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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Assembly Required said:
...WTF kind of bitchassness is this? Seriously, that's a bitch move. He didn't alter the code, no modding, nor did he "hack" IW's servers, etc. Nothing on the ground for being banned.

So he is exploiting a glitch ALREADY in the game, it sucks I know, but it sure as hell isn't anything of a bannable offense. Until IW fucking fixes the problem, maybe you should chill out. Also you do realize you could be called out for harassment? I should report your bitch-ass.

Disclaimer: I do not use any of the exploits nor do I condone their usage. IW, fix this! I miss the old MW2 thread...
I have no problem with the guy putting the video up. People who are cheating should be punished. No ifs, ands or buts. I still don't even understand the glitch though as I've never seen it personally. What are people doing?

FWIW, I've only had my host drop out 3 times or so and can't remember seeing a single glitch in like 22 hours of play.. I can only assume those who have had a lot of lag have lag issues in general on XBL?


Meier said:
I have no problem with the guy putting the video up. People who are cheating should be punished. No ifs, ands or buts.

I still don't even understand the glitch though as I've never seen it personally. What are people doing?

Something with semtex and weapon switching....

This kind of stuff breaks the game, it isnt getting up somewhere you arent suppose to, this straight up breaks it.
would be awesome if there was a weapon-based/Perk (maybe) variant mode. Pistols only, Riot shields and Shotties, Snipers & cold blooded, etc. Kind of tough to get a gathering of people together who are willing to participate D:

Rawk Hawk

Assembly Required said:
would be awesome if there was a weapon-based/Perk (maybe) variant mode. Pistols only, Riot shields and Shotties, Snipers & cold blooded, etc. Kind of tough to get a gathering of people together who are willing to participate D:

Lobby system would solve this. But then we wouldn't get to use the wonderful matchmaking system.


Just go to YouTube and search for "modern warfare 2 javelin glitch" and you'll find a few videos detailing the glitch process.

It's extremely simple to do. But people that are using this glitch essentially don't have any ranged way of attacking you. They can knife you, but that's about it. I think it's easy to counter on your own. But when half of your team doesn't know how to deal with it, it's easy to get overwhelmed with SHHHKBOOM SHHHKBOOM SHHHHKBOOM.


Short bus special
UFRA said:
Any tips on the last 2 Spec Ops missions against all juggernauts??? D:

KennyLinder had some great tips there. Specially the one for the OilRig. Just be one with a sniperrifle, and the other one with a LMG (though I did it alone, switching between them two) and you'll rip through them like nothing.

A very, veeeeery cheaty tactic which me and my girlfriend used works perfect on High Explosive though. At the start of the map, turn right and follow the road to the end. To the left of you should be a house, with a two rooms. One big open, and a smaller one with no windows or anyting, and a little cabinet.
Run in there. Have one stand next to the wall with the door, so close that you can't peek out at all. The other person simply lays down in the middle of the doorway to the room. Wait for the Jugs to appear. Now, as whoever is laying there, the Jugs can't enter the room.
Shoot them. The person will go down. Keep shooting until they hit you again. Revive person in door. You bascially turn immortal as long as you lay there, and the other person keeps reviving you, since he/she shouldn't even get a look of them.
Rinse, repeat for every one. Takes about 15 minutes maybe, and is quite a cheat, but it's worth it. :lol


AnEternalEnigma said:
I want to know why the goddamn Harrier is never consistent. 75% of the time, it goes down with one Stinger, but sometimes, I can shoot two or three at it and they just magically fly on by it.

The biggest problem i've noticed is that the stinger hits something on the way up. I try to make sure I have a nice clear shot.
Sielys said:
So what title / emblem are people using now?

"Starfish Prime" with the moon emblem are my favorite right now.


TacticalFox88 said:
I know this is a why the hell would you care question but does anyone have any idea the type of plane that does the air strike? I want to say F-22's but I'm not sure.

I've always assumed they were Harrier Jump Jets like the one called by the killstreak.

Graf Nudu said:
I use that combo pretty much, too. It's just funny to run into a group of enemies and to stab them. Most of them are just confused and don't react. :D

Btw. what do you guys call yourselves in the clan-tag? Was it just GAF or NEOGAF?

I use GAF since NeoGAF is too long. ;)

web01 said:
How can anyone say shotguns are overpowered?
Thats absolutely ridiculous, they are effective within a few meters like they should be.

Considering that you can die with a couple bullets to the legs from across the map (stopping power make this even worse) with any rifle, I think the arguments of shotguns being overpower is just stupid. Stop getting angry because you died to a shotgun user and get on with the game.

Its a tactical decision to choose a shotgun for clearing smaller areas rather than taking a launcher to shoot down enemy air support and its a fair trade off.

They're not calling all shotguns broken, just Akimbo 1887s due to the unusually huge range they can fire at in comparison to other shotguns (matching an AR with no or little loss in stopping power).
Why do people assume this wouldn't have been an issue if there was a beta? There were glitches in both MW and WaW and both of them had betas.


Has anyone else seen a Javelin missile kill as the game winning kill? That was probably the coolest thing I've seen in this game ever :lol
You basically had the camera follow the missile from on top from the moment it exited the launcher all the way up into the air where it turns around & goes back down right into the face of the enemy :) It was essentially like using the backview mirror if you were watching an aircraft in 3rd person while doing a loop.

I use "nGAF" as my tag. Serves its purpose.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Why do people assume this wouldn't have been an issue if there was a beta? There were glitches in both MW and WaW and both of them had betas.

But were they really betas? I remember them being more of demos than anything, it was probably too late to change anything. Hardly any games it seems these days are doing legit betas, they're just demos that you get by pre-ordering from a given store.


Minamu said:
I use "nGAF" as my tag. Serves its purpose.

I better switch, I've only been using GAF. :lol

I started using a riot shield class extensively last night. shield/pp2000 with marathon/lightweight/commando smoke and throwing knife

played DOM only and it was AWESOME. I was averaging 1:2 k/d but my team won every match and I was either first or second in points. got a couple of WTF's on the game went 3 kills, 9 deaths but over 2K points.

the funniest & most fun was taking C on Afghan against 4 defenders and a turret. I walk-crouched towards the turret with my teammates flanking me asI called out defender locations.

Pissed off one guy when they tried to take B, they called in a Hind and I got its attention and soaked up all its damage while my teammates held off a charge.

i had so much fun and contributed so much that i didn't even care about my k/d.

Rawk Hawk

Graf Nudu said:
Btw. what do you guys call yourselves in the clan-tag? Was it just GAF or NEOGAF?

Since there isn't really a clan system, I change mine regularly to whatever seems fun at the time. Friends and I used RIOT and equiped Riot Shields for a few games.

But I've used GAF more frequently than anything else.


Hot tip -

If you start to suck, take a break and switch weapons. Man, that helped me big time last night.

Normally roll with the Scar, was sucking (more Ds then Ks), took a hour break, swapped out to a P90 with Rapid Fire and came in 1st 4 times in a row - can't even remember the last time I did that....

Oh, and this is me:


I've used nGAF or GAF and people recongnize it. Had some lurkers bitch at me since they are not approved yet. If you read this, fuck youuu.

Rawk Hawk

greenjerk said:
I better switch, I've only been using GAF. :lol

I started using a riot shield class extensively last night. shield/pp2000 with marathon/lightweight/commando smoke and throwing knife

played DOM only and it was AWESOME. I was averaging 1:2 k/d but my team won every match and I was either first or second in points. got a couple of WTF's on the game went 3 kills, 9 deaths but over 2K points.

the funniest & most fun was taking C on Afghan against 4 defenders and a turret. I walk-crouched towards the turret with my teammates flanking me asI called out defender locations.

Pissed off one guy when they tried to take B, they called in a Hind and I got its attention and soaked up all its damage while my teammates held off a charge.

i had so much fun and contributed so much that i didn't even care about my k/d.

The shield is pretty fun to use, my k/d is always horrible, but I use a throwing knife and scavenger. So I toss a knife and auto pick up another, works great in those awkward situations where you are face to face with someone and they are trying to get around you to knife/shoot you.


Rawk Hawk said:
The shield is pretty fun to use, my k/d is always horrible, but I use a throwing knife and scavenger. So I toss a knife and auto pick up another, works great in those awkward situations where you are face to face with someone and they are trying to get around you to knife/shoot you.

yeah, losing my knife sucks but i'd hate to lose the marathon perk for scavenger.


RSTEIN said:
Played a horrible match on Scrapyard last night. Three guys stood in the back corner calling in care packages all game... sigh.

Why didn't you kill them?

I don't get why people whinge about campers so much. Killcam makes camping useless, as you can tell if a guy is just hiding out. I just go back another way and twat them.

Do people expect everybody to run round with their cocks out to provide easy cannon fodder or is just them doing that themselves?
I ran up against a few Marathon/Lightweight/Commando class builds last night and boy do they seem overpowered in smaller maps like Favela especially considering the amount of lag in the games. It just doesn't make sense to me how an enemy can lunge what seems like 20 or so feet and stab me before I can get a shot off. It's ridiculous.

Also played probably 4 or so games against a Jvdom glitchers. For anyone who says that they don't make a difference in the score of games, let me tell you that you are wrong. This guy had the most kills on his team and was picking up at least 2 kills for every death that he had (Karachi, FML).

Rawk Hawk

greenjerk said:
yeah, losing my knife sucks but i'd hate to lose the marathon perk for scavenger.

I don't sprint much with my shield, normally crouch walk slowly. I do use lightweight though to help me move around slightly faster.

Rawk Hawk

Leunam said:
How effective is the Blast Shield?

I like using it for HQ or other modes where you normally have a lot on 'nades flying towards you. It does a decent job protecting you, but you lose the radar and it gives you slight tunnel vision. So in a mode where you are moving around a lot it's not the greatest, but it helps with launchers and such.


What's up with the map choosing algorithm? There's no way that thing is random! I cross checked with a bunch of my friends and it seems like we get Terminal the least often. I play TDM / Merc TDM almost exclusively and I get put in Estate, Wasteland, Invasion, and Quarry way more often than any other map.

EDIT: yeah sub base too.


Rawk Hawk said:
I don't sprint much with my shield, normally crouch walk slowly. I do use lightweight though to help me move around slightly faster.

Gotcha, I'm usually sprinting for CP's with my pistol in hand and switching to shield as I approach or start capping.

Rawk Hawk

greenjerk said:
Gotcha, I'm usually sprinting for CP's with my pistol in hand and switching to shield as I approach or start capping.

Hmm never used it in domination.. Sabotage normally, if I play some tonight I might do domination with it. I went through the online forum thread last night and added all the xboxers, that was a project... :lol

Fun fact LittleTokyo found out when him and I played the other day, in HC the riot shield is a one melee kill.
I've been told that when the riot shield is on your back it protects you from some rear fire but I haven't confirmed it. Does it protect you from being stabbed in the back too?

Rawk Hawk

Aquavelvaman said:
I've been told that when the riot shield is on your back it protects you from some rear fire but I haven't confirmed it. Does it protect you from being stabbed in the back too?

I've been shot from behind with it there, loading screen says it protects you, but I don't think it's as well as in the front.


I've been playing on that Sub map ALOT the past few days and I'm getting really burnt out on it.

Also for those talking about clan tags...GAF is the true and only way to go. Had a few people last night in Ground War say "Hey he's from GAF" which started some cool conversation.

So yeah.


Rawk Hawk said:
Hmm never used it in domination.. Sabotage normally, if I play some tonight I might do domination with it. I went through the online forum thread last night and added all the xboxers, that was a project... :lol

Fun fact LittleTokyo found out when him and I played the other day, in HC the riot shield is a one melee kill.

shit, i'm PS3 or I'd add ya.

That's awesome. I've occasionally missed my 2nd bash in regular modes. One bash kills would be nice.

Rawk Hawk

greenjerk said:
shit, i'm PS3 or I'd add ya.

That's awesome. I've occasionally missed my 2nd bash in regular modes. One bash kills would be nice.

That sucks.

Yea I don't usually melee guys in regular modes as two swings takes too long, someone shoots them or me before I get both swings off, that's why I like the throwing knife. Plus what is worse than being killed by a throwing knife... I know when it happens to me as I watch the kill cam all I can say is.. "Oh man.."
careful said:
What's up with the map choosing algorithm? There's no way that thing is random! I cross checked with a bunch of my friends and it seems like we get Terminal the least often. I play TDM / Merc TDM almost exclusively and I get put in Estate, Wasteland, Invasion, and Quarry way more often than any other map.

yeah, i dont understand it. it pisses me off having to play Quarry and Estate 10 times in one session, but Favela not even once, which is my favorite map.


Comics, serious business!
kitch9 said:
Why didn't you kill them?

I don't get why people whinge about campers so much. Killcam makes camping useless, as you can tell if a guy is just hiding out. I just go back another way and twat them.

Do people expect everybody to run round with their cocks out to provide easy cannon fodder or is just them doing that themselves?

What does this have to do with camping? I'm not sure if that comment was meant for me.

They were calling in air drops through glitching.
astroturfing said:
yeah, i dont understand it. it pisses me off having to play Quarry and Estate 10 times in one session, but Favela not even once, which is my favorite map.
I pity you. Favela is too vertical for myself personally and it strongly favors knife classes and short range classes which I'm not too keen on. I'm more of a mid-long range aficionado, myself.

Anyway, after playing for probably 4 hours yesterday, I didn't play Quarry at all and only got Terminal once which is my favorite map. Something seems a little fishy with the map selection for sure.


I love the HBS.. feel kind of naked without it. That and thermal on my Barrett is awesome. I like the HBS and Dot on my AR.

My problem is I have used the M4A1 from the start and feel like I am a bit handcuffed at this point. I havent used the TAL much while not touching the FAL at all yet (seems rarely used from my experience). Should I continue to stick with the M4 since I like my attachments? I have mostly been sniping the past week or so but like to have a nice AR set-up to fall back on (I use a SCAR for my noob tube set-up).


Leunam said:

Will try later.

Yeah. I was scared shitless playing the other day and I popped it out. I was laughing hysterically for over a minute because the Harrier kept focus firing me and it did no damage. It stops the attack helicopter rounds also but not the chopper gunner.

Meier said:
My problem is I have used the M4A1 from the start and feel like I am a bit handcuffed at this point. I havent used the TAL much while not touching the FAL at all yet (seems rarely used from my experience). Should I continue to stick with the M4 since I like my attachments? I have mostly been sniping the past week or so but like to have a nice AR set-up to fall back on (I use a SCAR for my noob tube set-up).

The FAL is good and it doesn't need stopping power but the thing is if you go against someone with a weapon with a faster firerate like a TAR-21 or an AK, you'll probably lose. If you go against someone at long range who has a M16 or a FAMAS, I feel it's even ground. I love the M4 though, mid range the firerate makes up for mediocre damage and I feel bad using the ACR - no recoil. :(
Meier said:
I love the HBS.. feel kind of naked without it. That and thermal on my Barrett is awesome. I like the HBS and Dot on my AR.

My problem is I have used the M4A1 from the start and feel like I am a bit handcuffed at this point. I havent used the TAL much while not touching the FAL at all yet (seems rarely used from my experience). Should I continue to stick with the M4 since I like my attachments? I have mostly been sniping the past week or so but like to have a nice AR set-up to fall back on (I use a SCAR for my noob tube set-up).

With each new AR, you are 10 kills from a grenade launcher and 25 kills from a red dot, which is most people's primary attachment anyway. So you really arent that gimped when you start a new one, somewhere between 2 and 4 games, depending on how much you rely on claymores/grenades/secondary weapons. I think you can survive off ironsights for 25 kills.

And honestly, leveling up more guns gets you more experience faster, plus makes you adjust your strategy depending on maps, killstreaks you want to use, etc. It makes the game alot more interesting to use different weapons(not to mention grinding guns will make you level faster to get new stuff)

HooCares said:
I know you can have 2 claymores out max - but when you die, do the clay's stay or do they get removed?

They stay until you respawn, so if you die near your claymores, just wait a couple seconds before mashing X and you might get a kill with them, plus extra xp for killing someone after you die.

Rawk Hawk

VaLiancY said:
Yeah. I was scared shitless playing the other day and I popped it out. I was laughing hysterically for over a minute because the Harrier kept focus firing me and it did no damage. It stops the attack helicopter rounds also but not the chopper gunner.

I didn't know the blast shield did that, if so that's fairly helpful for equipment. You're not confusing riot and blast shields though?


Rawk Hawk said:
I didn't know the blast shield did that, if so that's fairly helpful for equipment. You're not confusing riot and blast shields though?

The riot shield can eat the attack chopper(7 Killstreak) bullets too but you will die trying to stop the rounds from the Chopper gunner(11 killstreak). I doubt the blast shield will help with the chopper gunner. :lol

Sorry for the confusion.


Holy crap, I can't believe some of you are actually annoyed at people using the Javelin glitch. Let me guess, you're the same kind of person who whines when people sprint around with the care package knifing people. :lol

No fun at all.

Rawk Hawk

VaLiancY said:
The riot shield can eat the attack chopper(7 Killstreak) bullets too but you will die trying to stop the rounds from the Chopper gunner(11 killstreak). I doubt the blast shield will help with the chopper gunner. :lol

Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: Misread at first.

Orlics said:
Holy crap, I can't believe some of you are actually annoyed at people using the Javelin glitch. Let me guess, you're the same kind of person who whines when people sprint around with the care package knifing people. :lol

No fun at all.
Huh? I play MW2 to have fun and to be competitive. It's no fun when you're continuously being killed just because you're killing one player and he explodes from a half mile away and somehow kills you and another teammate. It ruins games. How can you not understand that?


backflip10019 said:
Huh? I play MW2 to have fun and to be competitive. It's no fun when you're continuously being killed just because you're killing one player and he explodes from a half mile away and somehow kills you and another teammate. It ruins games. How can you not understand that?
I thought we all agreed that MW2 cannot possibly be taken seriously in a competitive setting because of the lack of dedicated servers?

edit: That said, I don't even do the Javelin thing, the care package glitch is infinitely more fun and rewarding.
Oh man. I was just playing a game of Ground War TDM on Wasteland with my RPD build (RPD w/Grip/Holo sight, .44 Mag w/FMJ, Semtex, Smoke, Bling, Cold-Blooded Pro, Ninja Pro, Martyrdom). I slipped into the bunker which seemed oddly abandoned at the time and as I'm about to leave through a different exit I notice a guy in a Gillie Suit book past me and realize he was one of the enemy using Marathon, so I follow him. I trail after him a good long time as he runs down a trench, then he stops to setup in one of those end gun emplacements and eagerly gets to looking over his chosen spot for prey. I stopped when he did, watched his prep, then creeped the distance between us. I edged up to his back, aim down my holo sight, put the barrel of my RPD right up against the back of his head, and ever so slowly pull the trigger.... BANG! HEADSHOT! My work done, I slip into the mist looking for more sniper encampments, a mental chuckle at my victim who was no doubt wondering at that very moment what the hell just happened and wouldn't be forgetting the name VladSteelwolf any time soon. :D


Orlics said:
I thought we all agreed that MW2 cannot possibly be taken seriously in a competitive setting because of the lack of dedicated servers?
Cheating in any game ruins the fun for others. It should not ever be condoned. It doesn't matter about whether or not it can be taken seriously in a competitive setting -- 99% of gamers don't play games in competitive settings. They're trying to have fun.


Meier said:
I love the HBS.. feel kind of naked without it. That and thermal on my Barrett is awesome. I like the HBS and Dot on my AR.

My problem is I have used the M4A1 from the start and feel like I am a bit handcuffed at this point. I havent used the TAL much while not touching the FAL at all yet (seems rarely used from my experience). Should I continue to stick with the M4 since I like my attachments? I have mostly been sniping the past week or so but like to have a nice AR set-up to fall back on (I use a SCAR for my noob tube set-up).

SCAR and ACR both feel very much like the M4. So you can switch to those when you get to it. Also...if I were you, I'd learn to not be so reliant on the HBS. It's great for taking out idiots, but the first thing a smart player does after getting killed by someone with a HBS is to just switch to a build with Ninja (Pro). I've killed a bunch of people that were so obviously staring at their HBS, waiting for someone to come.
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