Is K/D ratio even worth mentioning in this game?
All you really have to do is get a few quick and easy killstreaks and all of a sudden you have +25 kills in less then 5 minutes.
First of all for your Killstreak rewards to not be overwelmingly effective the other team must have Stingers or Coldblooded, both of which are rewarded to players above level 25, in fact I think the stinger is 30ish. Usually maps will consist of people under this level be it nooby or prestiging or the remaining players will have Coldblooded and be safe and give a rats ass about there team mates.
And 90% of the playerbase is..
1. Not using ColdBlooded and instead using StoppingPower/Hardline
2. Not using Stingers due to the overwelming power of many secondary weapons.
A combo of Predator/Harrier/Choppah Gunner is almost always at least a +10/15 and is incredibly easy to accomplish. Lets not even add in the fact that IW found it a smart idea to equip these death from above vehicles with flares, thus compounding the overpowered ability.
Id be more impressed with a players K/D ratio of it showed an actual stat of kills the pulled of with a gun/explosive. Removing all Kills from a persons K/D recieved from a Harrier, Choppah, A130, Care Package, Predator etc.... would be a true display of ability.
At least ColdBlooded and Stinger should be lvl 5 unlocks, till the mid 20's to 30 your at the mercy of the community.
All you really have to do is get a few quick and easy killstreaks and all of a sudden you have +25 kills in less then 5 minutes.
First of all for your Killstreak rewards to not be overwelmingly effective the other team must have Stingers or Coldblooded, both of which are rewarded to players above level 25, in fact I think the stinger is 30ish. Usually maps will consist of people under this level be it nooby or prestiging or the remaining players will have Coldblooded and be safe and give a rats ass about there team mates.
And 90% of the playerbase is..
1. Not using ColdBlooded and instead using StoppingPower/Hardline
2. Not using Stingers due to the overwelming power of many secondary weapons.
A combo of Predator/Harrier/Choppah Gunner is almost always at least a +10/15 and is incredibly easy to accomplish. Lets not even add in the fact that IW found it a smart idea to equip these death from above vehicles with flares, thus compounding the overpowered ability.
Id be more impressed with a players K/D ratio of it showed an actual stat of kills the pulled of with a gun/explosive. Removing all Kills from a persons K/D recieved from a Harrier, Choppah, A130, Care Package, Predator etc.... would be a true display of ability.
At least ColdBlooded and Stinger should be lvl 5 unlocks, till the mid 20's to 30 your at the mercy of the community.