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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Orlics said:
I thought we all agreed that MW2 cannot possibly be taken seriously in a competitive setting because of the lack of dedicated servers?
Seriously? If you have a good team of players, you can usually pull off a win in many instances. For instance, last night I was playing with 5 of my friends and we were winning almost every game. The one game that we didn't win was plagued with two Jvdom glitchers, and the loss was directly due to them.

And I completely agree with Meier. This glitch takes so much fun out of the game. What's the point of even trying to kill these cheaters if you're just going to explode and die? It's terrible.


GuessWho said:
is it me or is the attack chopper so much shittier then the harrier jet?

They're both alright, I use the attack chopper to give me to easy kills to get my Pavelow or use it as a distraction because everyone will switch to their Stinger to get that 300XP.


Ecto311 said:
I am almost 100% sure they leave when you die.

They do go away when you die, but it takes somewhere between 10-15 seconds. I have gotten plenty of claymore kills while waiting for the respawn timer (HDTM)


Neo Member
Should be the other way around. The Harrier should be a bit less effective than the chopper b/c it comes with a goddamn airstrike.
HooCares said:
Should be the other way around. The Harrier should be a bit less effective than the chopper b/c it comes with a goddamn airstrike.
Except that the Harrier barely moves around the map after the airstrike unlike the chopper which makes it easier bait for Stingers. It's actually very easy to dodge Harrier fire and shoot it down very quickly.

Rawk Hawk

HooCares said:
Should be the other way around. The Harrier should be a bit less effective than the chopper b/c it comes with a goddamn airstrike.

The airstrike is why I use Harrier's over choppers. Even if someone shoots it down instantly you can still puck up kills with the strike.


Neo Member
backflip10019 said:
Except that the Harrier barely moves around the map after the airstrike unlike the chopper which makes it easier bait for Stingers. It's actually very easy to dodge Harrier fire and shoot it down very quickly.

Doesn't really matter since with the harrier strike, you point it right where the enemies are. The harrier hovers right over the place on the map where you signal the strike.

With the chopper, you have to hope it goes after enemies.

EDIT: I think this is why the harrier gets so many more kills.

I agree re: stinger bait though.


Orlics said:
I thought we all agreed that MW2 cannot possibly be taken seriously in a competitive setting because of the lack of dedicated servers?

Why do you presume to speak for most MW2 players? I've found that it's only the butthurt PC gamers who don't want MW2 to be taken seriously at anything.


Didn't everyone get an autoupdate last night? I assumed it was for the javelin glitch... in fact, my friend said he tried to do it and couldn't.
jedimike said:
They do go away when you die, but it takes somewhere between 10-15 seconds. I have gotten plenty of claymore kills while waiting for the respawn timer (HDTM)

They don't go away when you die.... they go away when you respawn. I get at least one Claymore kill from the grave pretty much every game I play.


TheAzRim said:
I've used nGAF or GAF and people recongnize it. Had some lurkers bitch at me since they are not approved yet. If you read this, fuck youuu.
Heh, that could be kinda funny to hear :D I haven't had any recognition but that's probably because of my friends only settings :S

I haven't noticed any auto updates. Though it seems easier to get FMJ kills for some reason o_O I went from 29 to 40 kills in 2 matches I believe. And I rarely ever shoot at anyone unless I have a clear shot.
I feel like there are glitchers on every map now :(. I spent my playing time last night going to the known glitch spots and killing my own team members that were trying to get into rocks. The funny part was hearing them curse me out saying I was a retard :lol . Might be taking a break from the game until they patch it... i wasn't having nearly as much fun with all this cheating going on.
Speaking along the lines of the Blast Shield, how effective is it as anti-Javdom tech?

Also, Andy Murray broke up with his girlfriend over MW2:
Andy Murray and Kim Sears split over 'seven-hour-a-day PlayStation 3 addiction'
Andy Murray’s relationship with his girlfriend Kim Sears allegedly ended because of the British number one's passion for computer games including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

The pair, who are both 22, announced they were breaking up on Sunday, after Sears failed to show up at the O2 Arena to watch Murray playing in the ATP Tour Finals.

Murray’s agent said at the time that the split had been “amicable” and “mutually agreed”.

However, sources close to Sears said one of the causes was the world number four’s long hours playing video tennis and PlayStation 3 games such as the best selling Call of Duty sequel.

Brad Gilbert, Murray’s former coach, has said in the past that Murray spends “seven hours a day” playing video games.

The source told The Sun: “He would spend all his time glued to them. In the end she just got fed up with it. She wanted more out of the relationship.”

However, the player’s agent told the paper that Murray “doesn’t play computer games any more than any other 22 year-old”.

The pair relationship lasted for nearly four years. Murray met Sears, the daughter of British Fed Cup captain Nigel Sears, through his former coach Mark Petchey.

According to reports, Sears has left Murray’s mansion in Oxted, Surrey and moved back in with her parents in Barcombe, West Sussex.

She is studying for a degree in English Literature at the University of Sussex and is pursuing a career in publishing.


OldJadedGamer said:
They don't go away when you die.... they go away when you respawn. I get at least one Claymore kill from the grave pretty much every game I play.

I didn't realize that... I usually play HTDM which has timed spawns so I never put two and two together. I'll definitely use this tip for future strategy though. If I have a claymore strategically placed, I won't be so anxious to respawn.

I love claymores... probably 20% percent of my match kills are claymores when I have them equipped.

Eric WK

jedimike said:
They do go away when you die, but it takes somewhere between 10-15 seconds. I have gotten plenty of claymore kills while waiting for the respawn timer (HDTM)

It doesn't take somewhere between 10 and 15 seconds unless it takes you between 10 and 15 seconds to respawn. Claymores despawn when the player respawns. It's that simple.


The only true glitch I've seen (that at least have been a clear cut glitcher beyond a shadow of a doubt) was some dude lying in prone about 15 meters up in the air on Derail. He was floating in midair. I was so mesmerized that I forgot to report him :lol And it was in a ricochet match too so I couldn't tk him either :(


LosDaddie said:
I've found that it's only the butthurt PC gamers who don't want MW2 to be taken seriously at anything.
Well you couldn't have missed the mark more.

Us "butthurt" (makes you sound like a ten year-old) PC gamers *want* the game to be taken seriously but the fact is that it's an excellent game wrapped in an exterior of shit.

The matchmaking system panned out horribly. Matchmaking is slower and less effective all around than both CoD4 and 5.
First of all, for every playlist except TDM, you can expect a wait before you get matched. If it were a few seconds (about how long it takes to refresh a list of dedicated servers and click on one), that would be fine. In fact, it would be a fair tradeoff taken in isolation. But it doesn't work that way. Often, it takes up to a minute and the game it puts you in may be in progress (I was put into a game this morning where the other team had 7400 points), the teams may be skewed (removing the ability to change teams was fucking brilliant), and sometimes the game just gives up on matching you entirely (one time while looking for a Demolition game, after about two minutes the game gave up and threw me into an in-progress Sabotage game). Also note the lack of actual matchmaking, considering, as a level 70, the amount of new players I see is absolutely ludicrous.
That may work on the 360 due to the larger pool of players, but it's not going to fly on PC, at least not very well.

Granted, I could talk about how shitty the matchmaking system is all day but most of it's not relevant to why MW2's competitive community is going to have a hard time taking off. The fact is, to get dedicated server-level pings in MW2, you have to be playing on a LAN. Pings regularly float above 100 (if you don't notice a difference, that's great. I do) and into absurd ranges, giving everyone a penalty and the host a huge advantage. It's nigh impossible for a clan to employ anyone outside of their immediate vicinity, and even that may prove problematic -- my friend, who lives in the same city as me, will ping ~400 when I host him, and I'll ping ~400 when he hosts me. This is something that has never happened in any other game, and as I'm running my computer in the DMZ, it's certainly not a routing problem. The fact that it's near impossible to create a level playing field is why it's never going to happen. It's not because we don't want it to happen, it's because the game doesn't allow it to happen. Competitive play, by definition, requires a level playing field.
Been getting back into MW2's multiplayer the last few days and doing very well, but those dual shotguns that everyone is using all of the sudden are ridiculous. Their range is way too long. Thinking of buying Call of Duty Classic on XBLA. I only got to play a demo of the original.

Mikey Jr.

Is MW2 on the PS3 down for anyone else? Just keeps saying that its trying to connect to match making server. Restarted PS3 already.


Just need stealth bomber emblem and I am done with that killstreak emblems. Then it is chopper gunner for the rest of my days.

P.S. Please god people equip UAV if you have trouble stringing two kills together.


Raxus said:
P.S. Please god people equip UAV if you have trouble stringing two kills together.
AGREED! Way too many selfish people out there with killstreaks set they will never reach. Tema based games need support from everyone, I wish more people would use UAV.


Raxus said:
Just need stealth bomber emblem and I am done with that killstreak emblems. Then it is chopper gunner for the rest of my days.

P.S. Please god people equip UAV if you have trouble stringing two kills together.
Once I get my nuketastical i will prolly drop back to lower numbers of killstreak. Lately I've been sucking it up and failing to even get 10 in a row -_-
ergo said:
Once I get my nuketastical i will prolly drop back to lower numbers of killstreak. Lately I've been sucking it up and failing to even get 10 in a row -_-

I've earned precisely one nuke since I unlocked it, and I know it will take forever to earn 10 of them, and I know that I'll do much better if I equip lower killstreaks...but the nuke is so tempting (actually, I really only care about getting that nuke emblem :D). But I know I should switch, so I'll probably move to something lower. I'm debating between Sentry->Harrier->Apache or something more generally useful like UAV->Sentry->Harrier (already have all the predator challenges, and I mostly play objective games, so I want to keep the Sentry around as my 5-streak).


Just left a game with another 8 (7 by the end) fellow gaffers! (not sure if all of them were gaffers, actually, but whatever..).

Lots of fun, but holy crap it always would take forever to start the game.. by the end we would wait up to 3-5 minutes just to play.. :(

But still, probably the most fun I've had with the game yet, and played lots of domination, something I barely play when I'm alone (it requires teamwork, something you can't find usually online with strangers :p)
Minamu said:
The only true glitch I've seen... was some dude lying in prone about 15 meters up in the air on Derail. I was so mesmerized that I idolized him :lol
Fixed that, 'cause, let's face it, we all wish we'd thought of that one thing before that one guy did.

BTW, I envy anyone who's playing the shit out of this game. I am determined not to let my GPA drop more than 1/4 point because of this game. :D
Minamu said:
The only true glitch I've seen (that at least have been a clear cut glitcher beyond a shadow of a doubt) was some dude lying in prone about 15 meters up in the air on Derail. He was floating in midair. I was so mesmerized that I forgot to report him :lol And it was in a ricochet match too so I couldn't tk him either :(
Elevator Glitch...... ):

I hear that that one is not fixable. But it is much more difficult to pull off than the javelin glitch.


The EMP killstreak emblem is by far the coolest of the lot, IMO.

It looks like one of those static electricity balls you find in science stores at the mall. :lol
NYR said:
AGREED! Way too many selfish people out there with killstreaks set they will never reach. Tema based games need support from everyone, I wish more people would use UAV.

I do hear way less UAV's getting called in this version. But then again, UAV's are worthless since they get shot down all the time. I play Hardcore and the second we hear one go up, we work as a team to get it down as soon as we can since we don't want the radar up at all for them.
Raxus said:
P.S. Please god people equip UAV if you have trouble stringing two kills together.

Whenever I'm playing with my 5 other friends in Team Domination, I usually get: UAV, Care Package, Emergency Airdrop (Using Hardline too). Basically a full support type setup; It's nice having a UAV up almost the entire match.
OldJadedGamer said:
I do hear way less UAV's getting called in this version. But then again, UAV's are worthless since they get shot down all the time. I play Hardcore and the second we hear one go up, we work as a team to get it down as soon as we can since we don't want the radar up at all for them.

Your team doesnt use cold blooded?

Rawk Hawk

NarcissisticJay said:
Your team doesnt use cold blooded?

That wouldn't prevent them from seeing your bullet fire dot though, HC has no radar at all unless UAV is up. So even if everyone uses Cold Blooded it's still benefits the other team to have the UAV up.


Rawk Hawk said:
That wouldn't prevent them from seeing your bullet fire dot though, HC has no radar at all unless UAV is up. So even if everyone uses Cold Blooded it's still benefits the other team to have the UAV up.

Can't you just press Start and view the map on the options screen?

I seem to remember doing this in Hardcore, but maybe it's disabled. I do it all the time in the regular modes when I'm trying to pin point people further away on the map.

Either way, I always go silenced weapon + cold-blooded in HC. No way I wanna show up on a map when a UAV pops.

Rawk Hawk

winnarps said:
Can't you just press Start and view the map on the options screen?

I seem to remember doing this in Hardcore, but maybe it's disabled. I do it all the time in the regular modes when I'm trying to pin point people further away on the map.

Either way, I always go silenced weapon + cold-blooded in HC. No way I wanna show up on a map when a UAV pops.

I normally use a silenced weapon and cold blooded as well, but still shoot down UAV's. As for pushing start, it may be possible, honestly don't know not really time to be checking menus, normally moving around the map. The accolade I have the most is Nomad. :lol
I bet the Tactical Nuke is a lot more common than Infinity Ward had thought it would be. I see it every 6 or so games.

I wonder if they will make some changes.
Pookaki said:
I bet the Tactical Nuke is a lot more common than Infinity Ward had thought it would be. I see it every 6 or so games.

I wonder if they will make some changes.

WTF? What modes do you play? While 1d of playtime might not be that much on GAF, it's still a heck of a lot of time spent playing, and during that time I've only seen three nukes...and I called in one of them!


jiien said:
SCAR and ACR both feel very much like the M4. So you can switch to those when you get to it. Also...if I were you, I'd learn to not be so reliant on the HBS. It's great for taking out idiots, but the first thing a smart player does after getting killed by someone with a HBS is to just switch to a build with Ninja (Pro). I've killed a bunch of people that were so obviously staring at their HBS, waiting for someone to come.
I don't necessarily wait around with it, but I definitely use it as a bit of a crutch admittedly. It is helpful when I am looking for someone to snipe, especially if they have on Cold-Blooded. I like having that added warning though in general. I am level 33 so no ACR yet, but both the SCAR and the FAMAS have been used a good bit although neither has the HBS yet.

For me personally, I use Bling, Stopping Power and Ninja on my snipe build. I mix it up a little with my AR build but I still typically stick with Bling and Ninja. I know a lot of people skip the HBS so Ninja isn't necessarily required, but I like feeling a little safer. I do like Commando though.. can't count how many times I have failed on a knife and then been killed or had someone who must use Commando get the knife jump on me.
divisionbyzorro said:
WTF? What modes do you play? While 1d of playtime might not be that much on GAF, it's still a heck of a lot of time spent playing, and during that time I've only seen three nukes...and I called in one of them!
I meant to say I see one every 6-10 games

Ground War mostly. I play with 8 friends consistently. We know each others patterns and can lock down a map very well. I have gotten 2 total, most of them come from the other guys in my group.

Its a little out of control. I see it happen more in objective based gametypes than deathmatch. Which seems backwards.
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