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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


kitch9 said:
The matchmaking constantly loves to put my level 13 ass against teams full of 50+ sons of bitches......

They're all running round with heartbeat sensors and shit so they know fucking EXACTLY where I am, and I'm left with a fucking red dot sight.

I thought matchmaking was supposed to provide balanced teams and shit. I'm usually like a fish out of water. The heartbeat sensor guys just fucking hunt me down and know I'm coming from miles away......

Honestly, I think the only guarantee that matchmaking in this game makes is that the "teams" will be "balanced" ... and even that doesn't work that well at all.

I played 6 games last night, all of which were extremely one sided, with the winning team having 2000+ points each time...The matchmaking uses rudimentary math...that's for sure.
Lionheart1827 said:
Yeah, my buddy I play with constantly camps to get those nukes, or at least he used to. I for one dont camp at all, I just wanted to get a nuke at least once, and I did. Now my killstreaks are sans nuke. I'm not a camper, it just doesnt work with me. I just needed to see it once. :D

I'll be unlocking the Nuke next, at which point I plan to play Harrier-Chopper-Nuke until I can get at least one Nuke; maybe even go for the 10-Nuke challenge.

Long-term I think I'll end up going either Crate-Predator-Airdrop, or Predator-Harrier-Chopper (which is what I currently roll with). The nuke happens so infrequently that it's not worth carrying into battle on a consistent basis.


.nimrod said:
My penis is bigger than yours.
I'm not trying to show off or anything. I just want to get a gauge of what the average K/D is? Is a K/D of 2 considered good for this game since it so much easier to kill people compared to COD4?
tarius1210 said:
I have a K/D of 1.93 and I know Wickerman has a K/D of 2.12. Anyone else on GAF have a K/D near that?

Mines 1.84, but I switch up my guns all the time, chasing challenges, or I play the knife build, or a riot shield just to keep things fresh. If I were to play just M16 or P90 all the time, and play objective type games and camp rather than just TDM, I'm sure it would be over 2.00

EDIT: 360, pretty much exclusively TDM
ElyrionX said:
Three stingers and that chopper is down. Doesn't take more than a single decent gamer to pull this off.

Two words: KILL CAM

I can see how people can be idiots about this though. I once played a game where a camper ended top with 18-3. Two of those deaths were by me where I knifed him in the back. It was so easy. Killcam reveals everything and he didn't even set up defenses like claymores and his team weren't even around him. And yet he managed to hit 18-3. My teammates were absolute idiots.

Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that my group of friends and I will never, ever see a nuke unless we pull it off ourselves. We aren't retarded, we run with stealth classes and all have Stingers equipped. Seems that most people getting nukes depend on Choppers and Harriers for them and since when I play these are lucky to get even a single kill on us, I don't think we'll ever seen one pulled unless we just get teamed up with a batch of total COD noobs and we haven't yet.

RubxQub said:
Hence my hate of claymores!

As a ninja, I've got no answer for them without revealing my position!

One thing I like to do is to shoot the claymore or blow it up with a grenade, then leave that area and go somewhere else to play. You will make the dude that planted it so paranoid that you are around the corner waiting for him that you'll throw him off his camping game. He'll be constantly thinking you're coming for him while you are on the other side of the map shooting dudes.

Oh, btw... stun grenades not only stun the guy but they temporally disable the claymore.

tarius1210 said:
I have a K/D of 1.93 and I know Wickerman has a K/D of 2.12. Anyone else on GAF have a K/D near that?

I have no idea what my K/D ratio is because I'm too busy playing the game and not playing my stats. K/D is pointless when you are playing games like Domination, Sabotage, Capture the Flag, or HQ. I have some friends who refuse to play those types because it will hurt their K/D ratio and that's annoying to me. Plus, a lot of the time on the kill cam it shows me not in cover when I was or it shows my gun not shooting any bullets when on my screen I was so those deaths don't count in my mind since that is the game/lag and not my skill.


Neo Member
tarius1210 said:
I have a K/D of 1.93 and I know Wickerman has a K/D of 2.12. Anyone else on GAF have a K/D near that?

2.07, but i'm actually struggling with the lag, spawns and all the add-ons. I resorted to the cold-blooded/ninja build which helped but i still feel like the only reason i have a decent k/d ratio is because i'm struggling less than everyone else, not because i'm particularly good.

Most of the guys who usually own FPS on my friends list have crap ratios. I've quit playing already. I much prefer CoD4.


divisionbyzorro said:
I'll be unlocking the Nuke next, at which point I plan to play Harrier-Chopper-Nuke until I can get at least one Nuke; maybe even go for the 10-Nuke challenge.

Long-term I think I'll end up going either Crate-Predator-Airdrop, or Predator-Harrier-Chopper (which is what I currently roll with). The nuke happens so infrequently that it's not worth carrying into battle on a consistent basis.
I only carry the nuke on specific maps.


OldJadedGamer said:
One thing I like to do is to shoot the claymore or blow it up with a grenade, then leave that area and go somewhere else to play. You will make the dude that planted it so paranoid that you are around the corner waiting for him that you'll throw him off his camping game. He'll be constantly thinking you're coming for him while you are on the other side of the map shooting dudes.

I've done that, and I've also used my knife class with lightweight on to sprint through it, hear it explode, and then knife the guy before he turns around. So awesome.
andycapps said:
I've done that, and I've also used my knife class with lightweight on to sprint through it, hear it explode, and then knife the guy before he turns around. So awesome.

This happened to me last night in regular TDM and I was getting pissed. I hate that claymores are useless in that mode. I play Hardcore a lot and if I plant a claymore I have about a 98% chance it's going to kill someone so I just stopped using them in TDM.
tarius1210 said:
I'm not trying to show off or anything. I just want to get a gauge of what the average K/D is? Is a K/D of 2 considered good for this game since it so much easier to kill people compared to COD4?

It depends upon:

a) Whether you play deathmatch or objective modes
b) Whether you play defense or offense in objective-based modes
c) How much you screw around with gimmick classes (knife-based, grenade-based, riot shields)
d) How much time you spend trying to meet specific challenges
e) Whether you camp or run around
f) Whether you play hardcore, regular, ricochet, or third-person modes
g) Whether you play on 360/PS3 or PC
h) Whether you play solo, with friends, or in a clan
i) How much time you spend trying to earn specific emblems or callsigns
j) How good your internet connection is
k) How much luck you've had with the matchmaking
l) How often you've been chosen as host
m) How often your teammates have been chosen as host
n) Whether you play with a wireless or wired controller
o) Whether you use wireless or wired networking in your home network
p) How much caffeine you drink during matches
q) Whether or not you vote down "bad" maps when they come up in the rotation
r) Whether or not you back out when "bad" maps come up in the rotation and don't get voted down
s) Whether or not the people you get paired with shoot down your killstreak bonuses
t) Whether you use active killstreak bonuses (choppers, predators, harriers) or passive killstreak bonuses (UAV, counter-UAV, EMP)
u) Whether you use snipers, SMGs, or assault rifles
v) Whether you use Claymores, Semtex, or Frag grenades
w) The average skill level of your matched teammates
x) The average skill level of your matched opponents
y) Your actual skill level
z) Whether or not you actually care about your K/D ratio


It was simple question that only required a simple answer. I don't understand the reason for the smart-ass responses.
I can't imagine the pure ownage going on with you guys having 2.0 k/d ratios. While I'm pretty new to CoD (barely played any before this game) I still dominate every third game or so and always usually do pretty good, even in a game where our team gets destroyed I manage to stay even. Even with feeling like I'm owning I'm only sitting on a 1.45 So you guys must be just running around crapping all over kids. :lol

I really never want to care though this game is really fun for me and I don't want to start getting upset about dieing.


dresses business casual
tarius1210 said:
It was simple question that only required a simple answer. I don't understand the reason for the smart-ass responses.

You got smart-ass remarks because Modern Warfare is not a game to be taken seriously. Between all of the perks, killstreaks, and weapon unlocks it's just pure entertainment. There's no skill to compare.


I play "Mosh Pit" (all modes combined in one playlist) all the time.

My ratio is 1.78.
Accuracy is 20.70%.

I have a friend who plays TDM ONLY and his is only like 1.07. :lol I just can't understand that..


Anyone else on PS3 having issues with host migration? As in, it's just not working at all?

I think host migration has worked all of one time for me. Matter of fact, two-three times the game has frozen at the lobby screen. Had to actually turn off the console by holding down the power button and restart it. Pretty frustrating...

Last night I started a match, a couple of people got some kills, the screen froze saying it was looking for a new host, that countdown ticker started then all of a sudden I'm back at the lobby.

But the worst had to be the freezing at the lobby screen. It would say "looking for players", the stars on the right would be in that spinning animation while it's looking for players then everything would just freeze.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong on my part. FWIW, it's a 60g PS3...


Never understood the appeal of K/D, reminds me of "gearscore" from WoW. It's probably why I never got into it ever. I'm more comfortable playing objective games and locking down a team on Domination with people watching my back than trying to go for their next killstreak.


So what's with the people with 60+ K/D on top of the leaderboards and with 600 kill streaks? I think most of the top 20 of any leaderboard is bugged, as I saw one guy with 1200 wins and 200 losses, but he had a win streak of ~1000. People up there can't be that good!

Also the leaderboard for scores are pretty weird too, as there are people who are lvl 2 prestige and are near the top with 8 million points or something, yet thiers lvl 6 prestiged people who have only 5 million. Doesn't make sense >.>


OldJadedGamer said:
This happened to me last night in regular TDM and I was getting pissed. I hate that claymores are useless in that mode. I play Hardcore a lot and if I plant a claymore I have about a 98% chance it's going to kill someone so I just stopped using them in TDM.

That's the thing with this game. For everything that one person thinks is too powerful, there is something that completely turns that persons game on it's head and destroys it. I used to think helicopters and Harriers were too powerful until I unlocked Stingers. Now I enjoy hearing that they got a helicopter or Harrier because I'm about to get a ton of points. :lol

And yeah, I can't see claymores being much use in team deathmatch because of the fact that they will respawn and should come back to get you, unless they just don't understand the whole killcam thing. For search and destroy or other objective based modes, I could see it being pretty awesome.
vehn said:
So what's with the people with 60+ K/D on top of the leaderboards and with 600 kill streaks? I think most of the top 20 of any leaderboard is bugged, as I saw one guy with 1200 wins and 200 losses, but he had a win streak of ~1000. People up there can't be that good!

Also the leaderboard for scores are pretty weird too, as there are people who are lvl 2 prestige and are near the top with 8 million points or something, yet thiers lvl 6 prestiged people who have only 5 million. Doesn't make sense >.>

People boost. They get 12 or more clan members and just go into a game where kills dont count towards the score. They proceed to shoot eachother constantly on purpose. Dumb. For example on the 360 leaderboards there are a bunch of people in the top 50 with MAFIA and BLAZE gamertags. There is a reason they are all together, because they are boosting noobs.


Listen to lobby chat in capture the flag rooms or even mosh pit rooms - typically those folks are just there to have fun. TD/Ground War tends to be the whiny, k/d-obsessed assholes talking about how they're going to drop nukes.

If MP was ONLY Team Deathmatch or S&D, K/D might be relevant, but for all the other actually fun shit you can do in the game K/D is totally irrelevant and no one is going to be impressed with a high one or feel superior to a low one.

That said, I'm stupidly addicted to unlocking new titles. I got some kind of chicken emblem that I haven't seen anyone use before and it's awesome.


fps fanatic said:
Anyone else on PS3 having issues with host migration? As in, it's just not working at all?

I think host migration has worked all of one time for me. Matter of fact, two-three times the game has frozen at the lobby screen. Had to actually turn off the console by holding down the power button and restart it. Pretty frustrating...

Last night I started a match, a couple of people got some kills, the screen froze saying it was looking for a new host, that countdown ticker started then all of a sudden I'm back at the lobby.

But the worst had to be the freezing at the lobby screen. It would say "looking for players", the stars on the right would be in that spinning animation while it's looking for players then everything would just freeze.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong on my part. FWIW, it's a 60g PS3...

is your NAT type "Open"?
if not, you might wanna foward the following ports:

UDP 1500
UDP 3005
UDP 3101
UDP 28960

i don't know if that helps, but since i've done that host migration hasn't failed once for me.
could be something else though...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Pete Rock said:
Skeet Shooter! :D

Sorry :D.
divisionbyzorro said:
It depends upon:

a) Whether you play deathmatch or objective modes
b) Whether you play defense or offense in objective-based modes
c) How much you screw around with gimmick classes (knife-based, grenade-based, riot shields)
d) How much time you spend trying to meet specific challenges
e) Whether you camp or run around
f) Whether you play hardcore, regular, ricochet, or third-person modes
g) Whether you play on 360/PS3 or PC
h) Whether you play solo, with friends, or in a clan
i) How much time you spend trying to earn specific emblems or callsigns
j) How good your internet connection is
k) How much luck you've had with the matchmaking
l) How often you've been chosen as host
m) How often your teammates have been chosen as host
n) Whether you play with a wireless or wired controller
o) Whether you use wireless or wired networking in your home network
p) How much caffeine you drink during matches
q) Whether or not you vote down "bad" maps when they come up in the rotation
r) Whether or not you back out when "bad" maps come up in the rotation and don't get voted down
s) Whether or not the people you get paired with shoot down your killstreak bonuses
t) Whether you use active killstreak bonuses (choppers, predators, harriers) or passive killstreak bonuses (UAV, counter-UAV, EMP)
u) Whether you use snipers, SMGs, or assault rifles
v) Whether you use Claymores, Semtex, or Frag grenades
w) The average skill level of your matched teammates
x) The average skill level of your matched opponents
y) Your actual skill level
z) Whether or not you actually care about your K/D ratio

Wow... this might just be the perfect post. I agree with all points... except for the caffeine.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
DeuceMojo said:
I had a friend like this. We'd be playing HQ in COD4, and we grinded hundreds of HQ games to get through the ranks. Well this joker was always a little bent out of shape about it and his way of protesting was playing HQ with a sniper, camping and yelling out such gems as:


"WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!?!?!!?!"


Which are all things you can yell while camping and trying to order your team around. He now plays 99% FFA 'cause nobody can stand his no-fun self in team games. :lol

It is not that I disagree with the sentiment, it is just I don't understand who isn't use to it at this point. If I get into a game where I am only the person paying attention to the objectives, I don't scream at everyone else about it. I just focus on the one area I can take care of and rack up kills with whatever weapon I am working on. I feel bad for people who actually think they can influence other people to start caring about the overall outcome of the match, because it just isn't going to happen.


So about the riot shield. So recently I found myself foregoing worrying about KDR and having fun abusing the riot shield with throwing knives. Wow what a joy it is, just as fun as a knife class build, but the more I use it the more I'm finding the riot shield to be on the weak side. Sure it can distract idiots and present free kills for yourself or other teammates nearby, and sure it is indestructible, from the front... However due to a combination of savvy knife use with help from lag/host advantage, well placed grenade shots and flash bangs, the shield just seems like a death trap.

I've seen so much bullshit occur while using the shield which makes me feel that using the shield is more haphazard then it should be. Throwing knives hitting directly dead center of the shield and killing me; lag situations where my body was exposed in kill cam to a guy trying to out maneuver me, but from my perspective I turned exactly to his movements and maintained a perfectly protected stance. Then there is the fact it is possible to knife a shield user head on exactly as he is performing a bash--this makes no logical sense and really seems like a retarded design decision or lack of foresight. Then there has been countless times where someone is spraying bullets at me where I have my shield facing square at him crouched, unexposed, and not moving and still some how I die from this guy. Killcam in this situation doesn't reveal anything.

If nothing changes with the shield I feel a few months down the line the shield might find itself under utilized and passed over for being useless as mroe people find ways of dealing with it..


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
steadfast said:
That said, I'm stupidly addicted to unlocking new titles. I got some kind of chicken emblem that I haven't seen anyone use before and it's awesome.
Yeah, I have a few that I haven't seen anyone else use. One is Headrush, which still doesn't have an unlock method listed on the MW2 Wikia (and I have no idea how I got it). Right now I'm using Highlander, which I got for a flawless game (probably the one and only I'll ever have) and haven't seen anyone else with. It's just a nice surprise to see a new one pop up at the end of a match.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
OldJadedGamer said:
Wow... this might just be the perfect post. I agree with all points... except for the caffeine.

Does using a wired controller really make a noticable difference instead of a wireless controller?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
tarius1210 said:
I'm not trying to show off or anything. I just want to get a gauge of what the average K/D is? Is a K/D of 2 considered good for this game since it so much easier to kill people compared to COD4?
The average K/D ratio among the people on my friends list is probably close to an even 1.

I'd say anything above is considered good, anything well above would be considerably good.

I think the highest on my FL is something like 1.53...something like that?


Also, I gotta agree about the person asking how it's possible anyone gets a nuke. There is just no way in a game that I'm in is any one player getting 25 straight kills without seeing the end of my knife or getting filled with lead at one point or another.

Not in my house!


.nimrod said:
is your NAT type "Open"?
if not, you might wanna foward the following ports:

UDP 1500
UDP 3005
UDP 3101
UDP 28960

i don't know if that helps, but since i've done that host migration hasn't failed once for me.
could be something else though...
Yeah, my NAT type is "Strict". I'll have to try something, but I'm not too familiar with port forwarding.

I was just watching some you tube clips with people switching their NAT types and it looks a bit confusing. Ahh well, I'll have to try.
Is there a specific gametype that is better for ranking up? I have played nothing but deathmatch and I am constantly switching weapons/perks to complete challenges, and I am a 52 now but the grind is starting to wear me out.


vehn said:
So what's with the people with 60+ K/D on top of the leaderboards and with 600 kill streaks? I think most of the top 20 of any leaderboard is bugged, as I saw one guy with 1200 wins and 200 losses, but he had a win streak of ~1000. People up there can't be that good!

Also the leaderboard for scores are pretty weird too, as there are people who are lvl 2 prestige and are near the top with 8 million points or something, yet thiers lvl 6 prestiged people who have only 5 million. Doesn't make sense >.>

Some are padded. One of my friend's knows a guy who padded his kill streak to be 240 by inviting friends into a room and letting him kill them.


.nimrod said:
is your NAT type "Open"?
if not, you might wanna foward the following ports:

UDP 1500
UDP 3005
UDP 3101
UDP 28960

i don't know if that helps, but since i've done that host migration hasn't failed once for me.
could be something else though...

Wonder if this would also fix the issues I have of being unable to start a party and invite people to it. Pretty annoying. I was going to go through some big long setup of setting up a static IP for my PS3 and DMZ and all this other crap I saw in a walkthrough. If this fixes it, that'd be great.

Also, been having issues syncing my trophies, FWIW. Also, lots of drops and other issues.


Neo Member
spootime said:
Any reason to use a stinger over a javelin?

Stinger +
It locks on faster
It is easier to aim (opinion)
The missile travels to the target faster
Faster "Switch Weapon" Time/Animation

Javelin +
Can attack players on the ground with it

I've gotten a couple nice triple kills with the Jav that were fun but I'm about to switch all my launchers back to Stingers. They are just TOO good at killing air support.


Gold Member
slider said:
Woohoo, this turned up this morning along with R&C ACiT. I'll give it a go; hoping it won't end up unplayed on the shelf to join U2, NGS2, inFamous, Batman AA and many others.

I'm expecting very good things. I'm guessing most people jumped into MP early. But for someone who sucks at gaming I'm gonna go for SP first.

Whats the matter with you my good man? You need to finish those games stat!! :lol
My k/d is 1.85.
I only play Groundwar.
Not going to lie, if this game was only about the guns my k/d would probably be closer to 1.40 or so. I can easily die 3 or 4 times in a row in this game. It's when I get 3-5 kills in a row and using kill streak rewards that inflates my ratio.
I'm glad I don't care about my K/D ratio because sometimes I play for certain challenges that absolutely destroys me.

I probably have 500 more deaths than I do kills...
HooCares said:
Stinger +
It locks on faster
It is easier to aim (opinion)
The missile travels to the target faster
Faster "Switch Weapon" Time/Animation

Javelin +
Can attack players on the ground with it

I've gotten a couple nice triple kills with the Jav that were fun but I'm about to switch all my launchers back to Stingers. They are just TOO good at killing air support.

so true.

one to add to the Javelin is it locks onto AC-130's a lot easier as it flies above them and stricks from the top.
Too easy to get stuck in your base on HighRise. I've been stuck in my base twice because of shit teammates. Then they go and get on top of your roof and lock you in, its stupid.
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