corkscrewblow said:Prestiging is reseting everything except titles and emblems in exchange for a new symbol and a new class slot. The symbol changes every prestige and there's 10. As for the audio... I agree. Even playing with headphones it's still really bad compared to CS and CoD4.
Odrion said:So you get ten more class slots?
Ffffffff, maybe I should look into exp grinding. :lol
Cool, thanks.corkscrewblow said:Prestiging is reseting everything except titles and emblems in exchange for a new symbol and a new class slot. The symbol changes every prestige and there's 10. As for the audio... I agree. Even playing with headphones it's still really bad compared to CS and CoD4.
I'm not that impressed by the surround effects in this game. In turns of similar games released this year, I think BF1943 sounds much better.thatbox said:So do people with 5.1 setups or whatever get any useful geographic information out of the audio or is it just completely fucking useless for everyone?
jiien said:Just want to put this out there, and I'm not necessarily saying you are wrong with your judgement in that situation, but I've had games where I swear if I was on the other team, I would have thought we were glitching. Sometimes, you just get crazy ass kills, and care packages can rack up really, really quickly. If I playing with a bunch of friends, and we all have the Care Package killstreak on, they literally are raining down.
There are times when I -think- someone on the other team is glitching, but it is really, really hard to be sure (which makes it such a "crappy for us, but -good-" glitch). I mean, maybe I'm just buttsore that my team is getting its ass handed to it, you know?
In short, there has never been a game where I'm 100% sure they were Care Package glitching. Maybe they're just so good at it that they make it seem realistic, but in every single game where I at one point questioned the legit-ness of their Care Packages, my team ended up winning, so I figured they weren't in the end.
I just think this is one of the harder glitches to identify, unfortunately. So what's the status of 1.06? Is it up yet? I'm not home right now, and can't play![]()
corkscrewblow said:No you only get a slot the first time you prestige. Anything after that is for a cool emblem or just replay value I guess.
I've already done it twice and only one extra class.jiien said:Actually, you get a new class slot on the first, second, fourth, seventh, and tenth prestiges, I believe, which will leave you with 10 slots at the end.
At least, if they do it the same was WaW was.
corkscrewblow said:I've already done it twice and only one extra class.
corkscrewblow said:I've already done it twice and only one extra class.
corkscrewblow said:I've already done it twice and only one extra class.
tsigo said:It should be every odd one.
Ten-Song said:Yeah, World at War did it that way too, since there's only five extra class slots you can earn, and ten levels of prestige.
jiien said:Nah, it seriously wasn't. As I said above, I'm nearly 100% sure that it was on the first, second, fourth, seventh, and tenth. It wasn't just constant.
I prestiged twice in WaW, and had seven total custom slots.
Seems they've changed it for MW2 though, given the anecdotal evidence above.
GodfatherX said:so when you prestige do all of your challenges/barracks reset?
what about emblems and call signs?
Odrion said:Try the RPD with just the iron sights. It works really well and when you're use to it you have a bunch of other neat attachments to use. Heartbeat Sensor on a RPD makes it a great defensive weapon. FMJ makes it really useful for clearing out buildings that campers are in.
Also for secrecy maybe you should go with a silencer + stopping power instead of cold blooded. You can take out UAVs with a RPD easily and the benefits of the Pro version doesn't help you out too much if you have low mobility and use a gun that gives yourself away easily. I've used a silenced RPD before and while it does drop the damage down from 40 to 30 per bullet you get the special opportunity that's exclusive with LMGs - getting the jump on 2-4 opponents and being able to mow them down in one succession before they can react.
And yes, Last Stand owns. I love taking out the person who got me, and then using a flashbang on myself so he doesn't get the point. :lol
Jube3 said:I cant take these javelins anymore man. Just ate 7 deaths last map. And Im sniping lol.
dogknight said:Just start with a bling class, kill yourself and change to scavenger, pick up the bling weapon.:lol
And I use them to lure people towards me :lolNelo Ice said:i love when ppl use care packages/emergency air drops
they tell me exactly where they are, so i always head over kill the guy and steal his air drop :lol
Nelo Ice said:i love when ppl use care packages/emergency air drops
they tell me exactly where they are, so i always head over kill the guy and steal his air drop :lol
Tenkai Star said:And I use them to lure people towards me :lol
Nelo Ice said:thats why i wait till the it drops then check to see if the guy actually goes towards it or is using it as bait :lol
_Alkaline_ said:Honestly, aside from the first bunch of levels where you can't choose your killstreak rewards, I don't see the point of care packages. They don't add to your streak, they give away your position and they take you away from your natural game.
They're good fun, and if you get a Chopper Gunner or something then you're golden, but they're way too risky. That said, if you leave them alone, you can use them as bait, which is sometimes a useful tactic depending on how dumb your opposition is.
As a side note, WTF happened to the Helicopter in this game? It's laughable how much better the Harrier is. The Helicopter doesn't seem to do anything. It hits absolutely nothing.
thatbox said:Cool, thanks.
So do people with 5.1 setups or whatever get any useful geographic information out of the audio or is it just completely fucking useless for everyone?
Rlan said:Anyone who has Call Of Duty Classic on Xbox Live Arcade mind helping me a bit?
I need to get a look at the Leaderboards for the game, but have download limits in place. Can someone please tell me what the CODC Leaderboards are based on (multiplayed only? single player?) and if it shows you a "total players" somewhere in them, and what that number shows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated![]()
BolognaSoup said:I use the Astro Gaming A40 5.1 mixamp with Audio Technica AD700's and I can pinpoint every gun shot and footstep around.
Nelo Ice said:rlan the cod classic leaderboards are based on kills death and ur ratio
theres nothing showing the total # on the leaderboards
Rlan said:So just multiplayer than? No single player?
cameltoe said:finally starting to have cod 4 type rounds....
Started playing more on the PS3 because I dont seem to lag as much as the 360.
add me;PSN cameltow
divisionbyzorro camped the HQ all game?
cameltoe said:finally starting to have cod 4 type rounds....[/IMG
Started playing more on the PS3 because I dont seem to lag as much as the 360.
add me;PSN cameltow[/QUOTE]
You can tell by your score compared to your teammates that you're more interested in your Kill to Death ratio than helping your team. I don't understand why people like you play objective based games.
Nelo Ice said:and here comes more complaining :lol