RSTEIN said:
Reminds me of the Pen & Teller Bullshit episode where they had the kid who played Call of Duty fire a real weapon :lol Anyone see that?
Hah, no, but I'm gonnna look it up and see if I can watch it.
Funny, whatever point they were making. You should've seen me several years back in the mountains of Colorado. I could load, fire, strip and clean my Glock, but...
This dude brought out his AK and I could not
A) properly seat the magazine
B) chamber a round
C) hit a GOD-damned thing with it. Including pop cans at like 20 feet.
However, when I got the hang of it, I was an ace. Half an hour later, he was frantically searching for several magazines full of expensive hollowpoint rounds, which I'd shot
every last one of. :lol
Anyway, same goes for shotguns. Someone busted out an Ithaca-style pistol-grip, no-stock pump shotgun and again it was lots of loud noises, very little hitting anything.