New glitch, instant Cold-blooded pro:
I don't know man, I aim for the people trying to shoot me down. To be quite frank, having cold blooded doesn't exactly make you difficult to see.Net_Wrecker said:What you're saying never, ever happens. Someone who gets a chopper gunner is WAY too focused on shooting the big bright targets than looking for the dim, not targeted Cold Blooded guy. As long as I'm using Cold Blooded, and not next to any teammates, I've NEVER been killed by a chopper of any sort before I put it down, which is why I guess I STILL have not seen a Nuke yet.
mbmonk said:Okay. I will bite. I think the above is overpowered and thus ruining the game. Where is my cry baby logic going wrong :lol
Accident said:New glitch, instant Cold-blooded pro:
DeuceMojo said::lol Just a joke really. Yeah, it's affecting the balance of power and it's too bad. Maybe IW can patch it and I'll remove that from the list.
Nelo Ice said:that actually sounds ilke a nice glitch since cold blooded is the only perk that'll annoy me getting the pro version back when i prestige :lol
Accident said:New glitch, instant Cold-blooded pro:
Accident said:New glitch, instant Cold-blooded pro:
Oh I get it -- it's very serious business. I have only experienced akimbo 1887s once from the trigger end, and it was pretty crazy. I've been on the business end of those guns about 100 times now, and it drives me f'ing insane. Any gun that can beat my knife at 5-10 feet is possibly a little overpowered.mbmonk said:Sorry about misinterpreting that. Recognizing internet/forum jokes are so hard for me at times... damn you internet! (*shakes fist at the sky*).
DeuceMojo said::lol Just a joke really. Yeah, it's affecting the balance of power and it's too bad. Maybe IW can patch it and I'll remove that from the list.
The main idea is simple: Don't pick fights you can't win. There's a fine line between aggressive and stupid.Internet Celebrity said:Ok, I should have worded my question a little better. How do you sustain a high K/D while playing super-aggressive?
Every match, I seem to lock down a spawn of the enemy's, and get around a 5 killstreak. Subsequently, I almost always get a 3-4 deathstreak. Match continues with intermittent kills/deaths. My K/D is loitering around 1.2 at the moment, and I'm pretty unhappy with that (yeah, I'm sad).
I think the knife worked fine in CoD4. The mechanics don't need to change, the giant boost that Commando provides needs to be cut down.Rawk Hawk said:I'll take your list on step further. I think knifing is over powered as well. Not that I complain because we can all do it. But I think knifing should have one or both of the following rules:
1) Only while standing still.
2) Only from behind the enemy.
If one or both of them were put in place I think it would fill the role it's suppose to. That roll being a stealth kill, I think it should also not notify other party members of the locale of the death with the skull symbol.
A friend and I have discussed it at length, so I'm sure most won't agree, but it's somewhat annoying to see guys running around with marathon/lightweight/tactic knife and pistols out just to run at olympic speeds without breaks. With the standard lag of any online game, they are normally in your face long before you actually see them.
To the point of the double shotguns... double pistols ok, double uzis ok, show me someone who can run around with two shotguns pointed straight out for more than 1 minute (not to mention the recoil...) and I'll allow them to remain in the game. Shotguns in general are not weapons you can carry in one hand, unless it's T2 of course.
Fugu said:Learning how to win firefights (good aim, good aim while moving, tactful jumping, dolphin dives, hiding and anticipating when your opponent will reload, etc.) is also very helpful.
I've had some hilarious interactions like this... from the guy that turtles up around a corner waiting for me to come running through while I circle around and shoot him in the back, to the guy who chases me around a large obstacle like Tom and Jerry, only to become the chased one.Fugu said:Learning how to win firefights (good aim, good aim while moving, tactful jumping, dolphin dives, hiding and anticipating when your opponent will reload, etc.) is also very helpful.
MarkMclovin said:
MarkMclovin said:
ProudClod said:What the fuck? What mode is that?
ProudClod said:What the fuck? What mode is that?
DeuceMojo said:Other hilarious moments... the guys who found me laying prone in Afghan and spent a good 5-10 seconds dancing around me and changing weapons (and probably giggling like schoolgirls) who didn't shoot me until I had smoked two of their teammates that I'd been lying in wait for. How dumb was that? Did you actually tell your dead teammate you were dicking around with the enemy before he was killed? :lol
Rounding a corner and then lining up a headshot on the guy that's 10 feet from me, only to be shot by someone -- always a heartbreaker 'cause if I had only just shot/knifed him 1 f'ing second earlier!!![]()
Even more so than the M16 or the P90. If I came around a corner in COD4 and encountered someone with either, it wasn't instant death for me like it is with those 1887s. Also I can't quite remember, but the P90 was available at level 40 and M16 was unlocked at the start(?). 1887s are pretty much only for high level characters so it makes it more unfair. Then again I can't complain about that, if they unlocked at level 10 or something you'd see entire matches consisting of that.DeuceMojo said:Oh I get it -- it's very serious business. I have only experienced akimbo 1887s once from the trigger end, and it was pretty crazy. I've been on the business end of those guns about 100 times now, and it drives me f'ing insane. Any gun that can beat my knife at 5-10 feet is possibly a little overpowered.
Akimbo 1887s are the new God Gun. COD4 had its M16 and P90. MW2 has its Wanted Dead or Alive Times Two.
Especially when you meet him head-on while he's running back to spot A. Back in COD4, I earned Afterburner and Air Superiority in one match because the same guy kept running the same route to come get me. Almost like he wanted me to kill him 10 times in 3 minutes.Rawk Hawk said:Nice, my hilarious moments usually involve killing someone from spot A, moving to spot B and killing him again when he looks in spot A. It's never gets old. You can almost sense the frustration.
Well it's a pretty ineffective strategy if you see it coming (as is proning in general, I mean you're literally sticking your face out at them) so the idea is to work it in in a manner that doesn't get you shot in the face. =Pmbmonk said:I want to shoot you in the face for that...strictly speaking of in game of course
They need to either nerf the fuck out of the range or make it so you can't akimbo them. No one would use that shotgun without the akimbo.BigBlue1974 said:Even more so than the M16 or the P90. If I came around a corner in COD4 and encountered someone with either, it wasn't instant death for me like it is with those 1887s. Also I can't quite remember, but the P90 was available at level 40 and M16 was unlocked at the start(?). 1887s are pretty much only for high level characters so it makes it more unfair. Then again I can't complain about that, if they unlocked at level 10 or something you'd see entire matches consisting of that.
DeuceMojo said:Especially when you meet him head-on while he's running back to spot A. Back in COD4, I earned Afterburner and Air Superiority in one match because the same guy kept running the same route to come get me. Almost like he wanted me to kill him 10 times in 3 minutes.
RbBrdMan said:Yea I get that too. I play Domination mostly. The matchmaking is quite horrible. I played about 5 hours on Saturday, nearly every match I was in games with either all clan members on one side or I was playing with nearly all prestige players. I'm level 20 something. :/
You get the idea that they made them just for the akimbo use just for that reason -- they're worthless without. But to go from weak secondary to Edward Shotgunhands running the fuck around and ending everyone with a one-two blast, it has made this game Halo 4 and it blows. Nerf away.corkscrewblow said:They need to either nerf the fuck out of the range or make it so you can't akimbo them. No one would use that shotgun without the akimbo.
Agreed.Domino Theory said:Dual-wielding, in general, is just fucking stupid, imo. That shit needs to go.
DeuceMojo said:You know who I think is the shit?
Henry Rollins.
The guy remains cool. Even though he probably hates video games (, I think the dude would be hilarious playing some MW2.
Shotgun party tonight!
Rawk Hawk said:I've always thought the K/D is overrated. W/L is better example of how good you are.
Net_Wrecker said:What you're saying never, ever happens. Someone who gets a chopper gunner is WAY too focused on shooting the big bright targets than looking for the dim, not targeted Cold Blooded guy. As long as I'm using Cold Blooded, and not next to any teammates, I've NEVER been killed by a chopper of any sort before I put it down, which is why I guess I STILL have not seen a Nuke yet.
Yeah, but he's pretty multi-talented... Black Flag singer, leader of his own band, writer, poet, performance artist, talk show host... I guess he's redeemed his acting with Sons of Anarchy, 'cause prior to that his skills were iffy.mYm|17| said:isn't that guy from sons of anarchy?
Wickerman said:I disagree. W/L is all about how cohesive you and your teammates are when obtaining the objectives.
I'd like to think that I'm a good player at this game and the original MW. Until I played with some GAFers, I was losing more games than winning. My win ratio has been climbing steadily because they play as a team.
Lone wolf-syndrome is rampant in TDM and Domination
It's also frustrating to be the only team player on the team. Sometimes, there's just no point.Rawk Hawk said:Well sure, good players get put on bad teams. That's understandable. I think I worded it somewhat wrong, my point isn't your W/L tells the world how good you are. My point is when in a match, you should be focused on W/L, not K/D.
It's frustrating to play an objective based game and lose because 3 of your teammates are camping in random spots to just pick up free kills while the other team trys to actually win. If you want to worry about K/D play TDM where it matters.
(Obviously they won't as they aren't really as good as their K/D says, it's only high because the only players they can kill are the ones focused on completing an objective, not trying to kill them as well.)
I've won most of the games i've actually played, yet my W/L ratio is something like .60, with over 600 losses. The reason for that is me getting a loss for leaving a game where i have a red or yellow connection. I don't think W/L ratio is indicative at all of how good a player is. But i agree, winning is far more important than worrying about your K/D ratio.Rawk Hawk said:Well sure, good players get put on bad teams. That's understandable. I think I worded it somewhat wrong, my point isn't your W/L tells the world how good you are. My point is when in a match, you should be focused on W/L, not K/D.
It's frustrating to play an objective based game and lose because 3 of your teammates are camping in random spots to just pick up free kills while the other team trys to actually win. If you want to worry about K/D play TDM where it matters.
(Obviously they won't as they aren't really as good as their K/D says, it's only high because the only players they can kill are the ones focused on completing an objective, not trying to kill them as well.)
Internet Celebrity said:Ok, I should have worded my question a little better. How do you sustain a high K/D while playing super-aggressive?
Every match, I seem to lock down a spawn of the enemy's, and get around a 5 killstreak. Subsequently, I almost always get a 3-4 deathstreak. Match continues with intermittent kills/deaths. My K/D is loitering around 1.2 at the moment, and I'm pretty unhappy with that (yeah, I'm sad).
They nerfed this concept early on. COD4 was completely averse to it. MW2 is slightly open to it, but only in games like HQ where you get only 50 points for kills when you're not actively defending or attacking an HQ. Still... when you give someone conflicting criteria by which they can judge their performance, you'll have dildos saying all day "I lost the game, but your team went negative."Rawk Hawk said:Well sure, good players get put on bad teams. That's understandable. I think I worded it somewhat wrong, my point isn't your W/L tells the world how good you are. My point is when in a match, you should be focused on W/L, not K/D.
Rawk Hawk said:Well sure, good players get put on bad teams. That's understandable. I think I worded it somewhat wrong, my point isn't your W/L tells the world how good you are. My point is when in a match, you should be focused on W/L, not K/D.
It's frustrating to play an objective based game and lose because 3 of your teammates are camping in random spots to just pick up free kills while the other team trys to actually win. If you want to worry about K/D play TDM where it matters.
Brian Fellows said:TDM is too random. It is much easier to get kills in objective based games where there is a little bit of order.
There's not, and here's why:Fugu said:It's also frustrating to be the only team player on the team. Sometimes, there's just no point.
GuardianE said:Of course it's easier to get kills in objective based games. In objective based games, both sides have a goal: an area to secure, a flag to capture, etc. In Team Death Match, you're the objective... and you're being hunted down. It's not about being hectic or orderly.
If you go into objective based maps with the sole intention of amassing kills, you're not really proving anything. Everyone else was playing a different game than you.
Internet Celebrity said:Ok, I should have worded my question a little better. How do you sustain a high K/D while playing super-aggressive?
Every match, I seem to lock down a spawn of the enemy's, and get around a 5 killstreak. Subsequently, I almost always get a 3-4 deathstreak. Match continues with intermittent kills/deaths. My K/D is loitering around 1.2 at the moment, and I'm pretty unhappy with that (yeah, I'm sad).
DeuceMojo said:What's more is... they're rewarded for that garbage. The idiot that loses 10 straight games but posts 20+ kills in each will skyrocket past the guy that won those 10 games while getting 5 kills each.
Because you get more for planting and/or defusing.DeuceMojo said:The only games that effectively emphasize winning are S&D, but even then... 1,000 points for a kill? Why not just sit around and wait for someone to sneak past...
GuardianE said:If you go into objective based maps with the sole intention of amassing kills, you're not really proving anything. Everyone else was playing a different game than you.
Mostly this. Just nerf or remove altogether the teleportation knifing and it's all good.Fugu said:I think the knife worked fine in CoD4. The mechanics don't need to change, the giant boost that Commando provides needs to be cut down.