LosDaddie said:
I've found that it's only the butthurt PC gamers who don't want MW2 to be taken seriously at anything.
Well you couldn't have missed the mark more.
Us "butthurt" (makes you sound like a ten year-old) PC gamers *want* the game to be taken seriously but the fact is that it's an excellent game wrapped in an exterior of shit.
The matchmaking system panned out horribly. Matchmaking is slower and less effective all around than both CoD4 and 5.
First of all, for every playlist except TDM, you can expect a wait before you get matched. If it were a few seconds (about how long it takes to refresh a list of dedicated servers and click on one), that would be fine. In fact, it would be a fair tradeoff taken in isolation. But it doesn't work that way. Often, it takes up to a minute and the game it puts you in may be in progress (I was put into a game this morning where the other team had 7400 points), the teams may be skewed (removing the ability to change teams was fucking
brilliant), and sometimes the game just gives up on matching you entirely (one time while looking for a Demolition game, after about two minutes the game gave up and threw me into an in-progress Sabotage game). Also note the lack of actual matchmaking, considering, as a level 70, the amount of new players I see is absolutely ludicrous.
That may work on the 360 due to the larger pool of players, but it's not going to fly on PC, at least not very well.
Granted, I could talk about how shitty the matchmaking system is all day but most of it's not relevant to why MW2's competitive community is going to have a hard time taking off. The fact is, to get dedicated server-level pings in MW2, you have to be playing on a LAN. Pings regularly float above 100 (if you don't notice a difference, that's great. I do) and into absurd ranges, giving everyone a penalty and the host a huge advantage. It's nigh impossible for a clan to employ anyone outside of their immediate vicinity, and even that may prove problematic -- my friend, who lives in the same city as me, will ping ~400 when I host him, and I'll ping ~400 when he hosts me. This is something that has never happened in any other game, and as I'm running my computer in the DMZ, it's certainly not a routing problem. The fact that it's near impossible to create a level playing field is why it's never going to happen. It's not because we don't want it to happen, it's because the game doesn't allow it to happen. Competitive play, by definition, requires a level playing field.