divisionbyzorro said:
I think it'll settle back down. People will realize that while things like OMA-toobing are fun for a while, the community has evolved to where you can't really dominate with those cheese builds consistently (toobing doesn't even clear out headquarters anymore, now that people are getting smart and wearing blast-shields to hold the HQ!).
As far as killstreaks, I think part of the problem is how useless bombing run killstreaks are. Theoretically, the value of a Stealth Bomber over a Pave Low is that it can't be shot down. But the Stealth Bomber almost never generates any kills, so why bother? I'll just take the risk on the other team being dumb. If bombing runs (stealth, precision) were buffed, I think you'd actually start seeing less harriers/choppers. Lowering the killstreak value of the EMP would also help a lot (I'd carry it into battle all the time if it was a 10 instead of a 15).
Yeah, see, the problem is that MW2's community really isn't all that mature. Sure, we here at GAF see/realize how some of these VALID setups are breaking the game, but the community at large that plays the game could give two shits. As long as THEY are having fun, everyone else can go to hell. Which is exactly how most people play this game.
It's a shame. I've been playing with the same group of friends since WaW came out. WaW, for all the flak it got, had a really well done multiplayer. It wasn't over the top. The small group of friends I had all got better, and we began to work really, really well as a unit. We'd call out where we got killed, where the enemy was, what he was carrying, potential perks to watch out for, the directions we thought people were moving, and as you can imagine, we became unstoppable.
We still are for the most part. We still win 95% of the time when we actually get together to play. But the attitude that MW2 fosters is ruining my friends. Now, they're only concerned about themselves and their own killstreaks. "I want to get my AC-130" or "Get the fuck off my care package even though I just died and spawned across the map". They tend to start sniping, and just camp a corner, while a few of us that still care try to cover THEIR backs. Why the hell am I covering a sniper? He should be covering ME.
It's been bothering me a lot. The fact that people have their own killstreaks, and therefore, own agendas, ruins this game. And it fosters a terrible attitude amongst it's players. Fuck my teammates, I want MY killstreak. Seriously, people bitch when you call your own killstreak over theirs sometimes. "Fuck you, your Harrier is stealing kills from my Pave Low". What the fuck? We're on the same goddamn team.
So overall, I think the solution to the general attitude of the people that play this game is to completely nerf the killstreaks. I think they ruin the game much more so than broken class setups (like a Danger Close RPGing asshole with Scavenger. That shit is annoying as hell). I think the most powerful killstreaks should be are something like the Attack Helicopter, or maybe the Harrier. ALL killstreaks should come down in one missile. None should enable you to literally spawn camp. I mean, the point of designing a map and spawn points is to PREVENT the enemy team from being able to camp a spawn point. But when the fucking Chopper Gunner enables you do this easily, where the hell did the balance go? And because all of these killstreaks are so broken, everyone plays solely to get them, to hell with my teammates and the objectives.
Bah. I will keep playing this game, but it's very discouraging. I'm looking forward to BC2 already.