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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Cerrius said:
say what?

Wet Work, Showdown, Shipment, Countdown, Creek, Bloc, Bog = mediocre.

CoD4 had some great maps but I don't see them working out in MW2. Could you imagine Crash with an AC130 or Chopper Gunner overhead? Dear Lord. :lol

Bog? Okay... (though I always dominated on that map). Wet Work? Terrible.... but I loved the others (okay, maybe not Bloc). Shipment was great because you could abuse that dying/calling in chopper exploit to get insane kill totals.
Bog was excellent, as was Showdown. I enjoy Countdown as well, though many people dislike it. Creek was one of the few dedicated sniping maps, so I enjoyed it for what it was. Bloc, also a dedicated sniping map, was just boring however, too symmetrical for my liking. Wet Work was the epitome of the term "grenade spam", so I'll agree on that count.

But yeah, some of the maps were so great. Ambush, Crash, Crossfire...good times.


Magik said:
The Kill Streaks are definitely ruining the experience of MW2 especially in the HC modes. They're just too overpowered and just plain annoying.

Hopefully IW will be able to adjust the settings of the Kill Streaks.

Ya know, i just carry a stinger and say fuckit. Played a bunch of domination tonight and took down a shitload of harriers, choppers and c-130's. Do it fast and it pisses em off even more.

On a related note, I notice a ton of people rage quitting, like most of the team. I play a lot of lopsided matches and again say fuckit. 8-2 or 6-1? don't care. I had my whole team quit on a dom match on Estate and I just switched to my complete stealth kit and would take or at least fake taking points to draw them in. Match was over and got a ton of kudos from the other team for not bailing and actually fighting back.


You like me, you really really like me!
I'll say this in regards to the maps of CoD4 vs MW2. In my opinion, I believe the MW2 maps on a WHOLE, are better than CoD4. BUT... the best CoD4 maps are better than the best MW2 maps.

Crash, Backlot, Ambush, Vacant, District, Overgrown, Strike. These maps are unrivaled in MW2. That being said though... Terminal, Sub Base, Invasion, Skidrow, Rundown, Highrise, Karachi, Favela, Afghan and Derail are SOLID maps.

Wet Work, Showdown, Shipment, Countdown, Creek, Bloc, Bog. These maps were instant QUIT OUT for me in CoD4.


as a new MW multi-player, I have a few questions:

When I get shot and killed, I sometimes see cash falling out of me. What's the deal with that? I feel like a room from Luigi's Mansion.

Speaking of bling, I think the Bling trait allows you to have two addons to your weapon. How can I earn Bling?

Is there something in-game that tells what the pictures and icons I earned mean?
Scarecrow said:
as a new MW multi-player, I have a few questions:

When I get shot and killed, I sometimes see cash falling out of me. What's the deal with that? I feel like a room from Luigi's Mansion.

Speaking of bling, I think the Bling trait allows you to have two addons to your weapon. How can I earn Bling?

Is there something in-game that tells what the pictures and icons I earned mean?

The money is from somebody killing you after you kill them, "payback".

Bling is earned at a relatively early level (21?23? Something like that). It is a blue perk, if you go to your blue perks and scroll over it it will tell you when you unlock it.

As for titles/emblems, there is an incomplete list at the cod wikia, more and more are added as people figure them out. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Callsigns

EDIT: beat on the wikia, curse you
Cerrius said:
say what?

Wet Work, Showdown, Shipment, Countdown, Creek, Bloc, Bog = mediocre.


Only bad map out of those is Creek. The rest were incredible.

Only default MW maps I thought were bad were Downpour and Pipeline. And then you have the entire Variety Pack. Everything else was greatness.


user_nat said:
I don't think I really love any maps in MW2, I just tolerate some more than others.

That's where I am too really. I either hate the map or I can live with it, but I don't really love any of them for the most part. I think Highrise may be my favorite out of them all.


Pyke Presco said:
I, like many other veteran CoD4 players in this thread, think this game is very unbalanced. ... I really dont see myself playing this for 2 years straight like I did CoD4. I just hope a sizable chunk of the community agrees with me and goes back to CoD4 in the next couple of months, because right now its depressingly empty.

As soon as we get Team Tactical back most of your complaints will be forgotten.

Team Tactical IS the Holy Grail of MW2's balance.

If they do not add it - God help their shortminded souls.


Gold Member
Wow I've played some 30h of MP and just got to play Rust for the first time, in Team Deathmatch as well. Pretty cool to have a new map this far in. As a Halo fan I absolutely love the map, gives me a familiar fun vibe for some reason. Much less "serious business" than the other maps.


Gold Member
Talon- said:
I feel like I rarely bitch about maps, but half these maps are just flat-out shitty.

A mixed bunch to me, but half being shitty sounds about right

LOVE: Terminal, Estate, Afgan Raw, Rust, Wasteland

LIKE: Derail, High Rise, Quarry, Scrapyard, Skid Row, Underpass

HATE: Favela, Invasion, Rundown, Sub Base


What I hate about these maps are that some of them are disorienting as f'k, but even worse, they encourage hiding on rooftops and upper floors and waiting for people to show up to be shot. They are not dynamic at all and don't require any other skills than hiding from sight and waiting for people.
Somehow when I went to 3rd person cage match it became 3rd person cage match free for all with 12 players. :lol Then the 2nd round we ended up on Rust and 3 people were spawning on top of each other at a time, and I got a 20 knife killstreak before I died.


Honestly I don't have any problems with any of the maps. None of them feel broken or particularly un-fun to me (Except maybe Rundown). Wasteland was the only one that I really didn't like at first, but then I went like 20-3 as a sniper and got my Perfectionist banner on that level so I like it a lot more now :D

I've only played Rust like once (Is it a FFA only map?) but damn I killed it when I did. I can see why people don't like it though, it's a little too small and way too easy to get spawn kills. I guess I was on the right side of that equation the one time I played it :)


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Great maps: Sub base, Terminal

Good maps: Favela, Invasion, Underpass, Rundown, Skidrow, Highrise, Derail

Medioce: Karachi, Estate, Quarry, Scrapyard

Dislike: Wasteland, Afghan

While several maps have the possibilty of camping you can almost always get around those spots and it's quite easy to figure out where people will hide. That's not the case with Afghan or Wasteland, at least not to the same extent. Those two maps are so open it's hard to get around without being spotted and if the enemy team's got more than two decent snipers/campers it can be really tough.

In general, I definitely feel that the maps are on par with COD4's, which also had a few horrible maps and some great ones.
Arjen said:
Only map i love is Terminal.

^ Same here, but I think the maps could be utilised better with spawn points. In most matches in all game types, people are still funnelling to certain parts of the map througout.
Great maps: Sub base, Terminal, Underpass, Rundown, Skidrow, Karachi, Quarry, Scrapyard, Wasteland, Afghan

Good maps: Favela, Invasion, Highrise

Mediocre: Derail

Dislike: Estate


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I don't know how I feel about the AC130. The few times I've had it it seems like it's hard to get kills. People tend to stick indoors when I get it and a lot of them also use cold-blooded. The Pave Low usually nets me more kills than the AC130 anyways.


KingOfSoap said:
I was looking forward to my FAL unlock as I read somewhere on this that it was good, I hate it, SCAR is way better. :D


FAL is one of the absolute best AFs in the game. once your aiming becomes topnotch, it's an unstoppable weapon.


Short bus special
i_am_not_jon_ames said:
woooooooooooo :D just finished it on Veteran.

now to start on Spec Ops trophies. :(

Almost done with all of them. Only got 3 left. Big Brother, Snatch & Grab and Homeland Security. I've realized that some of the levels (Breach being one of them) is much easier to do alone.

But, if you need help or something, feel free to hit me up. PSN in my profile. :p
xxjuicesxx said:
Great maps: Sub base, Terminal, Underpass, Rundown, Skidrow, Karachi, Quarry, Scrapyard, Wasteland, Afghan

Good maps: Favela, Invasion, Highrise

Mediocre: Derail

Dislike: Estate

The bold maps in "Great" and "Good" need to be way lower IMO, but all of the ones I highlighted are pretty bad to me. They're either way too wide open where snipers can dominate and there is barely any cover for any other class, or they are just a mess or doorways, a thousand corners, and even more lines of sight.

Great: Terminal, Sub Base, Underpass
Good: Skidrow, Rundown, Invasion
Average: Scrapyard, Highrise, Karachi
Crap: Quarry, Estate, Derail, Wasteland, Favela, Afghan, Rust


Net_Wrecker said:
The bold maps in "Great" and "Good" need to be way lower IMO, but all of the ones I highlighted are pretty bad to me. They're either way too wide open where snipers can dominate and there is barely any cover for any other class, or they are just a mess or doorways, a thousand corners, and even more lines of sight.

Great: Terminal, Sub Base, Underpass
Good: Skidrow, Rundown, Invasion
Average: Scrapyard, Highrise, Karachi
Crap: Quarry, Estate, Derail, Wasteland, Favela, Afghan, Rust

Pretty much this but Favela needs to be AT LEAST in good. It's small yes but well done. As I said on another forum though, Wasteland is fucking TERRIBLE. It was a piece of shit when it was called Brecourt in CoD1 back in 03 and it still fucking sucks ass now. It's boring as shit in objective modes and encourages camping in every mode. Of all the fucking maps to remake, why they choose this piece of shit I will never know. I still remember playing S&D comp on it back in the day and absolutely loathing it. Imagine my surprise when it comes up my very second TDM game. Jesus christ, I'm getting flashbacks. Also, highrise is garbage. Hell, Sub Base is the only I'd probably rank as Great. MW2 easily has the weakest selection of maps in a CoD game to date.
ItsInMyVeins said:
I don't know how I feel about the AC130. The few times I've had it it seems like it's hard to get kills. People tend to stick indoors when I get it and a lot of them also use cold-blooded. The Pave Low usually nets me more kills than the AC130 anyways.

Replace AC-130 with the Chopper gunner and watch the kills rack up. You dont even have to be hitting them directly, as long as its in a general area it will hit. For example, guys are hiding in the back of an open garage, just hit the front of garage and "click click click."


i dont c how u guys can enjoy invasion, skid row and karachi. those maps are ass. afghan, estate, derail, terminal and wasteland on the other hand, are nothing short of superb.


Cerrius said:
say what?

Wet Work, Showdown, Shipment, Countdown, Creek, Bloc, Bog = mediocre.

CoD4 had some great maps but I don't see them working out in MW2. Could you imagine Crash with an AC130 or Chopper Gunner overhead? Dear Lord. :lol

I disagree, I absolutely love Bog.

Every map has something, not every map is suited for run and gun. But than you need to change your class
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