Revolutionary said:Just got back from a Mom & Pop in the city... can you believe there was a line for this? :lol
Yep! :loliamcool388 said:Me too! Wait... are you in NYC? I dont wanna take the store's name, but was it in the college/East Village area?
dragonflys545 said:Online is so god damn additive just like the first one going to OD on this game!
Edit: I'm a bit disappointed in the spec mode. 2 players really... I was hoping for something similar to the zombie mode in WaW : (
dragonflys545 said:Online is so god damn additive just like the first one going to OD on this game!
Edit: I'm a bit disappointed in the spec mode. 2 players really... I was hoping for something similar to the zombie mode in WaW : (
LeMaximilian said:I've been up to 4am for the last 2 days playing on a workweek. It's really got that 'just one more game...just one more game' feeling.
J-Rzez said:I told my friends about all these mom and pop stores selling it early and they've been driving around here for 3.5hrs now trying to find one to sell it early. Unfortunately for them, we don't have many (as in 3) here in NE PA and most of them close early. :lol
Seems like NYC is a hot spot for selling this early.
TBH though, if all these stores, including the privately owned M&P stores got it already, what harm is there in it to sell it early. Just let ALL the retailers go on it. Hell, my friend told me they had these boxes for over a week now (works at a store where the sku isn't effective until launch day).
Revolutionary said:Yep! :lol
I was one of the 15 or so there for the PS3 version. The other 50 or so were 360. :lol
Revolutionary said:Yep! :lol
I was one of the 15 or so there for the PS3 version. The other 50 or so were 360. :lol
RS4- said:Toronto refuses to sell me an early copy. If I lived closer to NYC it'd be over :lol
iamcool388 said:There was a guy in Brooklyn who tried selling it to me for 175 bucks. :lol
Haha, yeah it's crazy. I remember this one guy on RFD trying to sell an opened copy of GTA4 a few days early for $200 :loliamcool388 said:There was a guy in Brooklyn who tried selling it to me for 175 bucks. :lol
:lol Been going on all day.iamcool388 said:There was a guy in Brooklyn who tried selling it to me for 175 bucks. :lol
Ephemeris said:Anyone here with the Hardened version? Debating whether it's worth the extra $, considering I love the case but have no interest in HD COD1.
:lol Been going on all day.
dagZ said:sell me your COD1 at a discounted price?![]()
DevelopmentArrested said:wtf? of course not. first time through on hardened 8-12
TimeLike said:First playthrough on Regular took me 8:32 according to the game's clock. I didn't stop to search for anything.
Vyse The Legend said:Wow @ the "disturbing scene" detailed at the game's start up.
Fox News and he who shall not be named are going to have a field day with this one.
Early game story spoilers:
You walk into an airport, while undercover, and unload on a crowd of civilians then walk through the level gunning down everyone as they run from you.
Vyse The Legend said:Wow @ the "disturbing scene" detailed at the game's start up.
Fox News and he who shall not be named are going to have a field day with this one.
Early game story spoilers:
You walk into an airport, while undercover, and unload on a crowd of civilians then walk through the level gunning down everyone as they run from you.
FoxHimself said:This has been known for quite some time now, and it's been in the media already.
Dizzan said:Does it still have the infinite respawning enemies?
Dizzan said:Does it still have the infinite respawning enemies?
Is it at least lessened?iamcool388 said:Thats one 'feature' that wasnt taken out, and really, it wouldnt feel like a Call of Duty game without them.
FoxHimself said:Nope! But it sure feels like it at some points. (Well, it could very well still be there, but I'm sure I cleared out some areas after shooting LOTS of bad guys - not just by reaching an invisible checkpoint line).
I'm left with the feeling that IW just took the "easy" way out with the difficulty, by just throwing enemies en masse at you, and you'll see the death screen A LOT. But I guess it's how war feels like :lol
Hey, you're so clever - maybe you should go into the video game industry.:lolDizzan said:Fuck me. How hard is it to change the code from infinte to 40.
DigiMish said:Hey, you're so clever - maybe you should go into the video game industry.:lol
This. Why do all shops in Chicago suck ass and follow the rules? Fuckers.gnarkill bill said:Any Chicagoans know of a place selling it early? I can never seem to find a place willing to sell it early. I...NEED THIS.
Nardonicus said:man....fuck all you fuckers playing the game early. I need this shit now.
anyone know of any shops selling it early near Raleigh?
h4k said:I remember in W@W Ground War online play, I'd always lag right after respawn for a couple of seconds. This would happen even if I had a full bar connection. Was that just me, or did they happen to anyone else?
Ephemeris said:But think of thecountless many you'll save in the future.
ThirstyFly said:So anyone playing the PS3 version, can you mute people during the lobby now, or is it like CoD4/WaW where you can only do it once the match starts and have to re-mute everyone per match?