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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


A Good Citizen
pringles said:
Talking about ripping off CS, is that what they did with Karachi or did they hire whoever did the CS map or something? Because I've played pretty much that exact map in CS a long time before MW2 was out.
I think I read on the IW forums that the guy who did the CS Karachi is a map/level designer at IW now. His online name is Composite or something like that.


Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Any other PS3 users having problems with the game consistently crashing on the "results" screen at the end of the match? I'm guessing the PS3 is on its way out, but...

By crashing do you mean freezing?

I've heard of people having this issue as well. A guy on my friends list has it happen. Not sure what the cause is though...


Pkm said:
I agree +Douche.

But if you cant beat them you have to join them to be completely honest.

On Highrise, Scrapyard, Terminal I can consistently use that set up and push my KS all the way to a Choppah Gunner fairly easy.
Do I enjoy it, no...but if I dont do it Ill be 1 out of 3 guys not doing it and basically be stuck in a death loop.

This is exactly why the game sucks to be honest, theres a shit ton of variety packed into it yet most of its useless or over powered.

Id love for the ability to be able to select Weapons/Perks like how KZ had it. Id turn off Toobs, Shottys, Akimbo anything, Commando and Id drop the KS streaks back down to CoD4 style 3 for UAV, 5 for Bombs etc...
Very stale and very vanilla I know, but the game would actually have some sort of legs in my eyes.

Im pround to say I Havent used Akimbo on anything, the 1887's or a runner/knife class.......i usually just use the Famas or M16, sometimes the FAL. I just prefer the precision of a 3 round burst or semi auto.
Mik2121 said:
Games are meant to have fun with... :|

I really wish it was fun...sadly the fun factor with MW2 is wearing thin.
Like I said earlier, 90% of the player base uses almost similar setups and play each map the exact same way. Sure you can away from the mold or play a seperate way but as bad as things are they are incredibly worse when your on the reciving end of being "pwned" since you wanted to be the rebel.

The game has become some sort of A.D.D riddled speed+insta kill fest were the everyones #1 goal is "KILLSTREAKS!!!"
I honestly dont know why they dont just add in laser guns and Jump Boots in some sort of DLC.


Fyrus said:
I think I read on the IW forums that the guy who did the CS Karachi is a map/level designer at IW now. His online name is Composite or something like that.
Makes sense. Although I have to say that the map worked a lot better in that game than it does in MW2.
KaYotiX said:
Im pround to say I Havent used Akimbo on anything, the 1887's or a runner/knife class.......i usually just use the Famas or M16, sometimes the FAL. I just prefer the precision of a 3 round burst or semi auto.

i just use those set-ups on Highrise, Skid Row, Terminal, Scrapyard. For more open maps I to use an FAL or maybe a Scar set-up.
BlueScrote said:
It seems that every match I play in terminal is COMPLETE chaos. but maybe thats just me.

Thats what I was stating, and why I add to the chaos now. I tired my regualr set up and found myself being hit from Toobs in 12 different directions before I could line up a shot, now Im in the mix toobing away. On top of that Im shooting RPG's, tossing semtex, Commando running through a whole clip etc...

I will admit the map works pretty good for Hardcore...since people dont "play" in HC anymore. People now on bigger maps in HC super camp...I mean these people refuse to move on maps like derail, afghan etc... far to scary to lose that Killstreak.

For me its large maps for Core mode, small maps for HC. These ways the game is less hectic yet not a complete snooze.


Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Any other PS3 users having problems with the game consistently crashing on the "results" screen at the end of the match? I'm guessing the PS3 is on its way out, but...

Post 1.06 patch update, I haven't been getting anymore freezing.



seriously guys the lack of UAVs other than my own is very disheartening :(


Fuck this game. I try and play an FFA game and get matched with an exclusively American server. It is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to win a equal firefight, down to the fact the useless fucker's couldn't insert a feature that was included and perfected by a company with half its fucking talent and a bee's dick of its budget. I have the urge to put controllers through fucking walls.

PUT IN LOCAL SEARCH YOU USELESS, ARROGANT AND MISGUIDELY CONFIDENT DIPSHITS. 10 percent of your audience would be Australasian. Many other countries probably share the same problem. Stop being so fucking US-centric.

No, your current matchmaking system IS NOT ADEQUATE. No, it does NOT NEGATE THE NEED for local search. I'm quite happy for you to use my 60 bucks as toilet paper, as long as you provide me with a system that is the opposite of the woefully short-sighted and worthless system now masquerading as matchmaking. You useless pricks.

Bring on COD7. Who gives a fuck if Treyarch's versions are basically a mod of IW's previous game. They did a better job last time and there's little doubt they'll take a steamy piss over the cockheaded implementations IW deemed suitable for MW2.

Mogg0 said:
Fuck this game. I try and play an FFA game and get matched with an exclusively American server. It is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to win a equal firefight, down to the fact the useless fucker's couldn't insert a feature that was included and perfected by a company with half its fucking talent and a bee's dick of its budget. I have the urge to put controllers through fucking walls.

PUT IN LOCAL SEARCH YOU USELESS, ARROGANT AND MISGUIDELY CONFIDENT DIPSHITS. 10 percent of your audience would be Australasian. Many other countries probably share the same problem. Stop being so fucking US-centric.

No, your current matchmaking system IS NOT ADEQUATE. No, it does NOT NEGATE THE NEED for local search. I'm quite happy for you to use my 60 bucks as toilet paper, as long as you provide me with a system that is the opposite of the woefully short-sighted and worthless system now masquerading as matchmaking. You useless pricks.

Bring on COD7. Who gives a fuck if Treyarch's versions are basically a mod of IW's previous game. They did a better job last time and there's little doubt they'll take a steamy piss over the cockheaded implementations IW deemed suitable for MW2.



Dayum. You got some temper.


wow.........aussies are really vocal about their server issues. i play with 2 bars (yellow) but since i'm from southamerica i'm used to that. i even manage to keep a respectable k/d ratio also a good w/l. maybe they have it worst than us?

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Mogg0 said:
Fuck this game. I try and play an FFA game and get matched with an exclusively American server. It is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to win a equal firefight, down to the fact the useless fucker's couldn't insert a feature that was included and perfected by a company with half its fucking talent and a bee's dick of its budget. I have the urge to put controllers through fucking walls.

PUT IN LOCAL SEARCH YOU USELESS, ARROGANT AND MISGUIDELY CONFIDENT DIPSHITS. 10 percent of your audience would be Australasian. Many other countries probably share the same problem. Stop being so fucking US-centric.

No, your current matchmaking system IS NOT ADEQUATE. No, it does NOT NEGATE THE NEED for local search. I'm quite happy for you to use my 60 bucks as toilet paper, as long as you provide me with a system that is the opposite of the woefully short-sighted and worthless system now masquerading as matchmaking. You useless pricks.

Bring on COD7. Who gives a fuck if Treyarch's versions are basically a mod of IW's previous game. They did a better job last time and there's little doubt they'll take a steamy piss over the cockheaded implementations IW deemed suitable for MW2.



Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you
Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Any other PS3 users having problems with the game consistently crashing on the "results" screen at the end of the match? I'm guessing the PS3 is on its way out, but...
I dont know if this is the same problem, but yesterday the game kept getting frozen after a game and in the lobby, but the timer kept running. Everything else was just stuck for awhile.

moai said:
wow.........aussies are really vocal about their server issues. i play with 2 bars (yellow) but since i'm from southamerica i'm used to that. i even manage to keep a respectable k/d ratio also a good w/l. maybe they have it worst than us?
Probably much worse, or some people just have less tolerance. Everytime i play with Aus/NZ people they are just all over the place, skipping around and ruining the game. I don't blame them. I often see South American players that have at least a decently playable rate, if not better.


really? isn't there at least one person in the team with UAV? I only just recently took off UAV but only to get some quick EXP and callsigns. Otherwise I need that UAV man, that or my handy dandy heartbeat sensor.


Dayum. You got some temper.
Speaking of that, check your PM's.

Just frustrated. Extremely frustrated. And after getting personal assurances that our concerns were being heeded, absolutely fuck all response or acknowledgment. My 60 paid for a fraction of a Ferrari, so I want my share in return.


Just started playing some more hardcore. IW, would be nice if you could fix that being killed by your team mate does not go towards your deaths like in COD4. Hate getting into a game with some dumbass running around shooting everything in sight.


thatbox said:

seriously guys the lack of UAVs other than my own is very disheartening :(
If cold-blooded people showed up on UAV then it would be a bit more worthwile.. using a UAV and having 3 out of 9 people on the other team show up on radar sucks.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
finally got the m16. fucking bullshit how long it takes to get the weapons you want. what level is the acr now?


jedimike said:
go hardcore... it levels the game tremendously.

This. Happiness is just one click away fellas. Now you will have other things to be frustrated about, like other people being really good and team kills, but all the weapon balance worries go away. Everything kills in HC just pick what you enjoy.
Finally got my first nuke! Oddly, I got it on Highrise. Danger close with the chopper gunner is insane, I ended up with 34 kills and five deaths by the end of the round.


A Good Citizen
So are people becoming more aware of the Chopper Gunner? Mine gets shot down a lot more than it used to. I think I'm going to unlock the AC-130 and see how it works. (next unlock is in one level, yay)


op_ivy said:
bullshit its quick. i've put in 20 hours i think and just got to 41. thats crazy.

It took me two days, roughly, to prestige. Seriously, it went really quick till 55ish.

I've played WaW extensively, so I wasn't new to the game. And so I score pretty well in most games I play. But I can seriously tell you, if you think leveling is slow in the 40's, you're going to want to quit when you hit the mid-50s. It is really, really slow. Sloooooooooooooooow.

The more diverse your playing styles, the faster you'll level, because the more challenges you'll complete. I pretty much exclusively played with two different guns, so I didn't complete as many gun challenges as I could have, and so it took me a little longer than it would someone who branched out more.

Edit: Oops, that could have been misleading. I meant two days worth of play time, as in, roughly 48 hours.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
jiien said:
It took me two days, roughly, to prestige. Seriously, it went really quick till 55ish.

I've played WaW extensively, so I wasn't new to the game. And so I score pretty well in most games I play. But I can seriously tell you, if you think leveling is slow in the 40's, you're going to want to quit when you hit the mid-50s. It is really, really slow. Sloooooooooooooooow.

The more diverse your playing styles, the faster you'll level, because the more challenges you'll complete. I pretty much exclusively played with two different guns, so I didn't complete as many gun challenges as I could have, and so it took me a little longer than it would someone who branched out more.

i understand you can speed up the leveling by using various loadouts and completing challenges, but i'm playing to have fun, not to level, and i prefer to play with guns i like, 3-round burst AR's. i've used almost the exact same loadout ever since i unlocked the famas, and now i FINALLY have the gun i really want, the m16.

thankfully the m16 was always my goal, now i couldnt care less how slowly leveling goes... although i would like to make a acr class for tighter maps, but for now i'll continue to use the scar.

just wish that guns unlocked much faster, or were available from the start
Been playing Capture the Flag lately and having some pretty good matches a lot of them pretty close too. People actually seem to be using teamwork more than any other gametype it seems.


op_ivy said:
i understand you can speed up the leveling by using various loadouts and completing challenges, but i'm playing to have fun, not to level, and i prefer to play with guns i like, 3-round burst AR's. i've used almost the exact same loadout ever since i unlocked the famas, and now i FINALLY have the gun i really want, the m16.

thankfully the m16 was always my goal, now i couldnt care less how slowly leveling goes... although i would like to make a acr class for tighter maps, but for now i'll continue to use the scar.

just wish that guns unlocked much faster, or were available from the start

Oh yeah, I can understand that. I mean, that's why I pretty much used only two different guns. What I meant to get across was that if you are aiming for a level (at which point you get a gun you want), you should force yourself to branch out so you get to that gun quicker. But yeah, I know what you mean. After I got the ACR, I didn't care as much.

The ACR and SCAR were the only two guns I used. In fact, by the time I hit level 60ish, I stopped using the ACR, and went back to the SCAR, which I found to be a much better weapon. Because it has a lower fire rate, it recoils even less (yeah, I know people claim that the ACR has very little recoil to begin with, but it does make a difference, in my opinion). I also like to use a silencer and scavenger, so the magical recoil-reducing sights are not an option for me.


Anyone here have the STD title and is looking for the Infection title?

Add me up on PSN: trueSAMURAI if you do. I've got Infection.

So I'm in one room and the enemy is in the other, we both know we're right next to each other. I lie down and throw a stun grenade and at that instant the dude comes flying around the corner. The unexploded stun grenade hit him in the head and killed him instantly. That must have been an entertaining killcam.

Musashi Wins!

So...apparently this game kills/damages older PS3s?!? This game freezes my PS3 constantly and I thought maybe it was an isolated situation but there are hundreds of posts about it everywhere online. I'm going to be super pissed if I can't find a solution. The new update hasn't fixed shit, new copy of game, etc.


op_ivy said:
i understand you can speed up the leveling by using various loadouts and completing challenges, but i'm playing to have fun, not to level, and i prefer to play with guns i like, 3-round burst AR's. i've used almost the exact same loadout ever since i unlocked the famas, and now i FINALLY have the gun i really want, the m16.

thankfully the m16 was always my goal, now i couldnt care less how slowly leveling goes... although i would like to make a acr class for tighter maps, but for now i'll continue to use the scar.

just wish that guns unlocked much faster, or were available from the start

Shit, your doing well. I'm 20 hours in and only a level 34. Granted it's team deathmatch only and my KD is respectable 1.09, but my w/l ratio is bad .83. It would probably be better if I actually partnered up with people instead of just going lone wolf into every match.


Musashi Wins! said:
So...apparently this game kills/damages older PS3s?!? This game freezes my PS3 constantly and I thought maybe it was an isolated situation but there are hundreds of posts about it everywhere online. I'm going to be super pissed if I can't find a solution. The new update hasn't fixed shit, new copy of game, etc.

Hope this gets sorted out quick. I have an older ps3.


NJ x Falkor said:
What is the easiest/quickest way to get the bullet penetration kills?

They are always a pain for me.

Seriously, just use it all the time. I wouldn't try and aim for penetration kills, you'll just end up going out of your way too much, and will probably die more often. I would just keep it on, and use it for a while. You'll get the kill eventually.

I was finishing off Bling Pro IV, and was using a silencer and FMJ. I had about...160 kills or so to go, and when I finished, I had about 20 FMJ kills I think. It takes a while, but you'll get them eventually.
2 days 9 hours and I am finally level 70. Last 4 levels came fast, WHOA! Well actually I played like 3 hours straight just now but at least im 70 now. So, whats next? Prestige? Awards? CO-OP?
NJ x Falkor said:
What is the easiest/quickest way to get the bullet penetration kills?

They are always a pain for me.

Scrapyard is without a doubt the best level to get penetration kills. It takes quite a bit of time but you'll get them. Usually you'll get 0-2 per round.


op_ivy said:
bullshit its quick. i've put in 20 hours i think and just got to 41. thats crazy.
No offense but you probably just aren't very good. In SD I average 9k exp a game sometimes getting 5k on bad games and 15k on really good ones. It's so much better than TDM for exp because you have to do pretty well in TDM to get like 5k-6k exp. I usually just play a game or two of TDM to warm up than straight to SD.


Lionheart1827 said:
Scrapyard is without a doubt the best level to get penetration kills. It takes quite a bit of time but you'll get them. Usually you'll get 0-2 per round.
Disagree. Skidrow, especially on Domination, is awesome for FMJ kills. That upstairs corridor? Bullet penetration heaven.
I'm sure these bugs/weirdnessess have been already noted, but is pavelow glitched for the killstreak count?

So I have Predator Missile (5), Pavelow (9) and AC130 (11) on my killstreak. First I get the missile and get a few kills. After a few kills with my weapon I get the pavelow. It mows down a bunch of dudes, but no AC130 for me. Then I shoot two dudes with my gun and after that I get the AC130. I never had this problem with Harrier or Attack Helo. So is this a bug or on purpose?

The other thing is the matchmaking. What the hell is wrong with it? Today I tried to play TM DM. Well I get connected finally after waiting for awhile, but it is not TM DM. It is domination instead, but the title says Free for All. Also it's 18 player match instead of the normal amount. On top of that the map is Rust and seems like there is no point limit. So basically it goes on until somebody gets a nuke. What is going on?

Lionheart1827 and pringles, sub-base is the best for FMJ kills. The room with the generator (or something) in the middle surrounded by a fence. You can see through the fence and shoot dudes easily.


Rocky_Balboa said:
I'm sure these bugs/weirdnessess have been already noted, but is pavelow glitched for the killstreak count?

So I have Predator Missile (5), Pavelow (9) and AC130 (11) on my killstreak. First I get the missile and get a few kills. After a few kills with my weapon I get the pavelow. It mows down a bunch of dudes, but no AC130 for me. Then I shoot two dudes with my gun and after that I get the AC130. I never had this problem with Harrier or Attack Helo. So is this a bug or on purpose?
The Pavelow reward is broken. Its kills do not count towards your killstreak.

However, sometimes when you receive it in a care package it does count towards your killstreak.


KaYotiX said:
Im pround to say I Havent used Akimbo on anything,

Im proud to say I feel just a tiny bit guilty running around airport and favela with Akimbo UMPs...AND...Akimbo Rangers...with Marathon, Lightweight and Commando Pro....Its really stupid, I know....I know....but man its fun.

Oh, I occasionally launch a Javelin into the wild blue sky for kicks...
NJ x Falkor said:
What is the easiest/quickest way to get the bullet penetration kills?

They are always a pain for me.

Just get stopping power + fmj and stay near corners. When you see a baddie hit him once or twice and begin strafing towards the corner/away from him. If you've lined him up correctly your 2nd/3rd/4th(i hope you have great aim btw) bullets will continue through the corner, hitting and killing his poor ass. Easy as pie baby. This will only work on certain corners.. but I'd expect that to be common sense.

Oh and that tip about the sub base fence is top notch, I'll certainly be trying that as well.
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