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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Mutagenic said:
I'm hopping back in to try HC for a few.

Nevermind, that lasted 5 minutes. Hardcore sucks. Without radar, without killcam, and added weapon damage, everyone camps out each other all round. I used to hate Halo for it's radar system, but you really do need it for keeping players active.

If you know the map, you'll know where to look for campers. Actually it's super easy to kill campers because they don't have their radar to protect them and you can sneak up and easily knife them. I pop up on campers constantly. Camping in Hardcore is really a noob strategy and gets you no where. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you'll know where you got killed from so there is no need to use the killcam as a crutch.

I've gone 27-0 on hardcore either catching campers or shooting idiots running out in the open. The key to hardcore is to sneak and always be on the move. Be very quiet, look at every corner, anywhere and every where... move very slow. It's just like real war. I love the shit out of it.
HC isn't infested with campers any more so than Softcore... although I guess there's more people running around in SC (what with javelins and all). You just need to play more carefully.


Permanent Junior Member
Every single one of my players were camping in the exact same spots the entire round, as was the other team. I know where to look, but they're always going to be looking down the corridors, etc. There is 3x the movement in regular.


practice02 said:
Chill out it's just a videogame.

Im not worked up - I just think its good that MS/IW is responding to the issue. I just think if they were to take a stand like a 3 day suspension to anyone using the exploit in abundance - they would set a precedence and hopefully make people think twice in the future.
only thing I hate about hardcore now is the stupid pill deathstreak that gives people extra health when they spawn for 10-15 seconds. I've given away my postion sniping a few times when I've shot the other sniper and that piece of shit pill logo pops up and I have to put a few more rounds into them.
jergrah said:
Im not worked up - I just think its good that MS/IW is responding to the issue. I just think if they were to take a stand like a 3 day suspension to anyone using the exploit in abundance - they would set a precedence and hopefully make people think twice in the future.
So why blame the players when Infinti ward isn't patching the game or microsoft who could be witholding the patch because of there approval process don't hate the player hate the maker of the game. Ithink everyone who camps should have a permaban because the game allows you to stand still.
DevelopmentArrested said:
clashfan said:
Finish the single player campaign, is anyone else confused by the plot?
Yeah, it seemed there were a few things you had to figure out for yourself that aren't spelled out in the game very well.
Shepherd's intentions in starting the war; the fact that he was working with Makarov from the beginning and had the CIA agent set up, etc.


Panda Bear said:
Shepherd's intentions in starting the war; the fact that he was working with Makarov from the beginning and had the CIA agent set up, etc.

Whoa, I didn't get that at all! Man that's nuts.
Ive never had an issue with campers in HC. Its really easy to determine
were and how you were killed plus the maps offer mutiple routes to get
vengence so an camper is rarely safe.

I do wish HC tho had a perma map so I knew were my mates were and also silencers were usefull more then reducing sound.


practice02 said:
So why blame the players when Infinti ward isn't patching the game or microsoft who could be witholding the patch because of there approval process don't hate the player hate the maker of the game. Ithink everyone who camps should have a permaban because the game allows you to stand still.


I used it once on a team using the INCREDIBLY imbalanced dual 1887s. If I get banned because of using something in the game, accessible with out any hacking/modding I'll be incredibly pissed.

Should people be banned for using infinite combos in fighting games?

IW said:

:lol :lol


Just got host a game and ended up 56-3 with a 30 killstreak. It's pretty sweet when all of your shots actually register.

Oh and also, I ran into several guys using the Javelin glitch tonight.. and a couple of guys using the same glitch but with the Stinger. ARRRRRGH

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Im guessing PS3 users not getting banned? Fuck. Hopefully I can get my essays done in time to play some tonight and not get fucked up too badly.

I also hope people dont think Im glitching all the time since I have stinger on my back :lol

I used it once on a team using the INCREDIBLY imbalanced dual 1887s. If I get banned because of using something in the game, accessible with out any hacking/modding I'll be incredibly pissed.
There is a big difference between something that is not very balanced and something that was not even remotely intended to be used.

Corran Horn said:
I also hope people dont think Im glitching all the time since I have stinger on my back :lol

I dont think so, because the person who is glitching needs to have the stinger/javelin out and on their shoulder for the glitch to work.

So if you were running up to the opposite team with the stinger out, then you might be suspected.


Pookaki said:
There is a big difference between something that is not very balanced and something that was not even remotely intended to be used.
Point is, to be banned for something in the game is bunk.

Patch it out, and try harder next time IW. You only had 2 years...

Will I be banned for using the swingset glitch in GTA4?
Mutagenic said:
Every single one of my players were camping in the exact same spots the entire round, as was the other team. I know where to look, but they're always going to be looking down the corridors, etc. There is 3x the movement in regular.

There isn't just one corridor. There are multiple paths around the map.
Point is, to be banned for something in the game is bunk.

Patch it out, and try harder next time IW. You only had 2 years...

If the Javelin was designed to do that, then no. there wouldn't be a problem with people using it in that way. The people using this bug to their advantage are manipulating the games systems, which adversely effects the experience of the majority of people who are trying to play the game the way it was designed to be played.

Will I be banned for using the swingset glitch in GTA4?

Absolutely not, because that does not hinder other peoples enjoyment of the game. The javelin situation most definitely does.


Pookaki said:
I would be very surprised to see the PC patched before the console versions. Unfortunately.
PC version has passed IW internal cert, and is live on Steam right now.

Plissken said:
Yeah, I know there isn't a cert process for PC titles typically, I was just wondering if they had announced PC patch plans at all. It's been clear for a while now that the console versions are the priority for IW, so I figure us PC gamers are going to have to wait for the patch to go through the Sony/MS cert process before it's tossed to the one guy left working on the PC version.:lol
The bug was fixed on all three platforms simultaneously. There is no "PC team", "360 Team", or "PS3 team" in the studio. Just one IW4 team. =)
Pookaki said:
If the Javelin was designed to do that, then no. there wouldn't be a problem with people using it in that way. The people using this bug to their advantage are manipulating the games systems, which adversely effects the experience of the majority of people who are trying to play the game the way it was designed to be played.

In the Xbox feedback under cheating it specifically points out if a player was using a known exploit. The Javelin glitch is a known exploit.


i love COD in general so, but i have a few problems with this game:

1: i really loved the first MW's single player i thought it was a blast, but for some reason this one isn't doing it for me....i don't know if the way the level is laid out or the constant spamming of enemies...but it's just not captivating me. i really hated that brazil rooftop level (damn what a pain), but the cake goes to the aiport level, did we really have to walk half the level (lol) like some cheesy 80's action movie? i mean come on it made me laugh...and i don't know if that was there intention. btw i shot the hell out of everyone.

2:the multiplayer is great....but i am sorry it's the same damn game again! i like some of the perks but i hate deathstreaks espicially the pill from hell!....that thing is annoying in hardcore:sd, i am loving capture the flag though(why wasnt that in the first one?)

3:well about graphics...they look a bit better, its sharper looking, but what gets me is the sound...everything sounds like a different version of fart sounds still, and the gun control couldve gave me a bit more feedback.

in the end i still have a blast with this game....nothing like getting togethere with 6 of my friends and mowing down idiots(lol)....also i know its sucks but i have alot more fun playing bc2 beta at the moment.


I just noticed...When your team gets EMP'd your announcer says, "Weve been EMP'd, electronics are down"...but he is using a radio to tell you that. How is it possible!?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Sielys said:
I just noticed...When your team gets EMP'd your announcer says, "Weve been EMP'd, electronics are down"...but he is using a radio to tell you that. How is it possible!?
That's not the only thing that doesn't really make sense with the EMP.

How can you EMP one team and not the other?

And, more importantly, why would anyone actually choose to use the EMP?


Sielys said:
I just noticed...When your team gets EMP'd your announcer says, "Weve been EMP'd, electronics are down"...but he is using a radio to tell you that. How is it possible!?



Sielys said:
I just noticed...When your team gets EMP'd your announcer says, "Weve been EMP'd, electronics are down"...but he is using a radio to tell you that. How is it possible!?




Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Veteran Alpha Evasion: "You've been spotted, go loud!"

Me: Take out pistol, shitting bricks because we've been doing this at least fifteen times now.
Dude with me that the game actually will let me play lag-free with: Sniper.

Dude takes out a guard that rushes toward us. Gets downed.
I quickly switch to pistol, pistol dog, pistol dog, one dog up the road coming toward us. I pistol.

"Goddamn it, Roach! Be more careful next time."

Me and Dude: "WTF!? Generally that'd be game over!"
*shrug and kill last four dudes, two dudes up hill and rush down slope to finish*

How the hell did that happen? :lol :lol


user_nat said:
That's not the only thing that doesn't really make sense with the EMP.

How can you EMP one team and not the other?

And, more importantly, why would anyone actually choose to use the EMP?

Also, the enemies electronics shouldn't come back on at all, the EMP would permanently ruin them.

But oh well, COD =/= reality I guess.


Just had my third nuke on Wasteland. As soon as I got the chopper gunner I knew I'll get it since there is barely anywhere to hide. None of my MW2 buddies are online so I am just bored.


Sielys said:
So what title / emblem are people using now?

"Starfish Prime" with the moon emblem are my favorite right now.

I have a emblem/title that I see as a Portal reference - Companion Crate and the square radar box :D
So I have been using the M16 for a while now and though at times I love it I swear it takes way to many shots with this gun to drop people sometimes even with stopping power and the FNJ bullets. What are you guys using?

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Sielys said:
So what title / emblem are people using now?

"Starfish Prime" with the moon emblem are my favorite right now.
2fast with Makarov.
Like first ones I got and just stuck with them.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Sielys said:
So what title / emblem are people using now?

"Starfish Prime" with the moon emblem are my favorite right now.


jergrah said:
Good! I would be happy if they pulled stats and anyone with over 50 kills via Javelin the last 24 Hours gets a 3 day suspension.

I probably have 50 kills though, and don't glitch with it. I almost always use it to start a match, shooting towards the nearest visible bottleneck. On Quarry, for example, starting down below I immediately aim for the right-most tank at the top corner. I got a four-kill missile there yesterday! :lol

It not only blows the Javelin, but it also blows up all those barrels and they kill people too :D
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