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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Thanks to the matchmaking patch my W/L ratio is going up. Now i'm sitting on around 500 wins and 700 losses. :lol Pre patch the highest win streak i had was 36, post patch it just ended (thanks to a game ending when i just joined) at 84.


no UAVs are awesome. However I have that as my 3 killstreak so normally I already have a uav running when I call in a care package. I can save the uav, but I'm always wanting that chopper gunner.

Oh and as far as care packages landing in spots you can get to. My first ever care package landed on a roof of a building I couldn't reach. Believe me I spent the rest of the match trying to get up there to get it. Ever since then I always check where I'm throwing it to.

I've never lost one to someone killing me. Someone has killed me before but I spawned right near it and killed him as they tried to steal it.

Leggo my eggo bitches!


corkscrewblow said:
Just hit 20k

20,015 kills
11,018 deaths

I'm really not satisfied at all with that shit. Fucking 1.82 k/d :/

I have a 0.97 k/d ratio, I have 136 more kills (without dying) until I get my coveted 1.00 ratio. I actually started around a .67 or something. :/
corkscrewblow said:
Just hit 20k

20,015 kills
11,018 deaths

I'm really not satisfied at all with that shit. Fucking 1.82 k/d :/
Yeah you fucking suck.

Myself, I've got a 1.54 K/D. Those Jvdomers really nuked it.
industrian said:
For as long as I live I will never play the Brazil missions on Veteran ever again.

That is what Im currently on playing on Vet. When I went through it on Hardened I knew Favela would be the point I stopped playing campaign
industrian said:
For as long as I live I will never play the Brazil missions on Veteran ever again.

You really had a lot of trouble with it? Or you just disliked them in general?

I found that the first time I played the game on regular, I was rushing through the part where you were chasing the guy through the rooftops and soap was saying "ROACH DONT GET HELD UP BY THEM JUST KEEP MOVING." I actually thought there was a hidden timer that if you took too long he would get away. But in reality, you can take as much time as you wish to slowly take out the enemies. It wasnt too bad.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
KittyKittyBangBang said:
That is what Im currently on playing on Vet. When I went through it on Hardened I knew Favela would be the point I stopped playing campaign
Lionheart1827 said:
You really had a lot of trouble with it? Or you just disliked them in general?

I found that the first time I played the game on regular, I was rushing through the part where you were chasing the guy through the rooftops and soap was saying "ROACH DONT GET HELD UP BY THEM JUST KEEP MOVING." I actually thought there was a hidden timer that if you took too long he would get away. But in reality, you can take as much time as you wish to slowly take out the enemies. It wasnt too bad.

General dislike and dying 10+ times. It brought back flashbacks of the final battle in Conan. Not groovy.

I can't wait for the "get to the choppa!" section of the Estate level.


Started at around 0.8 k/d but now slowly creeping up to 1.3 and rising every time I play. :)
W/L at 1.1 and accuracy at 14% (I like to spray for penetration kills a lot without FMJ lol)
I've been getting a lot of chopper gunners since I switched to Predator - Harrier - Chopper Gunner. The majority of players definitely don't shoot down air support.


Wow, I've put more than 50 hours into Multiplayer and just today found out that after returning to the lobby, you can press left and right to scroll through more detailed information on the game summary window. I wouldn't have known that but during the load screen that was the tip that I got.

After all these times seeing usless tips about how you can use other things in the equipment section besides frag grenades, or that killstreaks can be unlocked by leveling up, I finally get a tip worth reading!

They should have made the tips a bit more organized rather than just random apparently. :/


Barkley's Justice said:
i guess there's no online stats webpage like halo had?

no/yes there will be, or atleast I think it will... I though that is what the serial was for, and the special block on infinityward.com on their mainpage with VIP stuff or something...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
UFRA said:
Wow, I've put more than 50 hours into Multiplayer and just today found out that after returning to the lobby, you can press left and right to scroll through more detailed information on the game summary window. I wouldn't have known that but during the load screen that was the tip that I got.

After all these times seeing usless tips about how you can use other things in the equipment section besides frag grenades, or that killstreaks can be unlocked by leveling up, I finally get a tip worth reading!

They should have made the tips a bit more organized rather than just random apparently. :/

Or perhaps they should have actually tried to make the fucking manual more useful than toilet paper.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Man this game is so weird at times. One game Im horrible dying like 20 times with 5 kills, next Im godly...Almost got 25 kills in a row but other dude on my team nuked :lol


Barkley's Justice said:
i guess there's no online stats webpage like halo had?

Not yet, which is pathetic, because Treyarch managed to at least get a basic set of community features and stat tracking put together for World at War. Not only is Infinity Ward lagging behind Bungie's shit, they can't even match the Call of Duty B team in that regard...


industrian said:
General dislike and dying 10+ times. It brought back flashbacks of the final battle in Conan. Not groovy.

I can't wait for the "get to the choppa!" section of the Estate level.

Aaaah man, the favela was a walk in the park compared to the "get to the choppa" part on estate. almost as bad as getting mile high club in cod4 for me since i hit a checkpoint when my face was covered in jam and i had minimal grenades left


Oh, also the PS3 leaderboards are totally ruined.

Is it like this on the 360 and PC too?

All 4 categories, Accuracy, Wins, Kills, and Score are all hacked. The scores didn't look legit until around rank 1,331. Everyone has a gazillion points and only played for like 4 seconds.

Not that I even care about the leaderboards, but it sure is pathetic to see all this douchebaggery going on.


You like me, you really really like me!
1. Finish match
2. See next map is Estate.
3. Back out.
4. Search for another game.
5. Join game in progress.
6. Map is Estate.



This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Cerrius said:
1. Finish match
2. See next map is Estate.
3. Back out.
4. Search for another game.
5. Join game in progress.
6. Map is Estate.

I hate joining in-progress games for that same reason. There should be like a three second countdown before you're thrown into the game or something... I just hate quitting once I've joined.

On a related note, I saw a map vote-skipped for the first time yesterday. I almost couldn't believe that enough people actually stayed in the room and voted instead of just leaving. You can always tell which maps are the least-popular ones (Wasteland, Afghan, Quarry) after a match and everyone starts pouring out.


BolognaSoup said:
I use the Astro Gaming A40 5.1 mixamp with Audio Technica AD700's and I can pinpoint every gun shot and footstep around.
The game just must have a really shitty mixer, then, because playing I'm playing with some Grado SR-60s with the game outputting stereo and it's completely useless. Half the time I turn in the direction of the noise and get whallopped from the other direction, or hear super loud gunshots and hide behind a crate only to learn that the firefight is on the other side of the map.


I didn't think using the shield would be so much fun, most times people just run away in fear when you get up close.


Forgotten in his cell
backflip10019 said:
Ugh, I'm so sick of playing with shitty randoms on my team. If you consistently go 6 and 19, do not play with me please. Thank you.

Well LA-DE-DA mistah bigshot over here.


Shield works best with friends. Hell my one friends racked up 5 kills and got a predator missile out while I was covering him with the shield.

As far as "lowbies go" as long as they recognize their limits and that they will probably never get much outside of UAV and care packages I am cool with them. However, this is never the case.

I still don't get why people hate estate. It is like a more balanced wasteland.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Raxus said:
Shield works best with friends. Hell my one friends racked up 5 kills and got a predator missile out while I was covering him with the shield.

I still don't get why people hate estate. It is like a more balanced wasteland.

I don't hate estate but, at the same time it's not a great map.

They way I see it, whoever gets into (and controls) the house wins.

Fun fact about the Riot Shield: You can survive a semtex stick with blast shield :O. However, you do lose the throwing knife in exchange.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
J2d said:
I didn't think using the shield would be so much fun, most times people just run away in fear when you get up close.

The classic reaction when playing against a disorganised team is for them to just lay into you and hope for the best. An organised team will have two guys lay into you and one guy flank you.

I had a shield vs. shield melee contest once. Shit was epic.


I like Estate. Everyone fights over the house, and I just hang around the rest of the map picking off the lemmings charging towards the house.
Now Favela, THERE'S a bad map.
vatstep said:
I hate joining in-progress games for that same reason. There should be like a three second countdown before you're thrown into the game or something... I just hate quitting once I've joined.

Don't pick your weapon, press the B button to back out and then you have the option to leave the game without starting it.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Cohsae said:
I like Estate. Everyone fights over the house, and I just hang around the rest of the map picking off the lemmings charging towards the house.
Now Favela, THERE'S a bad map.
I dont mind those...only map I hate is the Sub one, always get people who camp all the perfect spots in that map and make my team stuck :lol


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Cohsae said:
I like Estate. Everyone fights over the house, and I just hang around the rest of the map picking off the lemmings charging towards the house.
Now Favela, THERE'S a bad map.

Estate is great for lightweight/marathon classes. You just end up doing constant flanking motions.


You like me, you really really like me!
You know what playlist I would like to see?

Barebones playlist. No perks, no killstreaks.

All these Harriers, Chopper Gunners, and Lightweight Commando stabbers can get irritating after a while.


I just got Rundown or whatever it's called THREE times in a row staying in the same server. what the fuck @ 360 matchmaking?


corkscrewblow said:
I just got Rundown or whatever it's called THREE times in a row staying in the same server. what the fuck @ 360 matchmaking?
It wouldn't be so bad if the vetoing actually worked, but the threshold is too high to meet with the constant coming and going of people in lobby, so it's easier just to quit out when the shitty maps come up.


corkscrewblow said:
I just got Rundown or whatever it's called THREE times in a row staying in the same server. what the fuck @ 360 matchmaking?
Don't worry, it's just as bad on PS3. Why am I never playing Terminal IW?


I think I witnessed my first javelin glitch on ps3 last night. I spawned behind a guy, saw him switch to javelin and switch back, and then started to run. 30 seconds later I hear a big ass explosion in the distance. It was actually kinda funny.


God dammit, why didn't I unlock the Chopper Gunner sooner? I need to wait 2 more lvls (47) until i can get it. I can get a 10 kill streak pretty easily now :(


corkscrewblow said:
Just hit 20k

20,015 kills
11,018 deaths

I'm really not satisfied at all with that shit. Fucking 1.82 k/d :/
Holy shit how much do you play. I have like 3,000 kills, and 3,100 deaths.

So stop complaining, some of us have a 0.97 k/d ratio :p
LeMaximilian said:
I think I broke 31k last night. It's nuts, I totally stopped watching TV too. Even with full-time job/wife, I've managed to almost play 1/4th the total time I put into COD4, which was around 28 days in two years...

Seriously? You must do a good job pleasing your woman...I've got about 1.25 days in the game so far and my wife thinks I play waaaaay too much. :lol
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