cameltoe said:360: X STICKY II
ps3: cameltow
Ill be on after 930pm CST
andycapps said:Holy crap I just realized this match will be going down around 12:30 or later tonight.. I don't know if I can keep my eyes open that long.. Will try but it's been a long week and I'm getting old. :lol
UFRA said:No, CST is Central time. If you're in Ohio, then I think you're still in central, or at worst case Eastern, which means it's 10:30 for you.
Edit: Just checked, Ohio is Eastern.
Odrion said:It doesn't matter that much because you('re suppose to) kill them in one shot regardless. Those scenarios don't happen. Seriously, go pick Hardline, Cold Blooded, or Lightweight.
I pulled an epic rage quit and got rid of the game. Freedom!Odrion said:Jesus Christ, the game seemed to get really broken over the course of four or so days.
tarius1210 said:Most people who post here don't give a shit about their K/D ratio. WELL...I DO. I constantly watch it along with my accuracy. I love the challenge of trying to get it higher. Here it is in all of it's sad and pathetic glory. I will even BOLD it for you guys because I'm an attention whore.
K/D: 2.06 (I know it's bad but it WILL get better, lol)
Accuracy: 27.13% (strictly SCAR and M16)
Scavenger wouldn't replace cold blooded in that slot if you where to use it.Son of Godzilla said:Stopping Power is great for the .50 cal with a silencer. I'd say that plus Scavenger is much more useful than Cold-Blooded and whatever.
I pulled an epic rage quit and got rid of the game. Freedom!
MaxSteel said:i'm obsessed with my K/D ratio too - that's why i only play team deathmatch and domination. love signing on, checking my ration, and then signing off and seeing it improve - such a solid way of seeing your skill progress.
and i'd kill for your "bad" 2.06 K/D ratio - i'm at .81 right now - but steadily rising. i'll never get to 2.06 - i'd be satisfied with 1.5
? I said Stopping Power + Silencer + Scavenger. Better than anything with cold-blooded really, unless you really need thermal for some reason.practice02 said:Scavenger wouldn't replace cold blooded in that slot if you where to use it.
tarius1210 said:Most people who post here don't give a shit about their K/D ratio. WELL...I DO. I constantly watch it along with my accuracy. I love the challenge of trying to get it higher. Here it is in all of it's sad and pathetic glory. I will even BOLD it for you guys because I'm an attention whore.
K/D: 2.06 (I know it's bad but it WILL get better, lol)
Accuracy: 27.13% (strictly SCAR and M16)
cameltoe said:360: X STICKY II
ps3: cameltow
Ill be on after 930pm CST
johnFkennedy said:Is there some sort of matchup happening?
practice02 said:K/D: 1.3
W/L: 3.0
Fuck K/d
it's all about what really matters
practice02 said:K/D: 1.3
W/L: 3.0
Fuck K/d
it's all about what really matters
your poor sentence structure is hindering your ability to express your concept clearly please explain more clearly what you are intending to convey.Kyzer said:Ha.
If random match-ups with people who suck and can't handle firing their weapon without shitting their pants in r/l determine MY ability as a player, then I don't want to be evaluated.
Kyzer said:Ha.
If random match-ups with people who suck and can't handle firing their weapon without shitting their pants in r/l determine MY ability as a player, then I don't want to be evaluated.
Tiger uppercut said:popcorn.gif
turn on speculation for the match.
invite me when it startsPSN:Biggz124
djblackice said:I remember you from a Domination match in Karachi. You were running around doing the javelin glitch. How do I remember? You had the [GAF] clan tag and I was at 24 kills, one away from the nuke, and then I ran into your glitching little self.
djblackice said:I remember you from a Domination match in Karachi. You were running around doing the javelin glitch. How do I remember? You had the [GAF] clan tag and I was at 24 kills, one away from the nuke, and then I ran into your glitching little self.
practice02 said:your poor sentence structure is hindering your ability to express your concept clearly please explain more clearly what you are intending to convey.
OldJadedGamer said:Or the modes I play. I can go 5/25 on a HQ map yet be the MVP on the winning team. K/D ratio really means that you aren't playing all game types in the game. Anyone that takes one tiny slice and basis their skill off that doesn't make sense.
It's like the guy who brags he's the best at a racing game yet he only races on one track with only a certain car and won't budge from that.
It took me a while to get a hang of this game. You can still do what you do, but you'll come to learn the maps and spawn zones naturally, and that will lead to you taking smarter routes and, well, just doing much better in general.noire said:People who are better than me (read: everyone): did you have to slow down your pace for this game? I think part of my problem is that I'm playing it too much like a twitch shooter rather than ducking from cover to cover.
Is Prestige a choice or mandatory?K2Valor said:I just prestiged
I loved the AK-47 too :\
ChoiceThe Lamonster said:Is Prestige a choice or mandatory?
noire said:People who are better than me (read: everyone): did you have to slow down your pace for this game? I think part of my problem is that I'm playing it too much like a twitch shooter rather than ducking from cover to cover.
The other parts of my problem: bad aim & I don't spot people as fast as most people I see on killcam. Hell I've watched killcams and still didn't see myself as I died.
djblackice said:I remember you from a Domination match in Karachi. You were running around doing the javelin glitch. How do I remember? You had the [GAF] clan tag and I was at 24 kills, one away from the nuke, and then I ran into your glitching little self.
dwin45 said:The only game type that's enjoyable for me is Mercenary Team Deathmatch and Free-for-All. I usually don't play with other people and I always just get matched up against entire clans in the other game types.
So why did you comment on my post directed at people wanting to share there stats if you don't care about them? why don't you lurk a little more, Junior. Also you should never infer anything.Kyzer said:Fuck you, dick. English isn't my primary language, but whatever, here:
Der. If my wins/losses, which are compounded respectively by the outcomes of team-based objectives, determine my ability as a player, I would prefer to not be evaluated at all. I feel this way as the teams that I am put into are determined at random and sizable portion of the player-base are incapable of shooting their firearm without excreting feces from their sphincter.
Better? Maybe you should crawl out of the confines of your own butthole, and your social experience will allow you to make inferences and understand people a little better.
practice02 said:So why did you comment on my post directed at people wanting to share there stats if you don't care about them? why don't you lurk a little more, Junior.
noire said:People who are better than me (read: everyone): did you have to slow down your pace for this game? I think part of my problem is that I'm playing it too much like a twitch shooter rather than ducking from cover to cover.
The other parts of my problem: bad aim & I don't spot people as fast as most people I see on killcam. Hell I've watched killcams and still didn't see myself as I died.
xxjuicesxx said:Accuracy isn't really something people should compare since its based on which weapon you prefer.
You're not exactly going to miss as much with a rocket launcher than you would with a AUG Bar for example.
Apples and Oranges.