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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


BattleMonkey said:
Shotguns easily hit targets at and past 50ft. Video games would have you believe a shotgun can't hit anything past 10 feet.
This IS a video game. It's basically an arcade game. It's not unreasonable that people would expect MW2 to adhere to cartoon arcade game gun physics.


Draft said:
This IS a video game. It's basically an arcade game. It's not unreasonable that people would expect MW2 to adhere to cartoon arcade game gun physics.
Indeed, if this was realistic, noone can survive a shot from a sniper rifle. If someone is far enough away, I've had times where it took two hits to kill someone with the sniper rifle


Draft said:
This IS a video game. It's basically an arcade game. It's not unreasonable that people would expect MW2 to adhere to cartoon arcade game gun physics.
Pretty much. I'm used to Gears of War where you have to be right beside someone with a shotty to kill them.
Yeah reality has very little to do with balancing a good multiplayer experience. If you're really looking for a sim experience, the games are out there. I've never found reality terribly fun in my driving/shooting games however.


The other thing is that most of the shotguns DO use cartoon FPS physics. They are worthless unless you're right next to the target. The 1887s are the exception, and that's what's frustrating. They have the advantage of shotguns (wide spread) but not the disadvantage (terrible range.)

Forget realism. The issue is balance. A weapon throwing out that sort of bullet spread shouldn't be lethal with one shot from sub machine gun range. That negates the usefullness of sub machine guns.


I'm really against all these ridiculous weapons as secondary. CoD4 had it right with pistols only. Now there's people running round only using their SECONDARY weapon and doing amazing. Who needs a primary weapon when secondary is stronger?

and in hardcore the Raffica (sp?) is like a fucking Famas or M16. One burst kill, wat?
noire said:
I grabbed L4D2 from Amazon on sale for $35, thinking that it'd be a nice break from MW2.... I played it once and have no real plans on going back.

It's fine, my only real complaint is that it doesn't feel like CoD. Slower and no aiming down the sites :/

Yeah, other shooters really kinda suck compared to COD4/MW2. You ever start playing MW after a break of more than a week and go "whoa, that feels weird!"

Anyway, my only complaint about this freaking game is that my eyes turn red after grinding through a few levels.


Draft said:
This IS a video game. It's basically an arcade game. It's not unreasonable that people would expect MW2 to adhere to cartoon arcade game gun physics.

Exactly. This is about balance and playability, not how well we can model real life. I'm playing a game, not a war simulator. If I wanted the latter, then I'd prepare to spend years with Rehab Simulator and Learning To Walk Again Simulator or How To Lie Perfectly Still In A Coffin Simulator. Wee.
corkscrewblow said:
I'm really against all these ridiculous weapons as secondary. CoD4 had it right with pistols only. Now there's people running round only using their SECONDARY weapon and doing amazing. Who needs a primary weapon when secondary is stronger?

and in hardcore the Raffica (sp?) is like a fucking Famas or M16. One burst kill, wat?

I'm kinda OK with this. OK, yes, an assault rifle is a really massively lethal machine, right, but does that take away from the fact that a Glock will blow your head off?


Comics, serious business!
jiien said:
Exactly. This is about balance and playability, not how well we can model real life. I'm playing a game, not a war simulator. If I wanted the latter, then I'd prepare to spend years with Rehab Simulator and Learning To Walk Again Simulator or How To Lie Perfectly Still In A Coffin Simulator. Wee.

Reminds me of the Pen & Teller Bullshit episode where they had the kid who played Call of Duty fire a real weapon :lol Anyone see that?


DeuceMojo said:
I'm kinda OK with this. OK, yes, an assault rifle is a really massively lethal machine, right, but does that take away from the fact that a Glock will blow your head off?
You can burst them in the toe and it's still a one hit kill. Sometimes the Raffica does one hit kill even in NON hardcore games which is even more ridiculous.
jiien said:
Exactly. This is about balance and playability, not how well we can model real life. I'm playing a game, not a war simulator. If I wanted the latter, then I'd prepare to spend years with Rehab Simulator and Learning To Walk Again Simulator or How To Lie Perfectly Still In A Coffin Simulator. Wee.

Yeah, the way some of these guys talk though, you'd think they want the:

How to Form a Line and Fire in Unison Simulator

and the

How to Not Shoot Those who are Unaware of Your Presence Simulator

and the

How to Properly Use a Knife Simulator (and the Never Stab a Bitch Campanion)
tarius1210 said:
Do you guys find it annoying that whenever you get a care package or emergency airdrop your teammates come in like vultures to try and take what you earned?

Also, was IW's intention of the emergency airdrop to share it with your teammates? The only rewards I share are UAV and Counter UAV. Everything else is mine, mine, mine.

Yes. It never fails, every single time I call in an emergency air drop, 1 or 2 other guys come and sit around like hyenas trying to snatch something while I am distracted. Brilliant job by IW making the person who called it in get a much quicker grab time though. Nothing is funnier than watching 2 teammates try and simultaneously grab some of your good shit but you take the package you started on, move on to one of theirs and get it, AND get the other one before they can take one. Then you run off, leaving them deflated and demoralized with nothing but a resupply or counter UAV to steal.
RSTEIN said:
Reminds me of the Pen & Teller Bullshit episode where they had the kid who played Call of Duty fire a real weapon :lol Anyone see that?

Now your gonna make me look it up. :lol

Edit: pulled on youtube because of copyright laws. :(


I tried demolition last night and now I'm hooked.

I have a lot more fun and have stopped caring about my k/d. Definitely all about planting and defusing those bombs.

I also just unlocked the rpg-7 and I got a headshot with it earlier. I couldn't stop laughing.
RSTEIN said:
Reminds me of the Pen & Teller Bullshit episode where they had the kid who played Call of Duty fire a real weapon :lol Anyone see that?
Hah, no, but I'm gonnna look it up and see if I can watch it.

Funny, whatever point they were making. You should've seen me several years back in the mountains of Colorado. I could load, fire, strip and clean my Glock, but...

This dude brought out his AK and I could not

A) properly seat the magazine

B) chamber a round

C) hit a GOD-damned thing with it. Including pop cans at like 20 feet.

However, when I got the hang of it, I was an ace. Half an hour later, he was frantically searching for several magazines full of expensive hollowpoint rounds, which I'd shot every last one of. :lol

Anyway, same goes for shotguns. Someone busted out an Ithaca-style pistol-grip, no-stock pump shotgun and again it was lots of loud noises, very little hitting anything.


Oh god this game is broke. Managed to enter an infinite ammo game and it was the worst pile of crap ever. I'm having a break till infinity ward fix their shit.


Akimbo shotguns (they are all fruity) have ruined this game for me.
How many modern soldiers run around the battle field with a shotgun in each hand, SPINNING THEM AROUND ON THEIR FINGERS old West style after each discharge?

How can I take this seriously as a modern strategic team shooter. Add to this that it's the most overpowered, unbalanced weapon make up in the game - so alsmost every douche out there is using it as their primary setup. The evidence is 4/6 players on the opposing team (more often than not) are Marathon/Lightweight/Commando (sometimes Ninja) and akimbo shotguns.... It is beyond silly, and forces anyone looking for a more realistic experience (Counter Strike type game) into Hardcore mode.

Hardcore mode is the only counter for akimbo shotguns, cause 2 rounds from my UMP will actually drop someone at 75 yards. In regular team, the marathon/lightweigh akimbo-sporting retard will simply keep sprinting through your bullets til you're in his kill range then 1 shot you.

So that's fine for those of us who enjoy hardcore, we have a fix (sort of) but I don't see why IW would dumb their game down _that_ much. It just robs the game of its credibility IMO. If I want to run around like Forrest Gump with dual shotguns 1 shotting everyone at 50 yards then I'd load up my ... uh Modern Warfare 2 disc I guess. Ugh.


R2D4 said:
I'm not sure you are suppose to.

What is it supposed to be then? Soldiers on the battlefield don't control predator missiles as they drop either - my main argument isn't that "if it's not realistic it's no good" .. If it's fun, and it's say a killstreak reward or something, hey cool I'm in. You get 4 kills in a row your soldier sprouts 2 shotguns for 15 seconds and you can run around til your energon depletes or whatever. I guess.. At least it's balanced by something, at that point.

I guess my main argument is that there is no counter for it, therfor it is imbalanced.
But because it's so imbalanced, every idiot in the world is using it. And a lot of good decent folks too cause if you can't beat 'em, they're joining em.

And it just rubs me the wrong way every time I get wasted by some retard with the retard kit, then get to watch the replay animation as their soldier does the SHOTGUN SPIN around his fingers each and ever time. It's incredibly lame, and is OUT OF PLACE in this type of shooter. Why don't we let players have a chainsaw shotgun in one hand, and boomstick in the other and call it Gears of Duty: Army of Darkness Warfare.

I think IW should just create a "shotty shotguns" type playlist for these idiots and let them all run rampant in there. This will allow the rest of us to go back to a modern combat game, which is balanced around weapons, attachments, killstreaks and perks which all have counters..
PaNaMa said:
So that's fine for those of us who enjoy hardcore, we have a fix (sort of) but I don't see why IW would dumb their game down _that_ much. It just robs the game of its credibility IMO. If I want to run around like Forrest Gump with dual shotguns 1 shotting everyone at 50 yards then I'd load up my ... uh Modern Warfare 2 disc I guess. Ugh.
Visualizing this is nothing short of hilarious. I hope I look like a Edward Shotgunhands crossed with Liberace as I run like mad and f people up. Better yet, too bad they can't mod those shotties to look like a pair of big ol' rubbery dildos.
I have a couple personal counters for akimboes:

1) The toob class (tube, thumper, claymore, scavenger, danger close) as it will always take them out one shot. The claymore can sometimes catch them, but more often than not I just use it as a warning that they are coming up behind me. Set up close to it, but not too close. You can also set up two to give you even more recon info.

2) Any long range class: Sniper, LMG, M16/FAMAS, etc. Find yourself a nice long hallway or open stretch of ground and just watch for movement. If there are a lot of runners on the other team, avoid close quarters, as you are pretty much guaranteed to lose. Just change up your strategy and you should do fine.
PaNaMa said:
I think IW should just create a "shotty shotguns" type playlist for these idiots and let them all run rampant in there. This will allow the rest of us to go back to a modern combat game, which is balanced around weapons, attachments, killstreaks and perks which all have counters..

I'm actually down with this idea. They could start by actually including some wide-open maps. You remember "Wilderness" from Ghost Recon or "Sierra" from Island Thunder or "Rolling Hills" from GR2? Big, massive maps that allow for snipers and assault rifles to rule the roost while akimbo shotguns and SMGs are reglegated to Karachi, etc. Matter of fact, as long as the 1887s are overpowered, I'll never use anything else in Karachi or Invasion or Scrapyard or Sub Base or any number of maps because... why would I?

I'm just being dramatic there, I'm going to prestige at the first opportunity but there's a reason people won't stop now.
Pyke Presco said:
Find yourself a nice long hallway or open stretch of ground and just watch for movement. If there are a lot of runners on the other team, avoid close quarters, as you are pretty much guaranteed to lose. Just change up your strategy and you should do fine.
There's truth to this. Part of what people hate now is the game is playing differently than COD 4 because of the akimbo. You'd think the long 2nd floor hallway of the Karachi hotel would be ruled by anyone with 1887s, but I've been dead stopped cold by someone with an assault rifle at the other end. It's true, you gotta change up the way you play. You gotta expect the runner now.

Come to think of it... no one's forcing you to carry a single Desert Eagle as your secondary. Try Akimbo whatevers and see what you think.


Pyke Presco said:
I have a couple personal counters for akimboes:

1) The toob class (tube, thumper, claymore, scavenger, danger close) as it will always take them out one shot. The claymore can sometimes catch them, but more often than not I just use it as a warning that they are coming up behind me. Set up close to it, but not too close. You can also set up two to give you even more recon info.

2) Any long range class: Sniper, LMG, M16/FAMAS, etc. Find yourself a nice long hallway or open stretch of ground and just watch for movement. If there are a lot of runners on the other team, avoid close quarters, as you are pretty much guaranteed to lose. Just change up your strategy and you should do fine.

Tubing can be effective when you spot them from a distance obviously but I guess that (tubing)would be the second lamest thing about COD, heh. Regardless(while I have stooped to Tubing sometiems for challenge completion purposes) it doesn't do much against akimbo shotguns for the city/building/street combat maps tho since tubes are usually duds at close range.

Anyways I've switched to Hardcore now, pending IW doing something about it.I have a funny feeling I'll be playing hardcore til MW3 =\


Ugh. Not this shotgun stuff again. In real life a shotgun using what I assume is 00buck (from the game) will lose it's power and more importantly, accuracy ~20yrds. Can shotguns hit further away? Sure, if they're firing pumpkins/slugs.

I'll roll with a shotgun and a long rifle in the car. Based on the call I can make selection. If it's a domestic/active shooter/indoor situation, I'll grab the shotty. If it's anything beyond that realm, it's long rifle time.

In MW2, where the horrible map design makes basically everything close quarters, they are in their effective kill ranges. Now this is granted that these guys don't believe in wearing vests apparently. It's a videogame, a poorly balanced one at that. But hence it's an arcade like shooter, so they can do whatever they want. This isn't SOCOM or something like it.

I got into 3 more infinite ammo games today and I'm probably done with this shit. One of the most busted games I've ever played. It's shocking that such a highly anticipated game which sold insane amounts in the prior iteration can be released like this. Yeah, way to not do a beta nor take that extra budget money. IW really gave themselves a shit name after this one.

By time this gets fixed, it'll probably be into Jan, and by then I'll probably have no ambition to go back to this nonsense as I'll be playing something that didn't exhibit nearly as many bugs in beta as this game did in full retail release.
Hey there!! Is there really a problem with COD MW2 multiplayer? I am on the fence into buying Modern Warfare 2 or Uncharted 2! Please can you give me info, I did not play COD 4 nor even 5 Multiplayer.


Pyke Presco said:
I have a couple personal counters for akimboes:

1) The toob class (tube, thumper, claymore, scavenger, danger close) as it will always take them out one shot. The claymore can sometimes catch them, but more often than not I just use it as a warning that they are coming up behind me. Set up close to it, but not too close. You can also set up two to give you even more recon info.

2) Any long range class: Sniper, LMG, M16/FAMAS, etc. Find yourself a nice long hallway or open stretch of ground and just watch for movement. If there are a lot of runners on the other team, avoid close quarters, as you are pretty much guaranteed to lose. Just camp and you should do fine.


Sorry for changing the topic slightly but since i cant create my own thread i have to ask here. I have 2 360s. How can i play MW2 (or any game for that matter) on both of them without losing my stats,achievements,saves from one to the other without swapping hdds all the time? Thanks greatly appreciated and sorry for the slightly off-topic subject.


Comics, serious business!
CrazedArabMan said:
Now your gonna make me look it up. :lol

Edit: pulled on youtube because of copyright laws. :(
DeuceMojo said:
Funny, whatever point they were making. You should've seen me several years back in the mountains of Colorado. I could load, fire, strip and clean my Glock, but...

This dude brought out his AK and I could not

A) properly seat the magazine

B) chamber a round

C) hit a GOD-damned thing with it. Including pop cans at like 20 feet.

Well, here's the summary: they were examaning whether or not violent video game playing leads to violent behaviour. In their usual over-the-top-way, they took this to the literal maximum and put a M16 in the hands of a 10 year old (or thereabouts). The basic idea: Let's really see if hours of Call of Duty have magically turned this 10 year old into a gun wielding maniac hell bent on distruction.

Well, the kid couldn't even really hold the gun in the first place. He didn't even know what to do. Then when he fired it he was totally traumatized by the loud noise and recoil. He started crying. His mother had to hold him.

Despite how ridiculous the show is, the moment was actually very powerful for many reasons. You'd have to watch it to get the full impact.


DeuceMojo said:
I'm actually down with this idea. They could start by actually including some wide-open maps. You remember "Wilderness" from Ghost Recon or "Sierra" from Island Thunder or "Rolling Hills" from GR2? Big, massive maps that allow for snipers and assault rifles to rule the roost while akimbo shotguns and SMGs are reglegated to Karachi, etc. Matter of fact, as long as the 1887s are overpowered, I'll never use anything else in Karachi or Invasion or Scrapyard or Sub Base or any number of maps because... why would I?

I'm just being dramatic there, I'm going to prestige at the first opportunity but there's a reason people won't stop now.

And I agree with you - which is the whole problem, precisely. It's so powerful, why would anyone *not* do it. Why bother with any other weapons at all? I just stubbornly refuse to participate in it cause I feel I'm above tarnishing Call of Duty like that. I know that sounds stupid. I will admit to having picked up akimbo shotguns before, and felt guilty killing people with them cause of their ridiculous range and power. It's almost like exploiting to me.


PaNaMa said:
And it just rubs me the wrong way every time I get wasted by some retard with the retard kit, then get to watch the replay animation as their soldier does the SHOTGUN SPIN around his fingers each and ever time. It's incredibly lame, and is OUT OF PLACE in this type of shooter. Why don't we let players have a chainsaw shotgun in one hand, and boomstick in the other and call it Gears of Duty: Army of Darkness Warfare.

you may be on to something!


ggp759 said:
Sorry for changing the topic slightly but since i cant create my own thread i have to ask here. I have 2 360s. How can i play MW2 (or any game for that matter) on both of them without losing my stats,achievements,saves from one to the other without swapping hdds all the time? Thanks greatly appreciated and sorry for the slightly off-topic subject.

buy a memory card and copy your profile and saves to the memory card. use the memory card on whatever 360 you want to use.
EazyB said:

Thats exactly right. If I am getting killed over and over by shotty runners or knife runners, and if I cant successfully take them on by matching them or trying something else, then yes, i camp. Is that really a problem for you?

And yeah, Hardcore is my preferred gametype because it just does away with almost all of the nonsense. Air support is next to useless, theres alot more UAVs since they actually do something, unlike an attack helicopter, and runners are at a severe disadvantage. Sure, theres a bit more camping than core, but if you find a good room its not an issue.
blahness said:
you may be on to something!


Oh snap, nice picture. And "Gears of Duty: Modern Army of Darkness" about made me piss my pants at this late hour. Yeah, they sure did a number on us. Half Gears of War, half Halo, half Modern Warfare.

Don't you dare question my math either, punkass!


Pyke Presco said:
Thats exactly right. If I am getting killed over and over by shotty runners or knife runners, and if I cant successfully take them on by matching them or trying something else, then yes, i camp. Is that really a problem for you?
Nope, I can totally understand why you'd do that. I was just making sure you weren't trying to pass off those "strategies" as reasons why the 1887s don't break the game.

Personally I'd rather not play at all than camp as I find it to be terribly unfun and there's a million things I'd rather do than combat the super shotguns.
EazyB said:
Nope, I can totally understand why you'd do that. I was just making sure you weren't trying to pass off those "strategies" as reasons why the 1887s don't break the game.

Personally I'd rather not play at all than camp as I find it to be terribly unfun and there's a million things I'd rather do than combat the super shotguns.

For me, I'd rather camp for 5 or 6 minutes until the round is over and then back out and find another room than quit the game. I'm not going to stop playing because I'm getting my ass kicked for one game, thats just being petty.

Not to say that I havent ragequit a couple times. It can get to all of us.


WTF? I'm in a match and everyone seems to have infinite ammo (including me), and greande launchers. :lol Javelins are exploding everywhere around the map. :lol Wtf is going on?

This is the 360 version btw, not PC.


Kibbles said:
WTF? I'm in a match and everyone seems to have infinite ammo (including me), and greande launchers. :lol Javelins are exploding everywhere around the map. :lol Wtf is going on?

Read back the last five pages, at least.

Edit because people might call me an ass for not answering his question: Fine, it's a glitch/mod/exploit.
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