Papercuts said:What's up with that? Well, they're completely broken, so once more people learn about it they'll join the pack and use them too.![]()
precisely why i use them :lol
and also why they severely need to be patched
Papercuts said:What's up with that? Well, they're completely broken, so once more people learn about it they'll join the pack and use them too.![]()
IcebergSlim3000 said:You know I had the same exact issues you guys are talking about 3 day's after it came out. Ive decided to sell it on craigslist. None of the maps are fun. They promote camping and are way to open. Killstreaks from care packages break the game. Getting killed with just a couple of bullets is frustrating. I bought this specifically for the multiplayer and now I feel completely jipped.
IcebergSlim3000 said:You know I had the same exact issues you guys are talking about 3 day's after it came out. Ive decided to sell it on craigslist. None of the maps are fun. They promote camping and are way to open. Killstreaks from care packages break the game. Getting killed with just a couple of bullets is frustrating. I bought this specifically for the multiplayer and now I feel completely jipped.
Chittagong said:I've got a dilemma with my M16. I started from scratch to power up the weapon with the intention to get my preferred combo Red Dot + Heartbeat Monitor (using Bling). In my way there I have had to go with Silencer and Red Dot. Amazingly, my K/D never dropped without Heartbeat Monitor - on the contrary - even though I thought I'd never survive without. Now I've quite come to love using Silencer as my position isn't given away (not sure if the bullet bursts can be still seen though?). So now I'm undecided if I actually need Heartbeat Monitor or whether Silencer does more good.
BruceLeeRoy said:Just to make sure I am not missing something. There is no split screen LAN multiplayer correct?
Ah..Lame. Thanks man.xxjuicesxx said:90% sure split screen is only in campaign and spec ops.
Joates said:What were you expecting to take clips to the face and keep on tickin??
I'm no good with the heartbeat sensor. It usually hurts me more than it helps me since it both impairs my view while also making me take my eyes off of what's going on in front of me. Everytime I've tried using it I've done much worse, so I just ignore it.Pyke Presco said:I thought the HBS was so cool and essential, for all of like 3 games.
There's split screen multiplayer (4 people) and LAN multiplayer, but no way to do both together, unfortunately.xxjuicesxx said:90% sure split screen is only in campaign and spec ops.
R2D4 said:So camp and get killstreaks yourself. Don't hate it. Embrace it.
IcebergSlim3000 said:I don't play that way, and I didn't play that way in 4. I refuse to be the bitch hiding in a corner waiting for someone to run across my sights. It's a fucking stupid way to play and you're endorsing it.
I agree. I use the Barrett 80% of the time and I still don't camp. It's almost like they designed these maps with intentions of having the game be a campfest. Every map has like multiple roofs and building just for campers.IcebergSlim3000 said:I don't play that way, and I didn't play that way in 4. I refuse to be the bitch hiding in a corner waiting for someone to run across my sights. It's a fucking stupid way to play and you're endorsing it.
corkscrewblow said:I agree. I use the Barrett 80% of the time and I still don't camp. It's almost like they designed these maps with intentions of having the game be a campfest. Every map has like multiple roofs and building just for campers.
AnEternalEnigma said:Then that's your problem, not Infinity Ward's. So clean up the tears.
IcebergSlim3000 said:What exactly is that supposed to mean.
Not true at all.itsgreen said:Yeah and every roof and building has multiple entries so you can attack the 'camper'.
Narag said:The gameplay isn't to your liking and its better to recognize its not the game but your own play preference that makes it unfun.
corkscrewblow said:Not true at all.
oh and this game has terrible registry and interp. I've shot people in my face with the sniper and it doesn't register as a hit at all and I've been shot while I was WAY behind a corner and I still die. This is way worse than it was in CoD4.
Yep, agreed, it kicked me out of several games and I got some serious conections issues for the first time. Even got the cod4 connection error logo/image once.WEGGLES said:Anyone notice the online being especially shitty tonight, or am I just super unlucky?
IcebergSlim3000 said:My play preference was just fine for COD4. Now all of a sudden my play preference is making it unfun? Oh sorry, I thought this was the sequel to a game that I played almost 2 years straight without any beef whatsoever.
You people defending camping are ridiculous. The fucking muliplayer is not what it used to be. That is the whole goddamn point.
LolzTokubetsu said:Me and Eric have started a new clan guys. Everyones welcome to join. KIMBO SHOTTY, tag is [KMBO] Here's our mascot:
I'm thinking the logo will be something like his bearded face all big n shit and then either 2 shotguns crossed underneath it or his arms crossed.
Tokubetsu said:Me and Eric have started a new clan guys. Everyones welcome to join. KIMBO SHOTTY, tag is [KMBO] Here's our mascot:
I'm thinking the logo will be something like his bearded face all big n shit and then either 2 shotguns crossed underneath it or his arms crossed.
Pyke Presco said:I, like many other veteran CoD4 players in this thread, think this game is very unbalanced. And it's not just that I played CoD4 for 2 years and don't want anything to be different, so now that theres a new game I just cant cope with the changes. Thats not it at all, I still tend to be in the top 3 players of the game, pretty much every round. But the killstreaks are definitely ruining the game. The idea of getting a 4(or 3!) killstreak to unlock an AC130/Chopper Gunner from a random drop is ludicrous. That could very well be the first encounter of a round, if you use Danger Close with a grenade launcher or you set up with an LMG watching their doorway. The opening 10 second salvo can set your team back 15 kills with the right drop, especially if the guy with the AC130 is any good, they can take out the launchers before they even get a shot off, not to mention the rest of his team wreaking havoc while you all stare at the sky trying to take it out. Sure, it's an isolated case and wont happen every round, but the fact that it can happen at all is a problem.
Unless I'm playing the knife build, where my streaks are set up with all the fire and forget bonuses, like UAV, Counter, Attack Chopper, Pavelow, or EMP, I will never use a UAV. And if you expect your team to put one up, you're only kidding yourself. Everyone is chasing the big streaks, and I am a good enough player that getting a 5 killstreak for a predator is fairly easy to do, which just steamrolls from predator to Harrier to AC130/Chopper gunner. I get on one good streak and the enemy drops behind by 10-15 kills in a matter of 30 seconds. Now CoD4 had its problems. I never went past a 7 killstreak, because the minute I hit 7 I went out of my way to get killed so I could call in a chopper to fuel new streaks. Thank god that little trick is gone, or it would be a nonstop armageddon on the battlefield. But even so some of the streaks can just completely ruin a game. Earlier I was playing skidrow with care drop, predator, EAD. Care drop gave me a turret, got to my prdeator, hit 2, killed one more, called the EAD, got 3 more turrets and a precision airstrike. Do you have any idea how broken 4 turrets up at the same time can be? I put one at spiral, one in the back alley, one at the entrance to middle green room, and the other I carried around and set up wherever they happened to be spawning. I think I got 9 kills with my turrets before the few players that switched to coldblooded managed to kill them all, and their team was essentially locked into playground while my team tore them up from the windows in the middle building.
And I still don't like the maps. I love Terminal, Karachi, Underpass. They feel very much like CoD4 style maps, just bigger to accomodate for the killstreaks that can dominate entire parts of the map (seriously, imagine an AC130 on Bog, or Ambush. All you people clamoring for CoD4 remakes in the map pack are going to be in for a rude awakening when you realize how shitty it's going to be having the big killstreaks on the smaller CoD4 maps). But other maps, like Wasteland, Scrapyard, Estate, Favela...they just arent fun. I can setup with a thermal scope and snipe wasteland with the best of them, or parkour knife/1887 runner the shit out of Favela, but they're still terrible maps. Maybe things are better in objective gametypes, I don't know. I try to stick to deathmatch because I find the average player doesnt care about the objectives to begin with and just plays for their K/D anyway, so why would I want to be the only person pushing for an HQ while the rest of my team chills and snipes the day away chasing their Nuke? But with things the way they are right now, I really dont see myself playing this for 2 years straight like I did CoD4. I just hope a sizable chunk of the community agrees with me and goes back to CoD4 in the next couple of months, because right now its depressingly empty.
Pyke Presco said:I, like many other veteran CoD4 players in this thread, think this game is very unbalanced. And it's not just that I played CoD4 for 2 years and don't want anything to be different, so now ....etc..... ause right now its depressingly empty.
SteveO409 said:Man Highrise can be such a frustrating map to play on...get cornered too easily and get camped on![]()
commish said:Shooting down people's killstreak rewards with a stinger is the best part of the game for me.
I guess the main problem I'm having with the game (outside of balance issues - won't even go into that) is the fact that some maps are so damn shitty. That's not a problem in a normal PC game (or even some other console FPS) because you can go into servers that have tailor made map rotations. If all you want to do is play estate and terminal over and over (ugh estate), then there would probably be a server out there for you (or you could set one up). As it stands in MW2, you are SOL and having to fight in Estate and Favela and Wasteland over and over makes me turn it off EVERY TIME.
I just can't believe how terrible so many of the maps are.
How many people are playing CoD4, anyway? I can't imagine everyone left.Pyke Presco said:I just hope a sizable chunk of the community agrees with me and goes back to CoD4 in the next couple of months, because right now its depressingly empty.
ph33nix said:I know. Those campers are unguardable like Amare
DuckRacer said:CoD4 had only two mediocre-to-terrible maps Wet Work and Showdown