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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


noire said:
Ran into that earlier and ended up going like 4 and 15 or some shit. My akimbo p90s were no match :'(

How the hell do you combat that shit? Andycapps was tearing it up that round, but not enough to undo my shit-tastic game.
lol why would you use that? P90 has bad enough accuracy already in this damn game.


corkscrewblow said:
lol why would you use that? P90 has bad enough accuracy already in this damn game.
What are you talking about? The P90 has the best accuracy of any SMG.

LittleTokyo said:
There's a hundred different things IW could do to "fix" objective based game modes but I think the easiest way is to simply not track deaths. Everyone is so hell bent on having a good k:d ratio that they simply ignore the objective in favor of camping to achieve a k:d > 1 and/or kill-streak bonuses. The other day I was playing domination and my teammate got an AC130. This was excellent as we captured all the points and held them down for approximately 30 seconds, then proceeded to lose all but one for the remainder of the match as he and three to four other guys had no interest in winning. I just don't get it. Most of my friends with a good k:d have a horrible w:l. Do they not think anyone can see this embarrassing stat?
This is the best suggestion provided. There's no problem with people not completing objectives in Unreal Tournament.


I just don't get why people complain about Nukes. Stinger + Cold Blooded = Never having to see a nuke. I can't believe people don't have a Stinger/Cold Blooded Class ready to go at all times. As for the dual 1887's, they may be overpowered, but you get used to looking around for the fools running around carrying two shotguns, they end up being the easiest target in the game.


Well good...I came in here to RAAAAAGE against dual shotty's and how fuking stupidly over powered they are...I see this had just been covered.

I could deal with them keeping the power, but that twirl and reload thing must go...they should be a SLOW reload.
I hate when a bunch of your team mates die and they spawn them around you so you end up getting exposed to Choppers/AC-130's and predator missles.


No problem, just keep them at distance when they're using the dual shotties, problem solved. Oh wait, that's basically impossible with the shitty map design. Never mind.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
corkscrewblow said:
lol why would you use that? P90 has bad enough accuracy already in this damn game.
I have to agree. I feel like I can unload half a clip into people with the P90 and they won't die. The UMP, on the other hand, destroys.


Yeef said:
Part of the problem is that they're secondary weapons, so you can have the dual 1887s plus a good rifle.

Yep, that's another small problem.

I can't believe the number of glitchers out there at this time though. Probably due to more kids being on during these hours. That javelin glitch is out of control, especially on HQ when they go on a jihad and wipe out the entire team.


how to combat cheese 1887s? Use cheese. One man army pro + noob tube + danger close + semtex. Flush em out of their hidey holes
Man, I went to the UMP after reading all the praise here when I retired my beloved SCAR and I can't do squat with it. I can't get any distance kills with it like I could with the SCAR and even at close range I have trouble with head on fights. What am I doing wrong? :(


ThirstyFly said:
Man, I went to the UMP after reading all the praise here when I retired my beloved SCAR and I can't do squat with it. I can't get any distance kills with it like I could with the SCAR and even at close range I have trouble with head on fights. What am I doing wrong? :(

UMP is not a long range weapon. If you're forced into it, use burst fire it'll keep it more accurate.
Insaniac said:
UMP is not a long range weapon. If you're forced into it, use burst fire it'll keep it more accurate.

People were saying it was like CoD4's MP5 and I didn't really have any issues going mid to long range with that. No problems with the SCAR either. I'll have to control my burst fire a little better I guess.


mik is unbeatable
Strider2K99 said:
Slightly related, but Call of Duty Classic is being released on XBLA this Wednesday for those who didn't buy Hardened/Prestige Edition. It will be 1200 points.
Who's gonna pay fifteen bucks for that? Further, who's gonna play that?


SuperAndroid17 said:
im sick of joining losing games... been the same thing all fucking night

god damn
Happened to me earlier today. Hard to get into a rhythm that way. To pour salt on the wound, two matches I joined in where the game was pretty much over, I was another person's game winning kill. :(

Nothing worse than seeing your name as someone is filling you full of lead, in slo-mo...
I feel like I'm having a love/hate relationship with this game right now. Sometimes it feels like the greatest game ever. Other times I absolutely hate it.

I think age may finally be sneaking up on me. I swear I'll have someone in my sights, I start to pull the trigger, but they're a second faster.

I would think a lot of you guys with great K/D ratios are in your teen/twenties?


Played a game of Domination a little while ago it was 6 of us vs a 9 person party. Then about halfway through two guys left so it was 4v9.

I think age may finally be sneaking up on me. I swear I'll have someone in my sights, I start to pull the trigger, but they're a second faster.
Facing off in this game isn't really a measure of your skill. Latency is a big part of it. There have been tons of times where I've knifed someone or shot them in the face 5 times and then they kill me, then on the killcam I never attacked at all. And this is with a 4 bar connection.
I have completely stopped playing objective based games online. It's so fucking broken because everyone just cares about their KD. ratio. This was bad enough in CoD4, and I thought for sure IW would do something about it to get people to, you know, actually PLAY THE GAME TYPES PROPERLY..but they didn't absolutely nothing. And to be honest, it kind of shocked me when I first started playing. It's like they didn't even consider it a problem.

And TDM is slowly losing it's charm as camping and akimbo shottys are getting more and more prevalent by the day.


0G M3mbeR
Pookaki said:
I really enjoy going into S&D with my group of buddies and planting the bomb in the first minute or two.

Cut to the lobby, with the other team bitching about us "Planting it too fast" :lol

If you want to farm kills, there is playlists for that. Don't start bitching at us when we are playing the game mode as it was intended to be played.

This is so so true.

I'm so sick of playing Sabotage and Demolition and hearing people from both teams (yes even people from the winning team) tell me that I am an idiot for planting the bomb in record time.

If you want to get your worthless K/D ratio up then get the fuck out of my bomb planting games.
Yeef said:
Played a game of Domination a little while ago it was 6 of us vs a 9 person party. Then about halfway through two guys left so it was 4v9.

Facing off in this game isn't really a measure of your skill. Latency is a big part of it. There have been tons of times where I've knifed someone or shot them in the face 5 times and then they kill me, then on the killcam I never attacked at all. And this is with a 4 bar connection.

This shit is a thousand times worse in MW2 as opposed to CoD4.


Comics, serious business!
Ok. This is beyond getting mad anymore. It's just hilariously bad.

I'm on Estate. You know the area by the water where the boathouse is? There's a white car near the stairs that lead to the lower half of the map. I spawn at the bottom, make my way slowly up the stairs, and BAM there's a guy hiding ALL THE WAY BEHIND THE WHITE CAR WITH 1887s!! HE KILLED ME WITH ONE BLAST FROM LIKE 100 FEET AWAY! If that had been a sniper or something I'd be like "nice shot" or whatever. But that's just stupid. Just plain broken. Fucking shotguns from 100 ft. away.

Penny Arcade is spot on. We're supposed to be playing Modern Warfare and the most powerful setup in the game is two fucking shotguns from 120 years ago (or running around with a tactical knife).


Insaniac said:
how to combat cheese 1887s? Use cheese. One man army pro + noob tube + danger close + semtex. Flush em out of their hidey holes

I usually use scavenger and the claymore to do it. Its funny as hell to outcheese them.

Eric WK

RSTEIN said:
Ok. This is beyond getting mad anymore. It's just hilariously bad.

I'm on Estate. You know the area by the water where the boathouse is? There's a white car near the stairs that lead to the lower half of the map. I spawn at the bottom, make my way slowly up the stairs, and BAM there's a guy hiding ALL THE WAY BEHIND THE WHITE CAR WITH 1887s!! HE KILLED ME WITH ONE BLAST FROM LIKE 100 FEET AWAY! If that had been a sniper or something I'd be like "nice shot" or whatever. But that's just stupid. Just plain broken. Fucking shotguns from 100 ft. away.

Penny Arcade is spot on. We're supposed to be playing Modern Warfare and the most powerful setup in the game is two fucking shotguns from 120 years ago (or running around with a tactical knife).

Or using any number of flat out exploits. Fuck this bullshit studio.
Eric WK said:
Or using any number of flat out exploits. Fuck this bullshit studio.

problem is they already won. our dumbasses bought it.

so much for trusting a studio to have 2 years to make a game without 500 fucking holes in it.

they saw gears 2 do it. people still bought it so they figured theyd ass-rape us too
Eric WK said:
Fuck this bullshit studio.
:lol :lol
I love how people post this shit ad nauseum, only to continue playing days worth of the game. They're obviously going to fix it. Luckily, 75 hours in and I haven't run into it once.

RSTEIN said:
Ok. This is beyond getting mad anymore. It's just hilariously bad.

I'm on Estate. You know the area by the water where the boathouse is? There's a white car near the stairs that lead to the lower half of the map. I spawn at the bottom, make my way slowly up the stairs, and BAM there's a guy hiding ALL THE WAY BEHIND THE WHITE CAR WITH 1887s!! HE KILLED ME WITH ONE BLAST FROM LIKE 100 FEET AWAY! If that had been a sniper or something I'd be like "nice shot" or whatever. But that's just stupid. Just plain broken. Fucking shotguns from 100 ft. away.

Penny Arcade is spot on. We're supposed to be playing Modern Warfare and the most powerful setup in the game is two fucking shotguns from 120 years ago (or running around with a tactical knife).

You powered through months of Gears of War 2 did you not? probably the most glitched MP game I've played in years. One bad MW2 glitch that will be fixable very soon shouldn't make you ragequit that bad.
DevelopmentArrested said:
:lol :lol
I love how people post this shit ad nauseum, only to continue playing days worth of the game. They're obviously going to fix it. Luckily, 75 hours in and I haven't run into it once.

You powered through months of Gears of War 2 did you not? probably the most glitched MP game I've played in years. One bad MW2 glitch that will be fixable very soon shouldn't make you ragequit that bad.

this shit is what is part of the problem.

I would much rather complain my ass off and chastise them for this bullshit then act like you.

If nobody ever says anything then nothing will change. Its bullshit for them to do something like this and be able to get away with it.

The last trend we need to be set is that its ok to release a broken game on the promise of patches later. Its fucking unacceptable as a multimillion dollar game studio to act like that.

How many patches did Halo 3 need? exactly

Fuck IW for this kind of quality

Eric WK

DevelopmentArrested said:
:lol :lol
I love how people post this shit ad nauseum, only to continue playing days worth of the game. They're obviously going to fix it. Luckily, 75 hours in and I haven't run into it once.

Every other game there's a group of people either using Akimbo 1887's, the care package exploit, the Javelin exploit and on and on.

And how is it obvious that they'll fix it? We wouldn't even be in this position if they tested the damn game. If the game isn't balanced and the exploits aren't fixed within a month, it will be clear that they just don't give a shit. Have they even acknowledged the problems? It shows a complete lack of respect for both their community and their product.


xDangerboy said:
they would fix it soon but, christmas is coming up.

so may be late january

Ha. Remember how long it took them to address any problem Modern Warfare 1 had? I'd say some time after the fourth of July would be more likely.


Can I not get into a good game? Ever?

Why is it impossible to find a balanced game?

How come I'm always in a game with people way better than me going 3 and 14 all the time?

I'm not bad at the game. Why can't it properly match make a game?

Why can't I spawn and not die in seconds? I find my self constantly spawning with people behind me. This was a problem in CoD4. Could they not fucking fix this? Really?

Why can't I ever find a game with fair players who don't camp all the time?

I'm fed up with this game. I've had it.

I don't think I've been more disappointed in a game in so long.
Just posted on 402's Twitter:

FourZeroTwo said:
http://bit.ly/69s3jz - Penny Arcade "Witchblades". For those of you who have hate in your heart for the dual model 1887s, you are not alone!

So, at least he's aware...
mYm|17| said:
wtf is the deal with these guys running around with javelins and shooting at the ground when i kill them, so lame man

They aren't shooting them at the ground. They are exploiting a glitch that allows them to detonate a Javelin explosion when they die.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
xDangerboy said:
How many patches did Halo 3 need? exactly

Out of curiosity how many patches did MW1 and WaW get? Cause I have no idea, they both have betas though.

Halo 3 had 2 patches though and one them was to add achievements and not really fix anything.


AnEternalEnigma said:
They aren't shooting them at the ground. They are exploiting a glitch that allows them to detonate a Javelin explosion when they die.

ahhh, yea friend and i were like WTF!!!!!!!!!

seriously, this game is fuckin lame right now


AnEternalEnigma said:
They aren't shooting them at the ground. They are exploiting a glitch that allows them to detonate a Javelin explosion when they die.

I just leave the room when a group of players are doing this if the map is a close quarter type map.

As far as the akimbo 1887 shotties goes, I used those from 68-70. But I have since prestiged, so yea, none of those for me until I get back up in levels or someone drops them.
Halo 3 is not the best example. It had a pretty major glitch where melee damage distribution was all wrong when playing online. They never fixed it. They just rigged it to where a simultaneous hit would kill both players.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Halo 3 is not the best example. It had a pretty major glitch where melee damage distribution was all wrong when playing online. They never fixed it. They just rigged it to where a simultaneous hit would kill both players.
That is fscking bullshit, I hate that crap so much!
Seriously, it's amazing how these glitches/exploits can get out of control in a MATTER OF DAYS.

I've stopped playing this for a while until shit gets fixed. Even thinking about going back to CoD4 for the time being.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Halo 3 is not the best example. It had a pretty major glitch where melee damage distribution was all wrong when playing online. They never fixed it. They just rigged it to where a simultaneous hit would kill both players.

Actually they did fix it, they even released a great description on what was causing the problem and what exactly the fix implemented. The two death melee was the fix, but it was the proper fix to make it fair for both the host and non-host of the game. They had a huge article on it but I'm too lazy to find it.


xDangerboy said:
they would fix it soon but, christmas is coming up.

so may be late january
DLC = Revenue Gained

Patch = ???/$0.00

What do you think ACTIVISION'S priority is? Pretty obvious...

I might take a break here if a balance patch is coming beforehand, though. Would be very interesting to play the game with more balance, like a whole new ballgame.

AnEternalEnigma said:
Just posted on 402's Twitter:

So, at least he's aware...
Hrm...I think all he is doing is sharing the comic. I don't think he is speaking on behalf of IW - I think he just saying, "hey, you hate the 1887s? Here is a comic for you!"
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