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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

I haven't run into it yet, and my attempts at using it have failed. I don't get it :lol

In other news, I had a stellar night in FFA, going 30-6/7 many times. It's weird, I get into this zone sometimes and play really well for a couple hours straight. I went from 1.09 to 1.11 :D


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
hypostatic said:
In other news, I had a stellar night in FFA, going 30-6/7 many times. It's weird, I get into this zone sometimes and play really well for a couple hours straight. I went from 1.09 to 1.11 :D


I just reached 1.02 KD ratio myself :D.


Cohsae said:
OK so when playing on the PC, how do you report someone for hacking? Encountered 3 guys using aimbots now. Awesome.

Is cheating common? I want to get the PC version but that worries me.


Just went through my best game today. I had 59 kills and 12 deaths in a domination game.:D I got a Harrier Strike and an AC-130 in care packages and also had some cool knife kills throughout the game. I was tossing them left and right anytime I would see someone trying to capture a place or just standing in plain sight. Just incase your wondering, yes I was playing as an objective player and trying to work together with my team. I usually don't play as a lone wolf unless im forced to in certain situations.


Never shot a shotgun in real life (only pistols & carbines), but I believe the range is pretty far (like some shotguns have range over 100m / ~300 feet).

But real life measure is not relevant to balancing shotguns with the other guns in the game.


careful said:
Never shot a shotgun in real life (only pistols & carbines), but I believe the range is pretty far (like some shotguns have range over 100m / ~300 feet).

But real life measure is not relevant to balancing shotguns with the other guns in the game.


This has probably been discussed to death, but is it just me or has the M16 been nerfed since COD4? It always takes me two or three shots every time as opposed to one in Mod2, and this is with me playing on the PC with a mousepad rather than relying on my PS3 and ol' Dualshock like in the first one, so I should be doing better... or maybe my memory has made me much better in COD4 than I actually was.:lol


Parts said:
This has probably been discussed to death, but is it just me or has the M16 been nerfed since COD4? It always takes me two or three shots every time as opposed to one in Mod2, and this is with me playing on the PC with a mousepad rather than relying on my PS3 and ol' Dualshock like in the first one, so I should be doing better... or maybe my memory has made me much better in COD4 than I actually was.:lol
I've been killed by one burst from that thing quite a bit. Of course when I tried to use it it didn't go so well :(


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Cohsae said:
I've been killed by one burst from that thing quite a bit. Of course when I tried to use it it didn't go so well :(

With stopping power one burst is usually enough to drop someone from mid to close range.

Of course if you add silencer and cold-blooded to the equation it may take 2-3 bursts instead.


Parts said:
This has probably been discussed to death, but is it just me or has the M16 been nerfed since COD4?

M16 has definitely been nerfed for the long range game. It's still a beast in the mid game though.

My bro made the following observation w/ regards to M16 vs FAMAS:

The FAMAS' bullets are closer together, but there is more delay between each burst.
The M16' bullets are a little further apart, but the delay between each burst shot is shorter.
Thus the FAMAS is somewhat better for long range due because you'll have a higher chance of getting all 3 bullets to hit with a moving target.


Famas does seem to be weaker than the M16 but FAMAS plays eerily similar. Honestly, the M16 should have just been taken out of the game.
I really believe Scavenger and Cold Blooded are the best perks in the game. No one ever sees you because they constantly rely on their map and you never run out of ammo or grenades so on a map like Wasteland, you can just spray the choke points (the bunker entrances) with endless fire and people just walk right into your bullets.


BolognaSoup said:
I really believe Scavenger and Cold Blooded are the best perks in the game. No one ever sees you because they constantly rely on their map and you never run out of ammo or grenades so on a map like Wasteland, you can just spray the choke points (the bunker entrances) with endless fire and people just walk right into your bullets.
Those are the two I always use.


BolognaSoup said:
I really believe Scavenger and Cold Blooded are the best perks in the game. No one ever sees you because they constantly rely on their map and you never run out of ammo or grenades so on a map like Wasteland, you can just spray the choke points (the bunker entrances) with endless fire and people just walk right into your bullets.
Same, but I have Ninja instead of Cold Blooded. Scavenger is a must for me.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Odrion said:
I'd stick with the FAMAS. Shoots faster and does the same amount of damage (Ignore the damage meter it's all lies.)

Remind me to try out the FAMAS when I get home.

Hell if I end up on Sub Base I can pretend to be a Genome Soldier.


BolognaSoup said:
I really believe Scavenger and Cold Blooded are the best perks in the game. No one ever sees you because they constantly rely on their map and you never run out of ammo or grenades so on a map like Wasteland, you can just spray the choke points (the bunker entrances) with endless fire and people just walk right into your bullets.
Scavenger, Cold Blooded, Ninja and a silenced weapon is my favourite set. I love going full stealth.


Marathon's extremely useful on larger maps, especially Derail. Just went 20-3 using a stealth class there. Scavenger is basically required for my SCAR-H/grenade launcher/thumper asshole class, though.

Also: I just saw this:
At 5th and 10th prestige you gain the ability to use more than three killstreak options at a time at 5th, four options, and at 10th, five options.

Anyone know if that's true?

Nelo Ice

scavenger cold blooded and ninja are amazing along with a silenced scar

of course i love stealing ppls blinged out weapons...if they're an assault rifle with aeither a heartbeat sensor or holo/red dot sight along with a silencer :lol

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Nelo Ice said:
scavenger cold blooded and ninja are amazing along with a silenced scar

of course i love stealing ppls blinged out weapons...if they're an assault rifle with aeither a heartbeat sensor or holo/red dot sight along with a silencer :lol
I love it, only issue is I get so use to being invisible when I go to another class I forget Im not anymore :lol


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Cohsae said:
Well maybe I should be able to snipe somebody from a kilometre away then.
That's not far at all by today's standards.


Raxus said:
Famas does seem to be weaker than the M16 but FAMAS plays eerily similar. Honestly, the M16 should have just been taken out of the game.

Nope, the only real difference (and why I think the damage meter is higher) is that the M16 has higher penetration through walls (with FMJ it's an effective gun for shooting campers perched in walled off areas.) Other than that both bullets do the same amount of damage, the FAMAS has closer bullets so it's much more effective against targets running horizontally across your screen.


careful said:
Never shot a shotgun in real life (only pistols & carbines), but I believe the range is pretty far (like some shotguns have range over 100m / ~300 feet).

But real life measure is not relevant to balancing shotguns with the other guns in the game.

Depends what you're shooting. Slugs are effective/accurate 50yrds+, and at close range it can rip through someone no issue. But the shot "used" in this game is the 20yrds and less variety. But, what can you do, it's a game, just like what you said which has no proper balance.


Nelo Ice said:
scavenger cold blooded and ninja are amazing along with a silenced scar

of course i love stealing ppls blinged out weapons...if they're an assault rifle with aeither a heartbeat sensor or holo/red dot sight along with a silencer :lol
Just start with a bling class, kill yourself and change to scavenger, pick up the bling weapon.:lol


Oh and I'm probably late on this but if you have Cold Blooded Pro, go to prone, and spam your weapon switch button you'll look like you're dead (you don't have a weapon out, your legs are spread out and twitchy like a ragdoll's) and opponents will typically ignore you. Seriously, go to a Third Person match and try it out. It's the most hilariously awesome thing ever and IW would be retarded not to use it as an actual perk or mechanic in their next game.

Also, Uzis are much more accurate in real life than videogames and action movies would have you believe!


Just played a team deathmatch game and completely destroyed the other team. I was MVP of the match, but the guy in second who was also on my team (pickter2112) was apparently using the javelin glitch. I didn't notice until it showed the game winning kill and it was him running into a room full of people and getting killed. Now it makes my victory seem hollow.


aka II VerTigo II
SCAR w/red dot
Scavenger pro
Stopping Power pro
Ninja pro


M16A w/red dot,silencer
Bling pro
Stopping power pro
Ninja pro



TAJ said:
That's not far at all by today's standards.

I believe some Canadian has the longest combat kill in the world, at 2 1/2 kilometers.

Out of combat, supposedly the "Intervention" has the longest "Target Hit" on record. It's reported MOA is Sub at 2500yrds (~2280ish meters).


SCAR w/red dot
Scavenger pro
Stopping Power pro
Ninja pro


M16A w/red dot,silencer
Bling pro
Stopping power pro
Ninja pro


Why Ninja? Heartbeat Sensor isn't THAT heavily used (I always check the Killcam for a brief second, and barely do I see the killer get me by that device.) Is moving around silently that important?

Nelo Ice

Odrion said:
Why Ninja? Heartbeat Sensor isn't THAT heavily used (I always check the Killcam for a brief second, and barely do I see the killer get me by that device.) Is moving around silently that important?

ive killed so many ppl just from hearing their footsteps :lol
Odrion said:
Why Ninja? Heartbeat Sensor isn't THAT heavily used (I always check the Killcam for a brief second, and barely do I see the killer get me by that device.) Is moving around silently that important?

In hardcore, yes.
K2Valor said:
What's everyones loadouts now that we've been playing the game for a while?


FAMAS + Holographic
SPAS12 + Grip

Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Commando Pro

And yeah, without stopping power I feel so weak :lol
It's so great with the FAMAS

Mine currently is:

RPD w/ Holographic and Grip
.44 Magnum w/FMJ

Bling Pro
Cold-blooded Pro
Ninja Pro
Last Stand

Love the RPD, I'm up to RPD Marksmen VII with it. With this setup, I can snipe as easily as I can go mid to close range. I'm thinking about changing out the .44 for a gun I can silence, so I can do wetwork with it when I slip behind enemy lines on maps like Highrise. Maybe a shotgun like the AA-12 or the Striker, I don't need a lot of range with my secondary armed with the RPD, just stopping power, and since I'm only level 40, I can't use the Ranger or 1887.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Nelo Ice said:
ive killed so many ppl just from hearing their footsteps :lol

Same. It's what I listen for the most.

Sit in an area where there's no green dots on your radar and listen for the footsteps.


K2Valor said:
What's everyones loadouts now that we've been playing the game for a while?
Since I prestiged, my main classes have been screwed up since I don't have the weapons/perks anymore.

Before prestiging, my main classes were:

RPD with Grip
SPAS-12 with Grip
Slight of Hand Pro
Hardline Pro
Ninja Pro

SCAR-H with Holographic sight
Stinger missile
Scavenger Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro

I like to change up my weapons as well every couple of games. My favorite class has to be a class that uses scavenger to pick up enough round to continuously supply the AA-12.



1) What is "prestiging"?

2) Am I the only person who finds the stereo audio in this game completely worthless? There seems to be no goddamn correlation between distance from me / volume or location / sound balance.


Lonewolf_92 said:
Mine currently is:

RPD w/ Holographic and Grip
.44 Magnum w/FMJ

Bling Pro
Cold-blooded Pro
Ninja Pro
Last Stand

Love the RPD, I'm up to RPD Marksmen VII with it. With this setup, I can snipe as easily as I can go mid to close range. I'm thinking about changing out the .44 for a gun I can silence, so I can do wetwork with it when I slip behind enemy lines on maps like Highrise. Maybe a shotgun like the AA-12 or the Striker, I don't need a lot of range with my secondary armed with the RPD, just stopping power, and since I'm only level 40, I can't use the Ranger or 1887.

Try the RPD with just the iron sights. It works really well and when you're use to it you have a bunch of other neat attachments to use. Heartbeat Sensor on a RPD makes it a great defensive weapon. FMJ makes it really useful for clearing out buildings that campers are in.

Also for secrecy maybe you should go with a silencer + stopping power instead of cold blooded. You can take out UAVs with a RPD easily and the benefits of the Pro version doesn't help you out too much if you have low mobility and use a gun that gives yourself away easily. I've used a silenced RPD before and while it does drop the damage down from 40 to 30 per bullet you get the special opportunity that's exclusive with LMGs - getting the jump on 2-4 opponents and being able to mow them down in one succession before they can react.

And yes, Last Stand owns. I love taking out the person who got me, and then using a flashbang on myself so he doesn't get the point. :lol
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