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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


The matchmaking isn't broken because of the patch. It's broken because of the ridiculous amount of people doing the private match XP glitch which was found just before the patch was released and has since spread like wildfire. Needless to say, there will be another patch coming asap to fix this glitch as it's doing a huge amount of damage to the game.


More disappointed and angry international players for your entertainment:

vfxtodd: "The patch sucks. The online gameplayer experience sucks. "

Tb0nE: "Dear infinty ward,

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

GroomiiMw2: "Matchmaking still hasnt been fixed, why cant you retards at IW just fix matchmaking u useless tossers!!"

cbomb101: "cod6 blows hard robert bowling has his head up the games ass. spamming twitter with his bull crap saying hey every 1 my game is number 1 on the charts im a fkn god haha and shet he should be giving answers!"

xxeasyxkillxx: "because this game is garbage. im done playing it!!!!!!the lag is pissing me off."

stevearce: "Fucck this god damn fuckking supposed patch. And ffuck Infinity Ward, Robert Bowling and their pieces of twitter accounts where all they seem to do is talk about their asshat families. I really can't wait for the next patch to come so those cockksucking homoo's at IW can make it even better."


Then this guy:

CreepingDeathNZ: "What annoys me most about these huge matchmaking problems for international players is the fact that we've received no official acknowledgment either on these forums or on the news feed on the main page. If we aren't going to get a fix so that we can actually play the game we paid for, at least have the decency to tell us Infinity Ward. Why can't we just have official word on what's happening instead of being left in the dark?"

Give him an answer IW.


Roxas said:
Starting to dislike the MP mode now. Every cunt and their mother uses Stopping Power pro. What a shitty perk.

People that dont know how to play use stopping power, Cold Blooded all the way :D
Mosh pit is my favourite game type now because it mixes things up and stops the multiplayer from getting boring. My only complaint is that there's no hardcore mosh pit mode. Who would be playing with me if Infinity Ward introduced it?


NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.
Supposedly an issue with Killcam. They can't see you, but you can see yourself on their cam, if that makes sense.
NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.
I use ninja all the time and I thought I must be imagining this, but now I'm not too sure...


NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.

I heard it's just a glitch with the killcam. The enemy can't actually see you but you show up as a red dot on their HBS.
NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.

I believe it only shows it because youre looking at the killcam through your own class, it doesnt actually show up on their screen. At least thats what I remember reading a few pages back.

EDIT-damn beaten
NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.

It's showing what the server sees, not what the player sees. That's why you show up.
KaYotiX said:
People that dont know how to play use stopping power, Cold Blooded all the way :D

I started as an idiot and used a custom class as sniper class.

The default class however, comes with FMJ which makes kills much quicker. Also, I figure FMJ makes stopping power obsolete, so you could swap it for bling and coldblooded (hardline doesn't do much unless you have uav killstreak selected -and suck as much as I do- and want to be 'the uav guy', which does help, unless the other team has 'the shoot shit that flies guy'. I tend to do both, depending on the level. Shooting shit that flies is a must in afghan, wasteland and highrise).
The default sniper also uses scrambler, which is a great way to give away your position to somebody just passing through. And FMJ doesn't give you as much of a boost as SP,but it definitely does help. Also, stopping power helps to ensure a one shot kill to the chest. It drives me crazy if I'm sniping and it takes two shots from a .50 cal to kill them.


NeoUltima said:
ok wtf...i have ninja on, but I am on peoples heart beat monitors(as seen in killcams). The fuck kinda bs is this!

ps3 version btw.
I was about to say the same thing. PS3 version here also...

Dot50Cal said:
Supposedly an issue with Killcam. They can't see you, but you can see yourself on their cam, if that makes sense.

h4k said:
I heard it's just a glitch with the killcam. The enemy can't actually see you but you show up as a red dot on their HBS.

Lionheart1827 said:
I believe it only shows it because youre looking at the killcam through your own class, it doesnt actually show up on their screen. At least thats what I remember reading a few pages back.

EDIT-damn beaten

Pyke Presco said:
It's showing what the server sees, not what the player sees. That's why you show up.
Ahh, ok. I was about to lose my shit. I have maybe two classes equipped with Ninja Pro and I'm watching the killcam like WTF, I have Ninja Pro. Why can they still see me?!


A Good Citizen
People using riot shields are annoying in HC, especially when they go into Final Stand.

I tried HC HQ and I actually kinda like it. SCAR+ACOG+Silencer = :D

HC TDM is still a boring campfest though, tried it as well and the few games I got in, the most kills anyone had was like.. 8 (definitely under 10) and the game ended with both teams under 5000 points after the time ran out.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
G0DLIKE said:
The matchmaking isn't broken because of the patch. It's broken because of the ridiculous amount of people doing the private match XP glitch which was found just before the patch was released and has since spread like wildfire. Needless to say, there will be another patch coming asap to fix this glitch as it's doing a huge amount of damage to the game.


More disappointed and angry international players for your entertainment:

vfxtodd: "The patch sucks. The online gameplayer experience sucks. "

Tb0nE: "Dear infinty ward,

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

GroomiiMw2: "Matchmaking still hasnt been fixed, why cant you retards at IW just fix matchmaking u useless tossers!!"

cbomb101: "cod6 blows hard robert bowling has his head up the games ass. spamming twitter with his bull crap saying hey every 1 my game is number 1 on the charts im a fkn god haha and shet he should be giving answers!"

xxeasyxkillxx: "because this game is garbage. im done playing it!!!!!!the lag is pissing me off."

stevearce: "Fucck this god damn fuckking supposed patch. And ffuck Infinity Ward, Robert Bowling and their pieces of twitter accounts where all they seem to do is talk about their asshat families. I really can't wait for the next patch to come so those cockksucking homoo's at IW can make it even better."


Then this guy:

CreepingDeathNZ: "What annoys me most about these huge matchmaking problems for international players is the fact that we've received no official acknowledgment either on these forums or on the news feed on the main page. If we aren't going to get a fix so that we can actually play the game we paid for, at least have the decency to tell us Infinity Ward. Why can't we just have official word on what's happening instead of being left in the dark?"

Give him an answer IW.

Is this why I've seen five tactical nukes in my free for all games today? I had only seen it once before in my previous 14 hours of play.
Went into Ground War then noticed I could select the map, game type, and options. Highrise domination lasted about an hour before we got booted back to the lobby with some garbage text popping up afterwards. Almost got a nuke twice, but the shit was just fuck.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
God damn the randomness of Care packages. I throw one and get a UAV, other dude on my team throws one and gets a AC130 :lol


Corran Horn said:
God damn the randomness of Care packages. I throw one and get a UAV, other dude on my team throws one and gets a AC130 :lol

Did IW modify the randomness? It seems that I am now getting far more UAVs or ammo drops from care packages than when the game launched. :lol


Pyke Presco said:
the default sniper also uses scrambler, which is a great way to give away your position to somebody just passing through. And FMJ first give you as much of a boost as SP,but it definitely does help. Also, stopping power helps to ensure a one shot kill to the chest, which drives me crazy if I'm sniping an it takes two shots from a .50 cal to kill them

Nope, been confirmed that FMJ does not increase bullet power.
Corran Horn said:
God damn the randomness of Care packages. I throw one and get a UAV, other dude on my team throws one and gets a AC130 :lol

Dude, one time I got 3 Sentry Guns in a row, and I know for a fact I didn't have the Sentry Gun Airdrop as a Killstreak Bonus.

It was lame, but I got tons of kills from them, so I guess it wasn't too bad. :p
Corran Horn said:
God damn the randomness of Care packages. I throw one and get a UAV, other dude on my team throws one and gets a AC130 :lol
Once I got 4 care packages in one game, I got ammo twice, UAV, and a counter UAV, some guy on the other team got a chopper gunner and a pavelow. We still won:lol :lol


I'm starting to wonder if the game is connection-based rather than skill based in many times. In exactly the same situation, in one-on-one, killcam shows completely difference results, although while I was playing, the timing was exactly same. What's up with granades off of granade launcher that won't explode sometimes? Sometimes, it kills enemies well over 6 feet away from the impact, whereas it won't even explode when it hits the ground less than 3 feet away from the target.


-viper- said:
Well I usually use the SCAR (and cold blooded) and I don't always lose 1-on-1 situations. However I'm fucked with the M4 - a weaker gun.

Viper... fucking stop inviting me to TDM campingfest games ahhhhhhh!!! I wanna kill you!!

btw, M16 + Stopping Power + FMJ + Scavenger Pro = godly (add some nade launcher to the mix and you're set)

and yes DJMeister, I use the iron sights for aiming the AK47, it was made to be treated like that and she likes it :p


KaYotiX said:
People that dont know how to play use stopping power, Cold Blooded all the way :D
Please dude really? Why would I use anything less when I have shotguns of 1887 hell hitting me from the moon? If I dont at least put half a clip in that mofo first I would be tucked and folded like a F'ing Sunday shirt. I bought this game and by golly I will get my moneys worth as shitty as it is.

Oh yeah to the POS that camps The INVASION B Flag with a riot shield please go below Hell.


*calls in emergency care drop in wasteland*

*Ammo and counter-UAV hit the ground, Chopper gunner falls on rooftop*
*EMP rolls way off into the radiation zone like it was slapped by some angry, invisible entity*

I still tried to get that emp, died right as I reach the "hold square to obtain" message popped up.


i love when you get a predator, call it up and see a group of 5 enemies defending a CP. I couldn't jam my finger on R1 fast enough. :lol


Sielys said:
*calls in emergency care drop in wasteland*

*Ammo and counter-UAV hit the ground, Chopper gunner falls on rooftop*
*EMP rolls way off into the radiation zone like it was slapped by some angry, invisible entity*

I still tried to get that emp, died right as I reach the "hold square to obtain" message popped up.

:lol hate those moments

Had one of those on Quarry, ammo and something else crappy hit the ground, chopper gunner stuck up on some rock no one could get to


-Yeti said:
Dude, one time I got 3 Sentry Guns in a row, and I know for a fact I didn't have the Sentry Gun Airdrop as a Killstreak Bonus.

It was lame, but I got tons of kills from them, so I guess it wasn't too bad. :p
I got an EMP 3 times. Same "match/host", but three different maps. Every time I called in a care package, it was a fucking EMP. Never seen one since, I was so creeped out.


Sielys said:
*calls in emergency care drop in wasteland*

*Ammo and counter-UAV hit the ground, Chopper gunner falls on rooftop*
*EMP rolls way off into the radiation zone like it was slapped by some angry, invisible entity*

I still tried to get that emp, died right as I reach the "hold square to obtain" message popped up.
That's why I never ever use that shit. Never seen a good drop since Im playing.

Ive had care packages go unto the rail way tracks in skidrow even when my marker is way on the other side of the fence. I've also had them fall below the lvl. I gave up cursing this game out. I just shake my head when I see bullshit or have it happen to me.

Dot50Cal said:
I got an EMP 3 times. Same "match/host", but three different maps. Every time I called in a care package, it was a fucking EMP. Never seen one since, I was so creeped out.
Stole an enemy EMP. Used it got some ridiculous high point then the game crawled, stopped and then everyone got kicked. Another wtf moment when I saw the points.


DarkJC said:
:lol hate those moments

Had one of those on Quarry, ammo and something else crappy hit the ground, chopper gunner stuck up on some rock no one could get to
Better than getting squished by the package. I was busy running around, and the package droped on me once. Oh well...usually I don't care about the package, but learned to care since then.


I just hate how carepackages seem to ignore the laws of physics once they hit the ground, they just fly in whichever direction is most inconvenient to you. I've seen them roll uphill before.

Same with grenades, I'll be in a close firefight, we both duck around a corner to reload, and I hear the tink of a grenade. Backing away as far as possible, it still killed me. In my kill cam, I see the nade rolling in an clean arc, seemingly frictionless, and home right onto my person.

Not too annoying, but when it happens it makes me cross.


Sushen said:
Better than getting squished by the package. I was busy running around, and the package droped on me once. Oh well...usually I don't care about the package, but learned to care since then.

You just reminded me. Today I was playing (on Quarry, again) and called in a sentry. I ran out to camp on the other side of the marker waiting for it to drop, and guess I timed it wrong, and it dropped right on top of me. I spawned nearby and rushed back to my sentry, only to see some other douche who watched all this happen steal it and plant it and proceed to get like 10 kills with it.

I was this (|--|) close to sending a rage filled XBL message but ultimately decided against it. Glad I didn't. :lol

edit: I think the icing on the cake is that when a teammate takes your package right in front of you, you get a nice message saying they saved your package!
Sushen said:
What's up with granades off of granade launcher that won't explode sometimes? Sometimes, it kills enemies well over 6 feet away from the impact, whereas it won't even explode when it hits the ground less than 3 feet away from the target.
You answered your own question.


Also, anyone notice the difference between the announcers for different factions?

I love how the Russian announcer just screams in pure fear, "AC-130 SPOTTED ABOVE!" It makes you think the poor guy is pissing his pants while running for cover.

While on the other hand the British announcer just goes, "AC-130 spotted" like he's taking a casual stroll in the park with his little Yorkie dog.


Sushen said:
Better than getting squished by the package. I was busy running around, and the package droped on me once. Oh well...usually I don't care about the package, but learned to care since then.

Saw that happen on Quarry today. We had just cleared out a few defenders and SQUISH, one of my team mates got squished by a friendly care package. Still laughed.


Sielys said:
I just hate how carepackages seem to ignore the laws of physics once they hit the ground, they just fly in whichever direction is most inconvenient to you. I've seen them roll uphill before.

Same with grenades, I'll be in a close firefight, we both duck around a corner to reload, and I hear the tink of a grenade. Backing away as far as possible, it still killed me. In my kill cam, I see the nade rolling in an clean arc, seemingly frictionless, and home right onto my person.

Not too annoying, but when it happens it makes me cross.
And this is why I use semtex. Bonus is it can stick to the enemy as they run to their buds lol.
First time I used it our flag was being taken on Quarry. I got to the flag and hit the corner to see 3 guys just getting to it. Ducked behind a crate when another enemy team member runs around the corner not seeing me. Go behind him threw the semtex on his back as he ran into them and boom multikill mayhem lol. Should have seen him looking around for the nade lol


Anyone have some advice about how to avoid lag. I am on a cable connection and for me to play sometimes it is laggy but most of the time it is when I have 2 xboxs running this game and it stutters all over the place. Could it be my service or the modem/router connection to it. Anyone have any good links to a guide or information on how to find out what is going on?


Ecto311 said:
Anyone have some advice about how to avoid lag. I am on a cable connection and for me to play sometimes it is laggy but most of the time it is when I have 2 xboxs running this game and it stutters all over the place. Could it be my service or the modem/router connection to it. Anyone have any good links to a guide or information on how to find out what is going on?
Your on a p2p connection dude. If your playing with folks with shitty connections you will lag. What's your upload speed?
Took my silenced UMP + coldblooded class sniper killing on wasteland, and it was glooorious. Went 17 - 4, which for me is amazing, cause I generally suck. Got like 5 throwing knife kills for added humiliation. God I love the throwing knife.
OgTheClever said:
Mosh pit is my favourite game type now because it mixes things up and stops the multiplayer from getting boring. My only complaint is that there's no hardcore mosh pit mode. Who would be playing with me if Infinity Ward introduced it?

Me. In a ideal world, HC modes could just be introduced into the existing Mosh Pit but everyone would vote them.


Just to respond to the people above on care packages, I would put money on the fact that care packages ate linked to your level. The higher you are the less chance of getting anything. I only got decent stuff pre level 30. After that all I got was up to the sentry gun level of goodies.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
NeoUltima said:
Holy moly M9 akimbo <3
Went akimbo for the last 25 kills while trying to unlock the tactical knife for the M9. It was some of the most fun I've had with the game. Duel-wielding pistols (which is actually realistic, as opposed to shotguns and SMGs) just feels totally bad-ass.

Also, I love Domination on Sub Base. If you spawn on the side near C, wait a few seconds, aim down that corridor and fire your javelin at B — you'll almost always get a triple kill. Never gets old.


RavenFox said:
Your on a p2p connection dude. If your playing with folks with shitty connections you will lag. What's your upload speed?

Yeah I understand that it is p2p. My reasoning is that the game usually sticks you with the fastest connection. Most of the games we get are shit because of something on our side if the game has connected us with the best of all the players. My upload is shit because we are on cable. I understand that's part of the issue. I guess I am looking for a way to tell if my router, modem or cable is the real problem because its getting worse. We never had this bad of a problem.


Should the WaW haters start eating crow since this game is downright broken by comparison?

I mean, this isn't a bad game, but all the complaints about WaW seem to be magnified here, and with all this glitches throw on top of it (although yeah, WaW had some map glitches too...)
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