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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

johnFkennedy said:
Did you get the pavelow out of a care package?

I encountered a glitch where my Pavelow out of a Care Package extended my killstreak.

Not something I'm complaining about until I'm on the receiving end of the helicopter, though.


Accident said:
The Pavelow is glitched, it never count towards the next killstreak.
Ahh well good to find out about that now rather than later. I had planned on having pavelow + gunner to help me get some nukes out. Would have been pretty upset when I got 25 streak and no 'effin nuke.

Digital Limit said:
I encountered a glitch where my Pavelow out of a Care Package extended my killstreak.
Yeah...I do actually recall the same thing happened to me. Maybe they switched the code around.
D4Danger said:
The maps are so open, just walk around and kill them.

There's very very few choke points in any of the maps and even if there is just use a grenade.

I don't consider all the maps to be "so open." I don't know all the names of the levels yet, but the airport level was what was giving me trouble. There were always guys on top of the roof next to the plane. Seems easy enough to go and take them out, but they have such good vantage point. TBH I haven't played that much, so I'll find ways to get back at those campers eventually.


johnFkennedy said:
Did you get the pavelow out of a care package?
Pavelow doesn't count towards AC130 or Chopper Gunner.

Not sure what the reason is though, I stopped using it because of this.

Mikey Jr.

I don't give a FUCK about K/D score anymore. Right now I am at 1.7 and it is preventing me from enjoying other modes.

I choose flag runner and my runner class. Don't get a lot of kills, but I am consistently capturing the flag. How do I get recognition?
Can't find any good games tonight. Every game is one team slaughtering another, glitchers all over the place. Switched to hardcore and was nothing but camping. WTF happened to this game in less than a month...


LittleTokyo said:
Can't find any good games tonight. Every game is one team slaughtering another, glitchers all over the place. Switched to hardcore and was nothing but camping. WTF happened to this game in less than a month...

The games has been like this since day 1...


LittleTokyo said:
Can't find any good games tonight. Every game is one team slaughtering another, glitchers all over the place. Switched to hardcore and was nothing but camping. WTF happened to this game in less than a month...

xbox or ps3? I've been playing awesome games on ps3 all week


GAZERK said:
I don't consider all the maps to be "so open." I don't know all the names of the levels yet, but the airport level was what was giving me trouble. There were always guys on top of the roof next to the plane. Seems easy enough to go and take them out, but they have such good vantage point. TBH I haven't played that much, so I'll find ways to get back at those campers eventually.

This is by far the best spot in the whole level IMO. Drop a tactical insertion there, and you'll be getting kills like no tomorrow. And I agree that it is indeed very hard to take out a dude in this spot, unless you are playing as a team.


I've recently fallen in love with the SPAS-12. It's quickly becoming my go-to weapon on the short/mid-range weapon maps (Karachi, Underpass, Skidrow, Favela, etc). Slap Stopping Power on that thing and you're practically guaranteed a one-hit kill. It's been pretty fun in combination with Marathon and Commando Pro :D Currently on the fast-track to unlocking the grip for it.

With the exception of the Akimbo 1887..."issue", thank God IW increased the range of shotguns. Much more useful and fun to play with this time around.
Also I picked up some 1887's and they had like 100 bullets in them. Surely thats an error to have 100 shotgun bullets right? I mean the AR's max ammo is around 100 usually!


Just finished the SP and uh...I gotta say I was bit underwhelmed. I know COD4 was a short game too but MW2 felt a lot shorter. I also hated most of the endings to missions
the player being incapped and having someone rescue his ass it felt like every ending scene pulled that same thing and it got old real fast. I also hate the cliffhanger ending it just felt like it ended very abruptly.
Also why don't they have stats after the end credits kills, deaths, shot placement, total completion time etc. Overall it was a fun game tho I spent most of it being pissed off since I died so many times :lol I'm gonna dive into the special ops stuff now then I'll try multiplayer.


xxjuicesxx said:
Also I picked up some 1887's and they had like 100 bullets in them. Surely thats an error to have 100 shotgun bullets right? I mean the AR's max ammo is around 100 usually!

If they had Scavenger (and even more if it was Pro), you fill up the max capacity you can have for that gun really quick. Perhaps 100 rounds is the most you can have for the 1887's (for example, you have a full current clip plus 180 rounds for the ACR max).


NeoUltima said:
Finally no more stupid jav glitch?! I wonder if they altered the 1887 as well...unlocked it earlier, what a beastly overpowered shotty.

Had the unfortunate luck of playing against someone using that akimbo, atleast i think it was the same gun.
jiien said:
If they had Scavenger (and even more if it was Pro), you fill up the max capacity you can have for that gun really quick. Perhaps 100 rounds is the most you can have for the 1887's (for example, you have a full current clip plus 180 rounds for the ACR max).

I mean but surely for the sake of balance you should only have like 10 bullets extra or something, right?


xxjuicesxx said:
I mean but surely for the sake of balance you should only have like 10 bullets extra or something, right?

Haha well, everything else about the 1887 seems to indicate that the devs threw balance out the window, so...

Just kidding. I think they're very powerful, but since I have yet to run into someone that actually uses them well...I have no real complaints. Yet.
Akimboed 87s start at 42 rounds, max ammo is 112. [7(x2)x3 to 7(x2)x8, exactly the same proportion as every other gun in the game]. Theres nothing "unbalanced" about the amount of ammo they carry. And I have yet to see an 87 user go 2:1 in ratio(including myself), unlike knife runners who can easily go 6:1 (myself included). Honestly, I have no problems with the 87s, i still havent seen a consistently good player with them. yeah, they mgiht go good one round, but it doesnt happen three rounds in a row, unlike knife runners.


Pyke Presco said:
Akimboed 87s start at 42 rounds, max ammo is 112. [7(x2)x3 to 7(x2)x8, exactly the same proportion as every other gun in the game]. Theres nothing "unbalanced" about the amount of ammo they carry. And I have yet to see an 87 user go 2:1 in ratio(including myself), unlike knife runners who can easily go 6:1 (myself included). Honestly, I have no problems with the 87s, i still havent seen a consistently good player with them. yeah, they mgiht go good one round, but it doesnt happen three rounds in a row, unlike knife runners.

That's because the scrubs are catching onto the cheap load outs and glitches now thanks to the media sites glorifying them. People with .40 K/D, and now they're above 1.0 probably due to it. I remember using the 87's before and I was nearly unstoppable, ended up stopping using them as even I felt dirty doing the akimbo.

Those akimbo shotties (87 and ranger) and that knife runner shit needs to be fixed.


Pyke Presco said:
And I have yet to see an 87 user go 2:1 in ratio(including myself), unlike knife runners who can easily go 6:1 (myself included). Honestly, I have no problems with the 87s, i still havent seen a consistently good player with them. yeah, they mgiht go good one round, but it doesnt happen three rounds in a row, unlike knife runners.

Many of us have though. I could understand your point if only a couple of people were whining that Akimbo 1887's are overpowered, but a large portion of the community as a whole right now have pretty much come to the consensus that dual-1887's is clearly broken.

Besides, PA has brought it up, so clearly it's a big issue.

My god man, how much more evidence do you need??


I had a match where it was me and a bunch of randoms against a clan of 5th prestige Akimbo 1887'ers.

Oh god is that weapon overpowered, range of a sniper rifle and power of a shotgun. And the knife runner is ridiculous too since if there's a runner coming towards you, he's seemingly invincible once he gets to around 15 feet close to you, probably due to latency plus the 5 feet commando range.
Pyke Presco said:
Akimboed 87s start at 42 rounds, max ammo is 112. [7(x2)x3 to 7(x2)x8, exactly the same proportion as every other gun in the game]. Theres nothing "unbalanced" about the amount of ammo they carry. And I have yet to see an 87 user go 2:1 in ratio(including myself), unlike knife runners who can easily go 6:1 (myself included). Honestly, I have no problems with the 87s, i still havent seen a consistently good player with them. yeah, they mgiht go good one round, but it doesnt happen three rounds in a row, unlike knife runners.

No that's what I mean. It shouldn't be in the same proportion. Shouldn't the ammo for 1887s be a lot less in contrast to an AR having 100 bullets extra. The shotgun should have like 10 or 12 extra ammo, Or even less! Similar to how you don't find yourself with 100 AT4 Launcher ammo. Because you don't find yourself running out of 1887 ammo, but you do for pretty much all the other guns now and then when you're getting high up on killstreak. They should be similar in that regard. Wouldn't that be fair? And you're right I know its unbalanced right now but perhaps this could be part of the fix. Plus in order to akimbo them you wouldn't be able to pull a One Man Army Inf ammo repeating. You'd need scavenger or have to stop using them quickly. Basically I'm for nerfing the ammo hard on it so yea they could get a few kills but they'll be forced back to normal weapon quickly. It'd be better than nothing at least, I think.
Loxley said:
Many of us have though. I could understand your point if only a couple of people were whining that Akimbo 1887's are overpowered, but a large portion of the community as a whole right now have pretty much come to the consensus that dual-1887's is clearly broken.

Besides, PA has brought it up, so clearly it's a big issue.

My god man, how much more evidence do you need??

I'm sorry, but my anecdotal evidence is clearly as valid as your own. With over 5 and a half days played, almost at my third prestige, and playing almost exclusively TDM/Ground War (maybe this shit runs rampant in HQ/Domination? Demolition? Search?), I have not yet seen a nuke, a consistently good 87 player, or excessive jvdom players. Yes, jvdom is a problem, and I've run into it a handful of times. however, msot of the time i've seen it, it has been GAFfers/lurkers and their friends who they showed it to using it, not random players. Yes, I get pissed when an 87 runner kills me 3 times in a row. Bu.t I'm sure they feel just as much rage when I knife through their spawn over and over, or use my M16 to cover their spawn exit. I get that they have a lot of range, and yeah the runner is hard to kill. That has an awful lot more to do with the runner being broken than the 87s. Like I said, I can easily go 6 for 1 with a knife runner build, because they have no idea I'm there and it only takes 1 shot, EVERY time, rather than most of the time. Maybe I'm just consistently being matched into the wrong rooms, but alot of this stuff has been overblown in my eyes (again, exclusively deathmatch rather than objective player).


Yeah, completely agree with you guys about the 1887's. Not only is the range STUPID far, but it was stupid to even akimbo them. One 1887 is a 1 hit kill WITHOUT stopping power. When you have someone running around with two, AND stopping power...no comment. (This also goes for the rangers...honestly, WTF were the devs thinking when they decided to akimbo shotguns?)

Other than that, I must say, a majority of the guns in this game are pretty balanced (though I still can't stand the M16 for some reason...it still seems way overpowered, but alas...)
Mikey Jr. said:
I don't give a FUCK about K/D score anymore. Right now I am at 1.7 and it is preventing me from enjoying other modes.

I choose flag runner and my runner class. Don't get a lot of kills, but I am consistently capturing the flag. How do I get recognition?
Nobody cares who you are and what your stats say unless you play in a regular group. And even then, it's all about being a good teammate.

So to answer your question, nothing?

Mikey Jr.

Hmmm, I notice that now when I search for games, it tries to get under 50ms, then when it can't, 60ms, and so forth. Before, it would look for anything under 100ms.



Guess I've been lucky, but I haven't run into jvdom, care package glitch or Afghan rock yet!
(PS3, mostly TDM) But I'm still glad a patch is coming fairly soon. Haven't run into that many akimbo 1887's either (only level 52 so far), but I do remember being frustrated by them the few times I faced those guys. I wonder if you could counter those guys with the SPAS shotgun close/medium range if you haven't unlocked the 87s yourself yet. The range on the SPAS is pretty good too.




Right at the end too, We were winning 199 to 183 or some shit but I had to add insult to injury. Just trolling motherfuckers.


It seems I upset some people by posting a video of a glitcher..hmm. I'd just like to throw it out there that even though you are in the comfort of your own home, what you do online isn't an experience that is restricted to yourself. Especially when you play an online game. Well, heres another one a friend and I encountered just a few hours ago. He goes by the gamertag "lamborghini man" under the clan tag [WHAT]. This guy even has a Youtube page himself (well, for his Airsoft clan, which he runs). Kinda scary how easily people can find you by a gamertag search.

Video - Kinda also helps people who don't understand how it works by seeing how cheap it is on Killcam.


I'm just about level 70 and still haven't seen one nuke...granted all I play is TDM so it is a lot harder for people to rack up a 25 killstreak.
NeoUltima said:
I'm just about level 70 and still haven't seen one nuke...granted all I play is TDM so it is a lot harder for people to rack up a 25 killstreak.

Go play Ground War for a while and you're bound to see it happen. I've seen a nuke at least 5 times, and I'm level 70 ( inching towards prestige ) at the moment. :)


Lé Blade Runner said:
Go play Ground War for a while and you're bound to see it happen. I've seen a nuke at least 5 times, and I'm level 70 ( inching towards prestige ) at the moment. :)

Depending on how much I play a day, I'll see 3-5. My nuke was the 4th I've seen today. I mainly stick to Mercenary TDM, Ground War and Demolition/Domination.
Dot50Cal said:
It seems I upset some people by posting a video of a glitcher..hmm. I'd just like to throw it out there that even though you are in the comfort of your own home, what you do online isn't an experience that is restricted to yourself. Especially when you play an online game. Well, heres another one a friend and I encountered just a few hours ago. He goes by the gamertag "lamborghini man" under the clan tag [WHAT]. This guy even has a Youtube page himself (well, for his Airsoft clan, which he runs). Kinda scary how easily people can find you by a gamertag search.

Video - Kinda also helps people who don't understand how it works by seeing how cheap it is on Killcam.

I did the same, file a complain, still I haven´t seem a lot of jv+s ... Also I´m just a level 40 :D


Its more rare now that word has spread about the temporary bans, but there are still idiots, and its oh so easy to hit record :lol

Side note: has anyone played on Afghan in the past 3 days? Did they totally remove it from the rotation list or something because of the rock glitch I keep hearing about?
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