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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Is K/D ratio even worth mentioning in this game?

All you really have to do is get a few quick and easy killstreaks and all of a sudden you have +25 kills in less then 5 minutes.

First of all for your Killstreak rewards to not be overwelmingly effective the other team must have Stingers or Coldblooded, both of which are rewarded to players above level 25, in fact I think the stinger is 30ish. Usually maps will consist of people under this level be it nooby or prestiging or the remaining players will have Coldblooded and be safe and give a rats ass about there team mates.

And 90% of the playerbase is..
1. Not using ColdBlooded and instead using StoppingPower/Hardline
2. Not using Stingers due to the overwelming power of many secondary weapons.

A combo of Predator/Harrier/Choppah Gunner is almost always at least a +10/15 and is incredibly easy to accomplish. Lets not even add in the fact that IW found it a smart idea to equip these death from above vehicles with flares, thus compounding the overpowered ability.

Id be more impressed with a players K/D ratio of it showed an actual stat of kills the pulled of with a gun/explosive. Removing all Kills from a persons K/D recieved from a Harrier, Choppah, A130, Care Package, Predator etc.... would be a true display of ability.

At least ColdBlooded and Stinger should be lvl 5 unlocks, till the mid 20's to 30 your at the mercy of the community.
Cerrius said:
You know what playlist I would like to see?

Barebones playlist. No perks, no killstreaks.

All these Harriers, Chopper Gunners, and Lightweight Commando stabbers can get irritating after a while.

Have you tried Hardcore?
Aurora said:
What if I'm in the middle of reloading and see a guy pop out in front of me? With your fix I have to die. Terrible idea.
Just saw this, but you know, you're right. I should be penalized when you run out of ammo.

makes perfect sense.


You like me, you really really like me!
johnFkennedy said:
Have you tried Hardcore?

Yes but Hardcore still has killstreaks and perks (plus the lower health and lack of HUD).

I would like a Barebones TDM playlist where it's just you and your gun.

Almost like a throwback to TDM CoD2 style.
Cerrius said:
Yes but Hardcore still has killstreaks and perks (plus the lower health and lack of HUD).

I would like a Barebones TDM playlist where it's just you and your gun.

Almost like a throwback to TDM CoD2 style.
Can we get counter-strike like TDM? That shit was bar perfection.


You like me, you really really like me!
Actually now that I think about it, a proper Barebones playlist would be impossible in MW2 unless IW somehow found a way to disable heartbeat sensors.



Anyone have any tips on how to complete the Favela campaign mission on Veteran? I almost broke my controller after the last 50 deaths or so :lol
firehawk12 said:
You mean Camping Mode?

I like to call it, I shoot you... You die mode. I understand that newish players still need crutches like the kill cam and constant radar. It's ok, one day you'll be able to sit at the adult table.


I just played the map Rust for the first time. I never knew it existed before tonight.

I'm level 39 and I've been playing since release.


OldJadedGamer said:
I like to call it, I shoot you... You die mode. I understand that newish players still need crutches like the kill cam and constant radar. It's ok, one day you'll be able to sit at the adult table.

Agree on the first part. Its become my mode of choice now. I actually think Hardcore mode is easier than regular TDM though. Less gizmos and the weapons are more equal.



Just finished game in Afghan...other team doing all three glitch bullshit. Javs, rocks, and lag glitching(or they just lagged real bad, telephoning and shit). They still fucking lost though.


thatbox said:
I just played the map Rust for the first time. I never knew it existed before tonight.

I'm level 39 and I've been playing since release.
I used to only come up in Free For All but it has been appearing in TDM and other modes now.
sturmdogg said:
Anyone have any tips on how to complete the Favela campaign mission on Veteran? I almost broke my controller after the last 50 deaths or so :lol

I was just patient. Since MWF2 doesn't infinite respawn enemies just wait. Also go left find your targets and let them waste a clip, when they are reloading take them down.
corkscrewblow said:
Just hit 20k

20,015 kills
11,018 deaths

I'm really not satisfied at all with that shit. Fucking 1.82 k/d :/

I'm about the same, 20282/11068, 1.83. But unlike you, I have no problem with that ratio. When you push objectives, you dont have much choice but to accept that the KD takes a hit. I mostly play TDM, but when I go into objectives I'm lucky if I break even, yet I still tend to be top of the team.

EDIT: Oh god man, I'm at 6 days 5 hours. I've basically stopped doing anything but playing this game. I really need to stop, since exams are about to start. Last couple weeks the semester has just been winding down so I havent really had much to do, so I could get away with just playing all day. Life of a college student
You guys are machines. I'm at about 50 hours online now with 4,000 kills and 4,500 deaths.

Granted, I do go for objectives a lot when I play team games, but still, I'm no slouch. :|
Anyone have an issue where their 360 freezes and disconnects you from a game and then goes back to the map loading screen and reconnects you to the game with 0 kills and 0 deaths? Happened to me 3 times now.


I've never gotten to use my chopper gunner, both of the times that I hit the killstreak and had it equipped there was already too much shit in the air so I couldn't activate it.

Also, I finally unlocked the 1887s and they are so ridiculously overpowered. Some of the shots I pulled off I thought for sure I'd miss, but killed the guy anyway without stopping power or steady aim.

I was never huge on sniping in any game, but I enjoyed it occasionally in COD4, but in MW2 it seems that there are so few good sniping spots that it's not nearly as entertaining. It also doesn't help that in a lot of the levels the sniper positions aren't in grass so the ghillie makes you more obvious rather than less so. There are a couple of nice corridors, but there aren't really any maps like overgrown or piple line where it's easy to find a nice sniping spot, but also easy to flank any potential sniper.


Yeef said:
I was never huge on sniping in any game, but I enjoyed it occasionally in COD4, but in MW2 it seems that there are so few good sniping spots that it's not nearly as entertaining. It also doesn't help that in a lot of the levels the sniper positions aren't in grass so the ghillie makes you more obvious rather than less so. There are a couple of nice corridors, but there aren't really any maps like overgrown or piple line where it's easy to find a nice sniping spot, but also easy to flank any potential sniper.
I don't ever play as sniper, but I can say that I've probably had the least death by sniping out of all my deaths (if that makes any sense). Maybe it's also a reflection of my style of play, as I try to keep encounters mid range, but don't mind close range as well. Like for example, Wasteland for me is just the bunker and trench areas and Estate is just the house & greenhouse in the backyard. I don't really like to venture out of my comfort zones there.

Eric WK


Poor guy.


Haha. When I first unlocked the akimbo rangers I used it for 4 or 5 matches and got a message from some guy saying "ur freaking gay w/ ur fucking shotguns"


Subete no aware
OldJadedGamer said:
I like to call it, I shoot you... You die mode. I understand that newish players still need crutches like the kill cam and constant radar. It's ok, one day you'll be able to sit at the adult table.

My problem isn't the kill cam. I hardly use it in "normal" mode anyway. My problem is with the maps which encourage camping.
The fact that the spawns are completely predictable doesn't help much either.

Yeah, I'm one of those guys who wishes that they went back to CoD1/UO map design. If they bothered to do a port of CoD1 instead of the janky Call of Duty Classic (4v4, hah), I'd be perfectly happy playing those maps with a Springfield Rifle and nothing else.

sturmdogg said:
Anyone have any tips on how to complete the Favela campaign mission on Veteran? I almost broke my controller after the last 50 deaths or so :lol

For the first part, just advance slowly and let your two AI guys do most of the work. After that, when you're on your own... you just have to kill one guy at a time and recover your health from the inevitable shower of bullets that will hit you every time you expose yourself.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Unlocked Cold-Blooded Pro after a couple hours of grinding it out tonight, not wanting to use the glitch. I was thinking it was going to take forever, but I just made sure to keep my stinger ready and react as quickly as I could to every enemy air-support call-out. Most of the 30 or so I got tonight were UAVs, since it seemed like I was the only one shooting them down.

Also came across javelin glitchers for the second time — two in one match, on the same team. One of them followed me around for about 45 seconds because I refused to kill him; someone else did eventually, and I realized that I should have just killed him and taken the points since I was going to die anyway. Amazingly, after the match, almost no one left the game. WTF? Did they want to play with those douches again? Ah well... I submitted complaints for each, so hopefully others did too.


Pkm said:
Is K/D ratio even worth mentioning in this game?
K/D means everything in FFA. It means a lot in TDM. It means shit for the rest. They should take out K/D tracking all together and that may help dealing with campers: you either win or lose the match and it doesn't matter how many times you die.


Unlimited Capacity
I can't even fathom how people pull off 10 killstreaks and what not. Like it literally seems impossible for me to ever do. I'm lucky to get a care package every 5 rounds or so.
The only people I've left messages to that were mean are people who use that fucking Javelin glitch. Every time you kill them, there's an explosion. -_-


Okay, so I'm having a blast doing akimbo Sub Machine Guns while using Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro and Commando Pro for my perks. Secondary is the USP .45 because that's all I have unlocked.
Now, what would be the best SMG to use for this?
I got me my first nuke yesterday. Almost messed it up on the 25th kill because of some guy in Last Stand :lol

Best kill yesterday: some guy was camping in the corner with a riot shield and basically almost impossible to kill. Until someone placed some C4 behind his head :D
Sushen said:
K/D means everything in FFA. It means a lot in TDM. It means shit for the rest. They should take out K/D tracking all together and that may help dealing with campers: you either win or lose the match and it doesn't matter how many times you die.
Anybody who judges a player by their K/D is a joke. Winning percentage is where it counts.
RevenantKioku said:
Okay, so I'm having a blast doing akimbo Sub Machine Guns while using Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro and Commando Pro for my perks. Secondary is the USP .45 because that's all I have unlocked.
Now, what would be the best SMG to use for this?

I love the Vector and used it all the time in that class, but from reading this thread I seem to be the only one.


DJ Crimson said:
Winning percentage is where it counts.
I don't know about that either. I've been sent to blow out matches a ton of times. Nothing anyone can do about starting off down 4000 points.
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