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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

PetriP-TNT said:
Can't figure out which mode is more pointless, HC TDM or Sabotage. It's useless to do anything else but camp in HC TDM and no-one even tries to do the objective in Sabotage which just means 20 minutes of TDM. Boooooring.
Third option: HC Headquarters is worthless.

Actually so is Headquarters now, come to think of it.
cameltoe said:
this is why this game sucks!!
SMH this game is broken.

By the time things get fixed, if they even do, other games will be rolling in. I'll give it one more shot after I get my 360 back in but at this point I'm not very optimistic.
MW2 multiplayer just seems like a rush to the bottom of exploiting the game's imbalances for cheap kills.

Man, I remember when it could actually be fun to get overrun by a good team who had their shit together, forcing you to adopt better individual and team tactics. Now its all about running around knifing, exploiting latency, dual wield shotties that require very little aim, and unending claymores and tubes.

In short, any sense of real world tactics have been replaced by cheaper and cheaper builds where the best way to adapt is to adopt the same mentality.

Guess this just isn't the game for me.


NullPointer said:
MW2 multiplayer just seems like a rush to the bottom of exploiting the game's imbalances for cheap kills.

Man, I remember when it could actually be fun to get overrun by a good team who had their shit together, forcing you to adopt better individual and team tactics. Now its all about running around knifing, exploiting latency, dual wield shotties that require very little aim, and unending claymores and tubes.

In short, any sense of real world tactics have been replaced by cheaper and cheaper builds where the best way to adapt is to adopt the same mentality.

Guess this just isn't the game for me.

sounds like every multiplayer game i've ever played :lol

practice02 said:
Am I the only one that keeps a class slot open to experiment with different combinations of perks and weapons?

I usually have a one slot open for a rarely used class, like that Hardline class that I rarely use, or the One Man Army experiment, but I fill all my classes with the same primary weapon loadout. It puts me @ 750 kills before I know it.

In Prestige mode, I'll probably have an asshat slot for like Akimbo whatevers.

Not that I really need an asshat slot. I was nubetubing cats last night (some of which who were my teammates that got stuck on the other team. Now when your own friends tell you you're sick of your nubetube....

It's time to get new friends. :lol
Manp said:
sounds like every multiplayer game i've ever played :lol
That is no lie :lol :lol

I guess my frustrations come from how much MW2 does right in terms of graphics, framerate, controls, ease, etc, for it to be such an unbalanced mess when it comes to versus.

As it is, my performance is completely dictated by whether I've got 4 bars or 3, and most of the tactics being utilized only exacerbate things.

Maybe I'm just getting old, as stuff like this is definitely pushing me further into the co-op camp over competitive. There's just so much less frustration for the time I invest.
NullPointer said:
Maybe I'm just getting old, as stuff like this is definitely pushing me further into the co-op camp over competitive. There's just so much less frustration for the time I invest.
This tends to be fairly wack if you're not having fun with people you know. If you go into a silent mercenary TDM room or a FFA match, I could see this game just sucking. Worse yet is going into an objective game and having your all-volunteer team mauled over and over again by the clan-like group of friends on the other side.

If I'm on a team with at least 2 or three other friends, the game is actually interesting. It's strange to me that anyone would regularly play FFA. Shoot, you'd think that Quake mentality would have lost its luster like ten years ago.


NullPointer said:
MW2 multiplayer just seems like a rush to the bottom of exploiting the game's imbalances for cheap kills.

Man, I remember when it could actually be fun to get overrun by a good team who had their shit together, forcing you to adopt better individual and team tactics. Now its all about running around knifing, exploiting latency, dual wield shotties that require very little aim, and unending claymores and tubes.

In short, any sense of real world tactics have been replaced by cheaper and cheaper builds where the best way to adapt is to adopt the same mentality.

Guess this just isn't the game for me.
This. Every objective game, even S&D is ruined by the asshats that play TDM in every fucking game type. Add in all of the other crap and it's just an exercise in frustration, at least for me. CoD has become the McDonald's of online shooters with MW2, so no thanks.
DeuceMojo said:
This tends to be fairly wack if you're not having fun with people you know. If you go into a silent mercenary TDM room or a FFA match, I could see this game just sucking. Worse yet is going into an objective game and having your all-volunteer team mauled over and over again by the clan-like group of friends on the other side.
Crazy thing is I still have plenty of fun with the game, and yeah, specifically when playing with friends. Its just the annoyance level eventually overtakes the fun entirely and I'm left with a net negative overall. If I've got 4 bars I can kick all kinds of ass, not dominate mind you, as I'm not that hardcore, but I can hold my own and add to to the team effort. Get me at 3 bars and then I lose every melee and shotgun encounter and watch as my bullets pass through enemies. I think its a matter of this game's do-or-die encounters happening on such a small time scale that even the smallest bit of lag is fatal. Couple this with speed builds and 10 foot knife lunges and it just sucks the fun right out of the atmosphere.

Of course, the dudes doing all the killing are having all kinds of fun ;p
I'm far from saying this game is broken. It's still pretty damn awesome. But what the fuck were they thinking with the nuke? Yes, I agree, a 25-kill streak is amazing. But last night we were playing domination and winning by a considerable amount.

Then, out of the blue, we were nuked. Seriously? 'Cause that's how Domination should work.
I used the nubetoob till I got my red dot on my new gun just now, launched it 4 times total and got 5 kills :lol :lol is it cheaper in this game then last?
yankeeforever2 said:
I used the nubetoob till I got my red dot on my new gun just now, launched it 4 times total and got 5 kills :lol :lol is it cheaper in this game then last?
No. Though I use the SHIT out of it now, since there's no Three Frags anymore. So it just seems cheaper 'cause I'M using it more. :lol
Fucking javelin glitchers.Jesus christ.

Did manage to win a demolition match by 1 sec as the bomb was being planted as it ticked to the last second of the match :lol
I hardly ever play regular TDM and mostly just play hardcore but played last night and watched the killcam since I never see it and OMG people... does everyone just use thermal and zoom in and shoot the first white thing that appears on their screen?

I always run cold blooded with my HC class but switched it to stopping power for regular TDM since people don't die when you shoot them in that mode. I am really stunned at all the heartbeat monitors and thermals.


DeuceMojo said:
I'm far from saying this game is broken. It's still pretty damn awesome. But what the fuck were they thinking with the nuke? Yes, I agree, a 25-kill streak is amazing. But last night we were playing domination and winning by a considerable amount.

Then, out of the blue, we were nuked. Seriously? 'Cause that's how Domination should work.

If killstreak rewards didn't count towards killstreak rewards, I'd consider it a valid way to win. But when getting a 7 killstreak puts you pretty close to a nuke (if no one shoots down the harrier/chopper gunner) it's a little too easy for my taste.

And before anyone says it, yes, I shoot down every harrier/chopper gunner as soon as I can. It still amazes me how many people just run around like idiots while a chopper gunner or pavelow or (insert easy to shoot down vehicle here) flies around in the sky. I get so frustrated when I've run out of stinger ammo or whatever and absolutely no one does anything about it.
So what is everyones ranking on the leaderboards for score? Not talking about your level, but your actual rank within the world. Just curious to see how high up you guys are.

I've been hovering around 15,000 and 17,000 in the Score leaderboards(360) I think, a little over 4 days of game play, level 30 2nd prestige I think. If I had more time to play during the week I'd probably get past 10,000. Damn career! :(


I'm somewhere in the 1.5 millions, + or - 200k depending on how much I play. I have about 1 day 12 hours of playtime, level 55.
I recently fell in love with the ACR, but after awhile getting used to it, I noticed I was getting less and less kills with it. I tried to figure it out, and the only conclusions I came up with were that

- I suck with it (very possible scenario)
- Too many people were using it already in any match

On any team in a match, 3 of the 6 were using ACRs (depending on the map). No doubt a testament to its build quality, but the fact is, people begin to adjust their play style when something isn't working. If the whole team is using a ridiculously accurate yet not wholly powerful rifle, I'm going to figure out ways to limit my exposure in open areas using quick kill weapons.

To compensate for this, what I wound up doing was switching back to the M16. Holy cow was there a difference in my K:D ratio. Definitely try it. (K:D is 1.20)
NullPointer said:
Maybe I'm just getting old, as stuff like this is definitely pushing me further into the co-op camp over competitive. There's just so much less frustration for the time I invest.

That's what I started to think until I started playing Uncharted 2 multi, and saw videos of Battlefield BC2 multi, and realized no, I'm just getting tired of MW2. Seriously, just take a break, or alternate with some other games. MW2 feels too unbalanced to play everyday without playing something else, a problem which I NEVER had with CoD4.
winnarps said:
I'm new to One Man Army (on my second prestige now, but I haven't used it yet).


This would enable you to plant 2 claymores and a tactical insertion, and then camp with a class that has Danger Close. If you needed to swap to a sniper rifle or a riot shield, you easily could. If you needed 1 more kill for a killstreak reward and didn't want to risk hunting someone down, you could switch to the Hardline class you have setup with OMA and then launch the killstreak and switch back.

This seems amazing; never thought about it before.

As far as I know, you cannot get 4 kills, then switch to hardline and get a predator missile. I tried this in a private match and it didn't work. (Someone said it works earlier in the thread though.) Also, say you have predator and precision air-strike on. If you get 4 kills then switch to hardline...then get another kill, you'll get both precision air-strike and predator at the same time.


steadfast said:
When an enemy puts crosshairs on you, your name doesn't show up in red above you. Makes sniping/being sneaky MUCH easier.
Yeah, but since team mates show up in green & enemies don't, wouldn't anyone automatically figure out that the guy isn't a friendly if he doesn't have a name? Kinda defeats the purpose of it, imho :) Red name or no name usually means it's okay to kill it :)
Minamu said:
Yeah, but since team mates show up in green & enemies don't, wouldn't anyone automatically figure out that the guy isn't a friendly if he doesn't have a name? Kinda defeats the purpose of it, imho :) Red name or no name usually means it's okay to kill it :)

When friendlies are in smoke their names don't pop up. So if you're playing hardcore and theres a smoke situation it might help.

And the real reason it helps is when you find a good spot to go prone or hide, the enemy can't just scroll his crosshair over you and find you.


NullPointer said:
That is no lie :lol :lol

Yes it is. Never in oldskool shooters, like CS, UT, Q3 or CoD 1, have I ever felt so helpless then with this game.

I still love it, but the gut-wrenching moments come from clanwars, where all perks are disabled, killstreaks are disabled, attachments (other then silencer and extended mags) are disabled, lmgs and riot shields are disabled, equipment (other then frags) are disabled and snipers (other then the intervention) are disabled.

It takes that much to make it exiting in clanwars again. It takes that much to boil it down to you, your gun and your teammates.


Church RvB said:
When friendlies are in smoke their names don't pop up. So if you're playing hardcore and theres a smoke situation it might help.

And the real reason it helps is when you find a good spot to go prone or hide, the enemy can't just scroll his crosshair over you and find you.
True, that helps :) Personally, I feel it should've changed your name to green just to fool the other side or disable the annoying autoaim when scrolling over someone. Then it would truly be worthy of being Pro :D
Dina said:
Yes it is. Never in oldskool shooters, like CS, UT, Q3 or CoD 1, have I ever felt so helpless then with this game.

I still love it, but the gut-wrenching moments come from clanwars, where all perks are disabled, killstreaks are disabled, attachments (other then silencer and extended mags) are disabled, lmgs and riot shields are disabled, equipment (other then frags) are disabled and snipers (other then the intervention) are disabled.

It takes that much to make it exiting in clanwars again. It takes that much to boil it down to you, your gun and your teammates.
No Predator Missile? :(


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Chittagong said:
Holy shit Javelin is great, you just aim to a place and a rocket drops down with a reasonable blast radius
I find that it's hard to get kills with it (I think I've just been unlucky so far), but it's awesome when you do. Either way, it's really fun... I switched out my stinger for it as soon as I unlocked it.


So who's used coldblooded pro and been mistaken for a dead body while prone before? I was sniping in wasteland once, and had some enemy literally sit down right in front of my, hit butt encompassed the screen. After surprisedly squeezing off a OHKO ass shot, I got a message "Holy shit I thought you were dead, you scared me so bad"

Doesn't sound so funny typing it out, but I was laughing so hard at the time :lol


Sielys said:
So who's used coldblooded pro and been mistaken for a dead body while prone before? I was sniping in wasteland once, and had some enemy literally sit down right in front of my, hit butt encompassed the screen. After surprisedly squeezing off a OHKO ass shot, I got a message "Holy shit I thought you were dead, you scared me so bad"

Doesn't sound so funny typing it out, but I was laughing so hard at the time :lol
Okay coldblooded pro redeemed in my eyes :lol
steadfast said:
When an enemy puts crosshairs on you, your name doesn't show up in red above you. Makes sniping/being sneaky MUCH easier.

So basically, it takes away the one thing that tells you you're aiming at an enemy...

Tbh, I still can't seem to see shit in CoD, it was bad in 4 and less so in 5, but trying to see rebels in Favela is asking for eyestrain, imo. Everything looks so... same-y.


Zeitgeister said:
So basically, it takes away the one thing that tells you you're aiming at an enemy...

Tbh, I still can't seem to see shit in CoD, it was bad in 4 and less so in 5, but trying to see rebels in Favela is asking for eyestrain, imo. Everything looks so... same-y.

Yea initally I found it much harder than in cod4, but I've gotten used to it and it's fine now. Took awhile though


Subete no aware
With the noob tube, is there a way to tell when it will explode and when it will just bounce off the floor? Or is that random failure?
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