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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


In reply to my "You know Japan has the second best internet in the world right?"
Mik2121 said:
No it doesn't.

Here are top ten countries with the highest speed internet in the world:
1. South Korea 17187 kb/s
2. Japan 16,365 kb/s
3. Lithuania 11,295 kb/s
4. Sweden 11,280 kb/s
5. Romania 10,236 kb/s
6. Latvian 9,782 kb/s
7. Bulgaria 9,074 kb/s
8. Netherlands 8,734 kb/s
9. Germany 7,447 kb/s
10.Russian Federation 7,260 kb/s

From http://www.jaystech.com/2009/02/top-10-countries-with-fastest-internet.html
Test ran earlier this year.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
chubigans said:
You know what perk would be interesting? Having all your air support killstreaks having two extra chaffs. Helis are pretty much useless at the moment. :lol

Last night I was taking out Harriers and Attack Helicopters before they could fire off a single round. I've forced my buddy to always carry Stingers with him as well.

Speaking of which, I seem to be the only one who takes out UAVs and UAV Jammers. Why do people not do this?

Tkawsome said:

So I'm in one room and the enemy is in the other, we both know we're right next to each other. I lie down and throw a stun grenade and at that instant the dude comes flying around the corner. The unexploded stun grenade hit him in the head and killed him instantly. That must have been an entertaining killcam.

I shot a guy in Sub Base who was behind boxes, he had Final/Last Stand, I threw in a Flash Grenade because I couldn't see him and the grenade hit him on the head. I'd have loved to have seen that on a killcam.


industrian said:
Speaking of which, I seem to be the only one who takes out UAVs and UAV Jammers. Why do people not do this?

Had no idea I could shoot down the jammers. That said its because everyone wants to run around some retarded secondary weapon and let someone else shoot down air support. I've noticed (yeah yeah anecdotal) a resurgence of people using UAV for the info and no one on my team every does anything to deny the opposition. Chopper gunner? HUDDLE UP! AC130? Better stand by the guy with a stinger & coldblooded so he can't shoot it down either! Harrier? Run out into the open and get shot!


keep your strippers out of my American football
Pkm said:
I really wish it was fun...sadly the fun factor with MW2 is wearing thin.
Like I said earlier, 90% of the player base uses almost similar setups and play each map the exact same way. Sure you can away from the mold or play a seperate way but as bad as things are they are incredibly worse when your on the reciving end of being "pwned" since you wanted to be the rebel.

The game has become some sort of A.D.D riddled speed+insta kill fest were the everyones #1 goal is "KILLSTREAKS!!!"
I honestly dont know why they dont just add in laser guns and Jump Boots in some sort of DLC.

The game is designed to foster that behavior. I mean, the entire idea of rewarding killstreaks with something different and cool (harriers, choppers, sentrys, nuke) is going make people do whatever they can to get those rewards. So you see people playing cheap or using whatever they can to get those killstreaks. It's just the way it is. I mean, how else would anyone get that many kills in a row by playing any other way? You would have to be extremely lucky.

I am enjoying it, but the fun is kind of wearing off already. I really never get into multiplayer games really, but this one hooked me for a bit. I know I now am looking forward to Bad Company 2 because of my experiences with MW2.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Does anyone else keep getting thrown into ground war games when trying to play regular domination games?
Mooreberg said:
Does anyone else keep getting thrown into ground war games when trying to play regular domination games?

Got thrown into a Search and Destroy yesterday while looking for a Demolition match with a friend. Also happened to me in CoD4 but with Domination, and Team Deathmatch respectively.


Got thrown into a domination match (groundwar) on Rust. Yeah... It was fucking hell, I died over 100 times, got about 251 kills but man that was just insane. That was that, then playing with buddies, we got thrown into a groundwar (WTF!!) game on Rust where you could shoot your teammate and get points for that. So everyone was shooting everyone left and right.:lol

It was fun.:D

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Fëanor said:
Got thrown into a domination match (groundwar) on Rust. Yeah... It was fucking hell, I died over 100 times, got about 251 kills but man that was just insane. That was that, then playing with buddies, we got thrown into a groundwar (WTF!!) game on Rust where you could shoot your teammate and get points for that. So everyone was shooting everyone left and right.:lol

It was fun.:D
I know its a glitch but I want to try that sometime :lol


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Fëanor said:
Got thrown into a domination match (groundwar) on Rust. Yeah... It was fucking hell, I died over 100 times, got about 251 kills but man that was just insane. That was that, then playing with buddies, we got thrown into a groundwar (WTF!!) game on Rust where you could shoot your teammate and get points for that. So everyone was shooting everyone left and right.:lol

It was fun.:D

That sounds fucking insane. I'd have to whip out my Toobs and Danger Close.


You know I can't fucking believe how good the Scar is... I've playing a little hear and there. I read some of this thread and it got me waiting to play, I decided to use the scar for awhile... goddamn, two shots=death.. it has the best regular sight ever! I got a 27 kill steak, and went 47-5. I suck too! The only thing knockin it is the clip size. It's probably my second fav now, behind the fal. Also WTF is up with the WA2000, even with SP, it takes 2 shots, it's a sniper for gods sake!


neoism said:
You know I can't fucking believe how good the Scar is... I've playing a little hear and there. I read some of this thread and it got me waiting to play, I decided to use the scar for awhile... goddamn, two shots=death.. it has the best regular sight ever! I got a 27 kill steak, and went 47-5. I suck too! The only thing knockin it is the clip size. It's probably my second fav now, behind the fal. Also WTF is up with the WA2000, even with SP, it takes 2 shots, it's a sniper for gods sake!
Yep, it kicks ass. Still using it, and I'm 2 away from 70. Scar with a red dot (not holo) is amazing for long range, as long as you fire in bursts. I'll have to see if the AK replaces it when I hit 70. For my backup, I have the auto shotgun with a foregrip. Its devastating in any close quarters.

Side note: Just got the akimbo 1887's..they are much worse than I thought. So fucking terrible..but so good. God help me.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Narag said:
Had no idea I could shoot down the jammers.

They look like UAVs and can easily swing a match if not taken down quickly.

Narag said:
That said its because everyone wants to run around some retarded secondary weapon and let someone else shoot down air support. I've noticed (yeah yeah anecdotal) a resurgence of people using UAV for the info and no one on my team every does anything to deny the opposition.

I always use the UAV (w/ Predator and Harrier). I've got an unlock coming up next and I wonder what's better/recommended: Chopper Gunner or AC130?

Narag said:
Chopper gunner? HUDDLE UP! AC130? Better stand by the guy with a stinger & coldblooded so he can't shoot it down either! Harrier? Run out into the open and get shot!

Whenever I see a Chopper Gunner or AC130 brought in I just run for cover and forget about it unless I've got Cold Blooded. Or with the AC130 I wait for the guy operating it to reload the big gun before letting off a stinger. But taking down one of them is more than a one-man job but most people are more than happy to just run about like assholes with their Akimbo Shotguns and get blown up.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This game is completely fucked. :lol

How does it keep putting me into Ground War every single time I try to play a 6 v. 6 Domination game?


Aw, I was queued up for Domination on Rust in Ground War and lost connection to the lobby. :lol

Also growing irritated at the number of players who like to run right in front of you so grenades bounce right off them.


wtf, I can't kill somebody with 1 1887 point blank, but the guy I was trying to shoot at has fuckin 2 and kills me with 1 of them in 1 shot

fuck this shit


I still hate the noob tube and wish they wouldn't kill you unless aimed directly at your feet, but since I've discovered the blast shield (thanks GAF), I feel like I can at least deal with these cheesers now. I kept killing one of these jerks over and over after surviving his blasts and made him rage quit the match. It was a thing of beauty.


pringles said:
Talking about ripping off CS, is that what they did with Karachi or did they hire whoever did the CS map or something? Because I've played pretty much that exact map in CS a long time before MW2 was out.

If only they would rip off cs_italy :(


nib95 said:
I don't get it, what is the purpose of this glitch? To level up fast? Firstly, how does the game even end if it's unlimited, and secondly, if you and your 5 other mates just keep continuously killing each other, doesn't it just rape your k/d ratio? Especially if you just keep doing 1 for 1.

You end the game with a nuke!

I setup a 9 vs 9 domination game in rust tonight with some friends, the only rules we changed were no killcams, so everyone respawned instantly, and unlimited score. When random people joined our game they actually staid as everyone was having fun.

You get a lot of XP but probably because games are longer and the number of kills are higher. It's great to level up the weapons and unlock attachments, though
Yea I definitely had a bunch of fun playing a Ground Wars Domination on Rust. Only problem is I had just prestiged and have no classes besides Grenadier, lost all my good shit that would be fun with all my equipment :lol
Dot50Cal said:
Yep, it kicks ass. Still using it, and I'm 2 away from 70. Scar with a red dot (not holo) is amazing for long range, as long as you fire in bursts. I'll have to see if the AK replaces it when I hit 70. For my backup, I have the auto shotgun with a foregrip. Its devastating in any close quarters.

Side note: Just got the akimbo 1887's..they are much worse than I thought. So fucking terrible..but so good. God help me.

I got the scar mastery emblem and while I agree with you I prefer the holographic sight.
I like Karachi but it doesnt quite work for Domination. Its too hard to get out of being locked down if you have C (C side probably usually loses because of this)

The two top towers make it really easy to protect A and B with tubes and anything else.

I don't know if you guys can see it but yea... soon enough people will see.

TD it works fine.
The matchmaking glitch is annoying. My friends and I play domination exclusively and we kept getting thrown into 9v9 matches, though playing rust with 18 players sounds fun.


I have a new found respect for the P90. I typically solely play with ARs like the SCAR/ACR, and my friend told me to try the P90. I went through all of the previous prestige without ever touching the P90, so I figured I'd just mess around with it. And DAMN. P90, Scavenger Pro (so I start out with full ammo), SP Pro, and Steady Aim Pro. A class that executes spray and pray perfectly, and does it so damn well that such a play style is actually viable on the cityscape and smaller maps. Wow. I'm pretty impressed. I used to rant about how I thought SMGs were pretty much pointless in this game due to the overwhelming power of ARs, and how they not only had ridiculous, sometimes sniper-like range, but could double as SMGs in close quarters, but I was blown away by how the P90 performed. I recommend it to anyone.

Also, USP with a Silencer attachment is my new favorite way to kill people. Despite having a SCAR on me, I sometimes run around with just the USP + Silencer. It's just so damn fun to waste people with it, knowing you beat them with a puny silenced pistol and they were toting an LMG or a shotgun or something.

Mega Mike

I am looking for a few friends to play this with. I just got a PS3, so I dont know many people.

For what its worth my KDR is 1.5 ish...

Is their a GAF clan or something that I could join?
Ok I still do not understand the whole killstreak award killcount.

I just played two matches.

First I had my harrier, then my pavelow, and then I didnt kill anything with my gun and the pavelow got 2 kills and gave me my chopper gunner.

Second match, I got my harrier, then my pavelow, and got 2 kills with the pavelow, no chopper gunner. I then proceed to kill 2 people with my gun, chopper gunner.

Am I missing something?
jiien said:
Oh yeah, I can understand that. I mean, that's why I pretty much used only two different guns. What I meant to get across was that if you are aiming for a level (at which point you get a gun you want), you should force yourself to branch out so you get to that gun quicker. But yeah, I know what you mean. After I got the ACR, I didn't care as much.

The ACR and SCAR were the only two guns I used. In fact, by the time I hit level 60ish, I stopped using the ACR, and went back to the SCAR, which I found to be a much better weapon. Because it has a lower fire rate, it recoils even less (yeah, I know people claim that the ACR has very little recoil to begin with, but it does make a difference, in my opinion). I also like to use a silencer and scavenger, so the magical recoil-reducing sights are not an option for me.
which sights? thanks
Lionheart1827 said:
Ok I still do not understand the whole killstreak award killcount.

I just played two matches.

First I had my harrier, then my pavelow, and then I didnt kill anything with my gun and the pavelow got 2 kills and gave me my chopper gunner.

Second match, I got my harrier, then my pavelow, and got 2 kills with the pavelow, no chopper gunner. I then proceed to kill 2 people with my gun, chopper gunner.

Am I missing something?

I just posted the same thing on the previous page.
Rocky_Balboa said:
I'm sure these bugs/weirdnessess have been already noted, but is pavelow glitched for the killstreak count?

So I have Predator Missile (5), Pavelow (9) and AC130 (11) on my killstreak. First I get the missile and get a few kills. After a few kills with my weapon I get the pavelow. It mows down a bunch of dudes, but no AC130 for me. Then I shoot two dudes with my gun and after that I get the AC130. I never had this problem with Harrier or Attack Helo. So is this a bug or on purpose?


Lionheart1827 and pringles, sub-base is the best for FMJ kills. The room with the generator (or something) in the middle surrounded by a fence. You can see through the fence and shoot dudes easily.

So apparently it is a bug with pavelow. Other killstreak awards work like they are supposed to.


When are they going to ban mod pads from the game? also there is a glitch in underpass where you can place a sentry gun in one of the stone pillar supports and people get chewed up and you can't do shit about it.

Also why does my fave gun the SPAS have no shell ejection animation and the M9 w/tactical knife when you reload the is no clip, and the 1887 the shells go in the wrong chamber on reload? if I fucked up that much in my job I would be sacked.
Why the fuck am I forced to use shitty fucking matchmaking? Not every console player is scared by the sight of a server list and I for one would appreciate a bit of goddamn control over which games I play. I've had enough of being chucked into games half-way through, or being forced to play my most loathed map for the hundredth fucking time, or worst of all being chucked into a laggy piece of shit game where the only escape is to quit out and watch my stats suffer for it. All this could be solved just by having a goddamn server list as well as matchmaking for those who inexplicably enjoy using it, but apparantly that extra half-mile of effort is too much for Infinity Ward to take, and nearly every other online console FPS developer for that matter.

I'm so fucking sadenned that this matchmaking bullshit has become the norm. My first online experience of this generation was of a game called Perfect Dark Zero - a turd of a game in terms of it's single player, but once used to the controls the multiplayer portion offered a compelling diversion from the likes of Call of Duty 2, in no small part thanks to the fantastic implimentation of said online portion via server lists AND matchmaking. I miss the days of being able to have me and 3 buds play online via split-screen on the same telly, hosting my own 32 player games with a playlist of maps we all wanted to play using our own custom weapon sets and rules - it's a pity that so few developers are willing to give the player a choice, instead of assuming everyone's just going to love their perfect little matchmaking system. Well, thats enough for this bitter rant I think.


SpecOps and 2p co-op is fantastic. We have about 5 missions left, and have been playing on Hardened and 2-starring them (Vet is a second playthrough). The mission variety has been pretty great, and the overall design pretty enjoyable. I certainly enjoy it a lot more than WaW's co-op portions.

This is replacing CoD1 as my favorite CoD.


last night, completely by accident, I found what seems to be the perfect class (for me at least) and it was epic. Tried it out in FFA.

My CQC class setup:

P90 with FMJ (just trying to get my 40 penetration kills for extra mags)
Marathon (trying to level it)
Hardline (was just trying to level it)
NinjaPro (cuz i love it)

Semtex & flashbangs
killstreak started with carepackage, predator missile and harrier strike, later switched to predator, harrier and c130 (chopper gunner coming with my next unlock)

I joined sub base mid match and ended up 12-4 with 7+ kill streak Went either 1st or 2nd after for the next 10 matches or so. Did wonders for my k/d (not that I watch it that close :p)

I had just switched back to a care package in my killstreak rewards I'm really careful about where and when I call them in. Guys were gunning for my goodies so I'd throw down a care package and call something else in on top of it and watch the kills rack up. I'm sure others do it but man i didn't think it would be so effective.

I played all night with a certain core group but this one guy from Jersey was hilarious. He had a thick Jersey accent and I just had his number. At first he was just pissed but as we continued to play it almost became a running joke to hear him cursing me out.

At first I thought might be because I was only playing some scrubs but there a lot of much higher ranks guys I was dominating and as the night wore on new people kept rotating in. We'll see how I do with it today...

/end chest thumping

Only bad thing about last night was that i had one jackass right before bed that was very vocal about his thoughts on non-whites. Sounded like an early teen. We ganged up on him and he left but man it's sad hearing people being so vocal with that crap.
Rocky_Balboa said:
I just posted the same thing on the previous page.

So apparently it is a bug with pavelow. Other killstreak awards work like they are supposed to.

Ahh gotcha, I usually skim the thread and didnt notice the post. This makes sense though.

Also totally forgot about sub base, that fenced in area is perfect. The reason I like scrapyard is because a lot of times youll get people running into the fuselages theres usually always a guy in the middle one.


Got thrown into a Domination game yesterday with two players who were at Prestige level 10. Boy were they terrible. This goes to show you that just because a player is at a higher level doesn't mean they're better than you.

Mega Mike said:
I am looking for a few friends to play this with. I just got a PS3, so I dont know many people.

For what its worth my KDR is 1.5 ish...

Is their a GAF clan or something that I could join?
tarius1210 said:
Got thrown into a Domination game with two players who were at Prestige level 10. Boy were they terrible. This goes to show you that just because a player is at a higher level doesn't mean they're better than you.

No, that just means they were boost/hacking. Like yesterday i was play against another team with with prestiged ten dude, he came second last. he ended up copying my class half the time.


Tiger uppercut said:
No, that just means they were boost/hacking. Like yesterday i was play against another team with with prestiged ten dude, he came second last. he ended up copying my class half the time.


Hmm I was pretty impressed with own K/D ratio when I noticed I had an excess of 500 kills but it turns out that means I only have 1.07. I feel a bit bummed out tbh. I thought I was good :'( However, it feels impossible to reach 0.99 at this point.

Oh and apparently you CAN get penetration kills by shooting people through glass windows o_O Never seem to work for me though. Will have to investigate. I assume the glass has to be untouched first. One kill per window perhaps :S


Minamu said:
Hmm I was pretty impressed with own K/D ratio when I noticed I had an excess of 500 kills but it turns out that means I only have 1.07. I feel a bit bummed out tbh. I thought I was good :'( However, it feels impossible to reach 0.99 at this point.
Dude, a 1.07 K/D is good, not great, but good. At least your breaking even when you play.
I'm wondering about the matchmaking system. 90% of the time I'm playing with some of my clanmates which are all a prestige level lower than I am, and we usually get paired up with an equal opposing team.

However I was playing a few hours ago by myself which I dont do often and noticed I was getting put with non prestige level players and an opposing team with 1 prestige player and all non prestiges. I regularly was getting 30+ kills and single digit deaths in regular team deathmatch. Once I called in my first chopper gunner the match was pretty much sealed. Usually I'm the top scorer when I play with my buds, but I dont regularly score over 35 every match. Its usually in the 20s somewhere but it almost didnt seem fair some matches.


After never using that javelin because it was too slow, I've finally found a use for it.

THOSE DAMN CAMPING SNIPER TEAMS. It's fine when there's only one of them, but when you've got 3 or 4 watching all choke points at all times, they're getting a face-full of missile.
Matchmaking's been pretty screwed up since the 360 update. A party and I went into ground war and we ended up in a, um, "private match." The map shown had blue and brown squares.



Good call. They're useful for cleaing out areas I don't think it gets the play it should due to having one shot though.
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