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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Goddamn this match making sucks, some nights I jump from game to game in seconds, other nights it takes 2-3 minutes to put a game together. I don't remember this shit happening during CoD 4.
Nice to see I'm not alone in my. Critism of IW and their horrible game balance and play testing. Sometimes I wish I bought Left 4 Dead 2 instead.
Wow, terrible evening. Game was laggy as all shit tonight. It also seems that the camping is getting worse and worse. There's nothing more frustrating than wrecking the other team, only to have some guy come from his 5 minute stay behind a counter to knife you in the back. Got me so pissed that I started leveling up my USP just to get Tactical Knife, with the sole purpose of having a knife build for these "special" people.

Oh, and the shotties need to get nerfed, their range is crazy. Especially Akimbo shotties. Grrrrrrr.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wow, got called a "camping faggot" in Domination on the PS3 version. Figured the PSN community was better than that, but wow.

Anyway, QQ bitch because you got your ass beat by a deaf defending his teams points with a silenced UMP + AK.

Still having issues getting spec ops going. Anytime someone on my friends list invites me to do it, it's laggy as fuck. I host, it's fine except for a few of them that are on and playing MW2 still.

Fuck multiplayer achievements and fuck you Infinity Ward for going back on your "singleplayer only" promise. :|

Otherwise the multiplayer minus the maps is still fun as hell. Just unlocked the FN P90 finally today. Time to get that bitch Akimbo'ed.


Neo Member
So I fire up some ground war tonight and wind up on Domination/Rundown for the first map. I tryout a new stealth build which doesn't include anti air. Usually I am king of anti-air but this time the enemy gets a chopper gunner up and I'm without the trusty stinger. I'm guarding "C" so I just hang tight safe in the fact that cold blooded should keep me from being killed. Should've suicided and switched classes b/c no one on my team shoots it down and they end up getting a nuke off for the win.

Next game is domination on Derail, one of my favorite maps. Once again, I try out my stealth class which doesn't have anti-air. I start chasing an enemy who was flanking around to "A" but suddenly he breaks off and goes to the corner of the map, where he meets, to my surprise, one of my teammates dropping a tac insertion. Now I put it together. Two buddies (dickheads) on opposite teams are cheating nukes off eachother. I blow the enemy away and curse these shitheads for essentially ruining the game for the rest of us. They had obviously cheated the nuke dropped in the last game.

Later in the same match I get notified of ANOTHER chopper gunner - knowing what's up, I open my map and low and behold a guy on my team is stationary in a different corner. I rush the area and blow away the douchebag laying down on his laptop covered by my teammate. It felt so good ruining his cheated nuke he was so close to obtaining.

Watchout for these filthy cheating fucks. Check the map for a stationairy man on your team in the corner if you face an usually early chopper gunner.

I quit that game and a couple games later I was able to obtain my first nuke legitimately on Overpass. Yay me. Fuck the cheaters.
I must be going crazy, but every time I try to play Domination or any other objective game I think I must have accidentally selected "Team Deathmatch". Camp + Nuke seems to be the only thing people try to do anymore.

I did a domination game last night with 5 other people, and there was a guy on the other team hiding in a corner of a house trying to get a nuke. So my friends and I ran in there and fed him kills up until he had 23, then we all got riot shields + throwing knives, ran in, and killed him. Needless to say, I've never heard that many racial slurs at the end of a game.


TheSeks said:
Wow, got called a "camping faggot" in Domination on the PS3 version. Figured the PSN community was better than that, but wow.

Fuck multiplayer achievements and fuck you Infinity Ward for going back on your "singleplayer only" promise. :|

Honestly, no community anywhere is above that. Maybe small tight knit niche game communities... maybe.

And the PS3 version has MP trophies?
I think it's quite funny.

Even with the problems of no dedicated servers on the PC version, I don't seem to see any of the glitches being used on the PC version.

Plus I am yet to have a nuke be dropped in a single game i've played so far. Not once, and I'm level 59.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
And the PS3 version has MP trophies?
I think he meant Spec Ops, how it requires 2 players to do some levels.

Neverender said:
God damn, just encountered the Javelin bullshit... Why do people even play this game if they're going to do that crap
I havn't seen this.. what is it?

CorporalDork said:
I think it's quite funny.

Even with the problems of no dedicated servers on the PC version, I don't seem to see any of the glitches being used on the PC version.

Plus I am yet to have a nuke be dropped in a single game i've played so far. Not once, and I'm level 59.
360 version here, and I'm also yet to see any glitch abusers or nukes.
Akimbo 1887s are everywhere though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Trumpet909 said:
I must be going crazy, but every time I try to play Domination or any other objective game I think I must have accidentally selected "Team Deathmatch". Camp + Nuke seems to be the only thing people try to do anymore.

I did a domination game last night with 5 other people, and there was a guy on the other team hiding in a corner of a house trying to get a nuke. So my friends and I ran in there and fed him kills up until he had 23, then we all got riot shields + throwing knives, ran in, and killed him. Needless to say, I've never heard that many racial slurs at the end of a game.

They really need to take the nuke out of objective games.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
TheSeks said:
Fuck multiplayer achievements and fuck you Infinity Ward for going back on your "singleplayer only" promise. :|
You're still going on about this? Those technically aren't multi-player achievements — IW didn't "go back on any promise" (and saying this makes you look like some sort of unstable, achievement-obsessed maniac). If you can host without a problem, I'm pretty certain that any number of people in this thread would be willing to help you out (as was suggested to you previously).
user_nat said:
I think he meant Spec Ops, how it requires 2 players to do some levels.

I havn't seen this.. what is it?

I have no idea how it's done but when these fucking losers are killed their javelin auto-targets the killer. It's so god damn annoying... game-ruining for me at this point because every fucking idiot does it now. Ugh.

Also what's your gamertag? I could use more Aussies.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Neverender said:
I have no idea how it's done but when these fucking losers are killed their javelin auto-targets the killer. It's so god damn annoying... game-ruining for me at this point because every fucking idiot does it now. Ugh.

Also what's your gamertag? I could use more Aussies.
It's in my profile :p


Man, I feel like I've just discovered the Beatles while everyone else has been listening to them for decades. All these wonderous things are so new and fantastic to me. I just got the Bling perk. Now I've got an Aliens motion (i know it's heartbeat) tracker and scope on my SCAR. I might try out sniper rifles soon.

I do feel that my progress is super slow... like I'm going to work in the Sims when I could be earning loads more doing some craft and selling them. Is this just a matter of skill to how fast you grow?

One last thing: how do I earn the grass camo?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
AnEternalEnigma said:
You do know you can play Spec Ops by yourself, don't you, champ?
Some (1 or 2) levels require 2 players. Hardly worth complaining over though.


The worst part about the Javelin glitch is that it has a ridiculous amount of range when it explodes. The multiplayer is a fucking mess right now.


h4k said:
Akimbo 1887s are way overpowered. Any chance that they will get nerfed in the upcoming patch?
That has pretty much been the talk of the thread for the last few days. Hopefully a patch will fix it but I have my doubts that IW would really tweak a game after release that much.

Eric WK

Griffith said:
The worst part about the Javelin glitch is that it has a ridiculous amount of range when it explodes. The multiplayer is a fucking mess right now.

And people thought Martyrdom was bad. :lol

Calling this a mess is being polite.


Sad state of affairs in this game right about now. Matchmaking is average though your mileage may vary, getting killed with dual buckshot sniper rifles, constant exploits through glitching the map, Javelin glitch and I have to watch my back for ninjas now.


Steroid Distributor
I don't know if everyone is just getting better or if I'm just falling apart. I'm horrible lately.

It could be because I started working on sniping and in this game I think it's garbage. I hit a guy in the face from across the map and he doesn't die but he shoots two quick bursts at me and I'm dead? How is that possible?
The lag the last two nights has been frustrating too. I've had a ton of encounters where I'm plugging a guy full of lead and when I'm watching my killcam I see that he isn't taking any damage at all.

I'm lost right now. Kinda pissed off actually. I was really really enjoying this game up until Saturday.


Griffith said:
The worst part about the Javelin glitch is that it has a ridiculous amount of range when it explodes. The multiplayer is a fucking mess right now.

Just found out about this today. Pretty hilarious.


Put me in the "saw everyone using the javelin glitch" party. I swear, it seemed like every other game people were using that damn glitch. Throw that in with the care package grenade knifers, akimbo 1887 shotties, and the occasional boosters, and this game can be down right frustrating.

I enjoy it when everyone is playing clean, but it seems like its getting to the point where that is impossible.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Halo 3 is not the best example. It had a pretty major glitch where melee damage distribution was all wrong when playing online. They never fixed it. They just rigged it to where a simultaneous hit would kill both players.

it wasnt all wrong. It favored the host so it was unfair when it came down to a 1v1 scenario.

i dont care long this is. At least they spent the time fixing it and explaining it.

Bungie Weekly Update Feb 08 said:
What Halo 2 Did

Put simply, in Halo 2, whoever threw the first melee won. Sounds perfect, right? Not quite.

Get your Einstein on, we’re going to talk about relativity. Specifically, the relative observations of host versus client. In Halo 3, across our entire population, we observe an average latency between host and client of around 80-100ms, which is around three frames. Assuming 90ms of latency, consider what happens when the host and client both throw melee attacks at exactly the same time. The host will see the client’s melee attack as many as three frames later, while the client will see the host’s melee attack three frames later. Who attacked first?

Well, in the halcyon days of Halo 2, the host made that determination. Which means his melee was first and the client lost the melee fight far more often than they should have. And in the event of two clients attacking simultaneously, the one with lower latency to the host would appear to have attacked first, and would be the winner. In a peer-to-peer environment with latency, it is nigh impossible to determine exactly who attacked first.

Over Halo 2’s three years online, many people adapted and got used to preemptively throwing a melee, but it was still fundamentally unfair in favor of the host or people with faster connections.

So, to be clear and upfront, we will not be returning to those days of letting the host win when the outcome is in doubt, aka. first melee wins.

The Halo 3 “Fix”

In Halo 3, there is explicit special treatment for what is called a “melee contest”, which occurs when two melee attacks occur almost simultaneously. Specifically, when the host starts to throw a melee attack, there is a short window after that (three frames, or approximately 100ms) during which the host will watch for a retaliatory melee attack. If one arrives inside that window, it is a contest. Besides smoothing out the latency differences between clients (it works the same way when one client melees another), this allows a client with a ping as high as 100ms to compete with the host on a far more even footing than Halo 2 allowed.

So now we have the contests, but how are they resolved? Having determined that we cannot trust timing in an environment with latency, we instead use the remaining health (including shields) of the contestants as the tie-breaker. This is about as fair as you can get, within the conventions of Halo—the guy who did more damage comes out on top. Specifically, the winner of the contest still takes melee damage from the loser, but is protected from death and lives to fight another day.

On paper, this method addresses the host advantage (among others) and is scrupulously fair. There’s just one problem:

The Fatal Flaw

Halo 3’s system is inscrutable. This is most famously illustrated by a splitscreen film (eliminating latency as a factor) of two players running at each other, firing, and throwing melee attacks on the same frame. One drops dead, and it isn’t clear why, so the result is declared to be random. The real reason is, of course, that one player landed one or two more bullets than the other, but that isn’t anywhere near obvious.

Any time you have a game system which players cannot understand, it might as well be random. No matter how fair the tiebreaker may be, if a single Assault Rifle bullet can slip by and decide the outcome, it might as well be random. And randomness is a poor substitute for tactics and skillful execution.

Addressing the Flaw

We considered and ultimately rejected some ideas that could have made melee contests produce a less inscrutable result. A major consideration was that we wanted to minimize the impact on how Halo 3 plays to the greatest degree possible, while still addressing the problem. Radically changing the mechanics of melee combat is not something we want at this point.

Ultimately, the change is targeted at the unpredictable outcome of a contest. Simply stated, it works like this: when a melee contest occurs, and both players are close to the same health (including shields), no special protection is given to either player. This means the outcome of a close melee contest can be death for both participants, but that a player who decisively injures his opponent prior to closing for a melee will continue to enjoy the victorious outcome.

For those of you uninterested in the precise details, the upshot is this: if you close for a melee attack and are at a clear advantage (or disadvantage), the outcome will be clear. If the outcome is unclear, too close to call, you will likely trade kills with your victim. But you should no longer watch your opponent saunter away for no clear reason (and if you do, check the film—it tells all.)

The Nitty Gritty

If you’re still reading, you’re probably interested in some details, so we won’t skimp.

A player in MP has a grand total of 115 hit points (to adopt a common term.) 45 of these are body hit points, 70 are shield hit points. For reference, a single AR bullet does 7.5 points of damage, and a BR bullet does 6. A melee attack does 70 for most weapons, with some weapons (notably the Brute weapons) doing 72.

When entering a melee contest, the combined body and shield hit points are compared. If the difference is above a threshold, then one player is determined to have won decisively and is protected from death. After testing with a variety of weapons, we settled on a threshold of 26.5 hit points (slightly rounded.) This translates into 4+ AR bullets worth of damage to decisively win a melee contest, instead of simply having 1 more hit point than the other guy.

There is one more wrinkle to this: your invisible body hit points do recharge, but at a different rate from your shields. While ordinarily this is a non-issue (we’ve always made this largely transparent), it can affect the outcome of a contest. For those of you keeping score, body hit points start regenerating 10 seconds after last taking damage, at a rate of 9 hp/sec. So if your shields are up but you’re fresh from taking a beating, you could still be in trouble in a contest.

YMMV, etc.

Despite our best efforts, this system cannot cover all cases: if your latency is beyond 100ms, you can still get into situations where the host legitimately believes that your melee did not arrive in time. In testing, we did catch a couple of films where perfectly balanced, simultaneous melee attacks produced an unexpected winner. But these were films recorded by the client—the host film told a different story, showing a very late melee.

The moral: when in doubt, check the host’s film, because latency still matters. Just a whole lot less than Halo 2.

Also, while we were in there, we excised a BXB-style glitch before it gathered popularity, and fixed that strangeness where bodies would be hurled with unearthly force by a mid-melee death. We sincerely apologize to people who enjoyed the latter bug—it was pretty funny."

like it or not, at least bungie didnt release a broken ass game

Mad Max

Net_Wrecker said:
Finally launched a Nuke today in Ground War. Wow, people really don't like putting air support down huh? 29 straight kills on Skid Row.

They do when I'm using it.. :p Seriously, yesterday I was trying to do the emp challenges, and almost every time I got my harrier it got shot down pretty immediately, so I'd still have to get those 4 more kills by my self. Although I did manage to get the emp 6 times in one evening.
Mad Max said:
They do when I'm using it.. :p Seriously, yesterday I was trying to do the emp challenges, and almost every time I got my harrier it got shot down pretty immediately, so I'd still have to get those 4 more kills by my self. Although I did manage to get the emp 6 times in one evening.

I wasn't even using the harrier. My setup was Predator -> Chopper Gunner -> Nuke. I was on Skid Row so my Predator obviously didn't work. I basically got 11 straight tactical knife/P90 kills and used the Chopper Gunner to end the game. It was the first time that everything really lined up for me. I don't bother with the harrier cause it's insanely easy to take out.
host migration doesn't seem to work very well (and in some cases it doesn't kick in at all when it obviously should).

was in a game a little while ago and the whole lobby was lagging badly so host migration kicks in... only to pick a person with an even worse connection. the game wasn't even half way over at that point but host migration didn't kick in again.

i've also been in several other games where everyone except whom i assume is the host is lagging terribly but HM never kicks in.

edit: and dual shotguns desperately need a nerf. honestly some of the shit they allowed in this game make me think it wasn't play tested for shit.


Hahahah, yesterday night I got my first hate mail on PS3! :p

Nickname: JoeKilledMe

Subject: ...

Message: "u kno u a serious camper when using flares to respawn at ur camp site"

The thing is, we were playing in the Afghan level, and I kept using flares to respawn around the area near the mini-farm thing. But after spawning there I leave another flare and go somewhere else.. :/ So it's not like I'm camping D:
So I tried the Javelin glitch (shamefully).

I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. It was hilariously fun, but hilariously broken too. It definitely needs a fix, and my laughing at it would only go on for so long before others would figure it out.
WickedLaharl said:
host migration doesn't seem to work very well (and in some cases it doesn't kick in at all when it obviously should).

was in a game a little while ago and the whole lobby was lagging badly so host migration kicks in... only to pick a person with an even worse connection. the game wasn't even half way over at that point but host migration didn't kick in again.

i've also been in several other games where everyone except whom i assume is the host is lagging terribly but HM never kicks in.

edit: and dual shotguns desperately need a nerf. honestly some of the shit they allowed in this game make me think it wasn't play tested for shit.

bu-bu-bu deadlines, time constraints, etc.

seriously though. even if not for the gameplay issues at least for the host migration and party system.

They say host migration but some games will still randomly end with "connection to server lost" and the others with "game lobby closed".

And then you have the beauty that is having your own party members getting kicked out of your own fucking party. I honestly think that you dont join as a party, but instead it tries to quick connect all of you at the same time to seem like your joining together. But if one of you cant join, it just kicks that person out, making you have to go back and find that person again and start all over.

Then you join a game with 3 harriers, a pavelov and a nuke countdown :lol


I unlocked the akimbo 1887 and have been using them for the past 2 hours or so. It's an allright combo, pretty deadly but I still do much much better with a silenced ACR. I usually always get my AC130/Chopper gun every match with that combo but with the 1887 i've been dying way to quickly due to long range battkes.


Is there a definitive list of which killstreaks do and don't count towards more killstreaks? I thought only rewards that came from Care Packages didn't count, but I just had a 9-kill Pave Low take me from 9 to 22 and I didn't get my next killstreak (AC130, 11 kills).
tsigo said:
Is there a definitive list of which killstreaks do and don't count towards more killstreaks? I thought only rewards that came from Care Packages didn't count, but I just had a 9-kill Pave Low take me from 9 to 22 and I didn't get my next killstreak (AC130, 11 kills).

unless you got it from a care package or emergency air drop than it should of counted towards your AC-130
So yeah, had some good games last night. Started to use the throwing knife after seeing that fluky knife kill on you tube. Playing Rust, there was a guy running up that tower in the middle, I chucked the knife as it was going to miss him but he walked into it.

The most satisfying kill in ages.


tsigo said:
Is there a definitive list of which killstreaks do and don't count towards more killstreaks? I thought only rewards that came from Care Packages didn't count, but I just had a 9-kill Pave Low take me from 9 to 22 and I didn't get my next killstreak (AC130, 11 kills).

Did you earn the pavelow, die, and then use it?

I don't know this definitively but I have a hunch that killstreak rewards earned in a previous life don't count towards the killstreak of your current life.
NYR said:
DLC = Revenue Gained

Patch = ???/$0.00

What do you think ACTIVISION'S priority is? Pretty obvious...

A patch would curb frustration in the community, making them less likely to cash it in a Gamestop. That right there is reason enough for them to hop on it ASAP. Plus it keeps the players happy, which is more important for the company/product in the long run.

tsigo said:
Is there a definitive list of which killstreaks do and don't count towards more killstreaks? I thought only rewards that came from Care Packages didn't count, but I just had a 9-kill Pave Low take me from 9 to 22 and I didn't get my next killstreak (AC130, 11 kills).

All killstreaks count unless they were from a previous life or gained from a care package.
Tkawsome said:
A patch would curb frustration in the community, making them less likely to cash it in a Gamestop. That right there is reason enough for them to hop on it ASAP. Plus it keeps the players happy, which is more important for the company/product in the long run.

honestly, i don't know if believe that anymore.

ASAP would have been a lot sooner. Either they:

A. Don't give a shit about community (very serious possibility)
B. Did not expect any of the exploits/party and host issues that are appearing in the game.

A. means they are just a bunch of assholes rolling in money.

B. means that they are stupid for not having a beta/playtesting
xDangerboy said:
honestly, i don't know if believe that anymore.

ASAP would have been a lot sooner. Either they:

A. Don't give a shit about community (very serious possibility)
B. Did not expect any of the exploits/party and host issues that are appearing in the game.

A. means they are just a bunch of assholes rolling in money.

B. means that they are stupid for not having a beta/playtesting

They've already released like, what, five patches for the PS3 version? They're clearly working on fixing these things, we just have to be patient. Anyways, the problems we are encountering are not that bad, especially when compared to what was happening in CoD 4 even a couple of months ago.
Tkawsome said:
They've already released like, what, five patches for the PS3 version? They're clearly working on fixing these things, we just have to be patient. Anyways, the problems we are encountering are not that bad, especially when compared to what was happening in CoD 4 even a couple of months ago.

youd expect that theres different teams for each version, or at least id suspect so.

But regardless, not that bad?

Yes they are that bad. Defending them makes you look like a fanboy.

These "not that bad issues" are things that real developers don't let reach the final product.

These "not that bad issues" are interfering with everyone's attempt to play the game legit and causing the game to lose its fun. Fun, i.e. the whole point of a game.

Even playing with the idea of making excuses for them is flat out stupid.

Am i a game designer? of course not. But the quality of MW2 is not my responsibility, its theres.

A trait that they are seriously lacking right now.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Halo 3 is not the best example. It had a pretty major glitch where melee damage distribution was all wrong when playing online. They never fixed it. They just rigged it to where a simultaneous hit would kill both players.
That was never a glitch, that was just 2 different ways to deal with latency.

Basically, in the first version, if 2 players hit eachother at the same time with melees (not literally at the same time, but within 50ms or something) then the player with the most health would survive. And after the patch, they changed it to both players dying instead.

They could have used a more straightforward system where the survivor was decided by who delivered the network packet first to the server. But then ping/host advantage becomes bigger, which isn't exactly ideal.


Sectus said:
That was never a glitch, that was just 2 different ways to deal with latency.

Basically, in the first version, if 2 players hit eachother at the same time with melees (not literally at the same time, but within 50ms or something) then the player with the most health would survive. And after the patch, they changed it to both players dying instead.

They could have used a more straightforward system where the survivor was decided by who delivered the network packet first to the server. But then ping/host advantage becomes bigger, which isn't exactly ideal.

I think that melee fix was the best solution they could offer while taking into account the drawbacks of a P2P hosted system.

But, we're getting a little off topic here :lol

edit: On topic, with regards to the bugs...

It's definitely a big problem. I don't even bother trying to set something up with my friends anymore because it just results in frustration when we have to constantly back out to pick up the people who got 'left behind'. This should not be happening, period. Maybe I could forgive it if it was rare, but it happens all the damn time. This is the biggest issue imo.

Second? The glitches that are game breaking. Inexcusable to have things like the javelin glitch (especially now that it's so popular).

Third on the priority list for me is host migration. Not as buggy as the broken party system, but there have been too many times where either

A) the host migration 'succeeds' at picking a new host that has a worse connection than the old one, and we have to either quit or finish the game playing a laggy mess because host migration doesn't kick in again.

B) the host migration process simply fails and dumps me to the lobby.

There's probably more that needs fixing but in order those are my top three things that with an experienced developer given 18+ months to work on a game that is guaranteed to sell millions, we definitely shouldn't be seeing at all.


My desire to play any more multiplayer has been pretty much completely destroyed, and I only bought the game a week ago. GG IWNET.

This game just makes me think that Infinity Ward went insane trying to think of as many bullshit things to unlock as possible, and at no point did they consider how BS some of the combinations might be. "How about a helicopter that can kill anyone in like 2 shots AND it highlights people AND it flies around the map for maximum slaughter." How the fuck do you justify something that can easily give 20+ kills for next to no effort?

And this matchmaking system is fucked right up the arse. Last night it took, no exaggeration, 25 minutes to get me and 3 of my friends into a game of TDM. 25 fucking minutes. But hey it's more user-friendly than servers with scary things like numbers. Oh wait, I had to explain to some of my friends how to forward ports on their routers to open their NAT, that was the very definition of user-friendly.
Whenever the patch comes out it better be fucking good.

Stupid friends always sending me messages to play with them though.
If I could make those fuckers play TF2 instead I would be so fucking happy.


Ok, ran into this bullshit for the first time last night... w. t. f.

Between this and the double shotty's (seriously, who thought that was a good idea?) This game just keeps on giving... :-\ Too bad though, because when people aren't doing this bullshit it's still really fun.
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