That would have been ok but if you look at the vid the knife actually bounced into the riot shield. I've had times where my grenade launcher round went right through the enemy.h4k said:The knife got the foot it seems.
I salute this man.Nelo Ice said:punishing teams for camping with the knife class is o so satisfying :lol
just completely SLAUGHTERED a team on sub base who were camping by going on a 10+killstreak....without even using my missile/harrier/pave low![]()
divisionbyzorro said:Most worthless game mode ever. Without an objective, Hardcore is about as dumb as it gets.
Nelo Ice said:punishing teams for camping with the knife class is o so satisfying :lol
just completely SLAUGHTERED a team on sub base who were camping by going on a 10+killstreak....without even using my missile/harrier/pave low![]()
Assembly Required said:Definitely, I recently flanked an entire team on sub base. Akimbo 1887s and commando. It was a lot of fun. Lightweight 1887 class ftw. Weeeeeee..
RSTEIN said:I feel that underneath the chaos and sensory stimulation is a very fragile and unbalanced game as a result of this approach.
I'm working on a FAL ACOG build - it seems powerful and pretty accurate even with just a red dot scope. I'm hoping it'll be my mid-long range gun (silenced UMP still has my heart). Is it worth putting time into the FAL?Pyke Presco said:But yeah, when it's nothing but campers...well, it gets a little frustrating. For me it's just a slower paced game, thats all. (still prefer core TDM, but I like the change of pace every once in a while and leveling up useless/hard to use guns like the FAL, TAR-21's RDS, L86, silenced snipers, and so on. (personal opinion, I realize somebody actually might love those guns)
LiK said:When can you use akimbo weapons? Maybe I missed it...
RSTEIN said:Eh, my enjoyment with the game has hit a ceiling. I still enjoy it but the whole razzle-dazzle/ADD action/killstreak bombardment/1887 ninja thing starts to wear on you after extended sessions. I feel like I'm a Jackson Pollack painting. I find myself yearning for Barnett Newman :/
There's a lot to be said about restraint. IW really threw the entire kitchen sink into this thing. Instead of asking "Why?" they asked "Why not?" I feel that underneath the chaos and sensory stimulation is a very fragile and unbalanced game as a result of this approach.
Assembly Required said:Definitely, I recently flanked an entire team on sub base. Akimbo 1887s and commando. It was a lot of fun. Lightweight 1887 class ftw. Weeeeeee..
Hehehe.Lince said:didn't know hide-and-seek was available as a play mode, I believe it is listed as Hardcore TDM.
divisionbyzorro said:Does SP even do anything to the 1887s? I always assumed I would use Hardline with 1887s (once I finally get there - damn it takes forever to level up), but Lightweight could be very valid as well.
When are they finally going to do a double XP weekend?
DMeisterJ said:Hehehe.
So true, reason I do not play this match type,
I'm liking Domination more and more. A bit less campy than any of the TDM gametypes, since there is an actual objective to make people move. <3
Revengeance said:I'm working on a FAL ACOG build - it seems powerful and pretty accurate even with just a red dot scope. I'm hoping it'll be my mid-long range gun (silenced UMP still has my heart). Is it worth putting time into the FAL?
LiK said:People get so pissed when I run around with the commando perk and knife the entire team. Hohoho
Is it based on lvl or using a certain gun/perk?Graf Nudu said:After you unlocked it?
LiK said:Is it based on lvl or using a certain gun/perk?
LiK said:Is it based on lvl or using a certain gun/perk?
Yea, they tend to hunt me down and try to knife me back. I also get yelled at after the match is over in the lobby, lolNelo Ice said:ive only got 1 hate mail with my knife class otherwise ive recieved all compliments whether i dominate with knife class or not :lol
DMeisterJ said:I'm liking Domination more and more. A bit less campy than any of the TDM gametypes, since there is an actual objective to make people move. <3
Nelo Ice said:pretty much if i see a whole team camping i switch to knife and usually go on a complete rampage :lol
Oh, that explains it. I don't use the secondarys much and Im only 47.xxjuicesxx said:The 1887s you dont get til level 67 one of the last unlocks. You can akimbo other secondarys though but none are as crazy.
Yeah same here. I have no interest whatsoever to Prestige other than having the extra custom class slots. Would be nice to have them for free, but then again, I would feel dirty about hacking the game.web01 said:It is kind of tempting just for the extra class slots the average player like myself would not even bother doing prestige once. And if it doesnt change your stats or effect leaderboard stats then its not really hurting anyone else.
I would just worry if infinity reward set all your stats back to 0 for using this hack once they fnd a way to detect it, so I probably wouldnt bother.
Revengeance said:I'm working on a FAL ACOG build - it seems powerful and pretty accurate even with just a red dot scope. I'm hoping it'll be my mid-long range gun (silenced UMP still has my heart). Is it worth putting time into the FAL?
divisionbyzorro said:I totally disagree. 1887s aside, I feel like the game is actually pretty well balanced. We all just have to accept that it is different than CoD4. There are so many different ways to build successful classes; it's not just assault rifles with Juggernaut anymore. It's very varied, which makes it that much more fun for me.
Like I said earlier in the thread, if I want meticulously crafted balance and team-based mechanics, I'll play Battlefield:BC2. This scratches a different itch. It's twitchy, chaotic fun.
RSTEIN said:I think there is a balanced game somewhere underneath all the recent chaos. As Pkm said, the first few weeks were awesome. Now that most everyone has unlocked the weapons, killstreaks, and has experimented with various perk set ups (OMA, DC, Marathon/Ninja/Commando) it's just a total clusterfuck.
I love the first 3 minutes of each match. I make may way strategically through the various intersections, strategize, and use my knowledge of the map. Then I die and am spawned in the middle of a sniper's crosshair or in front of a ninja waiting to knife me in the back. Or the other team gets a lucky air drop and bombards our team with AC130 shots. Or someone on the team spams with noob toob from halfway across the map. Skill doesn't rise to the surface. Rather, one lucky killstreak or fortuitous spawn point can almost make or break a match.
It's fun. I'm not arguing against that. I'm just saying that a bit more restraint at the margin would have created a much superior game. A game that can still be arcade fun but still have room for skill and strategy. If I had my way I'd take away some the perks, the dumb weapons (1887s) and pair down the killstreak menu.
I dunno I'm 47 and I think I only got the ac130 ONCE at a low lvl and I got airstrikes and copters a handful of times. It's usually UAVs or sentry gunsnoire said:Yeah, just prestiged and all I get are UAV & resupply.![]()
noire said:Yeah, just prestiged and all I get are UAV & resupply.![]()
I've been between levels 40-55 the past couple weeks and I've still gotten chopper gunners, pave lows, attack helicopters, stealth bombers, etc.NYR said:Just to respond to the people above on care packages, I would put money on the fact that care packages ate linked to your level. The higher you are the less chance of getting anything. I only got decent stuff pre level 30. After that all I got was up to the sentry gun level of goodies.
They need to tone down the range. I can die from one hit from pretty far away. Can't wait to unlock it so I can piss off other guysAssembly Required said:I know akimbo 1887s are viewed as broken, cheap, overpowered, etc. But holy fuuuuck are they godly on certain maps (such as invasion). So much fun. And yes, I've only recently obtained them.
divisionbyzorro said:But it takes the prestige out of prestige...
Zeitgeister said:Bitching and moaning
LosDaddie said:Too much negativity in this thread right now.
Anybody else still loving MW2? I put in a solid 6hrs this weekend and loved every minute of it. MW2 may not be my GotY, but it will be the game I put the most time in to this year.![]()
xxjuicesxx said:So many modded controllers playing.
Love watching bullets fly out of guns on killcam.