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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


So many game types and all I play is HQ Pro. Slutty game type for a slutty game. Nothing funner than going 42-55 with a few caps.

Fuck k/d. Semtex suicide bomber into enemy HQ ftw.

I didn't really have fun until I stopped playing deathmatch.
xxjuicesxx said:
Too easy to get stuck in your base on HighRise. I've been stuck in my base twice because of shit teammates. Then they go and get on top of your roof and lock you in, its stupid.

You do know that there is an underground tunnel that goes from one base to the other right?


exarkun said:
So I just recently bought the game (trade in at gamestop) and I have to say: I put in almost 120+ hours on Modern Warfare 1 and this game feels completely different. Alot...slower.Also the customization went up to nth degree.

It feels deep but damn there is a little learning curve when coming straight from Killzone and MW1. Or am I a little nuts.
Do you mean the gameplay? Character movement feel as quick, but the game doesn't feel as run & gun friendly as MW1.

Since the maps feel a lot bigger, imo there's less of going in "Rambo" style and you have to be way more cautious. The game in general feels more camp-friendly to me.

Still a whole lot of fun, but feels a bit different from MW1...
OldJadedGamer said:
You do know that there is an underground tunnel that goes from one base to the other right?

They were watching that. They had two dudes on the roof of our base watching the left right they had snipers at all the good spots, I was able to kill one or two before getting killed and brought back in. They knew what they were doing and I've seen it happen three times.

Its not that difficult for a team to do, which kinda sucks.


I finally got a chance to play this today, and boy do I suck. I'm not sure if its because of the way I play or if its because I am playing this on the 360(I play most of my games on the PS3). Is there a mode where I can play lower level players? All the games I have played were with people level 40 and up.


Lionheart1827 said:
Welp it begins. Not sure if anybody else saw the Afghan get under a rock glitch. Its on the cliffside part of the map. So lame.
show me video. can you get shot from the glitcher?


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
anyone figured out the quickest mode to farm XP in? I've only played ground war since I got it and I think it might be time I branch out....whats everyone enjoying?


Lionheart1827 said:
Welp it begins. Not sure if anybody else saw the Afghan get under a rock glitch. Its on the cliffside part of the map. So lame.
Where? PS3 or 360? Damn, that sucks. Why people do this is beyond me.


kaizoku said:
anyone figured out the quickest mode to farm XP in? I've only played ground war since I got it and I think it might be time I branch out....whats everyone enjoying?

Demolition, at the end of each round you get a crazy match bonus, easily 10-13k XP per match.
ergo said:
show me video. can you get shot from the glitcher?

I dont have a video. Yes you can shoot out from it. You can only kill the guy inside with an explosion. He shot at me twice with dual rangers. I dont know how to get in there and I dont care because I play legit.

This is on 360 version.

EDIT-Its in that area on the cliff side with that stone walkway, in between the cave entrance and the stone walkway, theres a rocky area in between. I was so pissed by that guy. Ive only seen it once though so hopefully it doesnt become an epidemic.
ergo said:
Domination is my favorite gametype by far, but I can't stand random people. They end up sitting there camping and not paying attention to the fact that we can hold 2 flags for the entire match. Screws my win/losses average royally.

If you have 3 or 4 friends to play with, its ownage.

Same here, this is all my friends and I play. Just a few days ago my cousin and I had a epic comeback in a game of domination. I brought my PS3 over to his place so we can play and chat in person. Anyways we were losing 194 to 162, they had 2 flags, we had 1. I wasn't doing so great but then I start a kill streak and manage to call the pave low. We capture all 3 flags and my chopper along with my teammates manage to pin them down and prevent them from advancing. We hold all 3 flags the rest of the game and win 200-195. I ended the game 20-1 after a 15-14 start for a total of 36-15 K/D ratio.

Best comeback I've ever had in Domination.


Rice-Eater said:
Same here, this is all my friends and I play. Just a few days ago my cousin and I had a epic comeback in a game of domination. I brought my PS3 over to his place so we can play and chat in person. Anyways we were losing 194 to 162, they had 2 flags, we had 1. I wasn't doing so great but then I start a kill streak and manage to call the pave low. We capture all 3 flags and my chopper along with my teammates manage to pin them down and prevent them from advancing. We hold all 3 flags the rest of the game and win 200-195. I ended the game 20-1 after a 15-14 start for a total of 36-15 K/D ratio.

Best comeback I've ever had in Domination.
Haha, that is pretty damn epic. Pave low absolutely destroys peoples lives if they cant shoot it down quickly


tarius1210 said:
I have a K/D of 1.93 and I know Wickerman has a K/D of 2.12. Anyone else on GAF have a K/D near that?

Mine was 2.7, then I got bored with XP going by so slow, played with different guns to get the xp (want to try out the AK), and run around throwing flash bangs at my teammates.

Not doing the challenges is equally stupid to not doing quests in WoW to level. It speeds up the process dramatically.

Drastic said:
You are the type of person that makes Live unbearable for many folks, as well as being the reason many use "friends only" on mics, making it more difficult to find new good friends.

May you be bludgeoned with a metal folding chair for a long period.

Your tears, they fuel me. Don't like it, just mute it. If you're dumb enough to try going toe to toe with trash talking, then it's no one's fault but yourself. Besides, it's all in fun and games, and many people have a good time joking around. That's how I filled my old friend list basically, with people who can take a joke.

Funny thing is, fucking around with all that and I'm still at 1.83 k/d. :lol


I put silencers on all my weapons whenver I unlocked them, but the last couple of days I've been having terrible luck with them, dropping from a 2.5 KDR to about 1 for some strange reason. Whipped them off and now back to storming things. Frustrating as its removed my 'strength' (complete immunity to UAV etc) but hey ho. It's a shame the I spent the first 3 hours getting totally mauled or I'd have a respectable total KDR :lol


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Thanks to the disabling of party chat I just mute everyone (apart from my friends) whenever I join a game. That way we can actually have conversations and make the overall experience more fun, without having random people listening in.

It's not like there is ever any teamwork going on.

Hopefully IW will notice this and let us play more playlists with party chat.
xxjuicesxx said:
They were watching that. They had two dudes on the roof of our base watching the left right they had snipers at all the good spots, I was able to kill one or two before getting killed and brought back in. They knew what they were doing and I've seen it happen three times.

Its not that difficult for a team to do, which kinda sucks.

If you feel they are camping you too much, have the team hole up in one of the back rooms and make them come to you. People in this game are WAY too impatient and cannot sit around. We've found that if someone is chocking points we just wait them out, 9/10 they will come looking for us and we take care of them.

Btw, I've never been pinned down on this level.

Snipers only have fun if they are shooting people and get restless if 2-3 minutes go by without shooting. It boils down to who has the most patience in those situations.

J-Rzez said:
Your tears, they fuel me. Don't like it, just mute it. If you're dumb enough to try going toe to toe with trash talking, then it's no one's fault but yourself.

Funny thing is, fucking around with all that and I'm still at 1.83 k/d. :lol

The vast majority of the time, you are muted to the people you think you're trash talking to. Maybe not the lone 10 year old but who really cares at that point. You could talk trash to me every single moment of the game from the start lobby till the point the game ends and I nor my friends will hear a single word you said coming through my mic.


OldJadedGamer said:
Two things prevent this with my group. Stingers for the choppers/harriers and friends only chat for the shit talking. After 30 hours of playing... still haven't seen a single nuke. You guys throwing them must be getting super lucky and playing with total noobs.

Well that, or getting on a map where the spawn point is easily accessible with the chopper gunner and just fire away while they respawn to their death pain killer or no pain killer, or just a lot of people with Cold Blooded who tend to just ignore the killstreak call ins.

I did get a nuke purely from my own weapons outside of 2 kills from the gunner once though with my harrier and apache getting blown up really fast.


I've been playing this game for 15 hours and FINALLY got around to using the Riot Shield. OMG that thing rocks in FFA!!

I had never gotten 1st place before (usually I end up in the upper half but 2nd or 3rd if I'm lucky), but I completely rock with the Riot Shield!! I went 19-6, though 4 of those were because of a chopper!

Lionheart1827 said:
Welp it begins. Not sure if anybody else saw the Afghan get under a rock glitch. Its on the cliffside part of the map. So lame.

Damn. I heard some guy talking about getting out of the map of Derailed earlier today. Don't know if he was just talking shit or actually knows how to do it.
Lionheart1827 said:
I dont have a video. Yes you can shoot out from it. You can only kill the guy inside with an explosion. He shot at me twice with dual rangers. I dont know how to get in there and I dont care because I play legit.

This is on 360 version.

EDIT-Its in that area on the cliff side with that stone walkway, in between the cave entrance and the stone walkway, theres a rocky area in between. I was so pissed by that guy. Ive only seen it once though so hopefully it doesnt become an epidemic.

Here is a video of the glitch:

Afghan rock glitch

It is pretty cheap and have seen more and more people using it.


Was just watching a friend play online, he joined a match and within 5 seconds of joining the enemy initiate the tactical nuke :lol. I'd be so pissed if that was me. It's always funny when it's someone else.


all good things
Im so weird at this game... Half the time Ill get like 20-30 kills and be the best player of the match and other times Ill be terrible.. I just got 1 kill and 12 deaths :lol

I wish I was more consistent
mileS said:
yet here you are linking to a video that shows you exactly how to do it. nice.

It's been on youtube since the 15th. The original has been out a day earlier.

You could type MW2 glitches in youtube and see the glitches for yourself. Linking to the video doesn't matter at this point, so stop crying.

It is IW's fault for having so many glitches pass through QA in the COD series.

You really thought cheaters weren't going to find glitches in a new COD game within days of it's release? Really?


Every single time I'm forced to leave party chat because of a new game mode, I get sexually harassed. From my "voice is cute" to "Gargle my nuts for 8 dollars and some peppermint pattys"
I finally got this and played the shit out of MP all weekend. My most "fun" class is a guy with infinite sprint, upgraded movement speed, and dual P90s. I usually start with that until people stop falling for it, then switch to something more tactical.

XBL gamertag: ParallaxScroll
Tokubetsu said:
Every single time I'm forced to leave party chat because of a new game mode, I get sexually harassed. From my "voice is cute" to "Gargle my nuts for 8 dollars and some peppermint pattys"




noire said:
In basic training challenges there's one for destroying "15 enemy equipment"... what does that mean exactly? Apparently helicopters and sentry guns do not count.

Claymores and Tactical Insertions


Tokubetsu said:
Every single time I'm forced to leave party chat because of a new game mode, I get sexually harassed. From my "voice is cute" to "Gargle my nuts for 8 dollars and some peppermint pattys"
What?! :lol Are you a girl? Or just a guy with a light voice?


So did we decide to do a dedicated SP thread?

Anyways, I finished the SP mode for the second time around, this time on Veteran.
I found that having played it one time before on a lower difficulty really helped as you know what’s going to happen. Probably the best thing about MW2 is there are no longer infinite enemy points like MW1, so you can vary up your play style to charge through, or pick off the entire enemy force. In actuality, the difficulty level almost forces you to change your style, and I pretty much Rambo’d through the regular difficulty but was forced to hang back and do an MGS style approach almost of picking off enemies slowly on my own terms. Overall the lack of infinite enemies probably makes veteran mode much easier than MW1, but I found it to be much more satisfying this way.

Playing through a second time, I realized how fun a lot of the stages are, and I’ll probably replay a lot of them just to do it again.

My favorites:
The Hornets Nest
The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday
The Gulag
Whiskey Hotel
Just like old times
End Game
Got about half the intel, so all that’s left after that is SpecOps, and eventually MP (which is the draw of the game, but I have like no friends to play it with online, so I barely touch it, hah)

As for SpecOps, some of the missions are really neat. I like the Gulag stage, managed to do it in 37 seconds on Veteran, but would love to see how the IW record of 17 seconds was done.
Don’t like the snow mobile time trial, that one is going to be near impossible I think…
General question: Should I install the game to my HDD or not? I'm new to 360, so I'm a little clueless when it comes to these things. :D

My gamertag is RJeezy Von Z btw. Feel free to add me. (I only have MW2 for now)
RJNavarrete said:
General question: Should I install the game to my HDD or not? I'm new to 360, so I'm a little clueless when it comes to these things. :D

For MP it doesn't matter since you are at the mercy of other people loading the maps off a disc. I install every game that I'm going to be playing on a regular basis.
RJNavarrete said:
General question: Should I install the game to my HDD or not? I'm new to 360, so I'm a little clueless when it comes to these things. :D

My gamertag is RJeezy Von Z btw. Feel free to add me. (I only have MW2 for now)
I installed it and the loading times are virtually nonexistent minus those that are in between single player missions (which are cut scenes anyway). So, yeah, if you have the space and you plan on playing it a lot, then go for it.
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