RSTEIN said:
I can confirm this with the AUG, at least. If there really is no impact to accuracy, recoil, or aim assist then I'd be shocked. I find that the AUG is much more accurate with the holo. I feel there's less recoil or something going on, too. Could be just in my head.
Probably in your head. I use the AUG and M16 exclusively and I can say that the AUG has some of the best iron sights in the game and I repeatedly got long distance kills all the way across afghan on it. Personally I've always felt that holographic and red dots are a waste of time unless you can't stand to put in the time to master your guns ironsights. For the AUG especially I can't imagine using red dot over a grip.
For just straight loud gunning to me there isn't a better gun in the game than the AUG with sleight of hand and stopping power. If you and an UMP user both hit the trigger at the same time from close range you're likely to die but the AUG can just as easily win that matchup and it beats almost everything else out from any other range. Clip size, accuracy, good recoil and great power makes it relatively unmatched from a loud gun perspective.
Lately I've been more interested in going silent though. Originally I was fairly tired of the M16's low clip size in comparison to the AUG as well as its inferior killing power but once I got used to the ironsights and how the gun performed I found I was doing a much better job with my ammo count. Just little things like not firing at a person unless I know I can down him in two trigger pulls. Sometimes its better to save ammunition than to get that single kill.
I use sleight of hand, cold blooded and ninja and it just feels great to know I can hit flanks with great success if I'm smart. I'm trying to get my other silenced friend to actually use UAV as a killstreak. Better players these days tend to sacrifice UAV for higher killstreak rewards. I used to be apart of that group but lately my feeling is that two good players using UAV is more dominant than trying to achieve chopper gunners or AC130s. Two great players consistently getting UAV puts the other team on edge constantly, gives you constant flanking options and generally makes it hard to lose matches.