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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Tiger uppercut said:
Andycapps & I are. I have no idea about anyone else though.
I ran into ZZMitch in a random game. First match we ended up on the same team then in the next we were on opposing sides.


Dax01 said:
Akimbo 1887s....


I'm really, really starting to get annoyed by these things.

Anyone have thoughts on how to slow this combo down?

I was thinking riot shield and throwing knives. One of the biggest problems is that the 1887 akimbo player still moves rather fast, so he should be able to out flank you if given the chance.

I don't know I am just looking for something ( hopefully a patch :p ).
So me and my bud are almost done with Spec Ops. We have Echo left and managed to get hardened done on High Explosive. Working on WetWork and Armor Piercing. We also havent used any of the youtube "tricks" that make it easy. Has anyone finished Spec Ops yet? Just wanted to see how all of you guys are doing with it. Its definitely the "real veteran" of the game.

Robot 492

Lionheart1827 said:
So me and my bud are almost done with Spec Ops. We have Echo left and managed to get hardened done on High Explosive. Working on WetWork and Armor Piercing. We also havent used any of the youtube "tricks" that make it easy. Has anyone finished Spec Ops yet? Just wanted to see how all of you guys are doing with it. Its definitely the "real veteran" of the game.
My friend and I finished it the other day and we thought it was pretty easy overall. Wetwork and the Airifled mission were the only ones that really gave us any trouble. I'm finding the cheap-ass single player much more frustrating.


Comics, serious business!
mbmonk said:
Anyone have thoughts on how to slow this combo down?

The only thing you can do is keep your distance and hope a teammate kills him before you have a standoff at 50 ft apart (which he'll always win) :lol


Scarecrow said:
Is there any point to carrying throwing knives, besides the the satisfying thunk of actually hitting a dude with one?
Not just satisfying they are a life saver in some situations. After getting hit buy a guy and another one runs in through a door. No other way to kill him than a insta kill knife. Or just chasing someone down. Instead of showing up on radar I usually throw a knife. Takes too long to catch them.

I love them. Really any time that the other guy gets a jump on you or you run around a corner and they are in your sights its easier to throw a knife and kill them real quickly.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wow, is Spec Ops REALLY needing two players for the achievements/trophies? So much for that "We promise to not put in multiplayer achievements," Infinity Ward. :|

*mumble grumble* Stupid Veteran needed for 3 starts *mumble grumble*

Edit: Yes, I know Spec Ops can be played offline 2 player, online 2 player, solo offline. What I mean is: It seems to totally shaft solo players on anything above Normal/one star. Doing the stealth mission is easy in theory, but there are some spots where you can't be that super human fast to take down 2+ enemies by yourself on veteran. It's kinda stupid to require me to find someone online to play on Veteran/3 stars with when I took about 12 hours to finish the solo campaign myself on Veteran. :|


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
TheSeks said:
Wow, is Spec Ops REALLY needing two players for the achievements/trophies? So much for that "We promise to not put in multiplayer achievements," Infinity Ward. :|

*mumble grumble* Stupid Veteran needed for 3 starts *mumble grumble*

Edit: Yes, I know Spec Ops can be played offline 2 player, online 2 player, solo offline. What I mean is: It seems to totally shaft solo players on anything above Normal/one star. Doing the stealth mission is easy in theory, but there are some spots where you can't be that super human fast to take down 2+ enemies by yourself on veteran. It's kinda stupid to require me to find someone online to play on Veteran/3 stars with when I took about 12 hours to finish the solo campaign myself on Veteran. :|

There's also 2 missions in spec ops you NEED a second person for before you can even play them.


TheSeks said:
Wow, is Spec Ops REALLY needing two players for the achievements/trophies? So much for that "We promise to not put in multiplayer achievements," Infinity Ward. :|

*mumble grumble* Stupid Veteran needed for 3 starts *mumble grumble*

Edit: Yes, I know Spec Ops can be played offline 2 player, online 2 player, solo offline. What I mean is: It seems to totally shaft solo players on anything above Normal/one star. Doing the stealth mission is easy in theory, but there are some spots where you can't be that super human fast to take down 2+ enemies by yourself on veteran. It's kinda stupid to require me to find someone online to play on Veteran/3 stars with when I took about 12 hours to finish the solo campaign myself on Veteran. :|
I haven't played too much Spec Ops yet (I think I have like 20 or so stars), but the stealth mission (Evasion) is equally easy on any difficulty level because the enemy never sees you. If you do the whole thing while prone you can get to the very end of the map before having to shoot anyone (though I usually shoot people just for the fun of it).

It kind of sucks that certain missions can ONLY be done with another player, but (at least on the missions that I've done so far) each player sets their difficulty independently, so when you do play with someone else you don't need to worry about them playing on Normal and not getting your stars.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Papercuts said:
There's also 2 missions in spec ops you NEED a second person for before you can even play them.

Really? Why the fuck give me a solo play option in the menu for that mode then? So stupid.

I got up to Wave 4 BY MYSELF in Alpha Sniper Fi, doing good until Soap decides to be an asshole and remove my missile (which I didn't use at the end) at the begining of Wave 4, leaving me to wait a few seconds while the enemies decide to swarm in. Otherwise I'd of base raped them and went to Wave 5.

It's pretty stupid of IW to go "Oh, we promise all the achievements can be done in singleplayer on our games from now on!" and decides to make a co-op mode a requirement for 1000gs/Platinum. :|

Just another thing to add to the pile of "I'm glad I'm renting this and waiting for it to price-drop to $30."

Yeef said:
It kind of sucks that certain missions can ONLY be done with another player, but (at least on the missions that I've done so far) each player sets their difficulty independently, so when you do play with someone else you don't need to worry about them playing on Normal and not getting your stars.

Frankly, I can understand WHY Spec-Ops is balanced the way it is: I mean it's really a co-op mode underneath. But if you're going to give a "solo play" option in the menu for it, you should at least balance the "solo mode" to be challenging, but not requiring two players like the normal mode.


TheSeks said:
Really? Why the fuck give me a solo play option in the menu for that mode then? So stupid.

I got up to Wave 4 BY MYSELF in Alpha Sniper Fi, doing good until Soap decides to be an asshole and remove my missile (which I didn't use at the end) at the begining of Wave 4, leaving me to wait a few seconds while the enemies decide to swarm in. Otherwise I'd of base raped them and went to Wave 5.

It's pretty stupid of IW to go "Oh, we promise all the achievements can be done in singleplayer on our games from now on!" and decides to make a co-op mode a requirement for 1000gs/Platinum. :|

Just another thing to add to the pile of "I'm glad I'm renting this and waiting for it to price-drop to $30."

Frankly, I can understand WHY Spec-Ops is balanced the way it is: I mean it's really a co-op mode underneath. But if you're going to give a "solo play" option in the menu for it, you should at least balance the "solo mode" to be challenging, but not requiring two players like the normal mode.

Jesus Christ dude talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. It is 2 missions out of 23. And they are both super easy. You could post your gamertag in this thread and have them both beat on veteran in like a half hour.
This shit pisses me off. I'm with my buddies and when we try to get into a game a lot of the times 1 or 2 in our party get kicked so we have to back out. What the fuck is up with that? It's annoying and takes so long to get into a game.
So, in a close HQ @ Quarry game, me and a teammate were capping it. Once we got it, the bar reset and we had to go through it again. They invaded right before it capped, capped it, and won.

What the fuck is this shit? Why did it fucking reset when it was supposed to be captured?

salva said:
This shit pisses me off. I'm with my buddies and when we try to get into a game a lot of the times 1 or 2 in our party get kicked so we have to back out. What the fuck is up with that? It's annoying and takes so long to get into a game.

Been happening to us all week. This matchmaking system is a lot more broken than COD4.


salva said:
Yeah it's really, REALLY annoying. They better fix this shit soon!

I've had these issues with the party system since day one. Inexcusable really. Inexcusable for any game, but especially for fucking MW2.

Also once people are "matched" they shouldn't be able to just hit B and leave the lobby. It's so frustrating when we have the minimum number of people and with 1 second to the match starting someone backs out because their skip vote didn't pass.

Halo did it right, once you're matched you can't back out unless you quit to the dashboard. I have a feeling that's why I see more vetoing done in H3 than in MW2 as well, in MW2 if people don't like the map they just back out to lobby.
Another thing that's been pissing me right off with this game is the amount of lopsided games we play. For one, I don't understand why the game's allowed to start if both teams aren't even. Oftentimes, when someone in a game drops, the vacant spot NEVER fills up. So I've been playing a lot of 6v5, 6v4, and 5v4 games lately. Absolutely stupid. You're telling me matchmaking can't find ONE or TWO singles to fill the spot? Give me a fucking break.

Rainy Dog

AnEternalEnigma said:
Another thing that's been pissing me right off with this game is the amount of lopsided games we play. For one, I don't understand why the game's allowed to start if both teams aren't even. Oftentimes, when someone in a game drops, the vacant spot NEVER fills up. So I've been playing a lot of 6v5, 6v4, and 5v4 games lately. Absolutely stupid. You're telling me matchmaking can't find ONE or TWO singles to fill the spot? Give me a fucking break.

Yeah, I'm finding this to be a major issue as well. I've even played entire matches where it's been 4 vs 2 or even 5 vs 1. The latter was a Domination match on Estate. Kudos to the player that stuck it out on his own, I know I wouldn't have. Something's definitely broken in this respect. Out of the millions playing and they can't even fill up the vacant slots. And yet on the other hand, a high percentage of the rest of the matches are ones where I get chucked into when it's just about to end.
DarkJC said:
I've had these issues with the party system since day one. Inexcusable really. Inexcusable for any game, but especially for fucking MW2.

Also once people are "matched" they shouldn't be able to just hit B and leave the lobby. It's so frustrating when we have the minimum number of people and with 1 second to the match starting someone backs out because their skip vote didn't pass.

Halo did it right, once you're matched you can't back out unless you quit to the dashboard. I have a feeling that's why I see more vetoing done in H3 than in MW2 as well, in MW2 if people don't like the map they just back out to lobby.

I'm glad you can back out before the game starts, gives me a chance to quit a foreign-hosted game without adding to my already ridiculous loss tally (and not that it really matters, but I wish there was a separate count for quits instead of each one counting as a loss, I have like 150 losses now, 90% of them quits).
Umm, a question about matchmaking and teams. I noticed it quite often that players who are successful together don't get seperated in the next few matches. Why is that? I thought it was supposed to be fair, but there are even full clans together in one team and thus make the game unfair.

It happened both ways to me, so that nobody says, I'd cry.


Right now I'm watching someone do the Elevator glitch, he can fly in the air.

His name is xX-APPLES-Xx on PSN.

He had an AT4 and kept trying to climb onto a building in Karachi.

And here.. we.. go..


SuperAndroid17 said:
lan in this game is a fucking joke... seriously you can only do 1v1 via 2 systems? :lol

fucking halo could pull 4 per screens. So stupid
Yeah I was surprised about this, though leveling up between your friends is fun.


went back and played some cod4 on PC (play MWF2 on ps3) and man... i really wish I'd bought PC again :( damn trophies sucked me in!

Also... I'm sure this has been discussed before, but anyone else feel like the maps in MWF1 are >>>>>>>>>>>>> than MWF2?? I love pretty much every cod4 map except 2.. where as in MWF2, I just kind of like a few and hate the rest.
Scarecrow said:
Is there any point to carrying throwing knives, besides the the satisfying thunk of actually hitting a dude with one?

You can throw them when you're in Last Stand Pro, as well as while you're climbing a ladder.

They have their purposes.


Gold Member
anyone know what's the underlying mechanic in matchmaking? Clearly it can't use your rank since it's only XP and you can gain XP even as a crap player. Does it use TrueSkill?


GODDAMNIT My girlfriend is acting like a BIATCH I need to get off work and shoot some mofo's :<.

But I still have six hours to go gaaaaaaarh


Chittagong said:
anyone know what's the underlying mechanic in matchmaking? Clearly it can't use your rank since it's only XP and you can gain XP even as a crap player. Does it use TrueSkill?
It uses the well known system of fuck all...
Basically all I think it does is throw you in with people who want to play the same playlist as you. Plus filters the really bad games out.

No ranking, no trueskill, doesn't even bother putting close ranks together (which don't mean anything besides how much you play)
salva said:
This shit pisses me off. I'm with my buddies and when we try to get into a game a lot of the times 1 or 2 in our party get kicked so we have to back out. What the fuck is up with that? It's annoying and takes so long to get into a game.
This has been happening to me a lot too.

A patch is seriously needed for the game and soon.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Orellio said:
Jesus Christ dude talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. It is 2 missions out of 23. And they are both super easy. You could post your gamertag in this thread and have them both beat on veteran in like a half hour.

I don't play the 360 version. Therefore, posting my tag would be useless, ne?

PS3 version, and the last time I tried to play Spec Ops online it was lag out the ass to the point of where my shots wouldn't register and my claymores wouldn't plant. Good job, Infinity Ward for using a peer-to-peer system. *grumble grumble*

And two missions doesn't exclude the fact that they give you a "solo play" option but don't balance the mode for that solo mode. Learn to read.
TheSeks said:
I don't play the 360 version. Therefore, posting my tag would be useless, ne?

PS3 version, and the last time I tried to play Spec Ops online it was lag out the ass to the point of where my shots wouldn't register and my claymores wouldn't plant. Good job, Infinity Ward for using a peer-to-peer system. *grumble grumble*

And two missions doesn't exclude the fact that they give you a "solo play" option but don't balance the mode for that solo mode. Learn to read.

Really? No wonder I'm finding them difficult.

And to add to the chorus: Model 1887s are the stupidest shit I've seen in such a long time. How have they left this so unbalanced?
TheSeks said:
PS3 version, and the last time I tried to play Spec Ops online it was lag out the ass to the point of where my shots wouldn't register and my claymores wouldn't plant. Good job, Infinity Ward for using a peer-to-peer system. *grumble grumble*

Dude if you can't get a P2P connection between TWO FUCKING PEOPLE you are doing something very wrong.


SuperAndroid17 said:
lan in this game is a fucking joke... seriously you can only do 1v1 via 2 systems? :lol

fucking halo could pull 4 per screens. So stupid

Yeah it just doesn't make since to have splitscreen with 4 players on one console and not be able to splitscreen across a lan connection. What a bummer
dwin45 said:
Dear Infinity Ward,


Thank you.

I'm actually a worse player with it on. I have to keep remembering to let auto aim do the work once I've "locked" on a player, because I keep moving the cursor along the path I think the enemy player is going to go which often results in my losing the 1v1 battle. :lol


Outdoor Miner said:
I'm actually a worse player with it on. I have to keep remembering to let auto aim do the work once I've "locked" on a player, because I keep moving the cursor along the path I think the enemy player is going to go which often results in my losing the 1v1 battle. :lol

Is there a way to disable autoaim? Cause i am in the same position myself.
SuperAndroid17 said:
lan in this game is a fucking joke... seriously you can only do 1v1 via 2 systems? :lol

fucking halo could pull 4 per screens. So stupid
Just had a successful 18 player MW2 lan party. Sure it took 18 tv's and 18 360's but it was well worth it.


SuperAndroid17 said:
lan in this game is a fucking joke... seriously you can only do 1v1 via 2 systems? :lol

fucking halo could pull 4 per screens. So stupid
This to the max. I thought they would fix it after all the complaints about CoD4. But no, it's the exact same shit.

dwin45 said:
Dear Infinity Ward,


Thank you.
Seriously. There are times where I could've got a double kill but then one guy would split off and my cursor would move over and fuck everything up. He'd go behind cover and the other would run away resulting in 0 kills. Ugh.


Kibbles said:
This to the max. I thought they would fix it after all the complaints about CoD4. But no, it's the exact same shit.

Seriously. There are times where I could've got a double kill but then one guy would split off and my cursor would move over and fuck everything up. He'd go behind cover and the other would run away resulting in 0 kills. Ugh.
Exactly. It's the worst.


TheSeks said:
Wow, is Spec Ops REALLY needing two players for the achievements/trophies? So much for that "We promise to not put in multiplayer achievements," Infinity Ward. :|

*mumble grumble* Stupid Veteran needed for 3 starts *mumble grumble*

Edit: Yes, I know Spec Ops can be played offline 2 player, online 2 player, solo offline. What I mean is: It seems to totally shaft solo players on anything above Normal/one star. Doing the stealth mission is easy in theory, but there are some spots where you can't be that super human fast to take down 2+ enemies by yourself on veteran. It's kinda stupid to require me to find someone online to play on Veteran/3 stars with when I took about 12 hours to finish the solo campaign myself on Veteran. :|
Hit me up with a PM if you want to play a bit on Veteran. No one seems to like it but I want to get every single star. :D


Just got my 2nd nuke. Fun stuff. I am like Eric and others, I don't like to ruin the game by calling it early, Id rather wait until right before it was going to end anyways. I still haven't been behind though to get that challenge.

People still get pissed though when you get it. I am sorry, you let me go 25k/0d. You didn't shoot my harrier down immediately, and I got at least 6 or 7 kills in my chopper gunner. The last 5 or 6 kills were all me. I earned it, so get over it. I didn't sit in a corner and swap kills, or other stupid shit like that.

On another note, I was playing with music, and it helped my game a bit. Not going to say that I will play with music all the time, but if I am by myself, its helpful to practice focusing just on the visual aspects of the game. Help my reaction time.
We were just losing on Estate which was bullshit because we were such a better team outslaying the shit out of them and going for objective, just by good respawns they were able to get a 190-65 lead and all of a sudden a nuke countdown appears.

Our random teammate unleashed an awesome nuke and gave us a win.

Fuck yea! Take that random ass shit spawns!
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