xxjuicesxx said:
Yea but really it doesn't matter if you get killed by a camper because you can just press X and respawn instantly. Play some objective where campers aren't as effective.
I honestly can't think of any gametype where a camper doesn't have an effect. Considering my whole objective when playing is to not die, then it does matter. I play the "Mosh Pit" playlist 95% of the time unless I'm trying to complete a certain task like X amount of kills to unlock a new attachment, then it's TDM Express.
Team Deathmatch - The whole objective is just to kill...camp and kill, they don't even have to move to a new spot!
HQ - Camp somewhere near the HQ area and pick people off before they get to the HQ.
S&D - Camp near a bomb planting site and pick people off.
Demolition - Same as S&D.
Sabotage - Pretty much the same as Demo and S&D...
I mean, I can even say I sometimes understand camping is necessary, such as in Demolition after you've planted the bomb and need to prevent it being defused, etc...but if you look up a couple of posts and see the camper I described in an HQ game I played today, that's just pointless. And the stupid thing is, people like that guy aren't uncommon.
Campers aren't even good players half of the time, so luckily most of the time I get killed by them, watch the killcam and then get them my next spawn. God forbid you get a skilled person camping it may actually be difficult to kill them since they'll probably have plans to counter an ambush.