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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


HooCares said:
Stinger +
It locks on faster
It is easier to aim (opinion)
The missile travels to the target faster
Faster "Switch Weapon" Time/Animation

Javelin +
Can attack players on the ground with it

I've gotten a couple nice triple kills with the Jav that were fun but I'm about to switch all my launchers back to Stingers. They are just TOO good at killing air support.

Ever since I've switched to the Javelin I've had a ton of bad luck with it.

Whenever I'm locking on to some aircraft, I get killed by another player. With the stinger, that almost never happened. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or the Stinger is just a lot quicker. I always wondered if the Javelin also has a big flashing sign above my head saying "KILL ME IM TARGETING SOMETHING AND CANT SEE YOU RIGHT NOW."


You like me, you really really like me!
I'm addicted to the knifing class.

I just LOVE the RUSH of hunting people down and KNIFING THEM IN THE FACE before they even realize what hit them. :lol


Neo Member
MidnightRider said:
so true.

one to add to the Javelin is it locks onto AC-130's a lot easier as it flies above them and stricks from the top.

Are you certain about this?

Whether it's Jav or Stingers, AC130 flares deflect it away. This has been my experience.

Have you had repeated instances where your Jav ignored the flares?

Are you sure the flares weren't deflecting another player's missile, allowing yours to get through?

If what you say is true that's a big plus for the Jav.


Lionheart1827 said:
Well judging from my total time, I prestiged yesterday, and I was a touch over the 1 day mark. I started the night it came out. So I would say give or take 24-30 hours of gameplay to prestige. Keep in mind, this was basically team deathmatch games and nothing else.

Just catching up with this thread and... what? Is this even possible? at about the 36-hour mark I hit around 54 and that is a far cry from hitting 70...


GuardianE said:
I think you just need some skill, a little luck, and a giant AC-130.

From what I read, people have better luck with chopper gunner but I could be mistaken. AC-130s don't last too long when I'm playing thankfully. Can't stand when my team takes cover instead of switching to a class with a launcher.


butts said:
Just catching up with this thread and... what? Is this even possible? at about the 36-hour mark I hit around 54 and that is a far cry from hitting 70...

Are you switching weapons to complete challenges? That extra experience really adds up.


divisionbyzorro said:
So what's the best way to get it? I know the Harrier->Chopper Gunner->Nuke is the best combo to have, but, how do you avoid not getting shot in the back without camping at some point during the game?


drawer by drawer
Hey, anyone that has the 8-Bit Price emblem, what was your strategy to getting it? (Gametype, Build, Map, etc.)

I can't get it for the life of me =/
tarius1210 said:
So what's the best way to get it? I know the Harrier->Chopper Gunner->Nuke is the best combo to have, but, how do you avoid not getting shot in the back without camping at some point during the game?

You just gotta avoid getting shot in the back for 7 kills, then hope your Harrier and Chopper don't get shot down.


Santa May Claus
tarius1210 said:
So what's the best way to get it? I know the Harrier->Chopper Gunner->Nuke is the best combo to have, but, how do you avoid not getting shot in the back without camping at some point during the game?

It's partly luck since someone could potentially spawn right behind you, but you've got to always move forward, never move out in the open, and check your back frequently. Camping WILL get you shot in the back, unless your opponents are braindead (which happens far too often).


tarius1210 said:
So what's the best way to get it? I know the Harrier->Chopper Gunner->Nuke is the best combo to have, but, how do you avoid not getting shot in the back without camping at some point during the game?

Getting to the seven kills for the Harrier is quite easy if you have the tactical knife and Akimbo anything + Marathon + Light Weight. Once you get the Harrier you need to find some cover and hope to get enough kills for the chopper gunner. There are at least a couple of good spots to sit in while using your Chopper Gunner on every map. If you have your mind set on getting a Nuke and use this strategy, you should be able to get one within a couple of hours.


I plan to get nukes and the 8-bit Price from Christmas noobs -- that is unless Christmas absolutely wrecks XBL

[edited to add caveat that XBL doesn't implode]


Chrange said:
Are you switching weapons to complete challenges? That extra experience really adds up.

Yea I do. I also tend to do really well also as far as the score at the end of rounds. So what you are saying is 24 hours is realistic to do an entire prestige? I must be doing something seriously wrong if that is the case.


tarius1210 said:
So what's the best way to get it? I know the Harrier->Chopper Gunner->Nuke is the best combo to have, but, how do you avoid not getting shot in the back without camping at some point during the game?

watch the radar, flank the enemy, use ninja pro so they don't hear you coming and last but not least you need a ton of luck to be in the right place at the right time.

edit: and the most important thing, be host

underpass is probably a good map for that due to the limited visibility, it's kinda hard getting 14 kills with the chopper gunner though. at least harder than on wasteland :lol
but i made it even during a regular TDM :D


tarius1210 said:
Have you guys gone out of your way to get the nuke?

I went Nuke Hunting once just for the sake of doing it, but these days I stick to lower Kill Streaks IE UAV, Counter UAV, Sentry gun or if I'm feeling crazy Predator Missle, Harrier Strike, Pave Low. This way I can be more help to my team and rack up multiple Kill Streaks in a Game. Plus, when you are playing Objective Game Mounds i.e. Domination, Headquarters, Demolition, having UAVs, Counter UAV's and Sentry Guns are absolutely vital. It's amazing how many times my team wins matches because the other team refuses to equip these kill streaks because they are trying to get AC130's, Chopper Gunners, etc.
I have friends with a higher score yet I am 2-3 ranks ahead of them. What am I missing here? I thought ranking up had everything to do with your score.
vatstep said:
Yeah, I have a few that I haven't seen anyone else use. One is Headrush, which still doesn't have an unlock method listed on the MW2 Wikia (and I have no idea how I got it). Right now I'm using Highlander, which I got for a flawless game (probably the one and only I'll ever have) and haven't seen anyone else with. It's just a nice surprise to see a new one pop up at the end of a match.
Yeah, I want the skeet shooter with a cow and alien?!
CitizenCope said:
I have friends with a higher score yet I am 2-3 ranks ahead of them. What am I missing here? I thought ranking up had everything to do with your score.

I believe score does not count challenge bonuses or end-of-game bonuses - only score earned towards winning the game.

I.E. - A buzzkill is worth 200 XP, but only adds 100 to the score.
CitizenCope said:
I have friends with a higher score yet I am 2-3 ranks ahead of them. What am I missing here? I thought ranking up had everything to do with your score.

Haha, I've seen this with all kinds of people. My only guess is that bonuses don't count toward your game score(?) 'cause I've had friends that are way higher in rank but just a few points ahead in score.
Just tried SpecOps with a friend on the same tv.

Wow, some of those missions are a BLAST in Co-op. A million times more fun than single player because of the strategy involved.

Missions I loved:

- AC-130 gunship clearing the way for other person on ground
- Helicopter mission of the same.
- The whole mode in general

Don't like - snowmobile missions. The veteran difficulty only brings out how painful and unnatural the steering is for the design of the snowmobiles.

If you haven't tried it, try it with a friend you can trust on Veteran difficulty. I'm only halfway done with all of them, but some are a definite pain.
Major Williams said:
Just tried SpecOps with a friend on the same tv.

Wow, some of those missions are a BLAST in Co-op. A million times more fun than single player because of the strategy involved.

Missions I loved:

- AC-130 gunship clearing the way for other person on ground
- Helicopter mission of the same.
- The whole mode in general

Don't like - snowmobile missions. The veteran difficulty only brings out how painful and unnatural the steering is for the design of the snowmobiles.
AC-130 was an awesome mission, kinda proved that Veteran is tough, but fun.

Snowmobiles however were a break from shooting missions. I thought these were fun 'cause it was just a break from doing ANYTHING MW2-like.
Riot shields really make the game messed up sometimes. I was playing a team deathmatch game in estate, and we were all protecting the estate(camping), and at the top of the stairs I think in one of the bathrooms, some guy on the other team was chilling out with the riot shield. Our whole team knew he was there, but we all ignored him:lol
xxjuicesxx said:
Too easy to get stuck in your base on HighRise. I've been stuck in my base twice because of shit teammates. Then they go and get on top of your roof and lock you in, its stupid.

I've got no prob with Highrise. It's one of those maps that doesn't look like it's huge, but then you can go out and stalk people and never get spotted. If anything, having the "underground" area be a little larger (or pitch black) would've been cool.
MrGame&Watch said:
Riot shields really make the game messed up sometimes. I was playing a team deathmatch game in estate, and we were all protecting the estate(camping), and at the top of the stairs I think in one of the bathrooms, some guy on the other team was chilling out with the riot shield. Our whole team knew he was there, but we all ignored him:lol
They're a ridiculous item. With the possible exception of using shields to protect a bomb or bomb carrier or hold out in the HQ or something, they are worthless. I've got two kills to my name, but so what? It was just 'cause some guys didn't yet know how to circle and then kill me... :lol


So I just recently bought the game (trade in at gamestop) and I have to say: I put in almost 120+ hours on Modern Warfare 1 and this game feels completely different. Alot...slower.Also the customization went up to nth degree.

It feels deep but damn there is a little learning curve when coming straight from Killzone and MW1. Or am I a little nuts.


boredofcanada said:
the best advice i have read so far on this board is to ignore your teammates. so many damn stupid people who play domination as if it were TDM.
Domination is my favorite gametype by far, but I can't stand random people. They end up sitting there camping and not paying attention to the fact that we can hold 2 flags for the entire match. Screws my win/losses average royally.

If you have 3 or 4 friends to play with, its ownage.
ergo said:
Domination is my favorite gametype by far, but I can't stand random people. They end up sitting there camping and not paying attention to the fact that we can hold 2 flags for the entire match. Screws my win/losses average royally.

If you have 3 or 4 friends to play with, its ownage.
So does the fact that you're frequently put into games that are essentially over in matchmaking. Seriously, the W/L ratio is means absolutely nothing.


backflip10019 said:
So does the fact that you're frequently put into games that are essentially over in matchmaking. Seriously, the W/L ratio is means absolutely nothing.
That's true i fucking hate that. The game should have a cut off point for when you can join the game. IE if TDM scores are 7000-4000, you shouldnt be allowed to join the losing team...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
J Tourettes said:
Managed to kill a riot shielder earlier by jumping up and knifing him in the head when he barged me :lol

Grats :D



ergo said:
Domination is my favorite gametype by far, but I can't stand random people. They end up sitting there camping and not paying attention to the fact that we can hold 2 flags for the entire match. Screws my win/losses average royally.

If you have 3 or 4 friends to play with, its ownage.

True, this is one of the few modes that I semi-encourage camping. Holding down 2 spots for most or all of the game will always win it for you.


ergo said:
That's true i fucking hate that. The game should have a cut off point for when you can join the game. IE if TDM scores are 7000-4000, you shouldnt be allowed to join the losing team...
What about the winning team?
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