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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Worst day of MW2 ever. All rounds bar one with k/d ratio under one. Goddammit.

Also, the running knife thing is crazy. If you don't consider that as a glitch it does need some balancing.
GodofWine said:
There is simply no way that this franchise remains the top of the FPS for much longer based on this game.

There is SOOO much is doesn't do compared to other games now (vehicles / destruction / properly made objects in game you can climb (not just the ones IW decided to let you climb), falling level of realism...)

Its fun...but its stale, and this is not much different than COD4/WAW...and if anything, the bump in graphics has only increased lag.

oh, and 9v9? really? 12v12 is the new minimum as I see it...hell, we got 128v128 in the making now...so 4v4 / 8v8 with lag is looking amateurish.

Controls are fucking awsome though, really, all other Fps need to copy this games controls to the detail

Sounds like you're describing Battlefield. I loved BF1943 as much as the next guy (200/200 on 360), and BF:BC2 looks totally badass, but CoD scratches an entirely different itch. It's meant to be crazy, close-quarters chaos, where even if you have a bad round, there's a good chance you can still do something awesome.
witness said:
So this is what happens when there's no beta test....
Hey now, if Cliffy B. taught us one thing it's this: why give a gamer unlimited free blowjobs with a beta/demo, when you can sell him the whole sexual intercourse with the full release???

Or something. :D


Pkm said:
See all I ever played online were MMORPG's and the battlefield PC games, for both of those I used text chat or clan ventrillo, as far as console gaming I have a 360 but never wanted to pay for Live so I never played it online. I played the heck out of KZ2, Warhawk, CoD4, RFOM 1/2 and other assorted PS3 games tho, and in no way has it been as bad as what Im dealing with now..
You may think Im talking about "glitchers" and people using 1887's and Tact Knife, but Im not, yes those people are a pain but not my real big issue.
My issue is constant, every night, mutiple, racial attacks/slurs in MW2.

Im a white dude but my nightly party consist of 15 people were me and 3 other guy are the only white guys, the other 12 friends I play with are black guys. Every single night 1 out of 5 lobbies we join as soon as one of them talk and there voices are determined to be black I guess the attacks start flying. Sure we all mute, or at least I do asap but I feel terrible cause I sometimes my friends mute, sometimes it throws them into a rage.
I tell them to mute, but I can understand repeated nightly racial attacks can be frustrating when your just trying to have a good time. Worse of all one is like a brother to me, so it grinds me down too.

I find it disgusting how theres an almost 100% lack of sportmanship or friendly banter between players, yet racial attacks and general hate are common place. I myself always say "good game" or compliment opposing/team players and yet I feel like Im the only fool that does it, yet it doesnt take much to push a person to spew racial hate or even a random flood of foul language.

And to top it off, the craziest thing about these online racist...its not even exclusive to white guys. Its actually split between white guys and Latino guys equally attacking every black guy I play with or that happens to be in the room every single night.
Being that we are from the East Coast and play 1AM+ I suspect its due to playing in a West Coast prime playing time and I believe theres a higher population of Latino players in the Cali/Arizona/Nev. etc.. region.

I dont get if these people get a kick out it and love to spew the stuff they are to scared to say in there daily lives or if these people just feed off of hurting others. But as a white guy from Jersey I will say, black guys have the most class of any gamers Ive met.
They regulary laugh with you, compliment you, play legit, and through all of this have to maintain nightly attacks. Oddly this is why my friendslist and party is composed of 90% Black dudes from 15--->40+.
But all in all it makes me sad to listen and see that a large part of white and latino gamers are spewing racist remarks or just overall rude and obnoxious.
Sorry for the rant.

Hmm, I haven't encountered many of those stereotypical morons on XBL to my surprise. No racists either, maybe I've just been lucky for the past few weeks.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It's a shame by the time I would level to 50 they'll have fixed the glitch, it's not the same with the Stinger :(


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Stridone said:
Hmm, I haven't encountered many of those stereotypical morons on XBL to my surprise. No racists either, maybe I've just been lucky for the past few weeks.

Same here.

Friends only is the way to go!
Man I whenever I think about going to play MW2 I get a bittersweet pissed off feeling because of these douchebag jav glitchers. Last night was one of the worst nights I've ever had with the game due to this. 4/5 games had it and the one game where we lost that I described earlier in the thread here:


just pissed me the fuck off. No its not easy to dodge in close quarters levels and yes if they have lightweight on you cant really run from them unless you have a marathon/lightweight class. I was knifed twice by the fucking guy trying to get out of the way. So fuck that shit. I'd take the 1887s over this garbage any fucking day of the week.

The matchmaking is a pain in the ass in itself keeping a party together in the first place by the time we get into a game theres glitchers. Fuck it, fix this shit please posthaste IW.

Rawk Hawk

divisionbyzorro said:
Sounds like you're describing Battlefield. I loved BF1943 as much as the next guy (200/200 on 360), and BF:BC2 looks totally badass, but CoD scratches an entirely different itch. It's meant to be crazy, close-quarters chaos, where even if you have a bad round, there's a good chance you can still do something awesome.

When BC2 comes out this game will likely be shelved forever. Even if I get L4D2 I will probably still play some MW2, but BF:BC2 is more my style, 1943 is my only completed achievement game. :lol


Dax01 said:
The yellow train on Derail has the numbers "1337" on the side.
Also add giant words DRUGS next to a game store when showing Karachi before the match starts. Stay classy IW.
dskillzhtown said:
Well...the XBL community is much bigger than the PSN one. So you are going to get alot more of everything really. Also the fact that EVERYONE on XBL has a headset gives everyone a voice. When I play PSN titles, I rarely have a headset/bluetooth running.

The best way to get a good game going is when you do find a good player, immeditely send him a friend request. That way you can have a good core of people to play with who aren't idiots. With all that said, I have played otehr types of games on XBL and run into mostly friendly people. This type of game attracts the worst of the crowd.
Play hardcore on PSN. Some of these guys are elitist fucks.
RavenFox said:
Play hardcore on PSN. Some of these guys are elitist fucks.

Sorry, I'm obligated to post this:



RavenFox said:
Also add giant words DRUGS next to a game store when showing Karachi before the match starts. Stay classy IW.

Play hardcore on PSN. Some of these guys are elitist fucks.

Yup, no tolerance for any mistakes at all.


I can't test this class out right now, but I have a question.

If I used an M21 EBR w/ silencer and coldblooded, would it still be a 2 hit kill, or would it be up to 3 bullets per a kill now? I'd like a really stealthy sniping class, but I don't know if its viable. Might just have to stick with stopping power.


divisionbyzorro said:
Sounds like you're describing Battlefield. I loved BF1943 as much as the next guy (200/200 on 360), and BF:BC2 looks totally badass, but CoD scratches an entirely different itch. It's meant to be crazy, close-quarters chaos, where even if you have a bad round, there's a good chance you can still do something awesome.

Perhaps you are right...Im starting to think I've outgrown the COD thing in terms of my taste in gaming.

Its mindless fun...nothing wrong with that I guess :D
Rawk Hawk said:
Bumping question, anyone have any idea? I'd love to play with a room of Gafer's but would be more amusing if the stats counted for something.

I've been invited to a friends game where there were too many people and I got put on the other team. I think it's possible to get a massive group and only play gaffers, but it could have just been an error in the party system.

Aurora said:
It is way overpowered on certain objective games like Headquarters. I've often singlehandedly captured and defended points by using the Riot Shield well. It's very difficult for the enemy to do anything when I'm crouched in a corner and my teammates are camping the parameter. It's not broken in terms of k/d potential but it makes for an infuriating game for the opposition - pretty much shutting down any chance they have of winning if you know what you're doing

They're not overpowered at all, people just don't know how to fight them. Shoot for the legs/side. If thats not an option juke and knife, use the grenade launcher, or throw a sticky grenade (or claymore).

Making them any weaker (don't know how they could do it) would completely ruin the class. Anyways, it's not like the shield guy is getting nukes with the thing.
Pkm said:
My issue is constant, every night, mutiple, racial attacks/slurs in MW2.
all one is like a brother to me, so it grinds me down too.

I find it disgusting how theres an almost 100% lack of sportmanship or friendly banter between players, yet racial attacks and general hate are common place. I myself always say "good game" or compliment opposing/team players and yet I feel like Im the only fool that does it, yet it doesnt take much to push a person to spew racial hate or even a random flood of foul language.

Usually when I get guys who are sportsmanlike and good-natured, they end up on my friends list (RARE).

But I hear you. I've heard unabashed racism on XBL for like 6 years, though it really took a great leap forward with COD.

I'm going to squarely blame two sets of people:

1) Rednecks. They are equal-opportunity assholes. In fact, they may be even more likely to attack you if you're white, 'cause you're fair game then because they don't risk bans by using n-word etc, although they may break that out too. The other night my party dropped into a room and we didn't say a WORD and we were immediately assaulted with every name in the book by Twangy McHillbilly and his Band of Merry Banjo Pickers. And they don't necessarily need to be southerners/ hill-dwellers either.

2) The Bensonhursts. Can't think of a better name for them. They're the tough guys from New York or Boston or Philly or Chicago or LA or wherever and they have a chip on their shoulder, whether they be white, Mexican, Puerto Rican, black (although I agree that you're less likely to be a racist asshole if you're black), Filipino, or Dickhead. They thrive on riling up their group and yours, like it's somehow more fun to mindlessly talk shit than to play.


GodofWine said:
Perhaps you are right...Im starting to think I've outgrown the COD thing in terms of my taste in gaming.

Its mindless fun...nothing wrong with that I guess :D

I wouldn't say mindless. I've just got my first 20 killstreak on-line and to mr average gamer like me it is the fucking most amazing thing I've ever done in a video game. You have to get your tactics just right to do that.
So whats this knife glitch all about? these assholes are running faster than me and killing me everytime! Im using marathon + lightweight + commando p90+magnum.

what gives?


You like me, you really really like me!
SuperAndroid17 said:
So whats this knife glitch all about? these assholes are running faster than me and killing me everytime! Im using marathon + lightweight + commando p90+magnum.

what gives?

When you hold a care package marker you run faster.

Rawk Hawk

Cerrius said:
When you hold a care package marker you run faster.

Really? If so I was not aware of this. I find it hard to believe though...

Although I suppose something had to be behind their Usian Bolting.

I had just assumed it was mainly lag with the host.
SuperAndroid17 said:
So whats this knife glitch all about? these assholes are running faster than me and killing me everytime! Im using marathon + lightweight + commando p90+magnum.

what gives?

So wait.. is anything that people get killed by a glitch now? This thread has become one big fucking tear fest.

Pete Rock

Had my best kd spread on Rundown the other day, 31-1 and I even missed with my predator! I died due to blast radius from an airstrike right before we got our final kill.

They got spawnraped by my chopper gunner at the top bridge/cantina side 3x, then respawned up at the mansion across the river and took it in the face again. Not a single one of them respawned with a launcher or cold blooded, so in that sense they kinda deserved it

Now I see how people get these ridiculous scores, I got 11 legit kills playing cautiously and going for a flank on the lower bridge. Hit the mark, retreated into the grass and got 20 kills, bringing our team 3 kills away from victory in half as much time. It went from 4500-all to 4600-9700 within 30 seconds of activating the killstreak :lol

The killstreak rewards are kinda fun but I really do wish the hit registration and combat model felt as "tight" in Battlefield games as it does in MW2 or frankly any id derivative engine, because I'd rather be manning those vehicles/mortars/kits myself on those massive terrain based levels, rather than calling in some floating gunship where it's literally "point and the men fall down lol" killcam level ridiculousness.


DevelopmentArrested said:
So wait.. is anything that people get killed by a glitch now? This thread has become one big fucking tear fest.

No, care package glitch is definitely a glitch. It's fucking insane.
Cerrius said:
When you hold a care package marker you run faster.

Thats not a glitch. You run faster when you have a lighter item equipped and since you don't have a way to shoot, you're put at a massive disadvantage. I wonder if it works with other equipment items like the tactical insertion.

I need to try it out, I mean, how big of a speed boost do they get?

Rawk Hawk

Tkawsome said:
Thats not a glitch. You run faster when you have a lighter item equipped and since you don't have a way to shoot, you're put at a massive disadvantage. I wonder if it works with other equipment items like the tactical insertion.

I need to try it out, I mean, how big of a speed boost do they get?

So how fast should you run holding two shotguns?

I was under the assumption speed was set by the equipment you selected. Just because you pull out the marker doesn't mean the primary weapon isn't still in your inventory.
Graf Nudu said:
Is that a Silenciser on the AUG at 1:00?

And btw. today was my very first time playing Rust in TDM. Why is this map so rare?

Nobody should use the silencer on the AUG unless they're completing a challenge or they are a ninja.

Rust doesn't come up in TDM because it sucks!
Cerrius said:
Cerrius said:
When you hold a care package marker you run faster.

Except that isn't a glitch, either.

No, care package glitch is definitely a glitch. It's fucking insane.

Getting a new care after you drop one is a glitch indeed. But I fail to see how it's an effective or close to game-breaking one. The amount of time and work it takes to pull off makes it useless; especially in hardcore where you'll get killed looking around for guns and standing over them.
Tkawsome said:
Thats not a glitch. You run faster when you have a lighter item equipped and since you don't have a way to shoot, you're put at a massive disadvantage. I wonder if it works with other equipment items like the tactical insertion.

I need to try it out, I mean, how big of a speed boost do they get?

Agreed. It's not a glitch, although many consider it to be almost too much of a speed boost. That said, you are choosing to give up all range in order to do it, so I suppose it's all okay. That one doesn't bother me.
divisionbyzorro said:
Agreed. It's not a glitch, although many consider it to be almost too much of a speed boost. That said, you are choosing to give up all range in order to do it, so I suppose it's all okay. That one doesn't bother me.

I suppose One Man Army is a glitch too? You know, infinite ammo, noob tubes, claymores, etc etc.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Getting a new care after you drop one is a glitch indeed. But I fail to see how it's an effective or close to game-breaking one. The amount of time and work it takes to pull off makes it useless; especially in hardcore where you'll get killed looking around for guns and standing over them.

It's mostly pulled off in DOM or HQ matches. Some dude will go off in a corner away from the cap and keep putting air support up. It can totally break those modes when it appears.
divisionbyzorro said:
It's mostly pulled off in DOM or HQ matches. Some dude will go off in a corner away from the cap and keep putting air support up. It can totally break those modes when it appears.
But so can having One Man Army with Danger Close and noob tubes.. and putting toob after toob after toob into enemies rushing your HQ. It's a bad glitch that needs to be fixed but again, it doesn't seem game breaking in the least to me.


DevelopmentArrested said:
I suppose One Man Army is a glitch too? You know, infinite ammo, noob tubes, claymores, etc etc.

I guess that it's a glitch [care package] because when combined with lightweight/marathon/whatever, you run way too fucking fast. I gotta find the video.
DevelopmentArrested said:
But so can having One Man Army with Danger Close and noob tubes.. and putting toob after toob after toob into enemies rushing your HQ. It's a bad glitch that needs to be fixed but again, it doesn't seem game breaking in the least to me.

Spoken like someone who hasn't experienced it :lol

EDIT: Can you change kit multiple times in one life using OMA? I haven't used it yet, but I thought that you could only switch one time per life...

Rawk Hawk

The care package marker my not be glitching, as in jvdom is, but it's clearly not legit. I see no reason my 30 lbs of equipment becomes lighter just because I pull out a marker. Or is that too logical for IW?


You like me, you really really like me!
I think some in this thread are getting a bit defensive on the numerous glitches and balancing exploits that have been found in MW2.

No need to get upset guys, it is what it is. When you have millions of kiddos trying to break a game, they will do it. No QA/dev team is going to find every glitch/balancing exploit.

As I've said before, Infinity Ward is a AAA studio and they'll take care of these issues. No worries.
Graf Nudu said:
Shooting Javelins right at the start of a round is so funny.
First time I saw a Javelin used I was standing around trying to sight people in Afghan. And I wondered what fssshhHHHHHHGHSFHSHF sound was. And then I died. Twice. :lol

Killcam sure was cool-looking though. Like the guy had his own Predator.
Rawk Hawk said:
So how fast should you run holding two shotguns?

I was under the assumption speed was set by the equipment you selected. Just because you pull out the marker doesn't mean the primary weapon isn't still in your inventory.

I think it has to do with your entire load out and what you currently have equipped. From what I've seen if you have a LMG on your person you're going to be slower no matter what. If you switch to your sidearm you will move faster, but still slower then someone who has a SMG.

I do think the "weight" of the side arms is off though. Shotguns shouldn't be used in a speed class, and I have a Stinger equipped to my speed class and he's still fast as hell.
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