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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Neo Member
Where is the best place to complete the "How the...?" challenge? (Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall.
Sorry for all the questions :D
Where is the best place to complete the "How the...?" challenge? (Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall.
Sorry for all the questions :D

Uh that one is pretty much a lucky shot. I would say look for where snipers go and just hope you can shoot through the wall and it blows up a claymore. Its much less common since claymores dont unlock until later levels.

The times I got it in COD4 and WAW were pure luck.


Where is the best place to complete the "How the...?" challenge? (Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall.
Sorry for all the questions :D

When I got mine, I don't even know how it happened. I planted a claymore in the grass by the wall separating the house front yard and the boatyard on Estate, and I somehow got the challenge completed while I was running around down by the bottom of the hill, way away from where my claymore was, and I definitely didn't shoot it. I wonder if it counts if other people shoot it.


corkscrewblow said:
No wonder you don't have fun when you play.

I play the same thing and like it a lot. I got to level 30 just playing that. No one else on my list has the game so this mode works well. I have seen a lot of 1887 and rocket mods though. A lot of shield bullshit also.


Where is the best place to complete the "How the...?" challenge? (Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall.
Sorry for all the questions :D

any map with a lot of buildings. put on Sit Rep and Stopping Power and wait for enemies to lay down claymores
Where is the best place to complete the "How the...?" challenge? (Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall.
Sorry for all the questions :D
I got that by blowing up the guy I was shooting through once.


MidnightRider said:
I tend to lean towards the plain old Red Dot for it........

I for some reason..... can't get used to the ACOG on the assualt rifles. I love it on the snipers but it seem to take up too much screen and zoom in to far on assualt rifles to me.
I've found that putting ACOG with Sleigh of Hand Pro is pretty damn effective. I do this in my HC setup and its NICE. Never a big fan of acog but this is different and I like it.


Played merc team deathmatch about 2 hours ago, ran into a javelin glitch dick. Made me go 5-15, very frustrating last game.

Heads up, it looks like a lot of the cheaper players are showing up I'm my match making after level 44. Sad, really. And by cheap I mean javelin pricks and akimbo shotguns.
That fucking javelin glitch has got to go. We were destroying this team I believe it was 6000 to 4500 us and this one guy just breaks out a full blown jav class with danger close. We ended up losing because he kept on getting like 2-3 no problem. Fucking bullshit. You cant even run away because they are still allowed to knife.


TheAzRim said:
Just had a 24 killstreak, twenty fucking four. Missed the nuke by 1, would've been my third.

And why do I keep on getting matched with horrible teams. 99% of the games tonight I ended up being first and only one with a positive ratio.

I'm working on my 10th this prestige level. I'm usually good for one every other night or so, just so I'm not tied up in the shit talking and stuff. I had many games just being 1 or 2 shy. One game I got it when I was in the chopper gunner and couldn't get out of it fast enough to turn the key on the nuke, was praying they shot it down but no the game ended, now that's a bitch. :lol

The other one I called in I ended up getting "Star Player", whatever the hell that is.

And fuck no. Nuke should stay in the objective based games, especially domination. It's fun calling it in when you're getting your ass handed to you, or when you tell your party to all mess around in a room and let them cap everything getting their hopes up just to call it in.

Nelo Ice

whitehawk said:
How do you guys do this. My highest killstreak is 12 =/

be careful and hide ur body when u call in a kill streak
it helps to have cold blooded and ninja too
of course one of my nukes was using the knife class on afghan :lol


Nelo Ice said:
be careful and hide ur body when u call in a kill streak
it helps to have cold blooded and ninja too
of course one of my nukes was using the knife class on afghan :lol


And the knife thing, you're cold as ice. :lol


Nelo Ice said:
be careful and hide ur body when u call in a kill streak
it helps to have cold blooded and ninja too
of course one of my nukes was using the knife class on afghan :lol
Well I have Ninja on, and so far that seems to be helping. I also just changed around my killstreaks. Before I had the 5killsteak airbomb thing as my highest killstreak =/ Took away UAV now.


whitehawk said:
Well I have Ninja on, and so far that seems to be helping. I also just changed around my killstreaks. Before I had the 5killsteak airbomb thing as my highest killstreak =/ Took away UAV now.

Harrier -> Chopper Gunner -> Nuke.


Nelo Ice

J-Rzez said:

And the knife thing, you're cold as ice. :lol

i was surprised i got it with that class since its so highly death prone...well espcially when i get too cocky and go for the knife instead of the free kill with my p90

also for killstreaks generally i find harrier-->chopper gunner---->nuke works out the best...all provided the other team doesnt shoot down either of the first 2 killstreaks
unless u get lucky like me on invasion and killed waves of enemies when they took care of my harrier and chopper gunner before they could do any real damage :lol



Alright, until they fix the Javelin glitch I'm pretty much refusing to touch Domination or TDM. Just had seven games in a row between the two modes where at least one asshat was running around with it, getting kills he didn't deserve.

Ah well, I'm starting to love S&D anyway :)

Nelo Ice

so now that ive gotten my 5th nuke...should i try to get the last 5 for the challenge(i think its get 10 overall nukes) or should i prestige?

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Nelo Ice said:
so now that ive gotten my 5th nuke...should i try to get the last 5 for the challenge(i think its get 10 overall nukes) or should i prestige?

You get the badass nuke emblem that moves if you get 10 Nukes. Youre half way so stick with it!


You like me, you really really like me!
I don't think I'm going to prestige again for a while.

I'll just stay on the first prestige for now. You lose WAY too much shit everytime you start over again. In CoD4 it was ok, but in MW2, you're talking killstreaks and a shitload of weapons and attachments that you have to unlock ALL OVER AGAIN.

It's alot of work.


Nelo Ice said:
so now that ive gotten my 5th nuke...should i try to get the last 5 for the challenge(i think its get 10 overall nukes) or should i prestige?
man, now you're just gloating. I can't get more than 5 or 6 kills in a row :(


Javelin glitch is fucking lame. Tons of people were doing it tonight, even had a whole party/team doing it, they just kept running towards us and when they got killed it'd take out like 2-3 of us in the process. It's no fun playing when shit like that is going on.


That shit has officially taken priority over the Akimbo 1887's which, fuck me, I didn't think could be topped. Granted I'm talking about an exploit versus an over-powered weapon, but I mean...ugh. It's likely only going to get worse until IW patches it, or (god forbid) hot-fixes it ASAP.


Nelo Ice said:
so now that ive gotten my 5th nuke...should i try to get the last 5 for the challenge(i think its get 10 overall nukes) or should i prestige?
I'd check the challenge in the menu to see how many nukes you actually have to go. I think you have to get 10 from scratch? I'm pretty positive from the time i unlocked the 'end of line' title for 5 nukes i had done more than another 5 after but hadn't completed the call in 10 nukes challenge (maybe i was using nukes when i hadn't unlocked that challenge and they weren't counting?). In any case i managed to finish the challenge last night, the nuke killstreak has gone into retirement. :lol
Scarecrow said:
shouldn't you be able to take them out from afar?

When youre on a level like terminal its really harder than it sounds, ESPECIALLY if they have fucking danger close. You wouldn't believe how much range they can get with that fucking explosion. Its not like a grenade is exploding, its a little bit smaller than a predator explosion THEN plus danger close.


Lionheart1827 said:
When youre on a level like terminal its really harder than it sounds, ESPECIALLY if they have fucking danger close. You wouldn't believe how much range they can get with that fucking explosion. Its not like a grenade is exploding, its a little bit smaller than a predator explosion THEN plus danger close.


It's fucking ridiculous. I was playing Terminal last night and I was right above the escalators when some guy was at the in the middle of the lobby at the bottom, still killed me.


well god damn. I guess I should count myself lucky I havn't run into any of these a-holes yet. I'm sure after I get done with my week break from the game (exams next week, need to study) it'll be much more of a widespread problem.


Just wanted to add my frustration with the javelin glitch as well - ran into it in every match tonight. One team deathmatch game every person on the other group was doing it and they would just non-stop rush us. Ridiculously frustrating - my party ended up going into a private free for all match just to get away from the bs.


Does FMJ increase bullet damage as well as penetration?

I'm torn between a Acog sight or Heartbeat sensor for my Scar to go with my bling Silencer.

kitch9 said:
Does FMJ increase bullet damage as well as penetration?

I'm torn between a Acog sight or Heartbeat sensor for my Scar to go with my bling Silencer.


From my experience the FMJ doesn't provide a big enough damage increase to really matter.
As for the Scar, I go with the ACOG but I'm very cautious of footsteps, so the HBS isn't that important to me unless I'm playing something like S&D.


I guess if you love to grief, you now have at least 5 loadouts to choose from:

Akimbo 1887/ranger class
Tac Knife/speed class
Noobtube class
Riot shield/bullet sponge class
Javelin glitch/suicide bomber class

Is there anything else that I'm missing? There has to be some other LOL setup out there that I haven't seen yet.

I understand that testers can't possibly find every single glitch, but that javelin shit is insane. It's basically a slightly smaller predator missile explosion. I haven't run into many people using the glitch but as soon as the typical xbox live douches find out about it, you might as well quit the game. Things haven't gotten completely out of control yet, but hopefully they'll patch it sooner rather than later.


Talk about lopsided matchmaking. Two back to back games of Domination tonight, one team full of people in their first, some second, Prestige level, and one of them was I believe a 67-69.

I was the highest rank on my team, and I was a 49 (now 50). The rest were 20s, 30s, maybe one person in the 40s. We got destroyed...

WTF is this? Thank god I haven't run into any glitchers (PS3) so far, but sometimes the matchmaking in this game is insane.

Nelo Ice

fps fanatic said:
Talk about lopsided matchmaking. Two back to back games of Domination tonight, one team full of people in their first, some second, Prestige level, and one of them was I believe a 67-69.

I was the highest rank on my team, and I was a 49 (now 50). The rest were 20s, 30s, maybe one person in the 40s. We got destroyed...

WTF is this? Thank god I haven't run into any glitchers (PS3) so far, but sometimes the matchmaking in this game is insane.

i went up against 50s and below for a few matches and completely dominated them every time

i even got a msg from one of them saying he hates when im not on his team :lol
Yeah, haven't seen much glitching on the ps3 version. Only stuff I have seen is some snipers tactically inserting themselves on highrise to places you shouldn't be able to go (on top of the buildings for example)
9/11: The Joke said:
Holy shit is that javelin glitch is fun as hell. Before any one jumps down my throat you should try it and just see how much fun it is. It did fuck up mu K/D ratio but its worth it. In match the enemy team stopped killing me so I went around jumping up and down in front of them till they finally did kill me. The messages are fun aswelll.

Can someone tell me wtf this "glitch" is cause I've never seen it while playing Hardcore.
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