yes we can
ismaboof said:Anyone else love 3rd person? It reminds me of my Socom 2 days, and it's miles better than Confrontation.
God I miss Socom2 = (
ismaboof said:Anyone else love 3rd person? It reminds me of my Socom 2 days, and it's miles better than Confrontation.
If only IW would remake Sujo and Desert Glory for MW2yes we can said:God I miss Socom2 = (
I'm guessing its leaderboard 'hackers' and abusers that have found a way to screw up every leaderboard for several hundred entries.protonion said:Just checked the ps3 leaderboards. There are people with a few centuries playtime and billions exp. What's up with that?
Crazy stats in the other categories too.
ChefRamsay said:We should start a Modern Warfare 2 blacklist thread for anyone you run across glitching online. I highly doubt anything will come of it, but at least there'll be some shame out there for glitchers. There may even be some glitchers amongst us <.< >.>
CitizenCope said:Just got back to playing online after a week as I let a friend borrow the game.
I come back to:
"Enemy helicpoter"
"Enemy harrier incoming"
"Enemy has jammed our radar"
"Enemy helicopter"
I guess this is the care package glitch I've read about. Ran into it every other game last night. Fun times.
If I knew there was still a community for COD3's mp I would go back to that.
Cosmo Clock 21 said:Can anybody else not unhear OpFor grunts screaming "Fuckable Heather" every ten seconds or so?
ismaboof said:Message to teammates everywhere:
If I'm in cover behind a small rock/car, please don't try to cozy up next to me. They can see you, and thus see me.
Please don't walk in front of me when I'm shooting an enemy. He'll kill you and since I've shooting into the back of your head, I'll die once you drop.
If we're playing any game mode other than DM/TDM, please try to play the game you signed up for. I'm tired of being the only one trying to capture the flag, or capture of point, while you just sit and camp and get five kills the entire the round.
Thank you.
I always think I hear them yell, "ZE UNLEASH GODZEEELA" and "FISH EYES."Pankaks said:Omg, fuck you guys :lol.
Now I can't stop hearing:
sw33tclyde said:I
So true, but you left one out.
When I'm standing next to you with cold blooded on and all of the sudden a Predator pops up on radar/incoming msg screams at us, don't run the same way as me. I'm trying to get the hell away from you.
It seems like I'm the only person on my team who realizes that people target groups when they have a Predator.
unlocalized([d-pad down button highlighted] player animation index out of range (441):505)
Dark FaZe said:I'm starting to wonder why I bother with Javelin. It might be better than a Stinger for taking out armored aircraft but it's a bitch to use quickly.
Cosmo Clock 21 said:It's because killing people with the Javelin (the legitimate way) makes you feel like a total badass.
Looking through the patch notes for CoD4 it seems they hardly changed anything unless it was an exploit.NYR said:The more I play this game, the more I fear that Infinity Ward will NOT fix anything regarding the strenght of weapons. I honestly believe they will not nerf the 1887's, nor will actually make gameplay more balanced. Have they ever had a history of doing this? It seems like SUCH an undertaking, I just don't think they'll do anything to actually tweak gameplay, just "patch" (bad word) the obvious problems...
Cohsae said:Looking through the patch notes for CoD4 it seems they hardly changed anything unless it was an exploit.
Depends on the map but if you shoot it at a critical battle area you can get a few kills. Ends of bridges on rundown, or up the tube-ramp thing in Quarry near all the explosive stuff. Also Scrapyard makes it easy just to shoot it to the other side of the map.sw33tclyde said:I've tried and tried, but I never seem to get a kill with it. Please sir, explain your ways so that I too might experience total badassery.
yep, you need to hit them above the shoulders to get a one shot kill with a silencer. On other weapons, it lowers damage a bit, effects range a lot, but also lowers recoil.Case said:So silencers weaken sniper rifle bullets?
Cold blooded is an amazing perk but sometimes it is so frustrating to use especially the way the spawn system works. You sneak to take out some enemies and all of a sudden your teammates start spawning on top of you inadvertently giving away your position. Highrise is especially guilty of this. I often find myself running back between buildings to find them completely empty more often than not.kyo_daikun said:Someone did this to me about 30 minutes ago and I have to admit I went beserk
Yeah I also think that COD4 was more balanced. But it also had less weapons / attachments / perks / kill streaks combinations.Narag said:CoD4 came with a bit more balance due to the beta though, correct?
Primarily using these three:K2Valor said:What's everyones loadouts now that we've been playing the game for a while?
It only lowers the actual damage if the damage isn't affected by range (LMG and Sniper Rifles.)NYR said:yep, you need to hit them above the shoulders to get a one shot kill with a silencer. On other weapons, it lowers damage a bit, effects range a lot, but also lowers recoil.
Odrion said:^^^ Use Commando, it's much better than a shotgun.
industrian said:Also I played Rust last night on TDM for the first time. That map is far too small. I was just running about with a AA-12 just going crazy. We lost that game because one of the enemies brought in a AC-130 and the rest was history.
I use it like a portable airstrike and aim it at places where people are likely to show up when the missle lands. With Scavenger and Danger Close equipped the fun never ends! (not really. Other than the cool factor it is a pretty bad launcher)sw33tclyde said:I've tried and tried, but I never seem to get a kill with it. Please sir, explain your ways so that I too might experience total badassery.
industrian said:Those shotgun challenges won't complete themselves. :/
I'm tempted to grind out the USP just to get the Tactical Knife and complete the Unholy Combo of Lightweight/Marathon/Commando.
Yeah, it's pretty much like the Halo Sword. Except instead of a hard to reach weapon on a map you start out with it.industrian said:Those shotgun challenges won't complete themselves. :/
I'm tempted to grind out the USP just to get the Tactical Knife and complete the Unholy Combo of Lightweight/Marathon/Commando.
Smokey said:So...does IW plan to do anything about the rampant boosting going on in RANKED FFA matches? Like...maybe not letting friends join FFA games. Oh wait, that makes too much sense.
Odrion said:I'm getting heavy Blizzard vibes from IW on how they approach huge glaring balancing problems (ignoring them until they need to sell a game again.)
Odrion said:We're not going to see the 1887s (whatever they're called) balanced soon just like how IW didn't touch Martyrdom until they worked on MW2. Maybe they'll release a patch to balance things out for the next map pack or whatever.
Odrion said:I'm getting heavy Blizzard vibes from IW on how they approach huge glaring balancing problems (ignoring them until they need to sell a game again.)
Xevren said:I just want more Mercenary lists!![]()
tsigo said:A few days ago a guy on the XBL leaderboards hit Prestige 10. I don't know if I should be impressed or feel sorry for him (or rather his friends who had to boost him).
Ten-Song said:Don't worry though, clearly the game is balanced to handle boosting types, because you can't use party chat in most of the play lists.
Oh, wait...
Nelo Ice said:do it! knife class is so much fun :lol
Odrion said:Yeah, it's pretty much like the Halo Sword. Except instead of a hard to reach weapon on a map you start out with it.