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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Case said:
I don't know about that either. I've been sent to blow out matches a ton of times. Nothing anyone can do about starting off down 4000 points.


Or joining a match only to hear, "We've been defeated, comrades" is certainly accurate to the W/L ratio...


Tkawsome said:
I love the Vector and used it all the time in that class, but from reading this thread I seem to be the only one.
Your vector love is not alone. Too many people use the UMP, and it bothers me that it is always the gun that kills me, or that fully automatic machine pistol you have at the beginning.


RJNavarrete said:
Going for the nuke tonight. Wish me luck. :D



Squire Felix said:
Your vector love is not alone. Too many people use the UMP, and it bothers me that it is always the gun that kills me, or that fully automatic machine pistol you have at the beginning.
Well, all I see the Vector having above the UMP is fire rate at the exchange of damage loss that seems fairly significant. Is there something I'm missing?


NullPointer said:
Just saw this, but you know, you're right. I should be penalized when you run out of ammo.

makes perfect sense.

How would you be penalized? Knifing is a legitimate response to having no other option when it comes to ammo and guns at extremely close range. It is a one-hit kill, and is THE most powerful thing you can use at very close range. If you pop out in front of someone who is reloading, shouldn't they have a legitimate response to that? If you kill them before they get the knife off, then more power to you. But having someone completely defenseless while reloading takes away from the game we have currently.

Moreover, we're talking about knifing here. Even with Commando, it's still has very limited range. You want to get the jump on someone reloading? Don't pop out in knifing range. Pretty simple.

Besides, you quoted someone responding to the fact that someone else thought it was a good idea to have knifing cancelled by bullet hits. Do you really think that is a good alternative? My opinion is that if you can't kill someone you're shooting at before they can knife you, either stop hanging around said EXTREMELY DANGEROUS close range builds in tight spaces, or work on your accuracy. Or knife yourself. Or use a shotty. Or one of the handguns.

I think the knife runner build is the least broken mechanic that people have complained about. It is nowhere near overpowered. At all. People are just plain crappy at this game.
Not saying you personally, don't want to start stuff here.
Akimbo 1887's, now that's fucking stupid.


RevenantKioku said:
Well, all I see the Vector having above the UMP is fire rate at the exchange of damage loss that seems fairly significant. Is there something I'm missing?
I don't think you are missing anything. Thats all correct there. People prefer the UMP over the Vector, thats all there is to it. More people preferring one gun over the other explains why it happens to kill me more often.
RevenantKioku said:
Well, all I see the Vector having above the UMP is fire rate at the exchange of damage loss that seems fairly significant. Is there something I'm missing?

I don't know about the details, but I get far more kills with the gun then any of the other SMG's. It seems like it has better range and less recoil then the other SMG's, but I can't say for sure.
DJ Crimson said:
Anybody who judges a player by their K/D is a joke. Winning percentage is where it counts.

Not really.

You can have an awesome game and still be in a losing team. Just because you're a good player doesn't mean your team-mates will be.

And vice versa. You might be shit but your much better team-mates make up for it, so you get all these undeserved wins.

Win/loss means barely anything in this game.
This game is going to make my head pop. Anyone who is tired of reading rants can stop reading NOW.

Holy...damn. You have got to wonder what the hell Infinity Ward was thinking with some of these ridiculous additions. Akimo is by far the worst thing in this game. The concept alone is bad enough, but to combine that with those damn 1887's completely wrecks this game. When you run into 3-4 people all using it, it's worse than any other unfun time I've had playing online.

This game is officially down there with Gears of War 2 in terms of pure unbalanced brokenness. I hate everything about it now. I can't stand the maps, I can't stand how people play the game, the campers, the commando knifes, the akimbo weapons, the GOD AWFUL spawns, etc. The more I play, and the more I get matched up with people in 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th Prestige levels, the more I start to want to snap the disc. The whole experience is pure arcade nonsense now. rraaaaaagggggeeeee

I'm done with this game for at least a week. I would rather take 100 CoD4 martyrdom grenade deaths on Wet Work than play this game again this week.
_Alkaline_ said:
Not really.

You can have an awesome game and still be in a losing team. Just because you're a good player doesn't mean your team-mates will be.

Pretty much. These past few days I've been on fire, but nothing can save a team that has two or three people with a KD of 1/10 (well, unless you managed to get a nuke).


Squire Felix said:
I don't think you are missing anything. Thats all correct there. People prefer the UMP over the Vector, thats all there is to it. More people preferring one gun over the other explains why it happens to kill me more often.
Well, as I'm looking to run and gun, I figured damage would be more appropriate but I just figured I'd ask anyways.


i just like running around and shooting people :D

i don't care how many times I die. Personally i don't see why people care.


_Alkaline_ said:
Win/loss means barely anything in this game.

The whole "w/l means more than k/d" talk is fucking stupid. The only thing W/L even proves is how often you get a team that isn't horrible. I just now went 33-5 in TDM and we still lost. Why? Because no one on my team was even positive. Fuck win loss ratio.


jiien said:
I think the knife runner build is the least broken mechanic that people have complained about. It is nowhere near overpowered.

I agree for the most part. Its not entirely overpowered but people are still learning counters. My favorite is a danger close build but people cry noob anytime an explosion isn't semtex or a frag!


i_am_ben said:
i just like running around and shooting people :D

i don't care how many times I die. Personally i don't see why people care.
Seriously, this to me is the epitome of "stupid game." I just play it, blow shit up, and then laugh about what happens. FPS games are really the lowest form of gaming, but it is great to just switch off and be brainless.


I was not aware that danger close pro strengthened killstreaks...actually don't I've ever equipped danger close. I think I will work on it later.


Arjen said:
Tried out the riot shield with 4 friends yesterday for a couple of games, holy shit that was fun :lol
We call that Sparta-ing. It's so much fun.


Net_Wrecker said:
I'm done with this game for at least a week. I would rather take 100 CoD4 martyrdom grenade deaths on Wet Work than play this game again this week.

Find yourself some decent mates and then head for Mosh Pit.

Best place to be in MW2, while good competition and constatnt change of modes serve for great playing.

Do not even bother with other hoppers, Mosh Pit is the place to be untill they finally bring back FPS Team Tactical.
UFRA said:

Or joining a match only to hear, "We've been defeated, comrades" is certainly accurate to the W/L ratio...

My favourite was where I joined a game only to get instantly nuked.

I also think where you disconnect when the host turns their box off also counts as a loss, since it counts as quitting the game? Same with being unable to migrate the host.


NeoUltima said:
I was not aware that danger close pro strengthened killstreaks...actually don't I've ever equipped danger close. I think I will work on it later.

I always thought it increased the damage you inflicted on enemy air support with your stingers and stuff.
amar212 said:
Find yourself some decent mates and then head for Mosh Pit.

Best place to be in MW2, while good competition and constatnt change of modes serve for great playing.

Do not even bother with other hoppers, Mosh Pit is the place to be untill they finally bring back FPS Team Tactical.

Man, IDK. I went like 15+ days deep into CoD4 playing 99% Team Deathmatch. I don't really enjoy objective in CoD games, and as such, Team Deathmatch being so bad right now in MW2 is a huge disappointment. Pretty much all the complaints I had with the game in the first 5 hours have remained there, or gotten worse as people start to learn more about the maps. I need to get some other games into my system that don't leave me feeling like a cheap bastard, or the whipping post to a cheap bastard.


To an extent, I think K/D and W/L is pretty overrated. I mean, K/D isn't a good indicator in anything outside of the DM modes. I play domination almost exclusively and I've got a .7 k/d ratio, but I'm constantly in the top 3 for points because I'm out there trying to take the points.

As for W/L, again, when you're dropped in a game on the losing side 10 seconds before the match ends... it's something you really can't seriously base a player on.


Okay, I can't explain it, but the Vector is awesome. :lol


RevenantKioku said:
Okay, I can't explain it, but the Vector is awesome. :lol

Agreed. It's my SMG of choice. High rate of fire & high accuracy with low feedback. Reminds me of the Skorpion from CoD4. I go Vector + Red Dot Sight. The holo sight is a little too clumsy.

This SMG works wonders on tight maps like Highrise and Favela.
It's fair to say that there are quite a few 'unbalanced' components to this game, for me it has turned into a game that i will just have a quick blast on when i'm inbetween games or bored etc, a bit like fifa. I don't think that I can take it too seriously anymore.

I get bored quickly of games quite quick anyway, I never feel like i'm actually getting anywhere online (ie no story) and I can't get into that many singleplayer games as I don't play in long stints, so i fail to 'get into' the story. I feel like there is a big thing lacking from console games in the form of an online game that gives instant gratification, yet there is an ongoing 'point' apart from unlocking a gun. I suppose consoles (and me) are crying out for an accessable mmorpg, a game where the actual combat is played though.


My K/D goes from 2.17 to 2.20 up and down. Played some hardcore last night and it's just impossible to play, camping to the extreme. Loved it in COD4 though.

Anyway, there is no real way of showing off how good you are by stats alone.


HAH, played on quarry vs. entire team of Akimbo 1887's...went 3-?-11, and my 3 kills were from picking up dead peoples 1887's and using them. I then turned off the game (too tired to compete with that lunacy)

They really are stupid and game breaking when everyone has them, looking over things now, they should have made the ranger the only akimbo shotty and the last shotgun.

You don't really even need 2 1887's to wreck shop, one is plenty..two..two is just nuts as more and more people get them.


kevm3 said:
Is anyone else constantly getting disconnected? I keep getting signed out of PSN nonstop.
I couldn't find anywhere saying that its down and there is problems going on right now.

Are you getting an error code at all, or does it just kick you off?
Try using the Riot Shield on Highrise. Works wonders. You can guard the lower entries to either side and your enemy simply won't know what to do.


DMeisterJ said:
I have a 0.97 k/d ratio, I have 136 more kills (without dying) until I get my coveted 1.00 ratio. I actually started around a .67 or something. :/

0.97 here too, I spent my first two CoD weeks (never touched CoD4) playing domination with the riot shield and capturing like crazy, I always had the most points but ended every game at 6-25 or something like that (because I was the only one trying, the rest just camped), I was at 0.38 at some point so I decided to start playing with the real weapons and camp from time to time too :lol


Net_Wrecker said:
This game is going to make my head pop. Anyone who is tired of reading rants can stop reading NOW.

Holy...damn. You have got to wonder what the hell Infinity Ward was thinking with some of these ridiculous additions. Akimo is by far the worst thing in this game. The concept alone is bad enough, but to combine that with those damn 1887's completely wrecks this game. When you run into 3-4 people all using it, it's worse than any other unfun time I've had playing online.

This game is officially down there with Gears of War 2 in terms of pure unbalanced brokenness. I hate everything about it now. I can't stand the maps, I can't stand how people play the game, the campers, the commando knifes, the akimbo weapons, the GOD AWFUL spawns, etc. The more I play, and the more I get matched up with people in 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th Prestige levels, the more I start to want to snap the disc. The whole experience is pure arcade nonsense now. rraaaaaagggggeeeee

I'm done with this game for at least a week. I would rather take 100 CoD4 martyrdom grenade deaths on Wet Work than play this game again this week.

Honestly it sounds like you have a problem with the aim of Call of Duty (or Modern Warfare now) as a franchise. They are trying to be more arcadey and pull in casual and hardcore players. And yes, that fatigue set in with me after prestiging a couple times in COD4, where I just couldn't take the ridiculous lag and host advantage anymore, the camping, the spawns, etc. My advice is to either play it less and just play it casually where it doesn't bother you with how rarely you play it, or to play some other game that has better online coding and addresses the issues I talked about.

For me, it was pretty crazy going from this to the Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta. I actually had to be a decent player at that and not run around running and gunning, or camping. Maybe you'd like Socom or something like that?

Oh, also I don't think dual wielding is broken in and of itself. Akimbo Rangers are devastating in short range, but at medium range you can fire all 4 shots and not kill someone. On the other hand, at medium range, the Akimbo 1887's will kill when discharging both barrels and people with assault rifles have no chance unless they have stopping power and get a headshot. But again, with lag, most of the time you're dead anyway despite firing several shots with stopping power. So frustrating to see myself run around the corner and just run straight towards the person with 1887's while they nonchalantly mow me down (while I supposedly don't even fire) and keep running.
NeoUltima said:
I was not aware that danger close pro strengthened killstreaks...actually don't I've ever equipped danger close. I think I will work on it later.

So it makes AC130 shells more powerful and such? Going to give that a go once I unlock everything again...
Whats the deal with the noob tube, sometimes I'll blast it right at a dude and it wont explode OR kill him directly. Pisses me off when I aim it right at a dude and get jack shit.
RevenantKioku said:
Seriously, this to me is the epitome of "stupid game." I just play it, blow shit up, and then laugh about what happens. FPS games are really the lowest form of gaming, but it is great to just switch off and be brainless.
It needs more Japan, for sure.


Comics, serious business!
Went 24-1 on Scrapyard last night :D Once you get an AC130 on that map it's pretty much over. I'm allowed to brag because in reality I'm not that good.

Finally got the 10x k/d accolade. The only accolade I need is the 10 kills 0 deaths. Am I the only one that thinks this accolade is kind of dumb? What am I supposed to do when I get 10 kills? Go run and hide and hope nobody finds me? I dunno. It just seems out of place.

RE: k/d vs. w/l. They're BOTH measures of how good one is. If you have a greater than 1:1 ratio in both then I think it's clear you're a good player. Now, my man Erik WK has a k/d >2 and w/l > 2. That's just fucking insane.
RSTEIN said:
Went 24-1 on Scrapyard last night :D Once you get an AC130 on that map it's pretty much over. I'm allowed to brag because in reality I'm not that good.

Finally got the 10x k/d accolade. The only accolade I need is the 10 kills 0 deaths. Am I the only one that thinks this accolade is kind of dumb? What am I supposed to do when I get 10 kills? Go run and hide and hope nobody finds me? I dunno. It just seems out of place.

Once you get your skills up to scratch, it's not too hard.

It basically just requires you to have a great game from the start - if you can get up to (and use) a chopper gunner/AC130 without dying once, then by the time you're finished with it the game will be nearly over anyway. Find a good place to hide whilst using your gunner/130 and you're golden.
Net_Wrecker said:
This game is going to make my head pop. Anyone who is tired of reading rants can stop reading NOW.

Holy...damn. You have got to wonder what the hell Infinity Ward was thinking with some of these ridiculous additions. Akimo is by far the worst thing in this game. The concept alone is bad enough, but to combine that with those damn 1887's completely wrecks this game. When you run into 3-4 people all using it, it's worse than any other unfun time I've had playing online.

This game is officially down there with Gears of War 2 in terms of pure unbalanced brokenness. I hate everything about it now. I can't stand the maps, I can't stand how people play the game, the campers, the commando knifes, the akimbo weapons, the GOD AWFUL spawns, etc. The more I play, and the more I get matched up with people in 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th Prestige levels, the more I start to want to snap the disc. The whole experience is pure arcade nonsense now. rraaaaaagggggeeeee

I'm done with this game for at least a week. I would rather take 100 CoD4 martyrdom grenade deaths on Wet Work than play this game again this week.

Sadly, pretty much all of this for me. This was my most anticipated game of this generation, as I devoted more time in the first MW than any other game ever. I want to like this game, I want to love this game. There are things I do like about it. Every night, I put the disc in, and it doesn't take me more than 30 minutes to pop it right back out. Ultimately, I just realize early on that Im not having fun. And the more and more that people get to the Akimbo 1887's, the more and more I start off hot 7-0, only to have that in 60 seconds fall to 7-12 due to poor respawns, akimbo 1887s, Military Knife Ninjas, campers, and the sky's being more busy than Tiger Wood's hotel room while he's on the road(ZING!), the more and more I realize that the game has simply decided to take the franchise in a slightly different direction and that as much as I want to love it, it's simply not the game for me anymore.


_Alkaline_ said:
Try using the Riot Shield on Highrise. Works wonders. You can guard the lower entries to either side and your enemy simply won't know what to do.

A stun grenade followed by some sextex straight at your shield usually clears the blockage. :D
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