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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


RubxQub said:
Know where your team is generally spawning and where their team is generally spawning, and do your best to get around behind or to the side of their spawn location. Always be on your guard for someone running the same path you are (take corners slowly and with your eyes down the sights).

I think this is where I have failed the most so far. For some reason, I still haven't learned the maps that well. I usually learn them quite fast in FPSs but in this I'm finding it extra hard.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Some people on Xbox Live are fucking hilarious. I was playing Domination yesterday and some guy on my team was screaming at the top of his lungs at all the people who weren't trying to capture B or defend A. The comments ranged from "this is a waste of my fucking time" to "play the game for what it is." I would not have found this so funny if his profile did not mention the fact that he is selling the account because he boosted to all 50's in Halo 3. :lol


Neo Member
Played this for the last time last night.

The maps, spawn points and lag are a joke. I put Gears 1's lag and host advantages down to it being the first major 360 game; can't believe they're back after all this time.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Why on Earth did you play in that condition? Especially for THAT long? o_O

I must say I'm quite lucky with the connections generally. Unless someone at my house is draining my bandwith, I never dip below 3 green bars.

Well, probably because all my friends were playing the game and it was a sunday night, so its not like there's alot of other options. Plus, the fact that I can still get around a 1.5-1.6 K/D with red bars brings me great pleasure. If you know where to go on the map, claymores with scavenger and watching narrow alleys can still net you lots of kills even if your bullets are about half a second behind where they should be. Buddy running in a straight line for 40 feet still equals a kill.

And yeah, my connection is usually good (I'm on a university campus) but it seems like end of the weekend they start doing server maintenance or something, and then mid-afternoon during the week is bandwidth intensive with a bajillion laptops on campus. Other than that, the game runs perfect (Canada, so I'm running on those beautiful north american servers the rest of the world hates)


Finally got my 1000GS points :D Last achievement being "Downed But Not Out" (Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops). Earned it by firing up a Spec OP mission in splitscreen (the SanFran bridge one), fragged myself with a grenade and then shot 4 enemies while I'm downed (I realized its easier if you deplete all your handgun ammo beforehand so when you're downed you're actually able to switch to your assault rifle heh)

I can finally breathe easy and take my own sweet time with multiplayer :lol


so i received about 8 messages from random people telling me to join their boosting game. can you level up in private matches?
The funny thing is, I took out MW2 to watch the Darjeeling Limited...so I still have MW2, just no Xbox :(

So calling Microsoft wouldn't help anything? All my friends on Xbox Live have already started sending my gamer tag messages :lol
Mooreberg said:
Some people on Xbox Live are fucking hilarious. I was playing Domination yesterday and some guy on my team was screaming at the top of his lungs at all the people who weren't trying to capture B or defend A. The comments ranged from "this is a waste of my fucking time" to "play the game for what it is."
I had a friend like this. We'd be playing HQ in COD4, and we grinded hundreds of HQ games to get through the ranks. Well this joker was always a little bent out of shape about it and his way of protesting was playing HQ with a sniper, camping and yelling out such gems as:


"WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!?!?!!?!"


Which are all things you can yell while camping and trying to order your team around. He now plays 99% FFA 'cause nobody can stand his no-fun self in team games. :lol
Pyke Presco said:
Well, probably because all my friends were playing the game and it was a sunday night, so its not like there's alot of other options. Plus, the fact that I can still get around a 1.5-1.6 K/D with red bars brings me great pleasure. If you know where to go on the map, claymores with scavenger and watching narrow alleys can still net you lots of kills even if your bullets are about half a second behind where they should be. Buddy running in a straight line for 40 feet still equals a kill.

And yeah, my connection is usually good (I'm on a university campus) but it seems like end of the weekend they start doing server maintenance or something, and then mid-afternoon during the week is bandwidth intensive with a bajillion laptops on campus. Other than that, the game runs perfect (Canada, so I'm running on those beautiful north american servers the rest of the world hates)
Fair enough. :) I just couldn't play the game at such a standard.


The Spas-12 is probably the best shotgun to use especially if you put a grip on it.

If I silence it the range gets reduced by about half, but dang it I'm in love with the sound it makes. Reminds me of No country for old men.

My custom class goes something like this.

sniper rifle - suppressed
SPAS-12 - grip+suppressed


Use the rifle as your primary, when the enemy closes in or you're running to a new spot use the SPAS. Lethal combo.
Just created a pretty fun class. SCAR w/ Holo sight, Claymores, Scavenger-Stopping Power-Scrambler. At one point I had the same guy trip my claymore 3 times! He would die, I'd walk over his corpse and grab another claymore, place it in the exact same spot and rinse-repeat.

I do miss Cold-Blooded though. Dying to air support is the lose.


Woohoo, this turned up this morning along with R&C ACiT. I'll give it a go; hoping it won't end up unplayed on the shelf to join U2, NGS2, inFamous, Batman AA and many others.

I'm expecting very good things. I'm guessing most people jumped into MP early. But for someone who sucks at gaming I'm gonna go for SP first.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Outdoor Miner said:
Just created a pretty fun class. SCAR w/ Holo sight, Claymores, Scavenger-Stopping Power-Scrambler. At one point I had the same guy trip my claymore 3 times! He would die, I'd walk over his corpse and grab another claymore, place it in the exact same spot and rinse-repeat.

I do miss Cold-Blooded though. Dying to air support is the lose.
Well placed Claymores piss me off more than anything in the world.

Sometimes I just can't get in the way I want to at all without alerting people that I'm there, or there is no way to blow up the claymore without dying or throwing in a grenade.

Boo on claymores.
So I prestiged last night. Got a question for anybody else who prestiged.

Do the new prestige challenges carry over as you keep on prestiging? The Prestige section is glowing green in addition to the "veteran" and "master" challenges in the guns. Do they reset after another prestige?

Also extra custom slot is awesome! Thank you IW for adding custom slots this time.
RubxQub said:
Well placed Claymores piss me off more than anything in the world.

Sometimes I just can't get in the way I want to at all without alerting people that I'm there, or there is no way to blow up the claymore without dying or throwing in a grenade.

Boo on claymores.
Claymores are the best way to get kills in S&D. I've found a few key places on each map near the bombsite where the enemy is guaranteed to go and it's basically a free kill every round.

So satisfying to see a guy fall victim to one after I've died. Even moreso when it wins the round, which has happened a few times. :lol I always place a claymore right next to the bomb when I plant it, too - people are careful to look for people around the bomb but never explosives, it would seem.

I wish you had 2 again, though. :(


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Foliorum Viridum said:
I wish you had 2 again, though. :(
I wish you had none!


RubxQub said:
Well placed Claymores piss me off more than anything in the world.

Sometimes I just can't get in the way I want to at all without alerting people that I'm there, or there is no way to blow up the claymore without dying or throwing in a grenade.

Boo on claymores.

Hence the point of claymores...
Zabka said:
Try using Scavenger to pick up new ones. On some maps it's downright evil.

Never used it on S&D though.
Eh don't want to sacrifice my other perks for scavenger.

Seriously, if you get good at placing them in S&D it will win matches.
Anyone want to hazard a guess at how much longer each 70-level run-through is going to take? I know it's only 15 levels longer, but I think that might equal close to 100% more points required to advance.

It took a ridiculously long time to level up from 50-55 in COD4, but now it looks like literally millions of points separate level 35 from 70.

I'm estimating 3 days to hit my first prestige, so probably 1.5 months worth of playing time to max out. Wow. At least this game forces you to get your money's worth.

Genius, btw, that titles and emblems don't reset with prestige.
DeuceMojo said:
Anyone want to hazard a guess at how much longer each 70-level run-through is going to take? I know it's only 15 levels longer, but I think that might equal close to 100% more points required to advance.

It took a ridiculously long time to level up from 50-55 in COD4, but now it looks like literally millions of points separate level 35 from 70.

I'm estimating 3 days to hit my first prestige, so probably 1.5 months worth of playing time to max out. Wow. At least this game forces you to get your money's worth.

Genius, btw, that titles and emblems don't reset with prestige.

Well judging from my total time, I prestiged yesterday, and I was a touch over the 1 day mark. I started the night it came out. So I would say give or take 24-30 hours of gameplay to prestige. Keep in mind, this was basically team deathmatch games and nothing else.
panda21 said:
so what do you get for prestigin?

is it just some more callsigns and a custom load out slot?

You get a new custom slot, prestige titles, emblems, new challenge section called Prestige that glow green(I believe these carry over and DONT reset as you prestige, but I'm not sure). It also adds 2 new glowing green challenges to each weapon in the game, called Veteran and Master. Veteran is get 500 kills and you get a new title and 10,000XP, master is get 250 headshots, 10,000XP and a new title. And those are just Veteran 1/Master 1. This is why I think they dont reset.


DeuceMojo said:
Waiting to get a few more kills with my Striker so I can have red dot AND silencer on it. Anton Sugar, what, what?!

My buddy just got his 500th kill with the Striker. No idea how he uses that thing so much.

Don't hold your breath too much on that one...I was excited for this as well, but was greatly disappointed. The range is KILLED with the silencer, though I guess rightfully so. The range goes from 7-10 feet, down to about 3. It becomes really hard to beat someone in a close quarters, 1 on 1 firefight.

On another note, I have discovered 2 new loves...the throwing knife and scavenger! Scavenger is awesome because not only do you never run out of ammo, but every time you walk over a corpse you pick up a new knife! I love walking into someone, having them start shooting me, only to kill him with a knife before he knocks me out xD.


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jiien said:
Hence the point of claymores...
Hence my hate of claymores!

As a ninja, I've got no answer for them without revealing my position!


I picked up the game a bit later than most I finally spent a bit of time in the MP this weekend. After being skeptical at first, mostly because I came in as a Rank 1 and everyone else was already in the 30s it seemed, leaving me feeling over-matched and way behind the curve, this game is finally clicking for me and Im starting to get addicted :)

Ive been mostly sticking to FFA for now, so I can get a bit better and rank up - just dont want to be the super weak link in team games. Anyways - I got my first win yesterday, going 30-10. I was Rank 6 and the next lowest rank was 25+, so that felt really good. Getting to see your final kill in slo-mo replay for the first time is crazy awesome!

Anyways, this is just a "Yeah, the MP in this game is great and Im glad I finally gave it some time" post. Once I hit Level 15 or so Im going to jump to the team games - hopefully able to hook up with some of you guys and pull my weight!

And thanks again to the people who posted some suggestions quite a few pages back in the thread. I basically posted that I was new to the game and if there was any advice and all of the replies helped quite a bit.
buy teh haloz said:
I'm really reluctant to prestige because then I'll have to give up the Model 1887. It's so damn awesome.

After I prestiged last night, it was sad not being able to use those babies, but I HAVE found a new love for shotguns though. I even saw somebody using the akimbo 1887s but he SUCKED with them. I killed him and took them from him and kept on owning him with it. :lol


I don't know what kind of idiots you guys play with to be able to call in nukes. Seriously, between the killcam and the stinger, I don't see how anyone can reach a 25 killstreak when playing against even a team made up completely of mediocre players.
Lionheart1827 said:
Well judging from my total time, I prestiged yesterday, and I was a touch over the 1 day mark. I started the night it came out. So I would say give or take 24-30 hours of gameplay to prestige. Keep in mind, this was basically team deathmatch games and nothing else.
Holy shiznat. I passed 24 hours a few days ago and I'm sitting at lvl 40. :lol I guess that says two things: I play a ton of Sabotage (long games) and sometimes I really suck, which doesn't help points-wise.
ElyrionX said:
I don't know what kind of idiots you guys play with to be able to call in nukes. Seriously, between the killcam and the stinger, I don't see how anyone can reach a 25 killstreak when playing against even a team made up completely of mediocre players.

It happens, most of the time what you do is sit in a corner prone once you get that chopper gunner. Its a common thing to get at least 9 kills with the chopper gunner, and even more if the enemy is dumb.
ElyrionX said:
I don't know what kind of idiots you guys play with to be able to call in nukes. Seriously, between the killcam and the stinger, I don't see how anyone can reach a 25 killstreak when playing against even a team made up completely of mediocre players.
Two words: CAMP - ERS.


Lionheart1827 said:
It happens, most of the time what you do is sit in a corner prone once you get that chopper gunner. Its a common thing to get at least 9 kills with the chopper gunner, and even more if the enemy is dumb.

Three stingers and that chopper is down. Doesn't take more than a single decent gamer to pull this off.

DeuceMojo said:
Two words: CAMP - ERS.

Two words: KILL CAM

I can see how people can be idiots about this though. I once played a game where a camper ended top with 18-3. Two of those deaths were by me where I knifed him in the back. It was so easy. Killcam reveals everything and he didn't even set up defenses like claymores and his team weren't even around him. And yet he managed to hit 18-3. My teammates were absolute idiots.


The matchmaking constantly loves to put my level 13 ass against teams full of 50+ sons of bitches......

They're all running round with heartbeat sensors and shit so they know fucking EXACTLY where I am, and I'm left with a fucking red dot sight.

I thought matchmaking was supposed to provide balanced teams and shit. I'm usually like a fish out of water. The heartbeat sensor guys just fucking hunt me down and know I'm coming from miles away......


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
DeuceMojo said:
Holy shiznat. I passed 24 hours a few days ago and I'm sitting at lvl 40. :lol I guess that says two things: I play a ton of Sabotage (long games) and sometimes I really suck, which doesn't help points-wise.
I just hit 24hours earlier today and I'm only level 43. I wouldn't say I'm bad either, k/d ratio is 1.1 and I swap weapons to get all the challenges so I don't see how it's possible to be 70 anytime soon. Pretty much only play TDM, have yet to see a nuke also.

Pete Rock

ElyrionX said:
My teammates were absolute idiots.
Bingo. Even if you have 3 or 4 people in a party before joining a team lobby, it really only takes one or two idiots going -20 in the span of three minutes for your team to get nuked. I would be amazed at how many people not only ignore stingers and other AA equipment, but also run blindly to their death over and over and over, except this is XBL and I expect nothing better :lol

I just laugh and say GG, even if we are about to win on a round of Demolition but we lose because the people who were playing it like DM and doing a terrible job of it got us nuked. In all honesty it's a lot better than objective holding/stat padding in Halo, which was a much more common occurrence. End the game, give them the win, short and sweet.
Lionheart1827 said:
It happens, most of the time what you do is sit in a corner prone once you get that chopper gunner. Its a common thing to get at least 9 kills with the chopper gunner, and even more if the enemy is dumb.

We were playing Favela one night and I stepped up to the little "shack-on-the-roof" toward the edge of the map and right about 10 seconds later the game ended. This little 14 year old kid says "I was laying down in that shack working the AC-130, didn't you look down and see me?!" And well, there's nothing to respond to that with, except for mocking a 14 year old, which my entire team then proceeded to do in earnest. We may be dumb, but if talking shit = smart, we are freaking geniuses. :D
I love this quote from Tycho in the latest PA post:

Tycho said:
Both Modern Warfare games have a kind of escalating win mechanism for people who are performing well, and the "Killstreaks" only get more brutal in Modern Warfare 2 with the advent of the AC-130 or the Tactical Nuke - the latter of which wins games instantly. I resented it initially, until I recognized the core of shame that spun within the anger. As a young man, infinitely worse than the promise of corporal punishment was the shameful trip to the kitchen to obtain "the spoon," a plastic mixing utensil as supple as a hickory switch which was the implement of my torment. Certainly, being bombarded with 105 millimeter shells is bad. But the knowledge that you armed your enemy thus, with your sloth and your ineptitude, unfolds in the heart like a poison.


NameGenerated said:
I just hit 24hours earlier today and I'm only level 43. I wouldn't say I'm bad either, k/d ratio is 1.1 and I swap weapons to get all the challenges so I don't see how it's possible to be 70 anytime soon. Pretty much only play TDM, have yet to see a nuke also.

took me 62 hours to get to lvl 67 by playing mostly TDM. so yeah, it takes a while.
haven't seen a nuke either, but i'm working on it :D
DeuceMojo said:
We were playing Favela one night and I stepped up to the little "shack-on-the-roof" toward the edge of the map and right about 10 seconds later the game ended. This little 14 year old kid says "I was laying down in that shack working the AC-130, didn't you look down and see me?!" And well, there's nothing to respond to that with, except for mocking a 14 year old, which my entire team then proceeded to do in earnest. We may be dumb, but if talking shit = smart, we are freaking geniuses. :D

Yeah, my buddy I play with constantly camps to get those nukes, or at least he used to. I for one dont camp at all, I just wanted to get a nuke at least once, and I did. Now my killstreaks are sans nuke. I'm not a camper, it just doesnt work with me. I just needed to see it once. :D
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