of my teammates as they enter a building and such. Make them a better player I say. And of course there's the trash talking, of the other team, and my own teammates. Some how I still have a 5-star rating yet. People get a kick out of it I think.

Unless we have a 5-6 man squad (which happens time to time), I just mess around anymore. My K/D ratio took a beating by all of this screwing around and dropped to 1.8 lol. I thought IW would be able to produce something better considering the amount of money the first one made, plus that they said they turned down a greater budget that they didn't need, and were fine with what they had.

itsgreen said:
any word yet on when infinity ward is diong their version of online stats like waw did?


NIN90 said:
Goddamnit fucking grenade launchers.

In all infinite wisdom, they put TWO challenges to using them for XP. One to unlock the shotgun, the other to "finish off" your weapon. I still have yet to do such for any weapon.


Once you get good with the grenade launcher it's really quite overpowered. The only time I'll die is if someone shoots me from behind or if I miss bigtime with the grenade.
I've gotten so efficient with SCAR + M203 + Danger Close + Scavenger I just walk around with the grenade launcher ready to fire. At this point I'm gonna forget how to shoot eventually.


Are challenge stats reset when you enter prestige? I mean, it would be rather annoying to prestige at 999/1000 kills with perk X, only to restart at 0/1000 again every 70th level...


I'd be in the dick
Minamu said:
Are challenge stats reset when you enter prestige? I mean, it would be rather annoying to prestige at 999/1000 kills with perk X, only to restart at 0/1000 again every 70th level...
Yep, you lose everything except for titles and emblems.
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