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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


xxjuicesxx said:
We were just losing on Estate which was bullshit because we were such a better team outslaying the shit out of them and going for objective, just by good respawns they were able to get a 190-65 lead and all of a sudden a nuke countdown appears.

Our random teammate unleashed an awesome nuke and gave us a win.

Fuck yea! Take that random ass shit spawns!
That's why the nuke is so great. I love it.

My team was losing yesterday 195-190 and I got the nuke as soon as the match was about to end and we ended up winning.


Loving Hardcore team deathmatch,the fact you have to watch your fire means people are ultra cautious,playing derailed yesterday was creepy as hell,as people were sneaking all over the map so when you spotted an enemy you either had to blow your cover,or try and sneak a little closer to them without knowing who was watching you.

I had cold blooded pro on and ninja. The fun i had with my knife once i caught up with the other team. :lol


Lionheart1827 said:
So me and my bud are almost done with Spec Ops. We have Echo left and managed to get hardened done on High Explosive. Working on WetWork and Armor Piercing. We also havent used any of the youtube "tricks" that make it easy. Has anyone finished Spec Ops yet? Just wanted to see how all of you guys are doing with it. Its definitely the "real veteran" of the game.
Yeah I have all 69 stars. Have to admit that I used that cheap doorway trick on both High Explosive and Armor Piercing, but other than that it was all legit.

Really loved the Spec Ops mode actually.


Dax01 said:

I haven't even fired one round from the ACR. I know that I usually get a kill from the three rounds of the M16. I was using the scar, but frequently found myself in reload situations.

I'll give the ACR a whirl.


Fuck this shit. I had a 24 killstreak and killed myself with a Javelin as I was going for my nuke. Huge open spot, I don't know how I died. This game pisses me off more than anything.
Dabanton said:
Loving Hardcore team deathmatch,the fact you have to watch your fire means people are ultra cautious,playing derailed yesterday was creepy as hell,as people were sneaking all over the map so when you spotted an enemy you either had to blow your cover,or try and sneak a little closer to them without knowing who was watching you.

I had cold blooded pro on and ninja. The fun i had with my knife once i caught up with the other team. :lol

Been playing Hardcore since about 4 months after COD4 came out and most of my friends refuse to play any other mode. To me, that's the real experience. I shoot you, you die. None of this taking a sniper rifle bullet to the chest and keep running like in regular TDM.

Hardcore is really the only way to play.


Alligator F*ck House
Dax01 said:
Yes, because I can be completely accurate 100% of the time.

It's not. The bust spreads out too much.

Dax is right. I used the M16 from day one in COD4, and never put it down. Gave it so many chances in MW2, the FAMAS as well and could never decide which was better. Then I tried the ACR.

With Scavenger, the gun is extremely effective. Shoot anywhere on the map with pinpoint accuracy, huge clip and decent hip fire. The only thing you really need to make the ACR good is the ability to shoot straight. Got my K/D up to 3.17 since using it.


OldJadedGamer said:
Been playing Hardcore since about 4 months after COD4 came out and most of my friends refuse to play any other mode. To me, that's the real experience. I shoot you, you die. None of this taking a sniper rifle bullet to the chest and keep running like in regular TDM.

Hardcore is really the only way to play.

Pretty much.. But it is hard to get into after playing the regular arcadey style of COD4.. Which is why I think people like the main modes, they're easy to get into and you can feel like you're doing well even when you're really not that great. But yeah, hardcore is definitely fun for me and I enjoy playing it occasionally.

Nobody I play with really likes hardcore, so I usually only do that on my own.


Fuck hardcore. I like the fact that people actually die when you shoot them but every time I've tried to play even HC TDM it's just a huge campfest. Like... even more than regulard TDM. That's not fun.


chapel said:
People still get pissed though when you get it. I am sorry, you let me go 25k/0d. You didn't shoot my harrier down immediately, and I got at least 6 or 7 kills in my chopper gunner. The last 5 or 6 kills were all me. I earned it, so get over it.

So having the computer control a plane and get kills for you = you earned it? I guess. Props to you though for getting a nuke. You obviously played well.

I don't have a problem with the nuke much. If you shoot down the kill streak rewards it's almost impossible to go 25-0. So the nuke shouldn't be a factor if you have one guy who carries a stinger consistently, or just has a class that they switch to with a stinger.


I'd say he did earn it. There's half a dozen people that can remove his harrier when it launches or on a class change after death. Its capitalizing on the opposition not functioning as a team or relying on one person to be their guardian angel against air support.
mbmonk said:
So having the computer control a plane and get kills for you = you earned it? I guess.

Do you know how easy it is to take out a Harrier with a Stinger? If the other team isn't going to bother, then he did earn it.


The nuke whoring in this game is getting terrible. Half of my matches last night were guys who sat back and did nothing but camp and ignore the objectives (CTF, DOM, HQ). I noticed if their killstreak was broken they'd usually quit out.

The matchmaking is really bad and I'm hoping they fix it soon. At the least they need way more Mercs modes, I'm tired of getting stuck with clan parties and/or coming in mid-match with my whole team averaging rank 30, kills/deaths of around 5/15 and the other team high 60s and prestige. That crap happens way too much.

Why doesn't IW add a clan matchmaking system?
andycapps said:
Pretty much.. But it is hard to get into after playing the regular arcadey style of COD4.. Which is why I think people like the main modes, they're easy to get into and you can feel like you're doing well even when you're really not that great. But yeah, hardcore is definitely fun for me and I enjoy playing it occasionally.

Nobody I play with really likes hardcore, so I usually only do that on my own.

My friends are the opposite. I have only one single friend that REFUSES to play Hardcore and I usually have to play with him on my own since no one else will team up and play regular death match.

corkscrewblow said:
Fuck hardcore. I like the fact that people actually die when you shoot them but every time I've tried to play even HC TDM it's just a huge campfest. Like... even more than regulard TDM. That's not fun.

It's just way more strategic and I don't think there is any more campers than in regular. You can't run and gun at all. It's more like real war and keeps you on your toes more. Where appearing off the radar, using silenced weapons, placing claymores, and getting the spring on your opponent is key to winning... just like in real life.

Also, I feel that too many people use the killcam as a crutch. A good player will know where they got shot from without the game spelling it out to them. I simply cannot deal with just how many bullets it takes to kill someone in regular death match. Like I said, I once shot someone in the chest with a sniper bullet and he kept running and I thought to myself that it was a bug. While it's not for everyone, it is for everyone that I play with.

greenjerk said:
The nuke whoring in this game is getting terrible. Half of my matches last night were guys who sat back and did nothing but camp and ignore the objectives (CTF, DOM, HQ). I noticed if their killstreak was broken they'd usually quit out.

IMO they should disable killstreaks for objective based games. The killstreaks really did break MW2 compared to COD4.


Dax01 said:

:lol .... See, another successful convert. One level away from it again, and it'll be time to pad my K/D ratio. I hate the M16 this time.

And it's a damn shame the AK is only unlocked at 70. That should be a 30-ish gun. Move the M16 to 70 where no one will care :p

LeMaximilian said:
With Scavenger, the gun is extremely effective. Shoot anywhere on the map with pinpoint accuracy, huge clip and decent hip fire. The only thing you really need to make the ACR good is the ability to shoot straight. Got my K/D up to 3.17 since using it.

Now people see why I've been preaching that gun? It's killer stuff. Not as much punch, but you'll put in 4 shots in the time it takes others to put in 2 well placed.


Hopefully IW does something to all the people padding the leader boards via boosting. Though I don't suspect that happening anytime soon. They have far greater things to act like they care about, like Matchmaking and the bugged Party system (360).

greenjerk said:
Why doesn't IW add a clan matchmaking system?


That kind of feature was on last gen consoles. SOCOM 3 had a clan ladder system with scheduling matches for Christ's sakes. Clans are a great community feature that adds tons of depth/replay value, and it's a fucking joke that MW1 or 2 does not have a proper system. Instead, all you have are clan tags that you can steal from anyone. It should be locked down, like the SOCOM's.
OldJadedGamer said:
IMO they should disable killstreaks for objective based games. The killstreaks really did break MW2 compared to COD4.

that would not be really great either. Things like UAVs, counter UAVs and turrets should stay in objective based games imo. Or even EMPs for that matter


OldJadedGamer said:
It's just way more strategic and I don't think there is any more campers than in regular. You can't run and gun at all. It's more like real war and keeps you on your toes more. Where appearing off the radar, using silenced weapons, placing claymores, and getting the spring on your opponent is key to winning... just like in real life.

IMO they should disable killstreaks for objective based games. The killstreaks really did break MW2 compared to COD4.

I agree. I enjoy playing hardcore so much more than standard because you have to use strategy. Even when dropping a predator, you have to know where your team is at or else you'll lose points with t/k's. On the other hand, maybe I'm just too old and slow for the twitch gaming in standard TDM.


OldJadedGamer said:
IMO they should disable killstreaks for objective based games. The killstreaks really did break MW2 compared to COD4.

I think that's one of the few cool things about the killstreaks though, is say carpet bombing or throwing a harrier above a spot you need to defend when under heavy attack, or when you need to soften up another point.

I never-ever play deathmatches anymore. The camping has got out of control. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's easy to get the dumb campers, but you have some professionals out there and it can be a trial getting them out of the area.

So, I'm on Domination only anymore. At least you force their hand to move most of the time, and then they become defenders, and you can expect them to be near the control points.


corkscrewblow said:
Fuck hardcore. I like the fact that people actually die when you shoot them but every time I've tried to play even HC TDM it's just a huge campfest. Like... even more than regulard TDM. That's not fun.
Came in here to say this. I tried a few HC games for the first time today and I can safely say I'll never make the mistake of trying it again.


xDangerboy said:
clans wont have any fun if they actually have to play another clan of the same skill level.

hence why mw2 is so fun for most people. people love to play scrubs

J-Rzez said:

That kind of feature was on last gen consoles. SOCOM 3 had a clan ladder system with scheduling matches for Christ's sakes. Clans are a great community feature that adds tons of depth/replay value, and it's a fucking joke that MW1 or 2 does not have a proper system. Instead, all you have are clan tags that you can steal from anyone. It should be locked down, like the SOCOM's.

Yeah, I kinda figured I had the answer to my own question... :(

People do like to beat up on pubbies but even MGO had a nice clan system. Shit, I remember a bunch of old PC games I used to play that had better clan and matchmaking systems.
OldJadedGamer said:
IMO they should disable killstreaks for objective based games. The killstreaks really did break MW2 compared to COD4.
I don't know. I can see both sides, but I remember this really cool moment I had on S&D. The enemy had successfully planted the bomb and so it was up to me, being the only one left alive on my team, to disable the bomb. Luckily I had a predator missile at my disposal, so I used it and managed to take out a guy defending the bomb that I would not have otherwise seen. Once I killed him, I managed to successfully disable the bomb, win the round and the game, before anybody else on the other team was able to stop me.
greenjerk said:
Yeah, I kinda figured I had the answer to my own question... :(

People do like to beat up on pubbies but even MGO had a nice clan system. Shit, I remember a bunch of old PC games I used to play that had better clan and matchmaking systems.

well another reason that i see continuously coming up with regards to clans is microsofts fault.

i remember in halo 2 your friends list was a halo 2 friends list. since the friends list was in game, it was not only extremely fast and fluid, bungie was able to add in a clan list as well. This made way for clans and clan matches, which was one of/if not my favorite playlist in halo 2

Now once the 360 came out, microsoft is forcing people to use the universal dashboard friends list. If i remember correctly, this is the reason why Halo 3 could not have clans or clan matches.

This could very well be the reason why we havent seen much of anything in regards to clan integration in any of the 360 fps's.
J-Rzez said:
That kind of feature was on last gen consoles. SOCOM 3 had a clan ladder system with scheduling matches for Christ's sakes. Clans are a great community feature that adds tons of depth/replay value, and it's a fucking joke that MW1 or 2 does not have a proper system. Instead, all you have are clan tags that you can steal from anyone. It should be locked down, like the SOCOM's.

You mean that buggy, broken piece of crap set up that no one used in SOCOM 3?

My guess is IW isn't including it because a vast majority of people couldn't care less about it.


It was a mistake to look at my stats. I've only won 13 games and lost 35. I really blow at this. It's a personal victory when I manage to kill a dude.


meh fuck it. I switched back to the SCAR, I was playing like ass for a few games with M16 and now I'm always 3:1 or better. I really think the AK should be a much lower level because I hardly even get a chance to use it. Hit 70 -> keep prestiging till I find a emblem I like enough to stick with.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Scarecrow said:
It was a mistake to look at my stats. I've only won 13 games and lost 35. I really blow at this. It's a personal victory when I manage to kill a dude.

That's nothing. I've won 8 games and lost 40.


Rayme said:
:lol :lol

Care to explain why there wasn't a choice made to include a proper clan system? Something that's been in shooters for years. That adds depth and a greater following/competitiveness in the community?

Any updates on the busted matchmaking and party systems? Are there any regrets not properly beta testing the game to avoid such hitches, that didn't happen nearly as often in MW1?

Bumblebeetuna said:
You mean that buggy, broken piece of crap set up that no one used in SOCOM 3?

My guess is IW isn't including it because a vast majority of people couldn't care less about it.

After patch, it worked nicely. And I know many clans that used it. That's why SOCOM has had one of the most hardcore/rabid fanbases in shooters.

They didn't even put any sort of clan system in the game, again. It's unbelievable. Party system (buggy at that) does not make up for a proper clan system.

Then again, this game isn't geared towards the hardcore unfortunately.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ugh. Screw Spec-Ops solo. And screw this game. :/

Dear IW: Don't include a solo option if your shit isn't going to be balanced for solo play in that co-op mode. KTHXBI.


Speacial Ops is awesome. I'm playing it solo and loving it. The level design, ai, and weapon balance makes MW2 the best designed FPS ever.

Also, I take back what I said about single player. Lot of great moments. I guess I didn't understand the 'on your toes and tactical' game play in comparison to MW1's 'shoot shit' gameplay. Spec Ops gives me an appreciation for the new approach.


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
I'm seeing lot of hate for the f2000. :D

I don't blame you guys in a way cause I never really used it or cared for it. But, lastnight it got me thinking when I tried it out and noticed the 3-5 shot burst on it. Meaning, a few taps on the trigger it could send 10+ accurate shots on a target fast and have the high rate of fire for unsuspected close encounters.

I'm going to experiment with it today in hardcore. I'm hoping it'll combine the 3 shot burst from a m16, but have the automatic fire of an tar, scar etc..

I used to use the m16 with silencer as my main and only weapon in cod 4. In hardcore, I used to clear out rooms/areas beautifully with one shot bursts no zoom. In mw2, I need an automatic, just to many angles of randomness where people will pop out of a window, .streets, rooftops etc.


Cool Smoke Luke
xDangerboy said:
that would not be really great either. Things like UAVs, counter UAVs and turrets should stay in objective based games imo. Or even EMPs for that matter

In HC HQ if they set the game to classic kill streak rewards I'd be happy.
UAV, Predator, Attack Helo only, for example.
3,5,7 nothing else till you respawn.


Cool Smoke Luke
corkscrewblow said:
Fuck hardcore. I like the fact that people actually die when you shoot them but every time I've tried to play even HC TDM it's just a huge campfest. Like... even more than regulard TDM. That's not fun.

pringles said:
Came in here to say this. I tried a few HC games for the first time today and I can safely say I'll never make the mistake of trying it again.

try HC Headquarters. Its much better due to having an objective.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dax01 said:

I never played it before. I ended up in Free for All. It reminded me of my first ever Unreal self-made map - "The Museum of Shame" which was a cube, empty but for basically random spawn points and two statues from the game ed library.

I a not saying it's a bad map at all, just that it might be better suited to say, one on one matches.
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