I love what bad kids will do for a kill. Dude waited at my tactical respawn for like 12 minutes for me to respawn there. :lol
xxjuicesxx said:I love what bad kids will do for a kill. Dude waited at my tactical respawn for like 12 minutes for me to respawn there. :lol
TheApatheticOne said:and the sky's being more busy than Tiger Wood's hotel room while he's on the road(ZING!)
LLaMa-Tech said:I wasn't really blown away by the story to be honest.
Pkm said:My problem is mostly I just feel like I consistently get the jump on people and fire a ton of shots only to have them put me down in a split second, or in a stand off I always seem to be on the losing end of the battle...I know there is no HP perk but I really feel like Im glass and everyone else is insta killing me.
My go to class, basically my no screwing around with speed/explosions is..
Scar with HBS/RDS
Stopping Power
Even with the "wall hack" ability of the HBS and added Dmg from SP Im consistently on the losing end of fire fights. Its like I see a ton of hit detection and think to myself "WTF why wont this guy go down!!" And time Im the one getting sneak attack...I just die insta..yet my opponents never die when I am first to attack.
Aside from my "Main" setup Ive also been playing with..
FAL with ACOG...same setup as Scar setup but no Bling, Slight of hand instead. I call this my "shoot, shoot, shoot etc..., enemy runs away with 1/2 my clip in him or just looks up and insta kills me with an automatic". This set up will change when I get my ACR back, Ill lose bling and use SLight of hand most likely.
andycapps said:That is a problem with poor net coding by IW, my friend. Which is what myself and some others are complaining about. The core gameplay is very fun, to me, but yes, I get frustrated sometimes and just end up turning it off.
You're not doing anything wrong, it's a problem with poor net coding and/or lag.
andycapps said:That is a problem with poor net coding by IW, my friend. Which is what myself and some others are complaining about. The core gameplay is very fun, to me, but yes, I get frustrated sometimes and just end up turning it off.
You're not doing anything wrong, it's a problem with poor net coding and/or lag.
divisionbyzorro said:Blaming an individual kill or death on lag/netcode is fine.
Blaming your K/D ratio on lag/netcode is just looking for excuses.
Unless you roll with dial-up, you should be getting the same number of lag advantages as disadvantages.
Drastic said:That's the biggest issue with this game, and it was the same in COD4. (Maybe worse now?) It's so easy to see the difference in what happened on your screen and the killcam.
RSTEIN said:Hell, if you even remotely understood the story or found a way to reconcile the huge plot holes I'd give you a custom made emblem.
I dunno about that. I get a red bar in 50% of games, and yellow the other 40%. The game refuses to match me up with local players 90% of the time, so I'm pretty much always at a disadvantage. Though my KD ratio is good, I learn to live with the constant lag, but for a lot of people they would be seriously frustrated when the game says you never shot the person on the Killcam.divisionbyzorro said:Blaming your K/D ratio on lag/netcode is just looking for excuses.
Unless you roll with dial-up, you should be getting the same number of lag advantages as disadvantages.
PhatSaqs said:Man I guess i'm just incredibly lucky (or not depending on your angle lol).
I've logged plenty of time in the game, almost 10K kills, been at 70 for a good while before I prestiged yesterday, and i've NEVER seen a nuke and have only run into one dude using the javelin glitch. Do these things not occur in TDM/MTDM on 360?
PhatSaqs said:Man I guess i'm just incredibly lucky (or not depending on your angle lol).
I've logged plenty of time in the game, almost 10K kills, been at 70 for a good while before I prestiged yesterday, and i've NEVER seen a nuke and have only run into one dude using the javelin glitch. Do these things not occur in TDM/MTDM on 360?
Thank you. No further comments.jiien said:How would you be penalized? Knifing is a legitimate response to having no other option when it comes to ammo and guns at extremely close range. It is a one-hit kill, and is THE most powerful thing you can use at very close range. If you pop out in front of someone who is reloading, shouldn't they have a legitimate response to that? If you kill them before they get the knife off, then more power to you. But having someone completely defenseless while reloading takes away from the game we have currently.
Moreover, we're talking about knifing here. Even with Commando, it's still has very limited range. You want to get the jump on someone reloading? Don't pop out in knifing range. Pretty simple.
Besides, you quoted someone responding to the fact that someone else thought it was a good idea to have knifing cancelled by bullet hits. Do you really think that is a good alternative? My opinion is that if you can't kill someone you're shooting at before they can knife you, either stop hanging around said EXTREMELY DANGEROUS close range builds in tight spaces, or work on your accuracy. Or knife yourself. Or use a shotty. Or one of the handguns.
I think the knife runner build is the least broken mechanic that people have complained about. It is nowhere near overpowered. At all. People are just plain crappy at this game.Akimbo 1887's, now that's fucking stupid.Not saying you personally, don't want to start stuff here.
Mojo said:I dunno about that. I get a red bar in 50% of games, and yellow the other 40%. The game refuses to match me up with local players 90% of the time, so I'm pretty much always at a disadvantage. Though my KD ratio is good, I learn to live with the constant lag, but for a lot of people they would be seriously frustrated when the game says you never shot the person on the Killcam.
Enron said:anyone ever seen this (ps3)?
HooCares said:My Fixes:
1. Akimbo 1887 - just reduce the range, everything else is fine. [as an aside, akimbo should have only been for pistols and machine pistols - everything else is ridiculous]
2. Akimbo in general - you cannot melee while using akimbo weapons. Fuck the third arm.
3. Javelin Glitch /obvious
4. Boost the regular chopper. Make it acquire targets faster or something. It's horrible right now.
5. Make the EMP last 5 minutes instead of whatever it is now (i think one or two). It would be a great streak for people that hate killstreaks bonuses in general. It would help block nukes in objective games and lock down the skies in the final minutes of a game.
I'd add boosting Stealth Bomber somehow as well. For an 11 streak it sucks right now. Maybe two runs? And yes EMP as a 15 is awful right now.HooCares said:My Fixes:
1. Akimbo 1887 - just reduce the range, everything else is fine. [as an aside, akimbo should have only been for pistols and machine pistols - everything else is ridiculous]
2. Akimbo in general - you cannot melee while using akimbo weapons. Fuck the third arm.
3. Javelin Glitch /obvious
4. Boost the regular chopper. Make it acquire targets faster or something. It's horrible right now.
5. Make the EMP last 5 minutes instead of whatever it is now (i think one or two). It would be a great streak for people that hate killstreaks bonuses in general. It would help block nukes in objective games and lock down the skies in the final minutes of a game.
And people saying W/L matters more than K/D, are you fucking serious?
Not really. I'm sure im not the only who leaves his game running while doing shit around or even outside of the house. I'm famous for this and although I have played alot (5 days) my time played is inflated because of it.I think the best stat to compare is score vs time played. Look at your friends list, and just compare yourself relative to them. If you have, say, a third as many points as the top guy on your list, but he has 5 times the amount played, then you are probably a more useful player to your team.
divisionbyzorro said:I love putting claymores on tactical insertions :lol
DMeisterJ said:Just reached my 1.01 k/d ratio
Finally above a 1![]()
The play-time listed in barracks and on leaderboards is from in-game only. Floating around in menus doesn't contribute to it (it does on the stats screen in single player and spec ops, though).PhatSaqs said:Not really. I'm sure im not the only who leaves his game running while doing shit around or even outside of the house. I'm famous for this and although I have played alot (5 days) my time played is inflated because of it.
X26 said:emp should counter nukes at the very least
divisionbyzorro said:I agree with all of this, although for (1) I whould simply suggest removing akimbo from all shotguns.
Agree. It wasn't needed on shotguns which are already awesome by themselves. Furthermore, your player model looks horrid running around with the two long sticks.
I'll be honest: I don't get the EMP. Sure, it's useful, but not super useful. I've always felt that it's a 15-streak not because it's that powerful, but because the game would be super-annoying if it showed up too often. If it lasted longer, it might be more worth it, but by the time you get a 15-streak, you're often pretty far into the match as it is. It just feels like a waste.
It's nice fucking with the electronics on people's guns, but the main advantage is the effects on streaks and radar. If it were 5 minutes long, even if you got it in the second half of a TDM, think of the advantage it'd give your team - With no radar, it's like your whole team is suddenly silenced and cold blooded. Any choppers, harriers, sentries the enemy has called in - dead immediately. Any streak someone was working on, 10/11 on a chopper gunner, forget it. It's gone. It would allow your team to finish up a match free from streaks. I've played some close ones where it would've be helpful. @ five minutes, it's value would be even greater in objective games which have no time limit. As it's stands now it's just two short to be useful.
On a different note: worst KS setup ever? Crate->Sentry-EAD. So much time spent waiting for crates to fall from the sky.
I've use a similar setup before (I think Crate/pred/EAD - the trick is keep playing until you finally die. No need to call in all your packages ASAP since they don't count toward future streaks. When you die, just confirm you respawned in a safe area and go to town with 5 packages at once.
Pyke Presco said:I think the best stat to compare is score vs time played. Look at your friends list, and just compare yourself relative to them. If you have, say, a third as many points as the top guy on your list, but he has 5 times the amount played, then you are probably a more useful player to your team. But even it is a borked stat, because you will naturally be worse at the start, and when you get bored and screw around, or intentionally level up guns you are bad with, your score will tank, just like your K/D. I really dont think theres a way to judge yourself compared to others, except to play with the same group and see how often you are at the top of the list in game. The whole waving your e-peen around b/c of a high K/D or W/L or because you're really accurate is just nonsense.
Valkyr Junkie said:....... I thought it does.
PhatSaqs said:I'd add boosting Stealth Bomber somehow as well. For an 11 streak it sucks right now. Maybe two runs?
Rainy Dog said:I thought that until I realised that it bombs all the way across it's path from one side of the map to the other. So, always set it to start from the edge of the map. I've killed an an entire enemy team with it but yeah, agreed, as a 9 (not 11) kill streak choice a Pavelow will almost always rack you up more kills.
Wow, I didn't know this. I guess I'll be setting the marker at the edge of the map, in line with my target from now on.Rainy Dog said:I thought that until I realised that it bombs all the way across it's path from one side of the map to the other. So, always set it to start from the edge of the map. I've killed an an entire enemy team with it but yeah, agreed, as a 9 (not 11) kill streak choice a Pavelow will almost always rack you up more kills.
Acidote said:Game beaten on Veteran. Incredibly easier than COD4: MW and of course COD2.
It looks like the challenge is at Spec Ops if you want to do it alone.
EMP counters the nuke only when called in before the nuke.Valkyr Junkie said:....... I thought it does.
Rainy Dog said:I thought that until I realised that it bombs all the way across it's path from one side of the map to the other. So, always set it to start from the edge of the map. I've killed an an entire enemy team with it but yeah, agreed, as a 9 (not 11) kill streak choice a Pavelow will almost always rack you up more kills.
Ryu1999 said:Which is accidentally balanced by the Pavelow's killstreak bug...