bud said:the marathon perk gives me motion sickness.
OldJadedGamer said:MW2 on Veteran = COD4 on Hardened.
Freedom = $1.05 said:Finally got my K/D above 1.00, 1.03 to be exact :lol It took me dropping the FAL in favor for a blinged out AUG to get there, though. I went from 9/10 matches to 7 matches in a row where I called in harrier airstrikes.
Chittagong said:hmm... wonder if I should try that. I've been rolling with a TAR blinged with heartbeat sensor and thermal scope - both vital enhancements. What makes AUG work so well for you?
Nelo Ice said:also once again it cant be stated enough how overpowered the model 1887s are im killing guys nearly midrange instantly and when 2 enemies are together i end up getting a double kill :lol
~Devil Trigger~ said:finally got to play some Terminal yesterday. By far the best map in the game
~Devil Trigger~ said:finally got to play some Terminal yesterday. By far the best map in the game
ALeperMessiah said:I've noticed the akimbo'd 1887's come up a lot online lately. Such a bitch to deal with.
I've been playing with this since the beginning and it really feels more powerful than any other weapon in the game. Usually it will kill with a single burst, which many times the M16 does not. <3 FAMASSkenzin said:But now my new deadly combo that is giving me +30 kills a game is Famas with stopping power.
i played Terminal 4 or 5 times since i've bought the game.Leunam said:Finally? How long have you been playing? Now that you mention it, it has been a while since I played Terminal...
divisionbyzorro said:Dude. I've seen some wild-ass titles around here...but what did you do to get that?
Now that I think about it, I've never played that one either. Any idea what playlists it shows up in?~Devil Trigger~ said:and so far, i've NEVER played this Rust i hear about
FFA only I think. It's a crazy, crazy, crazy map.backflip10019 said:Now that I think about it, I've never played that one either. Any idea what playlists it shows up in?
~Devil Trigger~ said:and so far, i've NEVER played this Rust i hear about
Time to play some FFA, I guess!chubigans said:FFA only I think. It's a crazy, crazy, crazy map.
At one point I was killed ten times in a row in under 15 seconds. :lol
Dipswitch said:Ok, so I finished the campaign on Veteran last week (Unlocking all single player achievements), played some multiplayer over the weekend and am now jonesing to get the Spec Ops achievements.
Can you do those on Veteran solo? Or is it an exercise in frustration and/or am I missing out on the co-op shenanigans?
Melhisedek said:Guys, I played COD4 MP once at my buddys place and loved it. He was obsessed by it and he liked COD:WaW as well not as much as COD4 but he played both. Same buddy bought MW2 and he didn't like it all. Now he is asking me to buy COD4 so we can play together (PC) while I was all about getting the latest MW2 and rocking that online.
So what do you think MW or MW2 online only? What do you prefer and why?
~Devil Trigger~ said:finally got to play some Terminal yesterday. By far the best map in the game
GuardianE said:I think you'll probably have a pretty difficult time trying to solo the Veteran Ops. There's no co-op specific Achievements, but it makes things significantly easier.
J-Rzez said:And I still play the game for other reasons. First off, trash talking and griefing is great time as there's so many people playing it's easy to find that person that explodes at you, or puts their mom on the mic thinking it'll stop you from talking shit. Second reason is MAG comes out in Jan, and I need something to amuse me until then, which the first note amuses me, for now.
Meier said:Played my best match last night.. 10 kills vs 5 deaths. I seem to be at my best in the level in the office complex. My one wish is that the matchmaking would put lower level people with lower level people.. surely there are plenty of folks online who aren't level 50.
I got up to level 5 last night.. I'm a machine! :lol
Drastic said:You are the type of person that makes Live unbearable for many folks, as well as being the reason many use "friends only" on mics, making it more difficult to find new good friends.
May you be bludgeoned with a metal folding chair for a long period.
Dipswitch said:Fair enough. Would rather find that out now rather than beat my head against a wall trying to get them done solo. I assume then that they don't further goose up the difficulty when you're playing co-op?
killertofu said:If anyone see's the GamerTag hansvelas, ask 'em how they like the Xbox 360 they stole from me.![]()
To execute ninja well (my main build), you've got to have cold-blooded, and they both should be pro level (takes time, but totally worth it).Rad- said:Moving on, I don't know how to play with the ninja combo. I get tons of deaths when I'm behind the lines and enemies always come from different sides and kill me. How the hell do you guys play ninja well?
Why on Earth did you play in that condition? Especially for THAT long?Pyke Presco said:For example, last night, I was lagging fiercely, red bar(1/4 ping on consoles, they dont give us real numbers. I'm guessing it was over 500[1/2 second]) for about 3 hours straight.
killertofu said:If anyone see's the GamerTag hansvelas, ask 'em how they like the Xbox 360 they stole from me.![]()
Great advice, I could only add that I tend to run a tacflare with this build because it is even more awesome after you knife that room full of people when you respawn right behind them after the straggler gets you :lolRubxQub said:Know where your team is generally spawning and where their team is generally spawning, and do your best to get around behind or to the side of their spawn location. Always be on your guard for someone running the same path you are (take corners slowly and with your eyes down the sights).
bloodydrake said:skidrow has got to be the worst map in this game for HC
divisionbyzorro said:And I finally unlocked the M14. Ho...ly...crap... I am in love.
killertofu said:If anyone see's the GamerTag hansvelas, ask 'em how they like the Xbox 360 they stole from me.![]()
Rad- said:Moving on, I don't know how to play with the ninja combo. I get tons of deaths when I'm behind the lines and enemies always come from different sides and kill me. How the hell do you guys play ninja well?
Waiting to get a few more kills with my Striker so I can have red dot AND silencer on it. Anton Sugar, what, what?!divisionbyzorro said:You'll want a gun with a heartbeat sensor. If you also want a silencer or a sight, you'll put Bling Pro in your first perk spot. Otherwise, I suggest Scavenger Pro. Regardless, use a silencer on your secondary weapon.
RubxQub said:One other major thing about Ninja builds...go out of your way to travel alone. If someone is following you, start taking a different route.
The other person is either going to make noise or show up on radar and alert the enemy to your position (or that someone is coming that way)...so always travel alone.
I would die for my brothers. In fact, I do. Dozens of times.bud said:nah, man... we ride together, we die together.
all they do is cancel the account.GuardianE said:I'm pretty sure you can report that Gamertag and get it tracked if your 360 is stolen. It happens if the thief is an idiot.