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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Why in some multiplayer levels does the game yell at me calling me a "Tango Sucka", and should i be insulted? :lol

I love playing Spetsnaz because of the voice comms, even if I don't understand a single word of it :p. I keep wondering that that bit that sounds like "rigizza" means...

The cool Navy SEALs voice tone is great, too.
atomico said:

I love playing Spetsnaz because of the voice comms, even if I don't understand a single word of it :p. I keep wondering that that bit that sounds like "rigizza" means...

The cool Navy SEALs voice tone is great, too.

I love hearing "I eat stroganoff" all the time. Makes me hungry for some!
Maverick said:


Heart beat sensor


Holographic Sights






Me actually being decent at this game.

That's the setup that gave me my lone nuke. Kept catching fools walking around the hedge on Wasteland.


winnarps said:
Two arguments against HBS:
1. You don't need Steady Aim for the Akimbo 1887 setup to be effective. In fact, it's better to use Ninja (Pro especially to mask your movement sounds) or some other perk because it widens the 'wall of bullets' that shoots out.
2. Generally, these players don't camp; they run around the map almost as much as the knife runner setups do. And they end up moving fast enough to get in your face before you properly detect them on HBS.

Also, if you're shooting them from medium range with an assault rifle, chances are you're already dead from one shot of their Akimbo 1887's anyway. Best bet is to try to figure out their pattern of how they move in the level and then come at them from a different way. I really hope that 1.06 fixes the 1887's. I know it's not listed as being in the patch, but I'm hoping it's in there as a hidden fix.


Comics, serious business!
So... all this Javelin controversy made me actually try the Javelin instead of Stinger... Holy shit :lol I feel like a prick. It's very dirty. On Quarry, Underpass, Wasteland, Scrapyard, and Highrise I usually get a kill right off the bat by aiming a rocket where the first spawn point is. By the time the rocket actually gets to the ground the enemy is usually there. I would love to see their faces as they watch the replay.
RSTEIN said:
So... all this Javelin controversy made me actually try the Javelin instead of Stinger... Holy shit :lol I feel like a prick. It's very dirty. On Quarry, Underpass, Wasteland, Scrapyard, and Highrise I usually get a kill right off the bat by aiming a rocket where the first spawn point is. By the time the rocket actually gets to the ground the enemy is usually there. I would love to see their faces as they watch the replay.

Its not dirty at all. The glitch however is.


andycapps said:
Also, if you're shooting them from medium range with an assault rifle, chances are you're already dead from one shot of their Akimbo 1887's anyway. Best bet is to try to figure out their pattern of how they move in the level and then come at them from a different way. I really hope that 1.06 fixes the 1887's. I know it's not listed as being in the patch, but I'm hoping it's in there as a hidden fix.

I hope there's a fix too.
It's way overpowered right now. 1-hit kills from 30m (guesstimating) seems fair.
RSTEIN said:
So... all this Javelin controversy made me actually try the Javelin instead of Stinger... Holy shit :lol I feel like a prick. It's very dirty. On Quarry, Underpass, Wasteland, Scrapyard, and Highrise I usually get a kill right off the bat by aiming a rocket where the first spawn point is. By the time the rocket actually gets to the ground the enemy is usually there. I would love to see their faces as they watch the replay.

Javelin spam is the new grenade spam.


bigcappy said:
My friends and I always yell out Bambi, as well as rock-oo-beek!

I know it might be OP but I saw quite a alot of commercials here in japan. Square Enix handling the localisation makes a difference? I know that famitsus estimates are quite high.
Just got my first nuke, on Sub Base strangely enough. I was playing Demolition and just kept sneaking behind the enemy spawns and taking them down. Was using my ACR + Akimbo Rangers + Scavenger Pro + Stopping Power Pro + Ninja Pro build. So good. Ended up going 43 and 3.


Comics, serious business!
divisionbyzorro said:
Javelin spam is the new grenade spam.

:lol Yeah, it is. In some ways worse, too. Grenades at least give me a warning and I can't throw a grenade half a mile :D
My Go to build is;

FAMAS with Holo.
Scavenger, Stopping Power, Ninja
47-6 in TDM Terminal

Had 24 kills and I was murdered by someone with painkiller :\ . Painkiller is more frustrating to me than Akimbo Shotties.


Scar w/Grenade Launcher + Akimbo Rangers (1887's when I get them + throwing knife + stuns

with Marathon + Lightweight + Commando Pro


You can do anything...anything at all...like, run to top of the really high plane wing on (dam I forget the map name, the one with the crashed plane and cave), get low, snipe the entire other team running for that first bunker, then anyone who gets away you can jump down like 100ft, sprint into the bunker, and blast them from behind.

I killed the entire other team in 10 seconds last time I play, it went, 2 headshots, sprint, blast two guys with shottys, and hit the last guy with the throwing knife.

Im batman!


Pookaki said:
Had 24 kills and I was murdered by someone with painkiller :\ . Painkiller is more frustrating to me than Akimbo Shotties.

Haha, totally agree. It gives me horrifying flashbacks to Juggernauts in Spec Ops. Those dicks should legitimately die, and pouring bullets into them is doing nothing!

What bothers me even more about Painkiller is that if the other person has it on, you KNOW that they're not so good (most likely). So you usually get the jump on them, and catch them a whole second before they see you, and you STILL die.

That said, I used it until I got Final Stand (or the fourth Deathstreak). And I still think that Painkiller is the best one. I just feel like an ass when using it.

Edit: Since we're talking about deathstreaks, I think Copycat is goddamn useless, in most cases. If you end up copying another's class, it'll throw you out of what you're familiar with, and more likely than not, you won't be proficient enough at using an unfamiliar set up well enough to get out of the deathstreak you're in. And since they nerfed frags compared to previous CoDs, Martyrdom is pretty much useless as well, especially since MW2 in general is a VERY long range game (even on "smaller" maps like Highrise). At least in WaW, if you were on Dome with a SMG, Martyrdom was a very real threat, and you have to strategically book it to avoid them.


GodofWine said:
Scar w/Grenade Launcher + Akimbo Rangers (1887's when I get them + throwing knife + stuns

with Marathon + Lightweight + Commando Pro


You can do anything...anything at all...like, run to top of the really high plane wing on (dam I forget the map name, the one with the crashed plane and cave), get low, snipe the entire other team running for that first bunker, then anyone who gets away you can jump down like 100ft, sprint into the bunker, and blast them from behind.

I killed the entire other team in 10 seconds last time I play, it went, 2 headshots, sprint, blast two guys with shottys, and hit the last guy with the throwing knife.

Im batman!

JUST lost all respect xD

FUCK YOU noob toober :lol


Parts said:
This has probably been discussed to death, but is it just me or has the M16 been nerfed since COD4? It always takes me two or three shots every time as opposed to one in Mod2, and this is with me playing on the PC with a mousepad rather than relying on my PS3 and ol' Dualshock like in the first one, so I should be doing better... or maybe my memory has made me much better in COD4 than I actually was.:lol

Yes, it has (I don't think enough, cause people still 1 hit kill me all the time...at least it is not a 1 hit kill in the leg anymore...). And for your info, the M16 was VASTLY overpowered in CoD4, which is why everyone and their mother ran around with it...maybe you didnt notice :p Although, you DO seem to be able to shoot at a faster rate in MW2...


kyo_daikun said:
Agree, as if using akimbo shotguns wasn't bad enough... :D

Very true! Although the only thing I hate more than noob toobers...is toobers who have scavenger on and just keep picking up more... -_-


GeeDuhb said:
JUST lost all respect xD

FUCK YOU noob toober :lol

i found the best noob toober build... assault rifle w/grenade launcher (of course) scavenger + danger close + commando. limitless noob tube ammo and greater explosion range. awesome


GeeDuhb said:
Very true! Although the only thing I hate more than noob toobers...is toobers who have scavenger on and just keep picking up more... -_-

But gee, the first preset class was made for that kind of fun when you prestige:lol

Rawk Hawk

GeeDuhb said:
JUST lost all respect xD

FUCK YOU noob toober :lol

As much as I hate dying by the noob tube, I think as a whole they aren't that bad in this game. I'd rather playing a team of nube toobers than other things.


GeeDuhb said:
JUST lost all respect xD

FUCK YOU noob toober :lol

Yea, but that combo literally makes you a tank, and I hardly use the launcher...its more that the SCAR has the best range to damage combo to compliment my shottys (I dont care for the 3 shot burst of the m16)

Now, if I was playing SOCOM and using such a combo, I'd expect to be voted out...but COD's degree of user evolution is so low that you almost need to arm yourself to beat those 'least common dominator' gamers...eye for an eye.
winnarps said:
I would just like to reiterate: Akimbo 1887s = unbalanced.
Oh hell yes. OverallMW2 is way more unbalanced than COD4. New players get to go against thermal snipers, heartbeat sensors, dual shotties, and knife stabs from 10 feet away.

The biggest offenders for me:

* Dual shotties. So damn powerful, and too easy to get kills. Its pretty much "face your enemy and hit fire" - no aim needed (or really allowed come to think of it).
* Knife Wielding. If you come at me with a knife and I'm spraying bullets into you, you shouldn't get to finish the stab. IW should treat knife attacks like Lancer-rev-ups in Gears and allow canceling.
* Lag. I do great when I have 4 bars. I suck ass when I have 3 bars. My enjoyment of MW2 multi is directly related to this.

I still have a shitton of fun for the most part, but yeah, the game could use a few more tweaks to make the more powerful techniques and combos more skill based than they are now.


Alligator F*ck House
Damn, had a 74-4 domination game on Terminal last night. Using pred missle, harriers, AC130. Close to my original best game, being 96-4 on Favela when the game first came out. Back then, people didn't shoot down Chopper Gunners.

Sticking to AC130 to get the gold cross COD4 prestige icon. Supposedly, completing the final Prestige: Specter Challenge (1000 Ac130 kills) gets you the icon...
kyo_daikun said:
Haha, first thing I did last night after prestiging was whack on that grenadier class, your so right!

And the second preset just happens to be a knife runner build (with ninja, not commando, but its close enough). IW knew exactly what sort of monster they were creating here.

EDIT: Commando helps, yes. But dont dismiss the preset one, I still tear shit up quite easily for those first 5 or 6 levels until I get my custom slots back. You just need to be a little more cautious about your jumps and go on slightly more roundabout routes instead of just blitzkrieging the entire match.
Pyke Presco said:
And the second preset just happens to be a knife runner build (with ninja, not commando, but its close enough). IW knew exactly what sort of monster they were creating here.

A knife-runner class cannot survive without commando.
I got a 21 killstreak tonight. :( I could TASTE the nuke, until I ran out of ammo, had to try and find a replacement gun and got picked off. Sucky. I believe it will happen now, though!

I also experienced being a victim of a nuke for the first time tonight. My friend and I were playing and heard the noise and right on cue went "Oh shit." :lol Surprised it took over 50 hours of playtime for it to happen.
LeMaximilian said:
Damn, had a 74-4 domination game on Terminal last night. Using pred missle, harriers, AC130. Close to my original best game, being 96-4 on Favela when the game first came out. Back then, people didn't shoot down Chopper Gunners.

Sticking to AC130 to get the gold cross COD4 prestige icon. Supposedly, completing the final Prestige: Specter Challenge (1000 Ac130 kills) gets you the icon...

1000 AC130 kills is beasty, do you have pic of this COD4 icon as I do like to use the 130 and kindof want to know what I will get from doing it. (wish the kills before prestige counted, i would be on around 200 by now I reckon)
Foliorum Viridum said:
I got a 21 killstreak tonight. :( I could TASTE the nuke, until I ran out of ammo, had to try and find a replacement gun and got picked off. Sucky. I believe it will happen now, though!
Scavenger Pro is your friend.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Instead of Bling? Madness!
What are the two add ons that you're using with Bling? Chances are that one of them is a scope and the other one you can easily live without, especially for the opportunity to start with full ammo and be able to re-equip.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I just found out that sickness of the mini uzi/ shotgun combo. With the running fast perk. Got damn. Along with sleight of hand for faster ADS. So damn sick.
Just discovered the Throwing Knife.

Holy shit this is awesome! :lol

backflip10019 said:
What are the two add ons that you're using with Bling? Chances are that one of them is a scope and the other one you can easily live without, especially for the opportunity to start with full ammo and be able to re-equip.

If I use Bling it's always for ACOG + Silencer or Red Dot + Silencer. I never use thermal or nades.
I use silencer/red dot with my guns and to me they're invaluable. I play best when I can do it stealthy - edging my way around the map picking off people in silence. Without those add-ons I wouldn't get high enough killstreaks for Scavenger to be any use. :lol

Next time I'm gonna switch weapons before I have only 3 bullets left. :)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
backflip10019 said:
What are the two add ons that you're using with Bling? Chances are that one of them is a scope and the other one you can easily live without, especially for the opportunity to start with full ammo and be able to re-equip.
I always use an acog and fmj with my m16 and bling


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Why in some multiplayer levels does the game yell at me calling me a "Tango Sucka", and should i be insulted? :lol

haha, I would love to find out what the multiplayer characters were actually yelling. Anyone know if they have that listed out somewhere?
kyo_daikun said:
Would be interesting to see that in action, I personally cant use the ACOG for the life of me and have never really seen the use of fmj.
Yeah, personally I find the ACOG to just get in the way all of the time, and the effects of FMJ can easily be mirrored simply by shooting the wall more in the spot where the enemy is. I don't really understand why anyone would really use them (except to unlock Thermal for Snipers and to fully complete a weapon).
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