Just used my first Chopper Gunner. All I can say is holy fucking shit that thing is powerful.
A Penguin said:Earlier today, I got nuked twice in a row by the same guy. Fun times.
Mad Max said:They just missed, the 1887's are always a one hit kill (with or without stopping power) at smg like range. And the striker is better then the aa-12 btw.![]()
Fëanor said:If the AA-12 was given its real range it would destroy anyone and anything.
It's called the Javelin Glitch. Google it. It will be fixed soon, maybe in a couple of days.ProudClod said:What the fuck is with the javelins overrunning the game? How do people use them as suicide bombs? They can still get the javelin off after they die :S
J-Rzez said:Was it on 360? And was their gamertag close to my forum name?![]()
Is it not already? I saw a few people carring them tonight, with them going off as they die, and the people around them (usually right up close) were fine.NYR said:It's called the Javelin Glitch. Google it. It will be fixed soon, maybe in a couple of days.
Dax01 said:I think I may stop playing the multiplayer soon. I've realized after playing both CoD4 and MW2 that the main draw of the multiplayer for is the weapons/perks/killstreaks you unlock along the way. The actual gameplay of the MP may not be enough to keep me playing for much longer.
I suppose this is the reason some people prestige to relive that "thrill" of unlocking things. Otherwise, I don't think the rewards are great enough to continuously lose some of the better, high-level unlocks.Dax01 said:I think I may stop playing the multiplayer soon. I've realized after playing both CoD4 and MW2 that the main draw of the multiplayer is the weapons/perks/killstreaks you unlock along the way. The actual gameplay of the MP may not be enough to keep me playing for much longer.
Shurs said:360? For real? I dunno why, but I thought you'd be playing on PS3.
moai said:i'm going to stop playing this game until they fix the javelin glitch.
NYR said:It's called the Javelin Glitch. Google it. It will be fixed soon, maybe in a couple of days.
Ten-Song said:Ha, fat chance. Infinity Ward plus Microsoft certification of said patch, means we'll be lucky to see the javelin glitch fixed some time after January, I imagine.
Same...Also doesn't help that I have been messing around a lot. Running around with akimbo Uzis is fun.minx88 said:My K/D ratio has slowly been going down after I didn't play a full week during thanksgiving. However, it just so happens that is when the Javelin glitch was found, it really fucks up my kill streaks. I have gone from 1.63 to 1.56
They really need to fix that shit
ismaboof said:Patch was released for PS3 version (1.05). Anyone one know what it did?
Would be nice for a fix on 360. Matchmaking with people in your party is absolutely HORRENDOUS.Ganhyun said:I think someone in earlier in the thread posted that it fixes some matchmaking issues.
Stallion Free said:So Panda and I have been working our way through the spec-ops on the PC version and it's been a lot of fun. However, we both seem to hate the missions with Juggernauts. They feel so unfair on Veteran. Are we the only ones who hate them?
I really hope there is more Spec-ops through DLC and I really hope they leave out the Jugs.
corkscrewblow said:Would be nice for a fix on 360. Matchmaking with people in your party is absolutely HORRENDOUS.
salva said:They sure are a bitch but doable. I beat that level in Favela with the 10 juggernauts on veteran by myself. It was pretty fun to be honest.
Shurs said:I'm playing this right now and someone's tag is Time_To_Burn_Jew. What the fuck is Infinity Ward thinking?
Ganhyun said:Thats their gamertag or thats a callsign?
Shurs said:I'm playing this right now and someone's tag is Time_To_Burn_Jew. What the fuck is Infinity Ward thinking?
Shurs said:Oh wait, it's their PSN Tag. Never mind, it's par for the course with the names I've seen today.
Ganhyun said:Oh..
I know on XBOX live that would get removed/forced changed pretty quick. I'd report it.
Shurs said:His clan tag is NAZ1.
They're obviously cheating and/or boosting with their friends which is technically cheating. Nobody is that good legitimately.TacticalFox88 said:Holy fuck, one of the top guys on the leaderboards on the PS3 version has a 101.4 K/D Ratio.WTF are these guys on?
Minamu said:Does anyone wanna boost marathon/lightweight in cage match?At this point, I just wanna get it over with... 114 miles to go :lol GT: Minamu; GMT+1
You get the specific perk emblem when you reach challenge lvl 6, which means sprinting 250 miles with lightweight ("only" 104 miles with marathon). Quite possibly a title too. And the 10k exp at the higher levels. I don't really enjoy it, I'm just crazy this wayxxjuicesxx said:Do you get sick emblems and callsigns going that far or just more exp?
PS3 1.05 is mainly matchmaking improvements. 1.06 fixes a bunch of exploits (including the Javelin glitch).ismaboof said:Patch was released for PS3 version (1.05). Anyone one know what it did?