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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Lince said:
I'm a fucking idiot for wasting so much time on this noob game, the community has evolved into the biggest shitfest ever found in a MP game (I never played CoD4)... tubbers + OMA, akimbo 1887s, campers, laggers, more campers, knife teleporters, insane from the hip accuracy, last stand / final stand bullshit, more akimbos, nobody trying to accomplish objectives... and all that coupled with the worst spawns and respawns I've experienced since Resistance 2 = bye bye. The first days were fun with the riot shield though, that's all.

Few points regarding KZ2 vs. MW2:
- Boosting (extra armor) Assault players with Magnum revolver & rocket launchers are just as bad as anything in MW2.
- KZ2 shotgun is just as deadly as the Terminators in this game.
- Hip fire accuraccy was insane in KZ2. I used exclusively the M82 AR and I would use hip fire 95% of the time. I could easily kill someone from accross the courtyard of Radec Academy with hip fire.
- Base spawn / spawn grenade camping is also quite prevalent in KZ2.

I will say that KZ2 had less camping and better team games than MW2, but the rest of your complaints are just as applicable in KZ2.

Maybe you're frustrated because you play team games which most people treat as TDM anyway. I stick to TDM mostly because of this so I don't get frustrated. Also playing with friends makes everything 100x more enjoyable. If you're really not enjoying the experience, then yeah, it's probably not the game for you. Maybe you should try to get some of the old GAFe guys to play with you. :p

That's mine. I don't see anyone with them really, so I use them.
corkscrewblow said:
The CS1.6 community isn't much better right now. I played some scrims the other day and the other team was talking shit and they lost 16-3, 16-6. My guess is that the Source community is even worse since there's more teens on that game.
Fact: There will never be a competitive online multiplayer game that doesn't get a shit ton of bitching and ragenauting about balance. Even the TF2 community is always bitching about the game. I'm sure there is online Rock paper scissors forum where people are bitching about the overpower of rock and the gimping of paper, that conversation is happening online right now.


I rage when doing team deathmatch and hearing


FFS you are in a team and you expect me to not shoot on sight at an enemy? FUCK THAT NOISE


Finally found a perfect hardcore SD setup for me

TAR w/ noob tube + silencer
Raffica + red dot (one burst kills ftw)

Stopping Power
Steady Aim

on the dumbass wide open maps like Derail and Wasteland I'll just use a m16 since it's a one burst kill.
Tiduz said:
I rage when doing team deathmatch and hearing


FFS you are in a team and you expect me to not shoot on sight at an enemy? FUCK THAT NOISE

Some people tend to the ignore the word "team"


Tiduz said:
I rage when doing team deathmatch and hearing


FFS you are in a team and you expect me to not shoot on sight at an enemy? FUCK THAT NOISE

christ, if I ever hear that I'm going to follow them around and smoke nade them the whole match


careful said:
Few points regarding KZ2 vs. MW2:
- Boosting (extra armor) Assault players with Magnum revolver & rocket launchers are just as bad as anything in MW2.
- KZ2 shotgun is just as deadly as the Terminators in this game.
- Hip fire accuraccy was insane in KZ2. I used exclusively the M82 AR and I would use hip fire 95% of the time. I could easily kill someone from accross the courtyard of Radec Academy with hip fire.
- Base spawn / spawn grenade camping is also quite prevalent in KZ2.

I will say that KZ2 had less camping and better team games than MW2, but the rest of your complaints are just as applicable in KZ2.

Saying hip fire accuracy in KZ2 is insane is like saying the same thing about it in Halo 3, as in they operate differently to COD. You only aim down the sights/scopes in KZ2 if you want a very long distance shot.

That said, I find the average game of MW2 better than the average KZ2 game. Although I never had anything close to the amazingly epic matches that I did in KZ2 in any of the COD games. Hopefully they fix some of the glaring balance issues you mentioned in KZ3 so it can take its place as the greatest MP shooter ever. :D


careful said:
Maybe you should try to get some of the old GAFe guys to play with you. :p

I played lots of games with both GAFe and GAFa guys and had some fun, the best fun I had was in private games with college mates though, too bad they decided to start playing public games with akimbo 1887s and other shit stuff. MW2 is a fun game and no one can say otherwise, I'll give it another try with a crazy perk and weapons build to see if I can enjoy it a little more. I'm not frustrated, just saying it isn't as fun as it could be FOR ME with some tweaks here and there.


Lince said:
I played lots of games with both GAFe and GAFa guys and had some fun, the best fun I had was in private games with college mates though, too bad they decided to start playing public games with akimbo 1887s and other shit stuff. MW2 is a fun game and no one can say otherwise, I'll give it another try with a crazy perk and weapons build to see if I can enjoy it a little more. I'm not frustrated, just saying it isn't as fun as it could be FOR ME with some tweaks here and there.
Been getting proper nerd rage tonight, had to stop playing before I threw the controller:lol

Oh and a fun thing to do it private match-Rust-FFA riot shields only, no guns and only throwing knifes :D
There was a group of us at work who played CoD4 for two years. They've almost all given up on playing together (and some of them at leaving the game altogether). We played CoD2 yesterday. Talk about a trip in the TARDIS.

reasons cited were lag (this was PC version), bullshit perks and killstreaks.

These were the same people who were sick of CoD4 but wanted more of the same, wouldn't touch WaW, tried a bit of Arma II and OFP2 but at the end of the day, they wanted CoD4 with new maps. oh well. Are they going to bitch this much when new Starcraft comes out?

I still enjoy the game on 360 and PC though.


I was in a hardware store today and something made a "click" just like the Claymore sound in MW2.

I froze midstep and thought "oh shi'....

Been playing too much :lol
ClivePwned said:
There was a group of us at work who played CoD4 for two years. They've almost all given up on playing together (and some of them at leaving the game altogether). We played CoD2 yesterday. Talk about a trip in the TARDIS.

reasons cited were lag (this was PC version), bullshit perks and killstreaks.

These were the same people who were sick of CoD4 but wanted more of the same, wouldn't touch WaW, tried a bit of Arma II and OFP2 but at the end of the day, they wanted CoD4 with new maps. oh well. Are they going to bitch this much when new Starcraft comes out?

I still enjoy the game on 360 and PC though.

Ive got a mate like that, loved 4 played SND everynight.

Now if he joins us in MW2 hes mostly complaining at how shit it is, how mental its gotten and other such stuff.


Comics, serious business!
rodvik said:
I was in a hardware store today and something made a "click" just like the Claymore sound in MW2.

I froze midstep and thought "oh shi'....

Been playing too much :lol

That was a claymore. I put it there to kill you. What perks are you using or are you hax0rz >.>


intangibles, motherfucker
rodvik said:
I was in a hardware store today and something made a "click" just like the Claymore sound in MW2.

I froze midstep and thought "oh shi'....

Been playing too much :lol

something like that happened to me once. Some dog who was out of sight let out a huge angry bark right as i walked by. i had been playing alot of resident evil at the time. i actually put one of my hands to my side like i was gonna pull out a side arm. I wad a friend walking with me and he wad dying laughing
Outdoor Miner said:

What I currently use, only because I never see anyone with these.

I was very proud of SOAP and I'm gonna rock it all the time 'cause it's just so Fight Club, but once I got The Harder They Come... The Harder They Fall, I just had to start using the luchadore masks.

Viva Mexico.
Ahgg I really hate those akimbos 1887.. I was having a really good match then all of the other team start using them...

I only play MTDM any recommendations


Johnlenham said:
Scramble pro is delay clays

Leaked pic of New vehicles coming! Dual 1887s AND a jeeps!

http://i46.tinypic.com/25qpv0h.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]:lol :lol

Imagine driving around shooting everyone from 250 feet away :lol
Somebody explain something to me...

Last night I had four classes made up as One Man Army kits, and a single Stinger class with Scavenger. Seems like I respawned after using the rocket class and was running around with One Man Army and all of a sudden the "+" Scavenger symbol appeared... I think.

Maybe I was still in rocket mode? Maybe this makes some sort of sense that I can't grasp?
DeuceMojo said:
Somebody explain something to me...

Last night I had four classes made up as One Man Army kits, and a single Stinger class with Scavenger. Seems like I respawned after using the rocket class and was running around with One Man Army and all of a sudden the "+" Scavenger symbol appeared... I think.

Maybe I was still in rocket mode? Maybe this makes some sort of sense that I can't grasp?
Did you run over your own corpse sometimes my ammo refills when I run over my own dead body.

Mad Max

NYR said:
Nothing says Modern like our future 2 gun-armed cyborgs with a magical 3rd arm to knife that appears out of nowhere.

They should have just made an animation where you throw the gun in your left hand up in the air, slash with the knife, and then catch it again. Would have been totally badass.


I don't mind the 1887's that much, mainly because I tend to have a bit of luck and usually run into guys rocking them outside when my assault rifle turns em into a soggy mess long before they can kill me. In confined spaces though I actively avoid places I think they might be roaming. :lol

The guns look fucking absurd on the wetsuit models though, something so dumb looking about a guy with half a scuba outfit on running around with 2 long shotguns akimbo and (usually) an even bigger rifle on his back. Especially when you see them running towards you desperate to get into shotty range before you see them on Sub Base.
whitehawk said:
:lol :lol

Imagine driving around shooting everyone from 250 feet away :lol
Last night some ijiot on my team asked why there weren't any vehicles in this game. I said, dude, I did not buy this game to play Battlefield:<new Battlefield name here> or some MW rehash of COD3.

I added, "what we really need is some lasers up in this bitch.":lol
calder said:
The guns look fucking absurd on the wetsuit models though, something so dumb looking about a guy with half a scuba outfit on running around with 2 long shotguns akimbo and (usually) an even bigger rifle on his back. Especially when you see them running towards you desperate to get into shotty range before you see them on Sub Base.
The Seals look mighty fruity running around in their skintight suits. But yeah, the outstretched arms/ ridiculous Edward Scissorhands-like motion when they're running is nothing short of silly.


Lince said:
balance > variety, but I don't want to rain on your parade... at the end of the day I played a lot to reach lvl 70 first prestige, got 18k kills, tried every perk and weapons combination, had some fun but ultimately realized this is just not my cup of tea, I wish I could enjoy camping and tubbing more but sadly I can't.

What mode do you play? I prestiged with only around 6.5k kills, pretty much exclusively through TDM. Wow. Did you not do many challenges or something?
I was thinking, since the the secodary weapons are basically primary
strength wouldnt a ACOG sniper rifle be godly?

I already use a FAL with an ACOG and use my secondary for CQC,so
wouldnt a sniper rifle with ACOG dominate med/long distance?

Any suggestions on which rifle would be the best to try?
noire said:
Surprised that so many people go Intervention over Barrett. They seem matched on power but the Barrett has a larger magazine

Fixed. Sorry I'm very anal about that. :lol

In real life however the Intervention supposedly has better accuracy and range, but its not really taken into account in this game.

rodvik said:
I was in a hardware store today and something made a "click" just like the Claymore sound in MW2.

I froze midstep and thought "oh shi'....

Been playing too much :lol

That reminds me of when I first started playing COD4 online. The first week after playing I would be literally hearing the grenade "clinking" noises in my ears as I was trying to fall asleep. This happened to my bro, and 3 of my friends as well. :lol



Patch 1.06 released to 360


"As many of you may now know patch 1.06 was released to 360 this morning

Patch 1.06 fixes the following

Care Package Glitch
Launcher Glitch
Eviroment Glitches

There was also meant to be a intergration of patch 1.05 which was released to PS3, I will try to get confirmation on this."


Community comments so far:

otisman666: "doesn't seem like matchmaking was improved at all"

dirksqjaw: "haven't seen anything over 2 bar connection."

joeca18888: "robby is full of crap yet again"

Deanemau5: "Matchmaking is still broken for international players"

HandOfCod: "Sign the petition, maintain the rage."

_: "fix the other shit like matchmaking"

Boxies: "This game is flat out broken for anyone not living in the United States. It is practically unplayable."

RagingOompaLoompa: "I hate to say this, but the matchmaking seems even WORSE now"

hairlessmonkey: "So much for fixing the matchmaking. This is BULLSHIT.
I know I am not the only Aussie on line but it sure feels like it when all you get is US games with a single red bar."

braddy11: "I got up this morning, saw the patch and was over the moon.. then been playing for last 3 1/2 hours... havent had better then 2 yellow bars... and ive been researching for new games after 1 game in yellows.. to only find every game in yellow.. im really getting sick of this shit."

slavick07: "same here guys; laggy yellow and red all the way. what a crock. jipped again i guess"

Mr Irrpressible: "downloaded the patch when I got in frim work and it hasnt made a difference. I seriously losing confidence in infinity ward due to multiple extremly laggy matches"

Roadkilled_once: "Ehr... I think we now have a moral obligation to tell IW to *** off."

GokuNZ: "Matchmaking is still fucked."

JOAKES24: "402 has been misleading us."

deltatux: "Matchmaking seems a lot worse than without the patch"


I'm disgusted that the matchmaking for many international players is still broken.

Sounds like the PS3 version has a fix that stops players from being continuously connected to 300+ ping games? I pay Microsoft to play online and get treated like a leper.


G0DLIKE said:
Sounds like the PS3 version has a fix that stops players from being continuously connected to 300+ ping games? I pay Microsoft to play online and get treated like a leper.

This is why I converted to PS3...I really can't complain about PSN.

I thought I would miss my 360 but the only thing I miss is the sound of the console which can fill up a room...and also warm my room up...:D


me and a couple of friends all gave up on trying to play tonight after we had spent like 30 minutes either not finding any games or when we did find one the ping was so bad that we had to leave.

seems like matchmaking got WORSE after the patch.


F#A#Oo said:
This is why I converted to PS3...I really can't complain about PSN.

I thought I would miss my 360 but the only thing I miss is the sound of the console which can fill up a room...and also warm my room up...:D

If the 360 matchmaking isn't fixed soon, I'll probably switch to the PS3 version too.


Some more comments from the IW community forums:

rmerry: "Was waiting for the patch to sort out being constantly connected to games on the other side of the globe, it hasn't happened. What a downer. Sort your shit out IW."

lazers: "I am an american and games are not perfect for us either. Parties get split up all the time, randomly kicked out of matches, and serious lag issues."

Wooktree: "Tell 402 to STOP USING TWITTER as his means of updating the fans. Especially when you, another mod, cannot even guarantee that the updates are 100% truthful. This twitter garbage is really getting under my skin now. Never before have I seen a game forum so poorly managed. Biggest game of the year. Worst customer support."

BR R00K-0NE BR: "good and all that you guys got rid of some of the glitches and stuff but you all need to work on your servers cause you guys have the worst online servers in gamining history. how bad can i put this, hmmm... your servers are so bad it makes the assasination of J.F.K look like a water ballon fight."

spidermania: "Im not sure whats worse, not fixing the fucked up matchmaking that has already been fixed for the ps3, or not even giving us an update as to what the *** is going on.. IW get off your high horse and fix this shit, we didnt pay $100 to be able to play a fucking lagfest!"


Don't bother, you'll still get connection problems too. I keep getting dropped out of games at least one time in 15th in every play, it drives me nuts. And it's not a ping issue ( I have checked), my character simply stops responding and I lose connection:/
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