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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch

honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed
I have no problem with the akimboed 87s, or the care package "glitch", when referring to the runner variant, not the infinite call ins. Heartbeat is a waste of an attachment in my opinion, I'd much rather have a silencer or a red dot. Shotty's are supposed to be powerful. 87's are a little too accurate from the hip, but thats an easy enough fix. The only real problem for me is infinite packages, rocks, and javelins.


Sielys said:
So what title / emblem are people using now?

"Starfish Prime" with the moon emblem are my favorite right now.



GodfatherX said:
so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch

honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed


GodfatherX said:
so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch

honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed

+ Nuke in objective game types.


GodfatherX said:
so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch

honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed
What are these ones?

HBS I could see encouraging camping... but the others?
I know this is a why the hell would you care question but does anyone have any idea the type of plane that does the air strike? I want to say F-22's but I'm not sure.
Silence black leather chick + Bling Pro symbol (money symbols kinda look like S's for my gamertag SometimesImEpic plus money is an alright thing itself)


HBS I could see encouraging camping... but the others?

Care package/sentry gun smoke grenade when equipped allows you to run much faster than normal. People combine this with with Marathon/Lightweight/Commando to knife people.

I don't see why someone would complain about HBS or Thermal. Equip Cold-Blooded and Ninja to counter these.


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
This javelin glitch is getting really fucking annoying. Everyone and their mothers are using it in demolition and it's pissing me the fuck off. I don't know if it'll do anything, but I'm reporting all of these mother f'rs...


Strider2K99 said:
Care package/sentry gun smoke grenade when equipped allows you to run much faster than normal. People combine this with with Marathon/Lightweight/Commando to knife people.

I don't see why someone would complain about HBS or Thermal. Equip Cold-Blooded and Ninja to counter these.
Oh wow.

And yeah, anything counterable with a perk isn't worth whining about...

1887s can't be countered with a perk.
I'm using the 8-bit Price emblem (since it's awesome and I haven't seen anybody else with it yet) and my tag rotates all the time. I just switched it to the Survivor tag, since that challenge was hard as hell to get.

Is anybody else able to connect to the PS3 version? I keep getting the message that the Activision servers were interrupted (or something).

N/M, it finally worked. I got that message a good three times in a row though.


Corran Horn said:
Someone posted in this thread not long ago that it wasnt true.
It doesn't cancel out a nuke once the counter has started but will disable the abilty to use it if the emp is launched before the nuke is set off. Emp blocks all killstreaks.


whytemyke said:
So I'm watching a show about animals near Chernobyl, and for one bit they went to the town of Pripyat. You guys might remember this town as the one from the mission All Ghillied Up in Modern Warfare 1.

Anyways, IW did an incredible job recreating that town from what I can see. Right down to the abandoned Ferris Wheel in a big 'cement' field behind the apartment buildings. Just kinda cool and I thought you guys might wanna know that. :)

VBS .tv mutant animal hunt?


So awesome.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
AnEternalEnigma said:
Wow, Microsoft's threat must have REALLY scared everyone. I played all night and not a single person used the Javelin glitch.
I saw them a lot tonight. It made me quit with rage and send hateful messages. Probably gonna get back on later but it's really pissing me off.
More posts from Stepto's Twitter:

Stepto @ 12:41am EST 12/3/2009 said:
Wow some of you think cheating a glitch is ok. um.If I install my car stereo wrong and it disables my door locks, its not ok to STEAL MY CAR

Stepto @ 12:55am EST 12/3/2009 said:
Also, using any bug or glitch to gain advantage in a game is expressly against our Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. Play. Fair. :>


Just ran into a team in Domination that was using the Javelin Glitch. It really ruins the game. It's also ridiculous how large the explosion is. I switched to my sniper class and sniped a couple of them from maybe 40~50 yards and was still getting killed.

I also played a match earlier where I joined in the middle, immediately got killed by a stealth bomber, respawn further in the level and immediately got killed again by the same bomber. It's too bad this game is filled with so much bullshit because the core mechanics are a lot of fun.


Naw, people are still using it like crazy. Wish I knew they were banning people for it, I could have reported a ton of people.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What they really need to fix along with the Javalin Glitch is Simtex sticking. 9/10 of the time my Simtex seems to fly through the enemy and land on the wall behind them instead of sticking. So damn frustrating trying to get S.tuck O.n A. P.ayback emblem from it. :|

+ Nuke in objective game types.

Can't really see them removing that from objective. It's pretty much the ultimate troll for the fanbase. The problem with the nuke is that it encourages camping to get one to insta-win the game.

It's like Infinity Ward had to one up Treyarch on trolling multiplayer people.

"Dogs? How do we beat that... Wait, NUKES!"


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Still haven't seen a single glitch and I play every night (ground war and FFA, mostly). I can't help but think that some people are greatly exaggerating about how widespread they are. Or I've just been extremely lucky and am jinxing myself at this very moment.

Finally unlocked lightweight pro and it makes a noticeable difference — I'm no longer screwed in a firefight if I get caught while sprinting. I also saw probably the best speed/knife player I've ever come across tonight. He was using the tactical knife attachment... I haven't unlocked it yet, but after realizing how huge a difference it makes with that type of class, it's my next goal. On one of my killcams, I watched the guy kill four of us Matrix-style in a room in like three seconds.
Yea I have put about 3 days and 2 hours into the MP portion of the game and have seen MINIMAL glitching. Even when they have done glitching I still always come out better than that said player.

It really seems a lot of people are making mountains out of molehiles or whatever. I'm having TONS of fun playing this game as opposed to previous games just pissing me off because my bullets don't hit.


vatstep said:
Still haven't seen a single glitch and I play every night (ground war and FFA, mostly). I can't help but think that some people are greatly exaggerating about how widespread they are. Or I've just been extremely lucky and am jinxing myself at this very moment.
I hadn't run into any until that domination game.

Well, actually, I think I may have run into the care package glitch; in one game I heard like 4 or 5 care packages called in within a few seconds of each other toward the middle of the match, but there were none called in after that, so it's hard to say.


Rayme said:
PC version has passed IW internal cert, and is live on Steam right now.

The bug was fixed on all three platforms simultaneously. There is no "PC team", "360 Team", or "PS3 team" in the studio. Just one IW4 team. =)

Glad to hear, and thanks for pushing it to PC when it was done. I was being facetious about the "one guy on PC" thing, I kind of have to crack a joke whenever posting about the PC version, or I lose my "master race" card, or something. :D


Ganhyun said:
Doesn't EMP also cancel out a nuke countdown? I heard somewhere it did.

EMPS disable and destroy all air support in addition to wreaking havoc with enemy radars and electronics. Its best ability though is disabling the enemies ability to call in killstreaks


I'm taking a break from this laggy glitch fest of a game until the next major title update. Just fixing the Javelin glitch is not good enough for me.


Man marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife is super awesome. Had three consecutive games were I had 30+ kills and 12 deaths. That combo is ridiculous.


GodfatherX said:
so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch

honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed

Having used the Thermal sights and the Heartbeat sensors a bit I must say I think your group are a bunch of crying little girls.

Thermal sights restrict your peripheral vision to nothing and the heartbeat sensor refreshes pretty slowly. You end using it like a metal detector and leave yourself wide open. I use a good set of Sennheiser headphones and footsteps give me a better idea where somebody is. Its almost like a sixth sense.

I initially hated the heartbeat sensor when I didn't have it, but now I've got it I've realised it wasn't the sensor getting me killed it was the fact I was shit.

Silencer and Red dot or Acog, now thats what I'm talking about. No giving your position away everytime you fire.

The glitchs and the 1887's def need sorting though.
TheFatOne said:
Man marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife is super awesome. Had three consecutive games were I had 30+ kills and 12 deaths. That combo is ridiculous.

I use that combo pretty much, too. It's just funny to run into a group of enemies and to stab them. Most of them are just confused and don't react. :D

Btw. what do you guys call yourselves in the clan-tag? Was it just GAF or NEOGAF?


How can anyone say shotguns are overpowered?
Thats absolutely ridiculous, they are effective within a few meters like they should be.

Considering that you can die with a couple bullets to the legs from across the map (stopping power make this even worse) with any rifle, I think the arguments of shotguns being overpower is just stupid. Stop getting angry because you died to a shotgun user and get on with the game.

Its a tactical decision to choose a shotgun for clearing smaller areas rather than taking a launcher to shoot down enemy air support and its a fair trade off.
Spec Ops all done now! Wetworks took ages with the last breaching room being a bitch (much harder than doing it on own and did the whole of Spec Ops in co-op).

Just need to run the Pit in SSDD in the single player campaign under 30s to get the Platinum trophy.
I have the British flag (Not patriotic - all the others just look lame to me. I wish they just did the images without the shitty writing) and the image of a cow being warped up by a UFO because, well... :lol


KennyLinder said:
Spec Ops all done now! Wetworks took ages with the last breaching room being a bitch (much harder than doing it on own and did the whole of Spec Ops in co-op).

Just need to run the Pit in SSDD in the single player campaign under 30s to get the Platinum trophy.

Any tips on the last 2 Spec Ops missions against all juggernauts??? D:
UFRA said:
Any tips on the last 2 Spec Ops missions against all juggernauts??? D:

We found those easier than Wetworks, which was a surprise to us.

On the last one (back on the Oilrig), take out the first Jugg. which comes running at you as you pass the room where you first breached (in the campaign). We put loads and loads of claymores on the ground and the stairs which messed him up bad.

Make your way upstairs and outside and there is a ammo crate, and next to the ammo crate is scaffholding which you can climb up. Get on there, and lay down. From here you get a fantastic view of the path ahead, and can take out the rest of the Juggs. We also put more claymores around the scaffholding in case a Jugg managed to get past us.

One thing; get a sniper from the selection at the start of the level, there is a model which fires rounds off very quickly, and is a huge advantage over the Dragonov which fires slowly.

As for the other Spec Ops (in the shanty town) with the Juggs, we ran to the end of the level and hid in a alley way, it was a little bit cheaty as the Jugg couldn't quite get to us. There are also rooms in the level where they can't get to you, but I am not sure which they are. Lay LOTS of claymores, we found it really helps!
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