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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Neo Member
I hate thermal. The field of vision through the scope is smaller and one cold blooded sniper on the other team ruins your day.

Question about the weapon challenges - are the prestige level challenges (all of them) unlocked by the first prestige or do you have to prestige many times to keep unlocking more and more challenges?
Team Tactical Most Pit (is that redundant?)

Please! holy shit!

I hate having 2-3 freinds online that want to play objective based games and we get matched with three other fucktards that want to play TDM in Domination...
NarcissisticJay said:
Team Tactical Most Pit (is that redundant?)

Please! holy shit!

I hate having 2-3 freinds online that want to play objective based games and we get matched with three other fucktards that want to play TDM in Domination...

HooCares said:
I hate thermal. The field of vision through the scope is smaller and one cold blooded sniper on the other team ruins your day.

Question about the weapon challenges - are the prestige level challenges (all of them) unlocked by the first prestige or do you have to prestige many times to keep unlocking more and more challenges?

Cold Blooded sniper ruining your day?

You must suck...............

(stopping power > cold blooded)

for snipers at least.

How is he killing you?
Cold Blooded snipers appear as black outlines instead of white. Makes them much easier to spot int he snow maps and any little movement from them and they stand out.

There are lots of "good" sniping spots that actually leave you more exposed than you think.
HooCares said:
Because he is invisible to my thermal scope?

No fuck that. It's cause I SuuuuuuuuccckK!!!

If you're spending the entire time zoomed in then you're being a very foolish sniper, since you have zero peripheral vision and can be flanked very easily. When I snipe, I tend to just look around normally, and then zoom in once I detect movement across the map. You can see so much more than the ten feet your scope shows you. Even cold blooded guys can be shot easily, since you only zoom in after you've already seen them. Of course, I also sometimes watch windows and doorways if there's alot of traffic, but generally speaking I only scope in after I see the enemy.

nib95 said:
I'm having some infuriating issues with the 360 version of MW2 online. With 9/10 games I connect to, just before the game starts, it goes from "waiting" to "finding best host" and then suddenly I get a message saying "Game lobby closed". This keeps happening and it's pissing the hell out of me since I bought XBL Gold just for this game, when I had the PS3 version that was giving me no issues (besides taking longer to connect to games) online.

Does anyone have a fix or know why this keeps happening to me?

OldJadedGamer said:
Seems to be a problem with your connection since no one else is having this problem on this board or any other board I've been reading. What is your NAT settings on the main menu?
I have this happen too, and without fail every time it happens I will see myself without my mic attached in the lobby, so I can give my friends about 5 second warning to back out since I'm about to get kicked. It has nothing to do with NAT settings, as mine are open. However, I find it usually happens during peak internet periods on my university campus, when theres very little bandwidth to go around (which in turn means I usually red bar the entire time I'm playing, but whatever). No idea what to do to fix it, we just keep plugging away at it until I manage to connect, and then we try not to leave the lobby if at all possible.


I wish there were more Objective based modes in Ground War. I usually run with a crew of about eight people so it's usually Ground War or nothing. I realize that Headquarters Pro and Demolition could become a cluster f*** with random teams, but it would add some much needed diversity to the only big team mode in the game.


HooCares said:
I hate thermal. The field of vision through the scope is smaller and one cold blooded sniper on the other team ruins your day.

Question about the weapon challenges - are the prestige level challenges (all of them) unlocked by the first prestige or do you have to prestige many times to keep unlocking more and more challenges?
I think you have to go through all of the prestige levels to unlock them.
nib95 said:
I'm having some infuriating issues with the 360 version of MW2 online. With 9/10 games I connect to, just before the game starts, it goes from "waiting" to "finding best host" and then suddenly I get a message saying "Game lobby closed". This keeps happening and it's pissing the hell out of me since I bought XBL Gold just for this game, when I had the PS3 version that was giving me no issues (besides taking longer to connect to games) online.

Does anyone have a fix or know why this keeps happening to me?

Seems to be a problem with your connection since no one else is having this problem on this board or any other board I've been reading. What is your NAT settings on the main menu?


Raiden said:
Whats all of you frequent players your K/D ratio?

I only play Team Deatmatch type of games and vary around 1.42-1.45 all the time. I think its pretty good, but i have awesome nights where i get games like 26-2 and crappy nights where i can barely keep up a 1-1 ratio.

Also, im really obsessed by keeping up that ratio, im pretty sure i would enjoy the game more if they did not track that:lol
Most people who post here don't give a shit about their K/D ratio. WELL...I DO. I constantly watch it along with my accuracy. I love the challenge of trying to get it higher. Here it is in all of it's sad and pathetic glory. I will even BOLD it for you guys because I'm an attention whore.

K/D: 2.06 (I know it's bad but it WILL get better, lol)
Accuracy: 27.13% (strictly SCAR and M16)


Raide said:
Maybe check your NAT settings and make sure it is set to Open? You need to add the XBL Ports to your router to do this.

Any advice on how I go about doing this?

OldJadedGamer said:
Seems to be a problem with your connection since no one else is having this problem on this board or any other board I've been reading. What is your NAT settings on the main menu?

It reads "moderate". I believe my NAT type is 2.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
azureowl said:
I don't see how people see the painkiller deathstreak as non beneficial... just use a tactical insertion with it :D
I love tactical insertions. It's like two kills for the price of one! :D


RubxQub said:
I love tactical insertions. It's like two kills for the price of one! :D
Not true, at least for me. I used TI exclusively before I prestiged instead of grenades and the majority of time people killed me and ran away. 95% of the time I shot them in the back.

The problem is that people don't know how to use it correctly. You don't place out in the open right next to you. You have to place them in strategic, hidden areas such as tall grass, rooms people hardly check, and the outskirts of the map.

Also, if you think you are going to get killed when you using TI create a Riot Shield One Man Army class. This way you can spawn in deflect an enemy attack and survive. Once they die you can switch, on the fly, to your primary class. Just a pro tip. :D
I unlocked the camouflaged in snow and urban areas perks with my sniper rifle but what does that mean? What do you appear as on the maps, do you have to keep using the cold blooded perk or can I change to something different?


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tarius1210 said:
Not true, at least for me. I use TI before I prestiged instead of grenades and the majority of time people killed me and ran away. 95% of the time I shot them in the back.

The problem is that people don't know how to use it correctly. You don't place out in the open right next to you. You have to place them in strategic, hidden areas so that it can't be found.
I totally agree, but there are a ton of people that throw down the TI right next to their camping spot.

Kill one, pause, kill two.


RubxQub said:
I totally agree, but there are a ton of people that throw down the TI right next to their camping spot.

Kill one, pause, kill two.
You're right though. When I see that red flare I love waiting for that free kill.


Comics, serious business!
I've never used Tactical Insertion. Can you choose to not respawn at your insertion point or does it force you to if you dropped a flair?


RSTEIN said:
I've never used Tactical Insertion. Can you choose to not respawn at your insertion point or does it force you to if you dropped a flair?
You're forced to respawn at the TI location.


I've gone from loving to hating & back to loving Wasteland. That map & Derail are awesome for grinding Marathon/Lightweight. Prefer Derail for that though.


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Minamu said:
I've gone from loving to hating & back to loving Wasteland. That map & Derail are awesome for grinding Marathon/Lightweight. Prefer Derail for that though.
Wasteland is fun when you're the one unleashing hell on the people below you, not on the receiving end of it.

Chopper Gunner = billions of kills.


jacobs34 said:
I pray for knife class players on Skidrow, they are such a perfect match for my shotgun!
Dude, trust me...very few people are at my level of domination. You are no match for my knife.

I'm one cocky bastard aren't I?

Are you on PS3 or the 360?


tarius1210 said:
Dude, trust me...very few people are at my level of domination. You are no match for my knife.

I'm one cocky bastard aren't I?

Are you on PS3 or the 360?

360, GT=FooFighter85. It was interesting, one of my friends (who only plays knife class) got stuck on the other team and it turned into a 1-on-1 battle between him and I. It seems like once you get into the knife/knife hunter mindset you start focusing on different areas of the map than everyone else. We spent most of our time in the back area (C) in Favela and only seemed to run into other players once our twice.


jacobs34 said:
360, GT=FooFighter85. It was interesting, one of my friends (who only plays knife class) got stuck on the other team and it turned into a 1-on-1 battle between him and I. It seems like once you get into the knife/knife hunter mindset you start focusing on different areas of the map than everyone else. We spent most of our time in the back area (C) in Favela and only seemed to run into other players once our twice.
Damn, I have MW2 on the PS3.


tarius1210 said:
Dude, trust me...very few people are at my level of domination. You are no match for my knife.

I'm one cocky bastard aren't I?

Are you on PS3 or the 360?

ps3: cameltow

Ill be on after 930pm CST


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cameltoe said:
ps3: cameltow

Ill be on after 930pm CST


tactical insertion is also an interesting way of detecting enemy movement, since the majority of players will smash it on sight you can put it somewhere behind your back and know when enemies are attempting to flank you


Jesus Christ, the game seemed to get really broken over the course of four or so days.
MidnightRider said:
Cold Blooded sniper ruining your day?

You must suck...............

(stopping power > cold blooded)

for snipers at least.

How is he killing you?
Not really, stopping power is pretty much redundant with Sniper Rifles (outside of the http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/M14_EBR.)

Also, people with cold blooded won't show heat signatures on the scope and a sniper in a camo outfit is going to be even more obscured. I'll still use the scope because some of the maps really hide players.

Here, everyone use this wiki: http://callofduty.wikia.com/

It's a great guide with how each weapon ACTUALLY works and not what the shitty shit shit bar stats tell you. Pretty much any weapon above 40 damage per shot doesn't need stopping power and won't make any difference.

Mad Max

MidnightRider said:
Cold Blooded sniper ruining your day?

You must suck...............

(stopping power > cold blooded)

for snipers at least.

How is he killing you?

Only if you use the .50 of intervention, stopping power has no effect on the m21 or wa2000. And with every sniper it's still a one hit kill if you shoot someone in the head or chest.


not characteristic of ants at all
I love Tactical Insertion. Great for domination. I've defended a point by myself just by spawning @ tactical insertion, placing tactical insertion, then killing enemies and dying. Then repeat the process.
Beat the last Echo mission on veteran(the 15 juggernauts on the oil rig). It was so simple on solo. However Wet Work is a pain in the ass. I dont know what it is but I always screw up when I get to the final breach. Something just magically blows up and I know I'm not hitting the damn barrels. Its such a pain because you spend a lot of time just getting up there. :(
K2Valor said:
I love Tactical Insertion. Great for domination. I've defended a point by myself just by spawning @ tactical insertion, placing tactical insertion, then killing enemies and dying. Then repeat the process.

Great for domination, headquarters, and demolition. Especially domination though, I throw a smoke grenade at the flag, lay down and place an insertion and I'm almost guaranteed to take it over (unless the whole enemy team comes running).


tarius1210 said:
Damn, I have MW2 on the PS3.
I read your previous post in which you posted your ratio and I have to say I feel the exact same way. I'm currently at 2.21, although, because I'm playing on PC, I haven't a clue what my accuracy is.


Mad Max said:
Only if you use the .50 of intervention, stopping power has no effect on the m21 or wa2000. And with every sniper it's still a one hit kill if you shoot someone in the head or chest.

This assumes a 1v1. If they get hit by one bullet previous to your sniper rifle hit, stopping power can mean the difference between a kill and just a hit. In addition, the stopping power damages the player more forcing them to either hide or be killed more easily.


SmokeMaxX said:
This assumes a 1v1. If they get hit by one bullet previous to your sniper rifle hit, stopping power can mean the difference between a kill and just a hit. In addition, the stopping power damages the player more forcing them to either hide or be killed more easily.
A sniper bullet is a one hit kill from the chest and above, none of this matters. There are a lot more useful perks for the Sniper Class.


Pyke Presco said:
I have this happen too, and without fail every time it happens I will see myself without my mic attached in the lobby, so I can give my friends about 5 second warning to back out since I'm about to get kicked. It has nothing to do with NAT settings, as mine are open. However, I find it usually happens during peak internet periods on my university campus, when theres very little bandwidth to go around (which in turn means I usually red bar the entire time I'm playing, but whatever). No idea what to do to fix it, we just keep plugging away at it until I manage to connect, and then we try not to leave the lobby if at all possible.

Ok, I think (not sure yet) this might help. When joining a game, or attempting to, disconnect your mic. Then when you finally get in the game, re-connect. For some reason I didn't get as many Game Lobby Closed errors when I did this. But I haven't tested it much yet.

Mad Max

SmokeMaxX said:
This assumes a 1v1. If they get hit by one bullet previous to your sniper rifle hit, stopping power can mean the difference between a kill and just a hit. In addition, the stopping power damages the player more forcing them to either hide or be killed more easily.

Yes but it's not really worth it, because the difference in damage is nog that much, if you're using one of those 2 snipers. The effect of stopping power really depends on the weapon, with some weapons it matters a lot, and with other weapons it has barely any effect.
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