I'm debating over which console version of the game to buy (love PC, but my friends will be playing this on console, so that's where I'll be) -- of course my first thought was to buy it on 360 because I had more friends on XBL, but recently the last of the friends I'll play with also bought a PS3, so that's now a wash.
Frankly, I'm a pretty terrible CoD player -- I enjoy the game, but typically got my ass handed to me when playing the 360 version of Modern Warfare. With all else roughly equal in my mind, I'm thinking that the deciding factor might be to get the version with the community that's easier to kill. I have other games to play and simply don't want to invest the time in becoming a more skillful CoD player when I could just play it for 30 mins a few nights a week for fun -- and, to me, not getting my ass kicked is generally more fun.
I've seen some comments about the 360 attracting more of the 'hardcore' or 'competitive community' in the first Modern Warfare, and surmise that, if true, this trend would hold true to MW2, particularly since the competitive community are the ones most likely to care about the earlier DLC for the 360 version (which I don't care about at all).
For those with experience playing multi-platform competitive multiplayer games on both 360 and PS3 (esp. CoD4), do you believe that the skill level is higher on the 360? Or is this a misconception?