How do you get that Epic title I thought it was kill ten people with one killstreak. So I just got a chopper gunner and got 12 kills? Is that not what it means? Or do I need to have that challenge available first?
TheSeks said:"Dogs? How do we beat that... Wait, NUKES!"
web01 said:How can anyone say shotguns are overpowered?
Thats absolutely ridiculous, they are effective within a few meters like they should be.
Considering that you can die with a couple bullets to the legs from across the map (stopping power make this even worse) with any rifle, I think the arguments of shotguns being overpower is just stupid. Stop getting angry because you died to a shotgun user and get on with the game.
Its a tactical decision to choose a shotgun for clearing smaller areas rather than taking a launcher to shoot down enemy air support and its a fair trade off.
johnFkennedy said:I completely agree.
If you use the heartbeat and pay attention you'll have an advantage over anyone who isn't using it, and obviously if you just sit around only watching the sensor you're going to do terrible.kitch9 said:Thermal sights restrict your peripheral vision to nothing and the heartbeat sensor refreshes pretty slowly. You end using it like a metal detector and leave yourself wide open. I use a good set of Sennheiser headphones and footsteps give me a better idea where somebody is. Its almost like a sixth sense.
Nelo Ice said:im so addicted to collecting titles and emblems :lol
damn iw for adding them!
Nyx said:I desperately want the <3 title, and last night I managed to kill someone and myself while holding a grenade, but I didn't get the sign. ;(
Nelo Ice said:did u kill urself and the other guy by cooking the nade? u should've gotten it if u did that
UFRA said:Any tips on the last 2 Spec Ops missions against all juggernauts??? D:
buy teh haloz said:Also, it might not count if you haven't unlocked the challenge for it yet.
He may have killed you right before the grenade went off. The grenade has to kill you and him.
Nyx said:You have to unlock a challenge for it first ?
Any idea how ?
Tokubetsu said:Got the blunt trauma tag by trolling some dudes on Karachi I think. Am I cool now?
Raide said::lol
I managed to kill someone with a stun grenade and then someone else with an un-exploded noob-tube round.![]()
Any tips for the throwing knife? I just go full stealth perks and thrown them at people from 2 foot away :lol I am rubbish at range with them.
Ten-Song said:Just a challenge that you get while leveling up called "Misery loves company" if I remember correctly. Forget what level it unlocks at though.
Kworn said:What does danger close actually do?
Kworn said:What does danger close actually do?
:lolDot50Cal said:I was playing Ground War, and an idiot by the name of [RWQ1]JDBIGDUKE428 was using the Javelin exploit. Unlucky for him that I have a nice capturing setup and will now make him famous. After the game, I told him and the other players that IW is working with MS to ban people off live for using it. He connected his headset as if to respond, but then left the game :lol
Everyone in the match reported him for cheating after that.
HD version should be processed soon.
Dot50Cal said:Everyone in the match reported him for cheating after that.
HD version should be processed soon.
[RWQ1]JDBIGDUKE428 uses the Javelin exploit in MW2. Watch the names in the lower left. I only encountered him once while the video was recording, but its enough to get him banned for 2 weeks from Live.
Lince said:nothing personal I respect you but I laughed at this, so much trouble for probably a poor 12 years old kid having fun with a combination of buttons that IW put into the game for some reason, better off contacting IW asking for a decent QA next time around, last I heard they had enough money for that.
GodfatherX said:so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch
honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed
xxjuicesxx said:every game should make their game able to produce a popup with a message. Publicly stating NOT to do the glitch isn't enough because not everyone goes online and visits forum and reads twitters by the company. They need to be able to tell everyone when they log in to the game "If you do "Glitch Here" You will get banned.
Agreed. I think the javelin players are annoying as fuck but I don't think it's grounds for banning nor do I believe IW or MS will actually ban people for this. Some 12 year old puts his copy of MW2 in to find everyone running around blowing themselves up, maybe he puts up with it for a little while but inevitably asks someone in the lobby how to do it, he finds out, starts doing it, is successful with it, and continues to do it. Excuse me if IW sent a notification out through the game but to expect even a remote portion of the MW2 player base to follow some no-name's twitter or visit IW.net every day is absurd.Lince said:nothing personal I respect you but I laughed at this, uploading this along with his Live handle it's borderline pathetic IMO. So much trouble for probably a poor 12 years old kid having fun with a combination of buttons that IW put into the game for some reason and will be fixed this week, better off contacting IW asking for a decent QA next time around, last I heard they had enough money for that.
Correction: that's why developers shouldn't ship broken things! Because players will find whatever gives them that advantage or helps greif other players. Developers should understand this and it's on them to make sure it's as polished as possible. If all this shit can be found within a week or two of the game's release than all of that shit and probably more (things we've yet to see) could've been ironed out during a month long beta. Of course that probably won't iron out all the glitches, but a good chunk of them. I can excuse developers when a exploit is found months and especially years after release, as those were probably hard enough that a beta could not have found them, but releasing a game that gets exploited from hell to breakfast just a week after launching is embarassing, especially for the most played online game.xxjuicesxx said:Its like guns don't kill people people do, we are the ones ruining this game by using it. BTW I'm not using that shit.
And that's why we cant have nice things!
Ikuu said:If you use the heartbeat and pay attention you'll have an advantage over anyone who isn't using it, and obviously if you just sit around only watching the sensor you're going to do terrible.
RavenFox said:Exactly what i was thinking. Other than that extra slot...
Actually you can you just wont get a lock. Trust me it's been done.
GodfatherX said:so the majority of my group has vowed not to play mp until the following issues are fixed:
-overpowered shotguns
-heartbeat sensor
-akimbo 1887s
-care package glitch
-care package sprint speed
-javelin glitch
honestly I think the main issue for most is the javelin glitch, but i agree that all of the above needs some addressing, but im sure most of them will be back if the javelin is fixed
EazyB said:Correction: that's why developers shouldn't ship broken things! Because players will find whatever gives them that advantage or helps greif other players. Developers should understand this and it's on them to make sure it's as polished as possible. If all this shit can be found within a week or two of the game's release than all of that shit and probably more (things we've yet to see) could've been ironed out during a month long beta. Of course that probably won't iron out all the glitches, but a good chunk of them. I can excuse developers when a exploit is found months and especially years after release, as those were probably hard enough that a beta could not have found them, but releasing a game that gets exploited from hell to breakfast just a week after launching is embarassing, especially for the most played online game.
Dot50Cal said:I was playing Ground War, and an idiot by the name of [RWQ1]JDBIGDUKE428 was using the Javelin exploit. Unlucky for him that I have a nice capturing setup and will now make him famous. After the game, I told him and the other players that IW is working with MS to ban people off live for using it. He connected his headset as if to respond, but then left the game :lol
Everyone in the match reported him for cheating after that.
HD version should be processed soon.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Activision at the root of this but my faith in IW is shaky at best now as well. The CoD4 beta really was the reason that game took off as fast as it did, make a great sampler, and people will always go back for the full deal. That's why, if a publisher believes in their product (which I assume Activision did) they'd have absolutely no hesitation to release a beta. But it's also true that CoD6's sales were guaranteed no matter the quality of the game so maybe the number crunchers at Activision HQ decided they'd add a few more million to their piles of millions by dodging a beta. Still, it seems shortsighted (though when it comes to making the quick buck regardless of long-term effectsdivisionbyzorro said:Blame Activision, not IW. Activision would have to sink the costs for the beta, and I bet you dollars to donuts that some suits in a boardroom had convinced themselves that a beta would cost them sales. I can just see the conversations:
"If we give them a beta, they'll get to play our game for free! Then they'll have had enough and won't want to buy it!"
"If we give them a beta, and it's not good enough for them, they won't think the game will be good and won't buy it!"
"Those pooruckers will buy whatever we put out there at launch anyway; so why spend the money on a free beta?"s
"Hey, what are the odds we could charge them for the beta?????"
Just be glad Activision had the good sense not to try that last one.
astroturfing said:about the ending of this game:
so you got a knife in your chest/stomach area. then you crawl trying to reach the gun... on your stomach.... while having that knife there... didnt this strike anyone as a bit too ridiculous? i mean you're flat on your stomach on the ground, that big knife would have went even deeper and come out from your back or something. so stupid.
R2D4 said:This is the same game that has Russia invading the country and starting WWIII because they find an undercover CIA agent after 100 people get shot at an airport.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrostatic_shockweb01 said:you can die with a couple bullets to the legs
You guys do know that the punishment for being caught exploiting glitches is only a 1 day to a week suspension right?Assembly Required said:...WTF kind of bitchassness is this? Seriously, that's a bitch move. He didn't alter the code, no modding, nor did he "hack" IW's servers, etc. Nothing on the ground for being banned.
So he is exploiting a glitch ALREADY in the game, it sucks I know, but it sure as hell isn't anything of a bannable offense. Until IW fucking fixes the problem, maybe you should chill out. Also you do realize you could be called out for harassment? I should report your bitch-ass.
Disclaimer: I do not use any of the exploits nor do I condone their usage. IW, fix this! I miss the old MW2 thread...
R2D4 said:This is the same game that has Russia invading the country and starting WWIII because they find an undercover CIA agent after 100 people get shot at an airport.
Assembly Required said:...WTF kind of bitchassness is this? Seriously, that's a bitch move. He didn't alter the code, no modding, nor did he "hack" IW's servers, etc. Nothing on the ground for being banned.
So he is exploiting a glitch ALREADY in the game, it sucks I know, but it sure as hell isn't anything of a bannable offense. Until IW fucking fixes the problem, maybe you should chill out. Also you do realize you could be called out for harassment? I should report your bitch-ass.
Disclaimer: I do not use any of the exploits nor do I condone their usage. IW, fix this! I miss the old MW2 thread...