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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I never understood the complaining about Martyr in MW1 it was never overpowered, easily avoildable, and just not an issue. Wish it was still a perk and not a killstreak. As a KS its useless

AKimbo is a million times worse than Martyr ever was in MW1


Rainy Dog said:
I thought that until I realised that it bombs all the way across it's path from one side of the map to the other. So, always set it to start from the edge of the map. I've killed an an entire enemy team with it but yeah, agreed, as a 9 (not 11) kill streak choice a Pavelow will almost always rack you up more kills.

Huh? Can you set from what direction the Stealth Bomber flies?
Lionheart1827 said:
Yup I believe its the same way the precision airstrikes work.

Indeed it is, there is an arrow which you can change the direction of when you are aiming the airstrike, this is the direction in which they will drop your bombs.
Enron said:
anyone ever seen this (ps3)?


I'v seen something a lot like that, looked like one huge line of code and really freaked me out.
Does anyone use the shotgun attachment on ARs? How effective are they as opposed to, say, actual shotguns? I typically roll with an AR and a shotgun, but I'm considering messing around with AR + shotty, and then use a Javelin in the my secondary.


kyo_daikun said:
Indeed it is, there is an arrow which you can change the direction of when you are aiming the airstrike, this is the direction in which they will drop your bombs.

How do u change said direction? man I could have been doing so much better with the airstrikes :lol
Ganhyun said:
How do u change said direction? man I could have been doing so much better with the airstrikes :lol

Left stick moves the position you want to drop the strike, right stick changes the direction, and yes you could have been getting a hellava lot more kills!


divisionbyzorro said:
Does anyone use the shotgun attachment on ARs? How effective are they as opposed to, say, actual shotguns? I typically roll with an AR and a shotgun, but I'm considering messing around with AR + shotty, and then use a Javelin in the my secondary.
I think they fire less pellets than the 'real' shotguns (so a bit less damage) but their range extends close to regular AR range.


Junior Member
My god this game is broken, there are still plenty of dicks using the javelin glitch and duel wielding 1887 shotguns is the stupidist thing i have ever seen in an online game. The thing is at its core it's a fun game.
The matchmaking is terrible you can join a game and 10 seconds later it's over and something should be done about about the knifing. I have shot 3 or 4 rounds into someones chest but they still manage to run up and stab me.


Arhal_Katarn said:
My god this game is broken, there are still plenty of dicks using the javelin glitch and duel wielding 1887 shotguns is the stupidist thing i have ever seen in an online game. The thing is at its core it's a fun game.
The matchmaking is terrible you can join a game and 10 seconds later it's over and something should be done about about the knifing. I have shot 3 or 4 rounds into someones chest but they still manage to run up and stab me.

I don't have a problem with the knifing really, its the akimbo 1887s and the damn killstreak camping that relay takes the fun and skill out of the game for me, I think they just added to much as far as killstreak rewards go, the Predator is a good one but with the harrier strikes and the choppers being able to occupy the air at the same time and the pave low and ac130 being almost I'm possible to take down it makes the game less enjoyable.

Nelo Ice

TheGOHN said:
I don't have a problem with the knifing really, its the akimbo 1887s and the damn killstreak camping that relay takes the fun and skill out of the game for me, I think they just added to much as far ass killstreak rewards go, the Predator is a good one but with the harrier strikes and the choppers being able to occupy the air at the same time and the pave low and ac130 being almost I'm possible to take down it makes the game less enjoyable.

its awesome when harriers take down chopper gunners though :lol
last night i thought we were screwed in tdm when i saw the other team got a chopper gunner then all of a sudden i see i destroyed it with the harrier i had up :D
TheGOHN said:
I don't have a problem with the knifing really, its the akimbo 1887s and the damn killstreak camping that relay takes the fun and skill out of the game for me, I think they just added to much as far ass killstreak rewards go, the Predator is a good one but with the harrier strikes and the choppers being able to occupy the air at the same time and the pave low and ac130 being almost I'm possible to take down it makes the game less enjoyable.

Make an anti air class, put cold blooded with stinger missile launcher on it, soon as the pavelow/ac130 kills you once change over to it and destroy it, job done.

Or if you have a predator missile ready drop that on whatevers shooting you up.


Nelo Ice said:
its awesome when harriers take down chopper gunners though :lol
last night i thought we were screwed in tdm when i saw the other team got a chopper gunner then all of a sudden i see i destroyed it with the harrier i had up :D

Thats true, same thing has happened to me. I guess its not as much the rewards themselves but the camping that they have inspired to get them.


Arhal_Katarn said:
The matchmaking is terrible you can join a game and 10 seconds later it's over

i entered a game like an our ago that was already over :lol it went something like lobby -> loading screen -> lobby. i was like wtf?! then i realized :lol



TheGOHN said:
Thats true, same thing has happened to me. I guess its not as much the rewards themselves but the camping that they have inspired to get them.

Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues too outside of balance/glitches. The mere existence of so many killstreaks and the potential they have for changing an entire match give too much of an incentive for a camping play-style. Also, the kill streaks/emblems/titles/challenges give an additional motive for people to cheat with a friend by letting each other boost one another's kills to ultimately end the match in a nuke.

Seeing a player with 25 kills and no deaths and another player with 25 deaths and no kills is really infuriating. Having a nuke called out when there's still 4-5-6 minutes left in a game totally kills the experience.

I'm sort of on the tipping point - I haven't played the game in about 3-4 days and the more I think about all the issues the less likely I am of coming back. At its core the game is a ton of fun, but there are so so so many problems that totally kill the experience for me.
turnbuckle said:
I'm sort of on the tipping point - I haven't played the game in about 3-4 days and the more I think about all the issues the less likely I am of coming back. At its core the game is a ton of fun, but there are so so so many problems that totally kill the experience for me.

Right there with ya.

Unfortunately my roommate has come off his 10 year sports-games-only streak and is now addicted to MW2. ha.
Drastic said:
EMP counters the nuke only when called in before the nuke.

EMP basically kills the ability to call in the nuke. If nuke countdown is already started - it's too late.
When someone uses an EMP it does not disable nukes for the rest of the match. When the EMP effect ends, the nuke can then be called.

It seems like a weird choice that the EMP does not disable the nuke. I think It would balance the nukes a bit more.


kyo_daikun said:
Make an anti air class, put cold blooded with stinger missile launcher on it, soon as the pavelow/ac130 kills you once change over to it and destroy it, job done.

You can switch classes in the middle of a round? How the hell does that work then? Genuinely ignorant here - thought you could only do that before starting a new round.
Pookaki said:
When someone uses an EMP it does not disable nukes for the rest of the match. When the EMP effect ends, the nuke can then be called.

It seems like a weird choice that the EMP does not disable the nuke. I think It would balance the nukes a bit more.

Sorry if this has been belabored, but just to get this straigh, it a player begins the nuke countdown, a player on the other team that launches EMP will NOT cancel the nuke?
My kill/death ratio is 1.60 which is disappointing for me. I'm almost first prestige now. This game rewards camping quite a bit compared to CoD4. It's kind of infuriating.

Mad Max

Dipswitch said:
You can switch classes in the middle of a round? How the hell does that work then? Genuinely ignorant here - thought you could only do that before starting a new round.

Press start, choose another class.
Dipswitch said:
You can switch classes in the middle of a round? How the hell does that work then? Genuinely ignorant here - thought you could only do that before starting a new round.

Press start in a match and pick change class.

Edit: Beaten!


turnbuckle said:
Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues too outside of balance/glitches. The mere existence of so many killstreaks and the potential they have for changing an entire match give too much of an incentive for a camping play-style.
Yeah, I agree it's affected my playstyle. I start out running and gunning but if I realize that I'm close to getting my predator, then I will play a lot more conservatively (borderline camping) umtil I get my harrier and chopper gunner. It's a bit unfortunate and I kinda feel bad for the kills I get that way, but the rewards are just too advantageous not to do it. Everytime I get a crazy round like 25-5 or something like that, most of those kills are actually from kill streaks and not from my own gun.

Either nerf the kill streaks or roll out a major education campaign about stinger missile use. :p


beast786 said:
So FAL is the most powerful gun among LMG,SMG,AR. I am not sure if thats true from my experience.
Yeah but the FAL is semi-auto and most people cannot manually click 600+ rpm so the higher damage per bullet is somewhat mitigated.
Man I wish this game had a cover system in single player. I just played one game in third person, but man the player model looked awesome! They could have had a switch to third person cover system like Quantum of Solace had. The player is a mute static character anyway, it wouldn't have hurt to see the character in third person. As it is now, the game needs one so badly. I don't think multiplayer needs it with how easy it is to hide, but single player would have become way better with one if you ask me. At the very least, they could have given us radar in single player. Way too many cheap deaths, even on Normal.

MrCompletely said:
Sorry if this has been belabored, but just to get this straight, if a player begins the nuke countdown, a player on the other team that launches EMP will NOT cancel the nuke?
Nope, once they launch that nuke nothing stops it and the game is over.


kyo_daikun said:
Left stick moves the position you want to drop the strike, right stick changes the direction, and yes you could have been getting a hellava lot more kills!
WTF, i've got 5 days of game time logged into this game and i never knew about the right stick for air strikes. :lol I always just opened up the lappy, selected an area with the left stick and let rip.


Stillmatic said:
WTF, i've got 5 days of game time logged into this game and i never knew about the right stick for air strikes. :lol I always just opened up the lappy, selected an area with the left stick and let rip.

The harrier strikes do not have the arrow, only precision and stealth ones.


5 days??

this isn't the first post i've read that has listed such playtime. Damn. I think i have a lot of time played (2 days and change), but goddamn.


careful said:
Yeah, I agree it's affected my playstyle. I start out running and gunning but if I realize that I'm close to getting my predator, then I will play a lot more conservatively (borderline camping) umtil I get my harrier and chopper gunner. It's a bit unfortunate and I kinda feel bad for the kills I get that way, but the rewards are just too advantageous not to do it. Everytime I get a crazy round like 25-5 or something like that, most of those kills are actually from kill streaks and not from my own gun.

Either nerf the kill streaks or roll out a major education campaign about stinger missile use. :p

I'm exactly the same way. The match where I got the emblem for a 10 killstreak with all killstreak rewards disabled was especially bad. Looking back I realize it would've been easier if I had Scavenger and claymored my way to getting the goal. Instead, once I ran out of ammo I spent about 6-7 minutes knife-camping. :lol

I generally love playing an smg class with marathon/ninja/lightweight. Some games I'll get 30 kills and others I'll get 30 deaths, but the constant movement is really enjoyable. As soon as I started caring more about finishing up my kill streak challenges I went into a similar run n gun for the first few kill then camp style.

I always make sure to blow up kill streaks asap though :D

Gah, talking about this game makes me want to play it. But as soon as I do it only takes a couple of matches to realize my idea of the game is better than the reality of it. :(


greenjerk said:
I use the FAL a lot and get plenty of 1 hit kills, very accurate too.

I will for sure go back and have try it out. Using ACR right now and it shows as a weak AR, but seriously its damn accurate and deadly.


Ramirez said:
The harrier strikes do not have the arrow, only precision and stealth ones.
Cheers, i'll swap some killstreaks and check them out.

Smokey said:
5 days??

this isn't the first post i've read that has listed such playtime. Damn. I think i have a lot of time played (2 days and change), but goddamn.
I've slowed down quite a bit. Over the last 3 weeks i've had a lot of free time, i won't get another run like that for a while but it was awesome while it lasted. :lol


beast786 said:
I will for sure go back and have try it out. Using ACR right now and it shows as a weak AR, but seriously its damn accurate and deadly.

Yea, I've used nothing but the ACR since I unlocked it, the accuracy is the biggest difference maker.


What the hell is with the huge gap in sensitivities? I literally cannot aim precisely at all with 2 and have been using 1 since release but if someone is behind me I'm pretty much dead. I'm stuck with 1 forever I guess.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
TheGOHN said:
I don't have a problem with the knifing really, its the akimbo 1887s and the damn killstreak camping that relay takes the fun and skill out of the game for me, I think they just added to much as far as killstreak rewards go, the Predator is a good one but with the harrier strikes and the choppers being able to occupy the air at the same time and the pave low and ac130 being almost I'm possible to take down it makes the game less enjoyable.
I have a class for that. Just change classes after getting killed. I have a demolish class with stinger and the perk that stops u from showing up on uav and on choppers/harrier radars. Most matches I have been in the killstreaks dont stay in the air that long.


divisionbyzorro said:
So that means that FAL with SP is a OHK on a headshot?

Pretty much. I got like 5 headshot 1HKs with the FAL on Quarry alone last night. Really starting to love it. Shotty (Spas-12 with grip) as secondary for close quarters.

kyo_daikun said:
Is there a GAF clan for PS3? Gets boring playing with people who aren't interested in teamwork :(

Yes please? I use the nGAF clan tag but haven't seen anyone else on with it. I have a few gaffers on my friends list but they're either playing something else or playing TDM. I love DOM, HQ & CTF. Sabotage & Demo is pretty ok too.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I really need more class spots. They should let you make more but only take 5 into a mach to chose from. Assuming the reason they limit it is because they dont want you to be able to choose from 5 in a match. It would be nice to have more though.
greenjerk said:
Yes please? I use the nGAF clan tag but haven't seen anyone else on with it. I have a few gaffers on my friends list but they're either playing something else or playing TDM. I love DOM, HQ & CTF. Sabotage & Demo is pretty ok too.

Does the game actually take clan tags into account when matchmaking?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
HooCares said:
My Fixes:

1. Akimbo 1887 - just reduce the range, everything else is fine. [as an aside, akimbo should have only been for pistols and machine pistols - everything else is ridiculous]
2. Akimbo in general - you cannot melee while using akimbo weapons. Fuck the third arm.
3. Javelin Glitch /obvious
4. Boost the regular chopper. Make it acquire targets faster or something. It's horrible right now.
5. Make the EMP last 5 minutes instead of whatever it is now (i think one or two). It would be a great streak for people that hate killstreaks bonuses in general. It would help block nukes in objective games and lock down the skies in the final minutes of a game.

And people saying W/L matters more than K/D, are you fucking serious?

Neither are that important but W/L stats are ruined by shitty matching (you're the best player on a shitty losing team), and IW's love of using solo players as cannon fodder for nearly completed games plagued by quitters. W/L is completely bunked as a stat b/c of this.

Total K/D and a separate K/D without killstreak help would be a nice stat addition, as would W/L from COMPLETED games only, as in, games where I was there from start to finish.

For 5 I'd just change it to remove the nuke from objective entirely. It has no fucking point in there, it seriously just rewards the campers blowing the objective off for kills.
Leunam said:
I use that tag as well.
everyone should change there clantag to CAWK thats my clan.:D the modius oporandi of clan CAWK is to annoy people who string curse words and racial slurs together and think they are clever. thus far the war against this has been a great success!
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