iamcool388 said:I'll give you ridiculous.
In one of the earlier levels (Theone) I was going through a level with 4 other people on my team. I was supposed to follow one of them who was on point, and we encountered heavy resistance. We took them all out, took about 4-5 minutes, and then the main dude didnt go any further. He just stood there, so I assumed that more enemies would be coming. They dont, so I scout ahead, thinking that maybe I have to cross some invisible line for him to move forward. That doesnt help either... I am at my wits end and cant figure out what to do to make him go ahead... by this time I have gone ahead and already cleared out like half the level ahead of me, but my teammates wont come forward and join me. Wanna guess what the resolution was?controversial
One of the dumbass enemies was hiding behind a barrel or some shit in an out of the way place. He wasnt shooting, he wasnt popping out of cover, he was just sitting behind a barrel and some boxes. As soon as I shoot him, suddenly my squad starts running ahead as if their pants are on fire and its the biggest emergency in the world (lots of battle chatter), when for the last 10 minutes they were standing like statues.
Pissed me off.
Mogg0 said:Isn't the leaderboard refresh unfair?!?
All the lucky pricks that got it a week early get a week of free practice, yet all of their initial shitness as they get to grips with the game is wiped. All the muppets who get it launch day have all their initial shitness saved forever. K/D, getting to grips with weapon accuracy, and basically all ratio stats will be a poor representation.
Is it just me or is that not fair?
snap0212 said:Wow, I just found out that the german version of the game will be cut again! You fail so hard, Acitivision...
you shoot with paintball guns and water pistols?snap0212 said:Wow, I just found out that the german version of the game will be cut again! You fail so hard, Acitivision...
The problem is that Activision lied to us. They even sent out a press release about how the game will be uncut, the same content as the us version, etc.F#A#Oo said:I fail to see how it is IW's problem? You live in a restrictive country...import another version...problem solved.
We get the blood and guts in video games, you get nudity on the TV. I'm thinking you get the better deal. Of course, I guess choice would be the ultimate perk.snap0212 said:The problem is that Activision lied to us. They even sent out a press release about how the game will be uncut, the same content as the us version, etc.
snap0212 said:The problem is that Activision lied to us. They even sent out a press release about how the game will be uncut, the same content as the us version, etc.
Mogg0 said:Isn't the leaderboard refresh unfair?!?
All the lucky pricks that got it a week early get a week of free practice, yet all of their initial shitness as they get to grips with the game is wiped. All the muppets who get it launch day have all their initial shitness saved forever. K/D, getting to grips with weapon accuracy, and basically all ratio stats will be a poor representation.
Is it just me or is that not fair?
Also you can just go into private match and navigate the maps before you get online. It isn't like the few thousand or so people that got the game early have some secret invincibility cheat.Magik said:Are you for real? Are you seriously concerned with other people's K/D ratios? :lol
K/D ratios really means nothing unless you're some sort of hardcore gamebattles scrub.
EatChildren said:Is anyone selling the PC version early, or is it all Xbox360 and PS3?
AnIco said:PS3 version of MW2 tells you what mode you're playing through the XMB friends list. One of my friends is playing it and it shows him playing "Domination in Wasteland"
Nice, wish more PS3 games did this.
well some people do have it (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=img_0165h8yl.jpg not mine)EatChildren said:Is anyone selling the PC version early, or is it all Xbox360 and PS3?
nib95 said:Guys, anyone have any proper comparisons between the 360 and PS3 versions yet? I have the 360 version on pre-order, but my XBL Gold account expires this month! I can't think of the next big game I'll be playing online on the 360 for a while, so I'm wondering if it might be better for me to get the PS3 version and hold out on renewing GOLD.
Anyone know how performance holds up on both? And does anyone know whether SC: Conviction will have an online mode?
That would be great.neojubei said:wish uncharted 2 did this.
RS4- said:Yup, along with WaW.
It's just annoying to have on. You're tracking some dude left to right, AA kicks in and well :lol
didn't really like it in the Halo games either
dark10x said:So can anyone comment on the core gameplay of the single player campaign? Has anything changed for the better?
Really? They didn't do anything better? :\cameltoe said:
CcrooK said:Oiy. I'm not sure what to do. Buy the 360 version and get a new system by the end of the month, or just bite the bullet and roll with the PC version (which I have full pre paid at Gamestop).
CcrooK said:Money's a little tight around this year. Holiday's and all that crap.
fraaap said:Are there any micro-small Shipment-esque MP maps? I have seen a few shots of the Rust map, and from what I could tell that seems to be very similar (although nowhere near as basic).
F#A#Oo said:Get a UK copy...£35 is about the average price here...almost half the price you get across the channel...postage is peanuts.
Getting hooked up? I got MW1 for 40 but with shipping from a good person who helped me out.dark10x said:Really? They didn't do anything better? :\
Considering I didn't find CoD4 to be amazing in the slightest (fun, but ultimately not all that memorable), I'm concerned about this.
Still, I'm getting MW2 for $30, so I'll probably still give it a shot.
nib95 said:Guys, anyone have any proper comparisons between the 360 and PS3 versions yet? I have the 360 version on pre-order, but my XBL Gold account expires this month! I can't think of the next big game I'll be playing online on the 360 for a while, so I'm wondering if it might be better for me to get the PS3 version and hold out on renewing GOLD.
Anyone know how performance holds up on both? And does anyone know whether SC: Conviction will have an online mode?
oh IWGDJustin said:Nope - if anything the infinite enemy respawns & heavy sequence scripting is even more prevalent here than in MW1. In several sections you will have enemies appear behind you and begin shooting in order to push you forward.
I was having HUGE trouble with even the first handful of SP missions until I figured out that IW doesn't ever want the player to stop - they want you moving forward at all times. Once I sorted that out I've been dying a lot less.
You can't be meticulous and pick off dudes of rooftops one at a time. You just need to keep moving and shooting.
They're going to be reset on the day of release.Mind said:Anybody got some news about the leaderboards
dark10x said:Really? They didn't do anything better? :\
Considering I didn't find CoD4 to be amazing in the slightest (fun, but ultimately not all that memorable), I'm concerned about this.
Still, I'm getting MW2 for $30, so I'll probably still give it a shot.
Didn't mean that but thankssnap0212 said:They're going to be reset on the day of release.
atomsk said:anyone getting banned for playing legit UK copies yet?
F#A#Oo said:No gets banned playing a legit copy...
* Team Deathmatchtuco11 said:Anyone care to post all of the multi playlists?
Nelo Ice said:ur actually buying the pc version?
Your damn avatar locks my Safari browser up, and so I check what's up with your image you're displaying.Roelatie said:you shoot with paintball guns and water pistols?
Nelo Ice said:ur actually buying the pc version?